MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 97 Grand Banquet (24)

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Li Minjun didn't bother to have a gag with them here.

The Ming feast of the Ming dynasty took the wife Tang in her arms and yawned.

Li Minjun glanced at him: "Did you not sleep very early last night, why are you sleepy again now, what time is it?"

Ming Changyan looked up at the sky.

After the heavy snow, the air suddenly became cold. In addition, the sky was gloomy. It wasn't like the morning, it was almost evening.

"Really. I take a nap on weekdays."

Li Minjun said: "When did you develop this habit?"

Ming Changyan didn't care at all: "In these two years, I'm probably getting older. Don't say, quickly get the copper order, and then go to the mountain to find Liu Liu."

With this in mind, he thought that the Egret Academy had a difficult journey up the mountain, and his legs were immediately weak. He would never hesitate to take such a difficult road before. It's just that the weather is not good and others are groggy. I just want to find a warm quilt to sleep. If Huaiyu was by his side, it would be better. He didn't want to leave anymore and simply lied to him.

In short, it is impossible for the other party to ignore him.

Ming Chang feasted Da Qiu, and the dark fluff squeezed across his cheeks.

Just joked that his "gentle gentleman" of "Jiao Didi" laughed again: "You see, I say you are very coquettish, which martial arts master now goes out and dresses like you! I don't think even the emperor's concubine is dressed up It's delicate. "

Ming Changyan touched his chin and said, "How do you know that the emperor's concubine was not dressed like me?"

While talking, the one next to him had the loudest voice, most like "a gentleman", and opened his eyes.

Ming Changyan looked, and seemed to find his opponent's iron evidence in his face.

But looking left and right, I didn't find any similarities.

The kidnapper said: "This junior gentleman has a bad temper and is fierce and irritable. He also has the nickname Ouyang Undefeated!"

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty curiously said, "Is his name‘ undefeated ’?”

The kidnapping king said: "No. We only know his surname Ouyang, and we don't know what his name is. Just because he begs for defeat everywhere, we all call him Ouyang for defeat!"

Ming Changyan asked: "Why not Ouyang give defeat?"

The kidnapper touched his chin: "You're a good question, why don't you ask him?"

Li Minjun said, "Don't just talk, go ahead. Maybe the copper order has already been distributed."

Ming Chang Yan smiled slightly and said, "Let's talk next time."

The kidnapping king seemed to be more speculative in talking about the long feast, and did not want to talk next time, so he took a step forward and caught up with the long feast.

"Well? Brother Ming, why do you need to talk next time? I think this time it ’s fine!"

He caught up and walked side by side with Ming Changyan.

"Brother Ming, do you know where this grand feast was held?"

"Of course it was in front of the Taiwei Temple, and in a while I would get the bronze order there." Ming Changyan turned his head and looked at him, "Do you come to the feast for the first time?"

"I'm ashamed, yes. I wanted to come before as a kid, but because of my livelihood, I didn't have the money to come to Kyoto. This hometown guy has entered the city and gained insights!" The kidnapper Wang touched his head very modestly, " Brother Ming, I listen to your tone. How often do you come? Did you attend the big banquet four years ago? "

Ming Chang feast said: "I naturally participated."

The kidnapper asked, "What's your ranking?"

Ming Chang Yan told the truth: "The world is the first."


Hearing this heavy "hum!" Ming Changyan noticed that this Ouyang was also walking beside him for defeat.

As a result, Ming Shaoxia immediately arched his face and said: "Undefeated brother, long and long."

Holding Tang Po in his hand, he made this pose nondescript and very funny.

Ouyang said undefeated: "The world is the first, you dare to say!"

"That's what you said wrong again. It's not that I dare to say it, it's the fact that I state." Ming Changyan laughed, and approached Ouyang invincibly, and asked quietly, "Well, listen to everyone saying that you may be real Mingchang feast, is it true? You tell me secretly, I don't say it to others. "

Ouyang's undefeated nostrils widened, and two "bad breaths" ran out, with a fierce sideways face: "Boy! Don't drag too much, there are more people than you on this river!"

Ming Chang Yan said: "In my opinion, no more than one."

Ouyang's undefeated increasingly saw his discomfort, and was about to say a few more words. When he talked to him, not far away, there was a quarrel.

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty froze slightly, and said, "It seems to have known each other."

Li Minjun asked, "Why did you seem to know each other?"

