MTL - A Sorcerer’s Journey-v32 Chapter 2035 Abyss Battlefield (40)

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Time passed and twenty-seven years passed.

In the twenty-seventh year, it is nothing to say about the war of great civilization. Even the war in a small-scale world can easily last for decades, not to mention the fact that the object of the battle is stubborn and polluted in the 12th and 7th years. Diffusion and the abyss of civilization.

However, it is indisputable that since the involvement of the Demon Expeditionary Wizards Corps, the war situation has changed dramatically, and the IPU is already in an absolute offensive. Although many abyssal ancestors did not appear to participate in the war as they once did, the reasons for this were exempted. The combination of fate leverage and stellar orbital guns has effectively deterred the Abyssal Mozu.

As for the consciousness of the ancestors who briefly appeared on the Seventh National Assembly, they got some intelligence information from other abyss battlefields, and everything is pointing to one of the three great ancestors of the legendary Abyssal Mozu, one-eyed ancestor!

The core space of the Eternal Sky City.

Since the Abyss of the Abyss did not choose to compete directly with the Wizarding Legion, in the 27 years, the billions of wizarding sects encroached on the abyss of the abyss, and these were prepared for an earth-shattering battle before the expedition. Sealing the wizards, they can't help but seem to be doing nothing.

"In the twenty-seventh year, the Great Hunting Demon Expeditionary Wizarding Corps, thousands of world battlefields, except for being shattered by the space-based satellite guns, have not been completely occupied by the wizards, have they grown up during the peace period? The little guys are too loose, too little to drill, and have completely lost the fighting power of the demon wizard!"

Five or six acquaintance seal sorcerers broke out in a circle. The old white robes were uncomfortable, and the betel nuts chewed in their mouths looked boring.

Among the old wizards who sit in a circle, there is also a ring of true spirits who are completely idle. The old wizard is peeling the walnut shell, and does not eat the walnuts inside, but feeds the white little girl next to it. Five or six years old, very cute.

A ring of true spirits did not lift the head, and casually said: "Do not blame the little wizards, the abyss moss is too strong, we old guys did not have no idea of ​​the abyss moss, is not the same way? Second generation wizard The king can think of the method of training the sorcerer's corps to exile and derail the heavily polluted land. We have complained too much, and then we can do it in less than 30 years. What can we do, even if we conquer a normal situation? The small world is less than fifty or sixty years."

After that, a ring of real spirit witches saved a handful of walnuts and handed them to the little girl next to them.

"You guys, in response to the call of the king of the early wizards, actually have a sexually propagated a **** scorpion, such a powerful cell property, it is a good good seedling. How, find a good mentor?"

An old witch next to it squeezed the little girl's cheek and couldn't put it down, but the old witch laughed too much. The raised eyeballs seemed to be awkward, and they might fall off at any time, although the little girl had long adapted. These are not afraid, but they don't mean they like it, some dodge.

"Not yet, there is now a ring of true spirits, Sylvana, and the 17th ring of the real spirit wizard Andre Seymour, I am still considering, both are good choices."

After responding to one sentence, I paused, and the old guy of the real spirit wizard sneered and laughed: "If it wasn't for the king of the early wizards, I wouldn't know where to go, and I would send my baby daughter to me."

At this moment, the core space space-time transmission array ripples, followed by the second generation of the wizard king!

Returning to the Wizarding World Community for twenty-seven years, the King of the Second Generation Wizards finally came to the front line of the Demon Hunter expedition. From the point of view of the truth of the three colors of light, this trip does not seem to be easy, or the demon expedition What changes have occurred on the front line and it is forced to come.

call out!

A glimpse of crystal 棺 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三The possibility of the retreat of the ancestors is only one. As the time and space passage node of the abyss civilization and the tribe civilization, it is very likely that the abyss civilization has a new operational plan for the abyss battlefield here, so in the first time Call you back."

After the completion of the crystal 棺 普 普 罗 修 修 , , , , 分 分 分 分 分 分 分 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普

The king of the second generation wizard who wore the face of truth shook his head and said: "It is only certain that the black witch king is still in the world, and the specific time and space coordinates cannot be determined, but..."

After a long time, with the strong volatility of the altar of the second generation of wizards, a mysterious man in a black robe suddenly appeared on the altar, and the dark eyes looked at the audience, full of indescribable mystery and violence.

"this is?"

In the crystal cymbal, Pumirosius has made a cautious color. From this human form, he feels extraordinary energy!

The king of the second generation of sorcerers said: "According to the rules of the king of the early wizards, the black wizard system has been banned. The name of the black witch king is nothing but inertia. It has no legality and any meaning. However, because the war is urgent, for the sake of Promoting great unity within the alliance and assembling all forces against foreign enemies, I decided to use the name of the Black Witch King by Princess Sinia, who only represents a piece of history and has no rights or meaning."

"Black Witch King disciple Tinibia, orthodox wizard, I have nothing to do with the Saiyan family!"

The black robe is low and decisive. Every tone is like the most primitive tyrannical atmosphere. The body under the black robes seems to breed indescribable terrorist power and unlimited potential. Even the second generation of wizards can hardly conceal their faint Out of the edge.

This guy……

Anderse Seymour is not the only protagonist of this new era!

At a glance, after the positioning of the people in front of the eyes, Pumirosius is all on the expedition of the demon, and does not intend to intervene too much for the rules of the wizard world rules, and there is not much comment, directly: "Well, first I went to the eternal heart of the body. If there is no accident, this is probably the last silence before the storm. We must first explore what the plans of the abyss and the devils are, and what are the secrets of the secrets of the abyss! ”

After that, Pumirosius Crystal 棺 took the second generation of the wizard king and the new generation of black witch Tinibia.

Several old wizards sitting around the altar of time and space look at each There is excitement about the completion of the historical mission, there is tension for the new bones of the new era, and there are some reluctance to lose. The thickness of the Almighty Spirit, if the seal wizards encounter hard to heal the wound, they are truly dead.

The king of the previous generation of wizards looked down at the little girl who was dozing on her legs. The old wizard showed the tenderness and disappointment she had never had before.

"That guy is the Princess of Sai Ya who was trained by the Black Witch King. It seems that the blood of the royal family has turned into a character. After so far, my Huining ears can hear the blood flow in her heart like a flood and tsunami. It is really It’s no wonder that a group of potential potentials has been noticed by the kings of the early wizards and the black witches."

The old witch "嘿嘿嘿嘿" said with a smile, and the successor of the Black Witch King has no sigh at all.

"It’s still good for the Black Witch King. The strength of this Princess Sai is better than the current King of Saia and a few high-ranking warriors. It is not a little bit stronger than the royal family. From this Princess of Saiyan Looking at hatred, maybe one day the Saiyan family is really extinct. It is probably in her hands. The king of the early wizards and the black witch king are playing with each other, hehe."

Another old wizard gave an evil smile.

Read The Duke's Passion