MTL - A Sorcerer’s Journey-v32 Chapter 2057 Abyss Battlefield (62)

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A oh, hey, rumbling rumbling...

The elite demons led by several abyssal demons marched at full speed and rushed to the metal continent where the squatting town was in the void. In the endless world rule, the so-called fast and slow is never absolute, but relative.

"what sound?"

The most astute insightful ancestors couldn’t stand gazing at the depths of the void, but they did not find anything, and once again looked toward the metal land of the eternal sky city, but because this metal continent is too vast and vast, even These abyssal demons look out over the void, and all they can see is only part of the city of eternal sky. The metal continents beyond the horizon are swallowed up by the void.

Then, the reactionless ancestors of this reaction cautiously said: "No, our time and space pressure is rising, be careful!"

It takes about 300 seconds to reach the city of eternal sky. The void is empty. Compared with the previous attack, it is too big. This makes this piece of emptiness cast a plot of conspiracy and let the attacker The tribes felt uneasy, and now the mysterious warning of the incomparable demon ancestors made the devils who were nervous and nervous, completely smashed, and all the grass and the soldiers were looking for the abnormal reasons. .

Still not aware of any anomalies, but the surrounding space-time pressure is indeed rising at an alarming rate. It should also be the perception of the nerve sorcerer before, not an unwarranted statement.

Time and space pressure can also be converted into units of "degrees" for calculation.

Usually, the calm void is generally 0 degree space-time pressure, which is easier than the material energy world, and is also more conducive to the accelerating vacuum-filling.

But the key point is that the void is not calm for many years, but there are a large number of void worms, such as the distribution of empty creatures, and even more so that there is no limit to the void storm, which is also the need to dominate the life of the world when crossing the long and vast void between the world communities. The reason is that the space-time squeeze caused by the super large-scale virtual storms between these world communities is hundreds of thousands of degrees, and the continuous flow continues, and low-level creatures are difficult to survive.

In this turbulent battlefield of energy turmoil, the time and space squeeze degree has been in a low turbulence state, ranging from 1 degree to several thousand degrees. Before this insightful sensitive ancestor was aware of the abnormality of time and space pressure At the time, the surrounding space and time is a blank area of ​​the battlefield, and the pressure is only a hundred degrees, growing in the form of tens of degrees and tens of degrees.

Because the whole body is placed on the metal continent, these tyrannical ancestors did not care about the itching of these time and space.

Nowadays, with the energy degree exceeding three thousand degrees, it has begun to increase in a few hundred degrees and several hundred degrees. The incomparable ancestors can still cope with it, but these low-level devils who follow behind are feeling The outside world oppressed discomfort and even made a loud sigh.

The atmosphere of the robbery ancestors bronze armored armor is dignified. It seems that after careful consideration, the chest fangs screamed loudly: "Distributed, leave here, sprint at full speed!"

After that, the robbers and ancestors took the lead and took the lead in rushing toward the direction of the eternal sky city. With such a deep demon ancestors, the speed of the abyss was completely broken, and up to sixty sand seconds could rush to the surface of the eternal sky city, and those low-level magic The races need between two hundred and three hundred sand seconds.

call out! call out! call out! call out!

The speed of the eight devils is indeed much faster. The lower devils in the back need to adjust the formation from dense to scattered. The speed is much slower. However, the fear of the surrounding time and space is rising. After 10,000 degrees, it began to increase frantically by the degrees of 1240, 1433, 1522, 1629, 1822, 2250, and in any case, it can not get rid of the increase in the range of time and space, even with the strong cross of the abyss Some of the five-level abyss of the demon do not begin to make pains.

Every cell from the outside to the inside is under the pressure of a large squeeze, so that the body of these demons shrinks a little bit, and the blood is squeezed out from the abdomen chest, accompanied by a huge mouthful of sorrow.

"I, I can't do it, hey, hehe..."