Ming Changyan said: "Every time I saw Mr. Hai, she was arguing with people. It seems that her temper is really bad."

Mr. Hai is the honorific title.

Because of her high status, everyone called him "Mr."

Mr. Hai's real name was Haijin, and at this time she was arguing with another woman.

To be precise, it was her unilateral dispute, and the other woman ignored her.

Li Minjun said: "There are two women in front of you. Which one do you mean is Mr. Hai?"

Ming Changyan said: "The one who swears."

Haijin has been humiliated twice by the Ming Long Banquet, and the people in Baiguo are unhappy. This time, they were scolded by Bai Guo. It's just that there are people from the 13 guards here. If there is trouble in the registration, they will be disqualified. Everyone dare not make fun of this, there is still a sensible person, and they will not be stupid to fight with others.

Therefore, Haijin only spoke and did not do anything.

The kidnapper Wang Wei wondered: "Look, that white country woman has a snake in her hand!"

Bai Guo's clothing is very beautiful, the most beautiful of which is that they opened a high fork next to the skirt, almost to the end of the thigh. The woman was dressed to show her beautiful figure. The snake woman in front of her eyes is even more charming and charming. If there is no expression on the face, I am afraid that if you look at the man, you can hook the man's soul away.

The kidnapper Wang said with emotion: "Good figure! So handsome! How unbelievable these two beauties are, it is a pity!"

Ming Chang Yan said: "What a pity?"

The kidnapper touched his chin: "Unfortunately, they fight, if I want to say that beauty should be in harmony and love each other ...

Leng Buding, a slap, fell fiercely on King Zhaozi's right face.


The Ming feast took two steps back.

The kidnapper covered his right face and looked at Haijin who did not know when he came to him.

His eyes were red, his eyes were hazy, and he couldn't agree: "Why do you hit my right face!"

The voice just fell.


This time, it was louder than the last time, and it hit the left face.

Haijin said: "The requirements of this person are really strange. Now, I hit your left face too, you are satisfied!"

The kidnapper Wang was sideways, leaving a hand free and covering his left face. He held his face with both hands, swollen and red, and raised his voice, "I mean why did you hit me!"

Haijin clapped his hands: "Why did I hit you? Are you not clear in your own heart? I hate the fact that others have broken my mouth behind me. Especially, you are still a man."

The kidnapper was very dissatisfied and shouted, pointing at the Mingchang feast: "He obviously told me! Why didn't you hit him!"

Haijin said: "Because I don't hit handsome guys."

She looked at the Ming feast, gritted her teeth and grinned, "It's been a long time, little cub, I've had a hard time finding you."

Ming Chang feasted: "Registration will ban private fights. Mr. Hai will not be disqualified for this. Once every four years, I encourage you to think twice."

Li Minjun said inexplicably: "How did you get into such a woman?"

Ming Changyan said, "I didn't mess with it. She bumped into it myself."

Haijin said, "You didn't mess with it? Did the pinhole in my hand come out by myself?"

She pulled up her sleeves, and sure enough, two thin pinholes on her arm had not faded.

The strength of the lunar needle is here. After using the needle, the wound is extremely difficult to disappear, and there will be many sequelae, which is very disturbing.

Needle, in Wulin, is not a very rare weapon.

There are so many people who use needles, only one of them is standing there in a row, and almost everyone uses needles.

But using a needle to hurt Haijin, it is worth mentioning!

Li Minjun looked at the Ming feast, which had no movement.

Instead, it was the indifferent snake woman who just ignored the person and gave a slight glance to this side.

In the distance, the monk Taoshen heard the word "needle" and came towards it conditionedly.

"Who uses a needle? Who uses a needle?"

Li Minjun lowered his voice: "The Taoist monk at Xiaohan Temple, the troubled person has come."

Xiaohan Temple has been pressed by the Ming banquet for so many years, and originally hated those who used needles. Later, Zhuang Xiao burned the new temple with a fire. As a result, Zhuang Xiao also used needles. Could Xiaohan Temple hate the needles more?

Therefore, the visitor was aggressive, and four or five monks swarmed up.

The sparse atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Li Minjun couldn't help but whispered: "The long feast of Ming Dynasty, you are really a trouble walking. In this way, you can pick up a little chaos."

