MTL - A Sorcerer’s Journey-v32 Chapter 2019 Abyss Battlefield (24)

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In the first time, with Green's research center as the center, the sound of "嗡" suddenly turned off. . Fastest update

At dusk, the city, after less noise caused by electricity, was extraordinarily quiet. It should have been a wonderful afternoon. However, modern people were uneasy because of their inner anxiety, and they did not have the mood to appreciate the beauty of the evening.

"Oh, damn, wifi is gone, hell, how to power out, aren't the power companies not enough money?"

"No matter what the reason, no matter who it is, give me a reply immediately!"

The restless people almost smashed the power bureau’s phone in just a few minutes.

Here in Green, it is obvious that the strange changes in the time and velocity can be perceived, from the appearance of time to the half-step time, and even with the real time and the illusion of super-conducting time, after the super-guided time enters the illusion, the original calm and stable real material energy The world, if you see more magical surprises that you shouldn't have.

This is already a mezzanine between reality and illusion!

After a double head and a black-striped yellow scale, the double-fin and long-tailed swaying, the singularity is that the two eyes of this double-headed fish are mechanical clock wheels. The other two eyes are electronic figures, and there is no wisdom, just can't swim. In its time unit vision, Green and others are still standing still, just like the material world Green and others see. Like the mountains and trees, there are so many illusory creatures, and it is not surprising.

However, this double-headed fish is about to swim into another time when the crack disappears. With the laughter of the old man “hahahaha” and the distorted time and space, this double head is split into an illusory energy. With the other moments of the time that have just emerged, it has become part of the old man of time.

In this way, the old man of time can finally exist in the real world of the continent on the mainland in the true way!


After the power was cut off, Jenny’s head fluttering in the air flashed twice, obviously affected, but then it returned to normal, and the old man said: “I have already passed the stage of needing local electronic signal support. You will break all the power grids covered by the network, but if you can't, hehehe..."

In Jenny's hearty, arrogant, and full of laughter, the time around is once again beginning to distort, although everything seems to have not changed, but Green, Millie, Jason, and even those who are not in the center of the battlefield. Ordinary people are clearly aware of some unknown changes.

This feeling is like everything around it has become false?

If you have to force a metaphor, it is that the surrounding week has become a photo of the scene, and you have become a person in the photo.

However, such a strange logic, even if people suspect for a moment, will immediately eliminate the self-righteous cranky thoughts and return to the life that should be born.

At the same time, Jenny’s head disappeared in laughter.

“Down dimension strikes? However, it’s not the same as all the downswings I’ve studied before.”

Green whispered with the sound that only Millie could hear, and then looked at the slightly fascinating pixel sunset outside, and the people who got caught in traffic because of the power outage. When they looked back at the old man again, they saw it. On the top of the old man's head, there were five black discs, and they were constantly magnifying and very strange.

“Hey? What is this?”

Millie asked strangely.

The old man also noticed the strangeness of this new unknown ability. The huge clock behind him slammed, and five small clocks appeared on the black original film. The magnification of the black film was obviously slower.

Thinking about the state, the **** of time disappeared and appeared on the roof, but the five black discs were still in the shadow, still not on the top of the old man's head.

Green and Millie flashed, also appearing on the roof, watching the two old and new gods use the regular war within a limited range of capabilities.

Millie squinted a little, muttering: "In terms of strength, at least there has been a round of that level, and with extremely strange ability, this battle should not last too long, just the declaration of war between the two sides. ""

"The **** of machinery did not appear, the starry sky **** should have gone to the abyss battlefield, perhaps with the wizard hunting expeditionary army to fight against the abyss, maybe the old camp of time and space, the new camp of media and machinery, time and space, illusion And reality."

Green said that the time old man has made new changes. After the five black circles on the top of the head are getting bigger and bigger, they are even one, becoming an irregular shape, and there is a big meaning to surround the old man.

Obviously, there is no direct contact between the two, and the old man knows nothing about the power of the media god.

Thinking about it, when the old man thinks about it, he simply stops at the mercy of the war, and the black disc has completely wrapped the time old man, and is constantly changing various shapes, and with black The discs are getting bigger and bigger, and people around the streets have noticed them here. They are pointing at them with horror. Some people even take out digital cameras and collect them, and take pictures to take pictures.

With the advent of these multimedia electronic devices, the strange black discs have been significantly enhanced, and they are larger in size. When connected, they look like a large sausage.

"Could it be that……"

With rich imagination and insight, Green suddenly thought of something, but he couldn’t hide his surprise and wonder: "Is there such a thing?"

As the black discs completely cover the old man, under the gaze of everyone, the time and space of the original "false" seems to be gradually becoming true, and at the same time, the volume of those strange black circles sticking out The black circle of the previous irregular shape is the hand of the **** of the media.

And the old man has been like a doll, and he is clasped in the palm of his hand by the **** of the media.

In the short period of time, what Green and others saw was that after being attacked by the gods of the media in the surrounding time and space, they looked at the scene of higher latitude with flat paper creatures!


Even Green, the higher creatures forced to descend the dimension, did not respond to this attack in a short time. The low-latitude creatures' perception of high-latitude creatures is too one-sided limitation, just like Green and Millie. What I saw was only the contact between the palm of the media and the plane paper. It started with five fingers and then turned into a whole palm. But if it is a pure low-latitude creature, it is another completely different feeling. They really can’t Through these local perceptions, imagine what state a high-latitude creature with a high volume has.

"Now you are already in my hands under full control, what else do you have to say?"

Jenny's glamorous head made a smug color, except for the palm of the hand, the rest of the body, including each hair, was a series of code-like illusions, arrogantly asked.

The time when modern humans touch the media every day has already surpassed the prayer time. I don’t know how many times, she has this proud qualification!

However, the old man who was controlled did not show an abnormality.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, it is worthy of a new **** more threatening than the **** of machinery, such a wonderful power, can feel it in full in advance, the future of comprehensive war, the outcome is not known!"

The old man smiled wildly, and as the clock behind him slammed, the figure became illusory, and the reverse backflow removed all the unfavorable factors. Under the time manipulation force, it disappeared and disappeared. Everything returned to Jason’s panic behind Green. Jenny is still mysteriously sneer, wearing high-heeled shoes "噔", "噔", "噔", "噔" came over.

However, Jenny, who responded to the time, also smiled on her face.

Read The Duke's Passion