MTL - A Sorcerer’s Journey-v33 Chapter 2095 Adjacent to the esophagus

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When Green once again rushed back to the abyss battlefield of the Jiudou civilization, a hundred years ago, the abyss battlefield where the zeros and stars fought, even now there was no trace of abyss, and only the last remaining legion was packing up the battlefield remnants.

"Is sure that the Devils have completely retreated?"

Green asked the referee of the hundred years ago.

If the abyss of the abyss has been completely evacuated, then the corresponding three-field battlefield and other large and small battlefields should have been evacuated.

This is a shark master who combines strength and aesthetics. Even standing in the aesthetics of the wizard, it is a very elegant and wonderful creature.

The silver shark king said: "Thirty years ago, I have already evacuated. The lurkers in my ethnic group have confirmed that it is not only the evacuation of the frontline abyss, but even the demon people outside the abyss world are concentrated at the bottom of the abyss. It is the abyss of the Abyss and the esophagus expedition is about to begin!"

After all, the silver shark king sighed and sighed: "Pre-war alliance parliament, many ethnic groups are still arguing over the interests of the world community left by the abyss of the abyss, nowadays, so many dominating, the world's Lord is fallen, can protect The former dominance is already good, and there is still the ability to make progress? The nine fighting civilizations have to cultivate for at least tens of thousands of years, and hope that the future will not become enemies with your wizards."

Green is not convinced about this, just faintly said: "Those are the things that you juniors have to deal with."

Said, after Green greeted the Silver Shark King, he flew toward the depths of the void, and soon disappeared from the many master perceptions of the onlookers.

A few days later.

In addition to a lot of empty worms, there was no other thing around, and Green stopped this step, with one hand and a virtual hand, and as the gap in the dimension gap was slowly opened, Green entered it.

Although it is not the first time to come to the dimensional gap, but each time has a different feeling, strange imagination rules shrouded, illusory absurd.

At the moment, in front of Green's eyes, it was a white cat. At the corner of the street, the food was stolen and stolen. There were all kinds of animals on the street. People came and went, and the black rat police were patrolling.

"Wow, who stole my bread!"

The fat grizzly shop owner was anxiously screaming, just to see the white cat on the roof, suddenly angered: "The thief, catch the thief!"

Hey, hey, hey, hehe...

The white sheriff in the three-wheeled police car anxiously asked: "What have you lost, the characteristics of the suspect..."

Fortunately, in the gap of the dimension, Green was baptized by the rules of imagination, and turned into a cock. He walked with his head and wore gold and silver. It seemed to be the aristocrat in the mirror of this dimension.

After Green walked for a while, he came to the point of time and space that was deeply felt in his heart.

The huge research institute was neat and bright, and the **** of Green's cockerel continued to move forward. First, the paw prints were signed. After several white mouse security audits, the pupil identification opened two doors and came to the secret research institute.

"Time chicken, hurry, the convergence of thoughts in the last two dimensions is too confusing, we must ensure that our rules are not invaded by the outside world!"

“Sucking”, after the panda sucked the noodles in the bowl, Green walked to the front of the platform. This is a huge screen with the icon of the entire space-time mirror. There are only a few hundred dimensional gap creatures. Live a day.

"who are you?"

Suddenly, another **** wearing gold and silver entered the room and saw Green, who was exactly the same as himself in front of the screen.

The panda who is eating noodles is also stunned. He looks at two identical **** and stunned: "Two time chickens!?"

Suddenly, this rooster, who had just entered the door, was angry and snarled: "Not all chickens are called time chickens! You chickens grew up in the green grassland, thirsty to drink dew, hungry to eat grasshoppers..."

Here, Green, who found the weak point of time and space, has stopped staying, standing on the console and moving forward, the body gradually integrated into the screen and disappeared.

call out……


Layers of ripples swayed from the earth's bones. Under the rule of imagination, in a nearby monster gathering point, all the exiles were turned into strange animals.

Endlessly smashing the continent, the green at the center of the crater re-emerged into a human form, and then felt the unparalleled pressure in this deepest imaginary space, including all the exiles who clearly felt the change. .

After a long period of mutual killing and evolution, the exiles here have reached the point where the rules of the second esophagus are also indigested.

It is time to take some rules to completely clear out these dimensions.

"One side is undoubtedly abyss civilization, what is the other side?"

Before the start of the Dimensional War, Green would certainly not know. Even though Green was a ninth-level creature, he would never be arrogant enough to believe that a legion capable of launching a second expedition would be helpless.

Judging from the abyss of the abyss, the saturated dragon army of an abyss city is enough to deal with a lot of energy. Although it can't hurt itself, it is really annoying. The three ancestors add a lot of power behind the ancestors. The ancestors, including those who hold the civilization of the civilization, will pose a threat to themselves.

If the civilization of the other side of the war is the same, even stronger, even if it is a ninth-level creature, if it is not handled well, it will be extremely dangerous.

However, Green has already decided that it is only a secret observation.

At this point, any foreign affairs is just witnessing a history, by the way...

Green's right hand five fingers fingertips, the strength of a large number of elements gathered, the blue light flares, the next moment, "嘭", the right hand slammed on the ground.

Centered on Green's right hand, the elemental energy swayed in all directions as if it were corrugated, and then the sacrum that was struck by the ripples of the Green element was like a resurrection, and the roots floated.

On the other hand, "Grim's Fairy Tale" "哗哗啦啦" quickly flipped, and countless wizards flew out, gathered in Green's left hand, and hit the center of the ripple again.


These wizarding texts seem to be inserted into the checkered layer of the infinite world dimension.

The laughter of "哼哼哼哼", the smell of decay, seems to be a bit ambiguous, a figure in a gray robe, slowly squeezing out from the channel full of wizard runes.

Green put away the Grimm's Fairy Tales.

"This time helped you, the dimension of my rejection is obviously deepened, I do not know whether this dimension is lending you to kill the one-eyed ancestor, or borrowing you to squeeze me out, or both."

The rotten silhouette clearly reveals some white and white scent, but it is black and shadowy, erratic and decadent, and then gives you an eye, the amazing multi-dimensional repulsive force is almost equal to the incarnation of doom!

"The place at the end of the world, looking back to the end of the ancient, the second esophagus endless smashing bones, the one-eyed ancestor of the fate of the ancestor is where the enchanting, can die under the old man, it does not envy him this life, 哼哼哼哼Humph."

Rotten body, Mori white bones slowly stretched out, a pale green small dish appeared.

"I didn't expect this to go to sleep, and the jade discs were pointed out. There are also other people. Take it."

After Green took over the green small dish, he listened to what he was referring to. It seems that Yudie was referring to his own appearance. 8)

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