"The first thing to say is that I didn't pick it up. They surrounded them." Ming Changyan still had a mood to refute. "Fortunately, it is the Taoism, not the truth. The last time I passed it to Mongolia Secondly, if he sees us standing together, he must fry. "

Monk Daoshen poked away the crowd and shouted, "Which needle is used! Stand up and let the old lady look!"

Haijin saw that the other party was a monk, and also a monk at Xiaohan Temple. As soon as several monks appeared, she couldn't help reminding her that when she first came to the Central Plains, she was ridiculed by several monks who could do nothing.

Coming out of breath, Haijin lifted his feet and rolled over the stool on the side.

You can't beat people or lose momentum.

As soon as the news came out, the flow of people who had originally been leading up stopped here.

Everyone wanted to see what was going on, so they stretched their necks and looked inside.

Haijin snorted and said arrogantly: "Okay, it's all here. Hate the Central Plains man, hate the Central Plains monk!"

Monk Daoshen knew Haijin. Although he had never met, he had always heard that there was an arrogant woman in the Gentiles. He was running rampant in Kyoto, blocking the carriage of the small country minister, and even almost arguing with the small country.

So when he saw Haijin, he spoke politely: "Amitabha, Xiaohan Temple has a clear conscience, and he has a clear and conscientious work. I don't know where he offended the Hai donor? Moreover, poor monks and others just look at the needles one or two, and There is no offense to the Hai donor, why did the Hai donor confront the poor monks as soon as he came up. "

Haijin teased, "Dead bald donkey, kind of pretending! Why did you think you were a monk when you teased a woman?"

Dao Shen's face changed: "This, this--"

He secretly said: How is this possible! When did he tease a woman!

Daoshen folded his hands and said, "In my temple, there are indeed mischievous people. I am afraid that an ignorant young monk offended the Hai donor and looked to the Hai donor. If the Hai donor is not disliked, his poor monk will come to the door to apologize. But now, can the donor Hai tell the poor monk, who is hurting your arms? "

"Dare you ask my address !?" Haijin was even more angry when he heard this, and ignored the latter half of the sentence. "Why can I tell you?"

Dao Zhen was frightened by Haijin's momentum two steps, and said, "No, no, the poor monk didn't mean it, I was afraid that the gentleman would come out and make trouble."

Just a gentleman!

Four words come out, the crowd boils for a moment.

Hearing a gentleman, Haijin finally calmed down and said very scornfully: "A gentleman? Ha ha, isn't he dead early? Are you moving out to scare me now? Oh, do you want to say those people in black clothes, a bunch of waste Is it worthy to be number one in the world? "

Ouyang asked for defeat, and refused to accept: "Are foreign women barbarians, dare to speak wildly!"

Haijin turned his head and saw Ouyang begging for defeat. He only felt that his face was very square and funny, so he didn't restrain himself and laughed out loud.

Ouyang was clearly talking to Haijin for his defeat, but Haijin laughed regardless of how much he laughed, and somehow said: "What are you laughing at!"

"Your face is very funny." Haijin told the truth, "It's too funny to see the gentleman who is dressed as you, the gentleman will be like you when you think about it?"

Ouyang, who has always been in the "one-minded gentleman world", has won the moon. When did he suffer such humiliation? After a while, his face flushed: "You!"

Ming Chang Yan heard but sighed secretly: Well said!

At this time, a monk from Xiaohan Temple whispered in Taoshen's ear.

Dao Shen Monk's eyes suddenly fell on the Ming feast.

Ming Changyan noticed the other's gaze and looked at him unhurriedly.

The Tao's expression changed suddenly.

Haijin noticed that his face wasn't right, and quickly followed the eyes of Taoist monk.

She froze and secretly said: It's him again! This man has been weird since I met him, and his back has become more and more confusing. Now, is there anything to do with Xiaohan Temple?

Li Minjun said, "What are you looking at? What are you looking for? You are crowded here not to get your tokens, but don't take our way!"

Only then did the monk Daoshen see Li Minjun. At this moment, his expression changed: "Li Minjun of Tianqing!"

Unfortunately, this sentence disappeared into the enthusiasm of people.

Among the crowd, one shouted, "Liu Sanqing is here!"

The person who issued the token was the dean of Bailu Academy, the writer of Jianghululu, Liu Sanqing.

The crowd crowded next to each other and scattered all the monks at Xiaohan Temple.

The monk Daoshen wanted to find the direction of Li Minjun, he was shocked and said: Since Li Minjun is here, isn't that ...

