MTL - A Sorcerer’s Journey-v32 Chapter 2052 Abyss Battlefield (57)

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A day or two later, Samsung's true spirit wizard Ashura appeared on the altar of the eternal sky city.

咚, 咚, 咚, 咚.

Taking a heavy footstep and not paying attention to the little wizards who are waiting respectfully around the altar, Ashura took out the black crystal ball after walking down the altar. However, when he opened the special channel, he couldn’t help but stop and stay in the same place. Looking at the message of the crystal ball light curtain slipped over, it is difficult to set the channel: "All fall! Are they falling?"

It is no wonder that Ashura is like this.

At the moment, in his crystal ball light curtain information, the number of fallen true spirits has reached 42 giants. This kind of heavy loss is hard to accept, except for the ancient civilization of the ancient wizards. There has never been a war of civilization that has caused such a trauma to the wizarding world, even in such a short period of time!

Although most of these true spirits are seal sorcerers who have lost the thickness of the Almighty Spirit, it is too exaggerated in terms of numbers.

"Besides me, which other leaders have returned?"

Ashura asked the little wizards who were responsible for guarding the altar of time and space. The gloomy face was almost dripping with water. The blade of the abyss behind it was full of spirituality because of the vastness of the vastness of the abyss. A burst of screams.

"Respected Samsung Real Spirit Wizard, you are the first outbound commander after receiving the command of the Grand Commander."

In the voice of this little wizard, Ashura sent a slap in the back, and it was a true spiritual wizard who appeared slowly. It was the four-star true spirit wizard brought back by Ashura, the four-star true spirit wizard. After the magic wand walked down the altar, the brow wrinkled, and the instinctively took out the crystal ball. The next moment was also stunned by the news of the real spirits rolling in the light curtain.

"There is even a guy in the ring, it has fallen!"

A ring in the mouth of the four-star true spirit wizard naturally refers to any ring that enters the seal crystal.

In the years when the king of the early wizards was not born, the abyss sorcerer and the elemental wizards competed for each other, and the true spirit wizard was the leader of the wizarding world, and the numerous abyssal sorcerers were the ultimate obstacles to the wizarding world. Fighting for a lifetime, I did not expect it to fall silently here.

For a time, there is no way to express feelings.

"Let's go, see Pemirosius again."

The frontline warfare was equally tense, so the Samsung Real Spirit Wizard only brought back the four-star real spirit wizard, and the two people clearly noticed that the city of the Great Eternal Sky is changing rapidly in the moment when the little wizards walked out of the hall in a respectful manner. Construction, the four-star real spirit wizard said: "It should be the human form that intends to open the 100% combat mode, the energy flow rate is 70 times faster, and it is gathering to the Pmyrosius body in the core space."

Samsung's true spirit wizard nodded, no longer delayed, with a four-star real spirit wizard continued to move forward, with a quarter of an hourglass time, finally arrived at the core of the eternal sky city.

During this short period of time, the two flipped through the list of fallen sorcerers, with more than a thousand seats, plus the help of the Lord of the Alliance and some of the Summoners of the World. This number will exceed 2,000, and the battle of the abyss Just opened for two days! Even during this period, another alliance led the news of the fall, the dark skull, a ruler of the dark world group, who did not know where to fall on the battlefield.

"From the perspective of the war here, the rumors that the two Queens of the Iron King were sneaked to death should be convinced."

The four-star true spirit wizard said so.

Ashura did not speak, and the two elements quickly moved, and the core space of the eternal sky city once occupied by the crystal scorpion seal wizards has now become empty, the spotless soft milky white, "咻", "咻" two elements Teleportation time and space jump, Samsung real spirit wizard, four-star real spirit wizard appeared in front of the metal cube.


With a squeaky squeaking noise, the metal cube Pmi Luo Xiusi constantly changes various forms, and millions of various rules streamer materializes to emerge, gathering on this metal cube that looks like a spike. Here, the energy transition and the rule fit are completed, and with the full control of the metal Rubik's Prometheus body, the Great Eternal Sky City is transforming from a sleepy form to a war form with its will as the core.

The eternal sky checks and balances, the first 20% conversion of the war form is easier, but after 50%, it becomes extremely difficult.

And the will of Pemirosius also reaches every corner of the city of Eternal Sky through these rules, when the needle on the city of Eternal Sky is part of the body of Pumirosius, and for the city of Eternal Sky Any injury, like Pmyrosius, is like skin, can be keenly aware of, and make repair instructions to the wizard in the body, the wizard in the body is equal to his blood cells, the elves of the world tree!

It can be said that at that time, Pumirosius will resurrect this eternal sky city in the form of metal life!

"You two came back a little later. The hardest stage of the war has just passed. Thanks to a round of true spirits, the wizard summoned the king of the early wizards, and the Green consciousness projection came, solving a battlefield stalemate and letting the world tree vacate. Leading the most difficult battlefield and curbing the ancestor of the abyss."

Ashura stood upright and said: "The ancestor of the abyss? Is there no one in the league besides the world tree? Is this ancestor of the abyss so strong?"

In the same way, studying the power of the abyss and prying into the mysteries of the truth of the abyss rules, Samsung's true spirit wizards have almost reached the end of their own cognition and imagination after unraveling the true devil's body and the abyss to summon the mystery. In his understanding, even if the Abyssal Mozu can surpass himself, it is difficult to pose a great threat to the level of life of the King of the Wizards, because he clearly knows where his bottom line is, and uses this as a reference. The bottom line of those who have no ancestors.

"I am sending you to join the abyss ancestor battlefield. If you go, you will know."

Said, holographic 4D light and shadow imaging emerged, as if people were placed on the scene, and the image of the abyss ancestor with only one arm was vividly in front of the eyes, and then the scale of the light curtain gradually enlarged, spreading out from the core of the eternal sky city. The vast abyss battlefield shows that a void coordinate is listed by the light curtain.

"Go, the battlefield of the abyss ancestors is in the vicinity of this coordinate. However, the purpose of sending your past is not the main confrontation. You must do everything possible to spy on the evolutionary mystery of the abyss ancestor, even here. After the second war, I will let the king of the second generation of wizards record the mystery of the face of the truth, and these mysteries will become the inheritance of the book of the tower."

The Samsung Real Spirit sorcerer nodded and the four-star sorcerer turned away, behind the violent energy beats and rules interweaving, once again came the puppets of the metal magic cube.

"Remember, you can't let the death of these true spirits be wasted! For the unknown years, you will also stand in the wizarding world of the heights of the abyss!"

The Samsung Real Spirit sorcerer heard this, and after a slight pause, he left with a four-star true spirit wizard.


PS: I only wrote three chapters today, but suddenly I found out that the abbabb1986 really spiritual wizard's true dedication, it is not too late to look at the time, and strive to expel the fourth chapter as soon as possible! Congratulations to Abbabb1986, the true spirit wizard double promotion to the eighth level, the achievement of the eternal soul!

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In addition, continue to recommend the "Media Master" of the Egret disciple at the end of the chapter. If you feel that the number of words is small, you can collect it. The rhythm of the article is like a flowing water, but there will be a turning passion. The egret will not be plain.

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