MTL - A Sorcerer’s Journey-v33 Chapter 2082 Shenwei raging (below)

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Snoring, snoring, snoring...

In succession, several powerful power witchcrafts were used. Under the blessing of the magical balance of the magic wand, there is no such thing as Green’s breathing, and Green’s force is constantly transformed into elements by the rules of the Witch, inhaled and supplemented. loss.

The city of the abyss was bombarded with a space-sized cave by Green's space-based comet. The inner metal has been completely melted into a liquid state, which runs through the other side of the city.

The metal near the cave is red and red like iron, and the energy of the "吱啦" and "吱啦" is broken.

Even so, the metal fortress, which is too large in size, is not fatal when the space-based comet can strike through the core power room.

In addition to the distant abyss, the Dragon King is launching the Abyss summoning, throwing all the abyssal dragons it can affect to Green, and the other three ancestors have already stood in a row.

It’s awkward!

The black arc strikes, and the target points directly to the Abyssal Dragon King, but sees the flash of the ring of the ancestors appearing before the annihilation of the arc, the big mouth of the chest will swallow the arc, and then “squat” in its belly. "咕噜" struggling for a while, a full, will suddenly annihilate the arc to digest it?

This demon ancestor is really extraordinary.

The infinite endless dragons in the back are still coming, and Green is also somewhat annoyed. After taking a deep breath, the magical elements of the body gather to Green's right hand.

"The truth of truth, dimensional dimension, dimensional gap seal!"

Green has used his talents to communicate the gaps in the dimensions, and only such rules of witchcraft can limit such a large-scale army.

As Green's right hand slammed, "咔嚓", the front was nothing to be cut by Green, the dark mouth opened and spread out a million meters away, although there is no forgotten world memory aid of the Book of Truth, but With Green's long time, it is enough to independently support the dimensional gap seal. As for the chaotic memory in the slow time, it doesn't matter if you give up some.

“At the expense of memory, open up the space of imagination and communicate to the gaps in the power of thinking parties, closest to the power of higher latitude creatures.”

Green seems to be muttering to himself.

As Green breaks through this dark crack, the illusory power of chaotic imagination spreads rapidly. In the world of thinking between these different dimensions, any creature that dominates the following will be affected by the rules. The slaves under the rules of imagination are dominated by the endless unknown imagination creatures.

Sure enough, with the proliferation of the dimensional gap imagination rule, even if there are more abyss in the range of the abyss in the scope of the rule, the dimension gap rule for the infinite endless dimension is not a grain of sand in the desert, negligible. They have turned into a single stone.

Every stone is only Mi Xu, sparkling, falling on the metal deck of the Abyss City.

In this scene, there are several abyss ancestors who are not completely in the same place.


An amazing number of black crows flew out of the cracks in the darkness. Each dimension of the crows had hundreds of meters, white eyes, and no pupils. These crows shouted excitedly when they saw the stones on the ground.

"Hey, fast, there are stones, just put them in the bottle, we have water to drink!"

"A lot of stones are too small, we don't know when to go!"

More and more crows flying out of the gaps in the dimensional gaps seem to represent the influence of the dimensional gap rules on this time and space. The metal decks of the Abyss City have grown flowers and plants, and the stones are scattered in the flowers and plants. In between, it looks very harmonious and natural.

In the cries of "呱呱呱呱", the stones that the abyss dragons turned into were only smashed into the gap between the crows. Even if more abyss dragons approached, they only provided higher stones for these crows. Only.

I have never torn through such a large dimension gap crack, Green's tired color is not disguised.

At the other end of the crack, there are things like Xiao Ba, and there are thousands of strange things that are unclear, unclear, and chaotic, like pieces of broken glass mirrors.

Just when Green was a little relieved, because he was too tired and touched the elemental body, he re-examined the spirits and looked at several demons. Suddenly, the mutation happened!

"The traveler, there are a few stones, there will be use."

The vain words came from the other end of the crack, followed by a voice asking, "Who are you?"

However, no one answered.

Green's footsteps toward the three masters gradually stopped, and it seemed that something extremely incredible was discovered, but it is now difficult for Green to understand as a ninth-level creature.


Not only those abyssal dragons, but also a few abyss ancestors, the surrounding abyss fortress, and even the entire abyss of the city, are turning into a stone!

Several of the ancestors struggled, roared, and even used the Almighty Spirit, but still did not help, and after expanding into the state of reality, they turned into a boulder of tens of thousands of meters.

The light of the spiritual strength of the Green body is inconspicuous. Under the rules of the imagination of the dimensional gap, the same changes are taking place. The invisible body gradually becomes a stone, but the unit nature of the Witch rule changes, and the stone changes. For the light of spiritual energy, there is no stalemate between the two.

The ancestors have turned into stone. Even if they use the Almighty Spirit to change the facts, they are only the stones of two hands, the stones of the head, the stones of the two feet, and after a short moment, they turn into stones again.

"what on earth is it!?"

Green couldn't understand these dimensional gap seals beyond his control. It seems to have returned to the wizard apprenticeship. He thought that he had mastered the truth and truth, and found that he had just completed the enlightenment.


With the other end of the crack, the sound of suspicion, as a multi-hundred-thousand-thousand-meter-meter super big hand slowly extended from the other end of the crack, the crows did not seem to be aware of it, and they passed through the big hand, and Green refused. Others, rushing to escape from this time and space at full speed, but after seeing this big hand grabbing a sacred dragon pebbles, it seems to him that it is only sand, and it is thrown away, then the stone from the abyss, no abyss The ancestral stones were caught one by one.

Of course Even for this large hand of hundreds of thousands of meters, the city of the Abyss is too big, and after a while, it will retract the palm.

"Even they have been caught!"

Three abyss demon ancestors, a deep abyss dragon king, a few abyss fortresses, were caught by the big hand!

At the same time, it seems that this big hand consumed too many rules of imagination, the cracks in the dimensional gap gradually healed, and the crows returned after the last stone.

As the cracks become smaller and smaller, the influence of the dimensional gap rules becomes weaker and weaker. The abyss dragons who have turned into stones have gradually begun to recover their true bodies, but they have been dominated by the loss of the abyss, except for a small part of the neighborhood that continues to entangle the Green, and others. In a state of chaos.

Even Green's annihilation is actually taken away!

"Ah! It turned out to be a gem! Damn, not even grab a few more, and that super huge gem, ah!"

The annoying sound came from the other end of the crack, and the gap crack in the dimension with only a few tens of meters left was completely healed.