Dao Shen monk couldn't help remembering the last time at the fireworks display, Dao Zhen recognized that one person was the Ming Long Banquet, but the other did not hesitate to pretend to be a woman and refused to admit it. At that time, everyone even believed this ghost story! It seems that the rumors of the rivers and lakes are not added, the long feast of the Ming Dynasty may still be alive, and now it has come to the feast of the feast, and the man who just stood next to Li Minjun ...

The monk Daoshen was so anxious that he turned away from the crowd again, but he no longer saw the man in black fur.

It was originally at the moment when the crowd was in a commotion, the Ming feast brought a bucket bucket, a black veil covering his face, and was hidden among a group of "one gentlemen". Taoist monk had the ability to reach the sky, and he could not find him from the vast crowd.

Ming Changyan held Tang Po with his hands, and simply did not follow Li Minjun, leaving himself to follow the crowd in the crowd.

He followed the people in front of him step by step, walked aimlessly for a long time, and finally arrived at the venue: Taiwei Temple.

In front of the gate of the venue, take a boulevard first. The boulevard is the towering palace.

When walking at the side door of the palace, a faint scent suddenly appeared from the tip of his nose, and he was awake with a spirit.

Huaiyu is here too!

It was precisely because of the preparation of the banquet and chanting that Huai Yu was too busy to pull away. Is it possible to see him at the conference?

Thinking of this, the Ming feast raised his spirits to look around, trying to find the figure of Huaiyu among the crowd. Just as he was searching intently, coldly, Ming Changyan's arm was caught, and he suddenly dragged him into the side door.

Outside the palace's side entrance, there was a bustling crowd, and no one noticed that one person had disappeared from the crowd.

The Ming feast had not yet responded, and a subtle fragrance poured into the body. He was dragged into the room and completely separated from the crowd.

The sound of people outside the door was boiling. Inside the door, only two people's breathing sounds could be heard.

His left shoulder was shuddered slightly, and the visitor leaned against the door, hugging him, and trapped him in his arms.

It's Huaiyu.

Ming Changyan took a sigh of relief. He didn't see it for a few days, and let his heart beat twice. He calmed down and smiled: "Huaiyu, you are not on top, what do you want to run down?"

Huai Yu kept silent, resting his head on his neck, clasping his waist with his hands, and took the Ming Changyan in his arms.

Coincidentally, Huaiyu's pressed shoulder was exactly his injured shoulder.

A trace of **** smell drifted into the air.

Huai Yu suddenly stood up straight, looking at him with a miserable look.

"what happened."

Ming Changyan was shocked in his heart, already knowing that if the other party knew he was injured, he would also deceive the consequences of not reporting. Most of Huaiyu's temper is to be angry for a while. Even if he doesn't, he won't give him a good look.

He guilty: "Ah? What's wrong?"

Huai Yu stared at him, and stretched out his hand on the left shoulder of Ming Changyan.

With a light touch, the blood inside must be able to penetrate the clothes.

At the close of the moment, the long feast of the Ming Dynasty was anxious.

This button of Huaiyu didn't touch it nearly. Ming Changyan withdrew the bucket, and the black gauze passed over his face, revealing a pale face, leaning forward slightly, stomping his feet, first on Huaiyu's lips. A kiss, and then, a vague lick, pry open the other's lips.

The ten-pointed, tense whitening he grabbed at Huaiyu's placket, Huaiyu only took a moment to slap, and opened his mouth submissively. Ming Changyan held out the tip of his tongue and licked his tiger teeth gently.

The hand that Huaiyu clasped on his waist suddenly tightened, and the Ming Changyan was forced to cling forward to him, and the hand holding the placket was nowhere to rest. He could only loosen the placket and obey Huaiyu's neck obediently. . He first started to intimacy, and it was also him who couldn't hold back first. Ming Changyan had just adapted to his warmth and closeness, and did not breathe for a moment, and responded very frankly, making his legs soft. Had it not been held by Huaiyu, he would have collapsed on the ground.

Outside the gate, the endless stream of people talked about the wide passage.

One person couldn't help but talk about the prestige of the world, the spirit of the young man, the command of Cangsheng, and the world-famous "a gentleman". Everyone agreed, and recommended him as a world-famous talent. In the world, no one has the ability to perform military functions, which is well deserved.

Inside the door, this man in the world was the first to be kissed and had nowhere to run, his body was weak, the end of his eyes was slightly red, and the long, straight eyelashes trembled gently.

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