MTL - A Sorcerer’s Journey-v32 Chapter 2026 Abyss Battlefield (31)

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The origin of the Sanskrit King Kong civilization begins with the ancestors of the Vatican. . Fastest update

The wizard's research on emotional mystery is not outstanding. Only a few wizards pay attention to this field. Most of the wizards not only do not pay attention to their own emotional control problems, but also indulge their own ambitions, and even occasionally the wizards sing praises. It is the root of the progress of the wizard social system.

The ancient times of the ancestors of the ancestors, but this is the prosperity of the world, the common wisdom of the common creatures, but also a member of the wisdom group is even the weaker one of the many intelligent communities in this world.

The sun rises and the sunset is busy for the livelihood. Looking at the sky, the moon is full of gloom and gloom. It is a joy and a joy for the family and friends. Everything is as plain and unremarkable.

until one day……

It is the banyan tree that everyone sees every day before the village. People are accustomed to it. The fruit of the autumn is the most expected fruit. It is still a common day, and the day after the work of the ancestors returned to the village. Sweat flows down the dark skin.

The ancestors were too tired and too hungry to put the baskets and sickles on their backs on dry land and saw the setting sun shining on the banyan trees.

The previous second was still thinking about the cumbersome little things that lived day and night, occupying all the minds, and suddenly, the next second, the ancestors felt only a short dizzy, and then they had a thought that they had never had before. It was like an epiphany. Do you want to go this way?

What is the significance of living in this world?

Such unprecedented thinking, like a qualitative change from nothing, opened a new world door, Van Zu looked at his reflection on the banyan tree, and then he developed a deeper thought, whether his own existence is Real existence, is everything in front of me real, or is it the physical body and all kinds of shackles?

What is the similarity between such self-denial and the self-denial enhancement condition of the balance of magic wand?

Truth Balance Magic Wand Energy Trading Attribute: Perpetual Motion Energy Ring, the birth of perpetual motion is based on the new human being that God can't make a piece of stone that he can't move. God is not omnipotent. If the endless world is shaped by God, the endless world must have bugs. There must be a set of self-contradictions in the deepest part of the world.

Mastering the perpetual motion is the identification of the contradiction of the fate of the truth, destroying the rules of the endless world balance. The degree of energy blessing is based on the exploration of the fate of truth, and the denial of self on the basis of the endless world rules.

Basic grasping conditions: from absolute atheism to behind-the-scenes conspiracy theories.


In this way, the completely different thinking allowed the ancestors to gradually learn to control their emotions, learn to look at everything with another kind of vision, and learn the consequences of deeper thinking and experience of suffering. The front wall of the banyan tree, looking at his own reflection, even denying the true existence of the reflection.

After three years, Van Zu’s ability to control emotions has an indescribable power. It can change the behavior of others and control the release of self-power. Fanzu calls it the power of mind!

It is also this day that the reflection of the ancestors of the ancestors remained forever on the banyan tree and became a shadowless existence. This is the deepest scent of self-denial, and the evolution of all this took only three years. The ordinary body of the living body completes a qualitative change of the endless world, and completes the end of the mystery of the deep truth field that Green began to explore after becoming a true spiritual wizard.

Seven emotions and six desires: joy, anger, worry, thought, sorrow, fear, surprise, food, wealth, things, power, sex, love.

Have to say, this is a miracle, the miracle of the flower of the exotic civilization!

With his control of emotions and the power of self-denial, the ancestors of Van Gogh have almost completed the earth-shaking changes in the night, just like completing the detachment of dimensions in a flash, and ending a lot of creatures that have passed through millions of years with a new evolutionary model. Road, then opened the endless world tour.

This time, Fanzu traveled for 30,000 years in the endless world, and the way he traveled was similar to that of Green after the departure of the king of the early wizards. That is, the whole body is integrated into the world he experienced, The humble character walks through the life of the world's living body, feels all kinds of life changes, and also finds himself in this.

After 30,000 years, Fanzu once again returned to his motherland. He had already been a human being, but for Fanzu, all living beings were equal, but they were only the victims of the endless world dimension, and they were oppressed by the endless world dimension. The ascetic, that is, changed, has not changed, began to preach the industry to solve problems, the new civilization system was born!

Fanzu, also formally formed.

During the development of the Sanskrit King Kong civilization, he had been tested all the time, but based on the advanced and powerful inner intrinsic nature, he defeated and assimilated one powerful opponent who tried to challenge one after another, gradually unifying the whole world group at a slower but firmer speed. .


Another qualitative change of Fanzu is that his evangelism has been thought through after the successful completion of his merits.

The spirit is full and fulfilling, so that the spiritual body has completed the lifelong pursuit of the wizard, the result of the spiritual transformation of the early wizard king, but it is bound to the weak body, but also the suffering of the suffering sea. The real detachment has not been completed. This civilization, which focuses on spiritual and spiritual cultivation, also has its own defects. That is the **** of the flesh.

In this way, Van Zu opened the detachment of life and death!

A piece of diamond is the hardest and most stubborn thing found during the visit of the Vatican.

For the exploration of the mystery of life and death, the most important thing is the understanding of death and the true death. As for the way of death, it can be ever-changing. What Vatican adopted is to turn spirituality into infinite power, pinned on this diamond, and abandoned. I lost my body and completed the understanding of the mystery of life and death.

Ultrasonic life and death, diamond reshaping the flesh, at this point, the power of the Vatican has reached unspeakable inscrutable, one of the most top-notch life in the history of endless world.


On the way to the World of the Iron Star River, on the top of Jinlian, Fanzu felt the call of his disciples.

"Vanzu, during his travels, the disciples had contacted a monkey essence born out of diamonds, possessing the best qualifications in the world, and being sanctified in nature. It is inferior in nature, disciples are incompetent, unable to influence them in Sanskrit, and their killings Maliciousness is growing in the heart, and disciples are afraid to let it go. Not only can they not become Sanskrit King Kong, but they will be a great devil of the world's living beings. Therefore, they are willing to come to surrender and to convert to Sanskrit."

The **** is sanctified and born out of the king!

Calculating the time of my participation in the parliament, this trip took a little trip, and it was not too long-term delay. It was able to transform a natural body into a sacred monkey. Its merits were no less than the expansion of Sanskrit, and it was said: "Good. I will go and see."

It is also the case that, who was supposed to arrive in the world of Clomayi's world earlier, will be a little late, and will fall behind the king of the second generation of wizards.



Clomayi's big world sky suddenly became illuminated by Jin Mang.

King Kong came down naked, and the golden body exudes the power of the flood and the tsunami. The whole world of Klomayyi is slightly trembled. The higher creatures clearly feel the advent of the incredible creature, but close to the Fanzu. All kinds of thoughts, rules, emotions, and energy are all bounced off by this pure, and then slowly come toward this side.

In the parliament hall, the king of the second generation of wizards who are holding wine and sneer at the opposite time, the three-color scorpion looks toward the direction of the ancestors of the ancestors, and the field of vision seems to have penetrated all obstacles, and it falls on the Vatican’s King Kong. Physically.

"This guy!"

Clearly sensed the great pressure from the ancestors of Van Gogh, the king of the second generation of wizards turned to the head, and looked at the leaders of the six major civilizations, as well as representatives of a group of weak civilizations, and truly realized the vastness of the endless world.

Read The Duke's Passion