MTL - A Sorcerer’s Journey-v32 Chapter 2042 Abyss Battlefield (47)

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"The king of the early wizards!"

Silvana looked to the side of Green, although it was only a projection, but as a true spiritual wizard who had fought side by side, Silvana knew that the people in front of him were like the horrible strength of the bottomless abyss, even if it was only one缕 Projection, can not compete in the frontal hard battle, but its many truths and ambiguous means are enough to play any real masters between the fingers, Silvana has this confidence.

"Yes, here is the battlefield of the abyss, because the city of Eternal Sky has suffered an abyss raid. I have also encountered a strong enemy here, and I have to summon your mysterious power projection."

Green's projection nodded and looked around the battlefield. From the world tree, the blade sorcerer, the evil spirit ancestor, and the one-eyed ancestor, the little wizards in the surrounding battlefield did not recognize that Green was the king of the early wizards. So it did not cause too much commotion.

"Hehehehehe, you even summoned his consciousness projections!"

The world tree perceives that Green's projection is coming. Although he has absolute confidence in his own strength, he is invincible in the dimension of the endless world dimension. Even if he can suppress his own existence, he will never hurt his own roots. The battle is the same as fighting against a big world with a well ruled one!

Unless it is a continuous civilization of the army, the battle world tree between individual creatures is the invincible incarnation, the rich heritage makes it fearless in any way of fighting, and there is no such evolutionary way of the Almighty Soul.

"In the words, Green, you will not participate in this war of civilization. I see that my mission is coming soon, but the feeling of freedom is so good..."

The world tree murmured.

Although the mysterious force projection method is endless, most of them are equivalent to splitting a spiritual consciousness from the ontology, which is completely equivalent to metabolism, and does not have an conscious connection with the ontology. Therefore, Green’s projection is separated. Although there is Green's thinking consciousness, it does not have any connection with the ontology, and it will be annihilated as the energy supply disappears.

Therefore, Green, which is far away from unknown time and space, does not know everything about it through projection.

"Hey? Is the star **** of the Promise of the Promise in this abyss battlefield?"

Green's projection suddenly asked this question, causing the world tree to feel a bit stunned, but it could no longer communicate with Green, because the blade sorcerer who had stepped out of the crack had already rushed to the initiative. As the existence of the will of the abyss, aggression, expansion, pollution, and plunder are the instinct of life, and there is no reason for passive defense.

In this way, the world tree that turned into a kind face of the old-fashioned old woman waved the fate lever magic wand to realize its own time and space movement. At the same time, one hand turned into a full-bodied lush green giant trunk, and pressed toward the imposing swordsman. The trunk of the world tree is so vast that in the process of jihad, almost a few breaths will drown the blade of the ancestors.

Then there was the battle of "bang" and "bang" inside, accompanied by the roar of the blade ancestors, and even seemed to carry out the abyss summoning inside, but the outside of the tree circle is still flourishing. The breath of life, the scene of the present is like the blade of the demon sorrow in the heart of the old witch's palm, let the unbounded blade sharp and can not tear the tree of the world's fate lever unlimited time and space power.

Here, a ring of true spirit wizards did not know why, and responded in a flat voice: "Yes, the starry sky gods are here on the battlefield, as the supreme **** of the Promise God League, participate in the seven-nation parliament."

"Oh, this way. If this is the case, within the millennium, even without the summoning of the king of the second generation wizards, my body should return to the ethnic group once, because there is no accident, the new generation of God King inside the Promise Alliance will begin soon. Oh, the way the media **** exists is very interesting. When it is combined with Skynet, no matter who wins, a brand new real nine-level life will be born."

After such a response, Green's projection is also gradually coming to the process of accumulating power, gradually becoming solid, and knowing that his mission is not to chat again and again. If it is not a war crisis, the real wizard will not rush to summon himself. Looking at the same unbeatable and powerful projection as the one opposite to myself, the one-eyed ancestor.

Compared to Green's own media protection, the endless world is almost rare to sacrifice the summoner. The number of one-eyed ancestor projections that are good at abyss pollution energy erosion is too much, even in some distant world community small groups. There are some low-level creatures who make sacrifices in various ways to obtain a powerful blessing of the one-eyed evil spirit.

When the strange eye of the one-eyed singer was completely opened, he also instinctively looked at the king of the early wizards who almost completed the fall with himself.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. From this point of view, it seems to be shocked by the scene in its strange eyes. The master's projection is completely stunned!

"Oh, the curious eyes are more powerful than the eyes of the world of my truth! But... since I have seen my true body, do you still have the confidence to confront?"

Green's descending projection is like a walk in a walk, step by step toward the other side, plain and faint.

"After all, there are still fundamental gaps between the eight-level creatures that are able to enter higher latitudes at any time in the endless world, and the nine-level creatures that are forcibly staying in the endless world, aren't they?"

Although they are all called nine-level creatures that stay within the dimension of the endless world, there is still a fundamental gap between the nine and nine.

If you just stepped into this field, Green is a ninth-level creature that forcibly stays in the endless world. In fact, it is only the ability of the eight-level creature to strengthen. At this time, Green is really entering the myth and becoming endless. The BUG in the world is being squeezed by this meta-dimension in an unprecedented way. In order to prevent its own balance rules and complicated rules from collapsing, it is necessary to force this BUG out of the body and reach a higher-level dimension to make the more extensive rules there. To check and balance this super creature.

"How did you do it!"

Green in the eyes of the ancestors of the singularity is completely different from any creature in the endless world, including with himself and the other two ancestors.

Just like the face of truth, everything that this magic eye can see is completely different from conventional creatures. It is the streaks of energy, like the ripples of a string, the various rules weaving, endless. Any creature in the world can't do without the energy essence of these materials, which is also complementary to its energy pollution characteristics. Coupled with the incredible ability of this eye, it finally made it one of the three great ancestors of the Abyss.

"You are not the wizard who masters the lever of fate! He is promoted to the ninth level through the fate lever to make the wizard world sneak and escape, become your myths and legends, what are you? There can be no real nine-level creatures staying in this dimension!"

At the moment In the eyes of the one-eyed ancestor, the consciousness of Green's advent is not composed of regular energy, but a series of box runes, gathered into the body, as if it has been detached from the real world, and the surrounding Everything is out of place, so I walked in front of myself step by step.

For the mysterious unknown, let the one-eyed ancestor even feel the fear that has long disappeared for many years.

You must know that the one-eyed ancestor is the leader of the top group of the dimensional pyramid in this dimension. In the contemporary time and space, all the protagonists in the world community space will be challenged to try to break the limits of the rules.

"Myths? The so-called myths are just a lonely goal that all of us are facing. The founders of any myth are lonely, but this myth has become the goal of the latecomers. To this end, we must constantly try to break, in loneliness. Work hard, become lonely in the effort, but become a new loneliness after breaking the goal to achieve the mythical founder."

After a pause, Green continued with the other side's unspoken words: "We are just the endless world of all beings, and the inconspicuous portrayal of the rules of the past. I think that the myth of achievement is not the goal of the latecomers."

Read The Duke's Passion