The surrounding time and space is like a pressure juicer, so that every drop of blood in the poor worms that can not withstand the external pressure is drained. The first five geniuses who can't bear the pressure are skeletons in the "嘎吱", " In the sound of 嘎吱, it gradually collapsed into a ball.

In contrast, although the six-level demons can still bear it, if they can no longer find out the reasons and escape from the scope of time and space, they will eventually step into the footsteps of these low-level demons, even if these demons have begun. Reaction, fear has sprinted as much as I can.

"That, that... that! What is that!?"

Suddenly, the incomparable ancestors who have already opened a distance with the lower-level Mozus, with their unparalleled height of life vision, first noticed the strangeness of the distant void, actually the two steel continents hit the high-speed from different directions, thinking Squeeze yourself to death! ?

It’s no wonder that these abyssal ancient devils are like this. The Eternal Sky City is a combination of all the sky cities left behind by the Second Civilization War of the Wizarding World, and it has been condensed with countless wizard wisdom and wealth in the long years. The area is already comparable to the main continent of the large world, and the wizards who made it are also awkward, not to mention the devils.

Even the city of eternal sky, which can be seen by the sorcerer's life-level body, is just the tip of the iceberg of this unprecedented grand metal giant.

It can be said that from the first day of building the city of eternal sky, Pumirosius's plan is to achieve the ultimate goal of exceeding the dominant level of vision!

Standing in the sights of Pumirosius...


Like a flying insect, Pumirosius's two metal palms snapped together and slowly separated.

Looking at the little black spots sticking to the palm of his hand, Pumirosius slightly rubbed his nausea, and then he looked at the powerful flying bees that were threatening poisonous bees and sporadic lucky.

These poor little things, because they are subject to the cognitive limitations of the horizon of life, can't even detect the state of the enemy's whole picture.

After a slap in the face of most of the flying insects, Pumirosius’s two large metal hands were fanned out a few times. All the flying insects that could be seen were dead. As for whether or not one or two lucky ones fled, it was not their concern. This is how the venomous bees who have escaped from their own attacks are getting closer and closer to themselves and want to look at themselves.

"After all, it is the master, you need to concentrate yourself."

Thoughts are just a moment, when the giant of the eternal sky city of Pumirosius slaps again, this concentrated slap, the speed is far more than before, the palm of the hand is slightly itchy, "啪", a black poison The bee was photographed by himself and flew to the unknown of the void.

Seeing that other poisonous bees are getting closer and closer to themselves, the metal giants of Pumirosius have dexterously jumped backwards. For the metal giants, the distance is so far away for these poisonous bees.

"Oh, hehehehe, this way of fighting, unprecedented, really interesting."

I have never had a happy battle. This kind of life-level crush is better than all moves. On the one hand, Pumirosius feels the powerful and unpretentious feeling of easily ignoring the dominant creatures, while feeling the countless little wizards in his body like his own. Blood like excited flow.

As for these raids, they are doing their best to avoid this attack, which goes beyond their understanding of cognition. They can’t understand how the wizard manipulated these amazing metal continents to make such rapid attacks. I don’t know these. There are many metal sorcerers in the world, and the mysterious void field is full of unknowns. Under such infinitely unknown fears, these incompetent ancestors only hope to reach the city of eternal sky as soon as possible, at least let them do something.

Just when the unsuccessful ancestors saw that they were about to approach, suddenly, the eternal sky city of the metal continent was actually in an incomprehensible way, so that the time and space of life was just like a shuttle, and it was like a mirage illusion. The little creatures play like it, and they wait for themselves in the void at the end of the field of vision.

"This, this... this? What is going on!"

The surrounding space and time pressure was rising at an alarming rate. With the speeding of another metal continent, "Weng Weng Rumble", the indescribable sense of endless desperation completely drowned these incomparable ancestors.

Compared to this eternal sky city super giant that has exceeded the limits of ordinary biological imagination, even if the dominant level exists, it seems too small.