MTL - A Sorcerer’s Journey-v33 Chapter 2098 Dimension hegemony (middle)

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On the basis of the appearance, between the two, a black mist is filled with turmoil, and a white mist is swaying. The center of each of them runs through the door and spreads in all directions. .

However, the actual situation is not the case.

On the other side of the abyss, the abyss of the city, although inconsistent, but most have not left the abyss of the fog, many of the ancestors led countless abyss of the dragon, the abyss of the demon, the mighty toss Another sub-ecological forgotten person's stronghold, in the face of the real civilization warfare normalized to the powerful army, under the guidance of the abyss of the Mozu, even if these strongholds are stronger, it is just a car.

At most, it is the illusory world of this ancient and empty, and it brings more corpses of the abyss.

The characteristics of the abyss of the abyss will never be conspiring with any hostile creatures, so from beginning to end, there is no intention to play tricks and tricks with another civilization that has never met before, and try to win these neutrals.

the other side.

Compared with the abyss, the magic fog emerged from the through-the-door, and it expanded aimlessly in all directions. The abyss of the Demon ancestor was first killed by the magic fog. These white fogs are more like a octopus tentacles, directly rushing to the bases. Instead of a slow and unintentional spread, the speed is extremely fast.

The secondary esophagus forgotten people know that their end of death is about to come. This is the endless world that is removing impurities from the body and allowing the material world to function more effectively.

But in the face of life and death, the forgotten people will never be willing to smash, and in the face of the overwhelming white fog wall, they are fully armed and ready to fight, waiting for the enemy in the white fog.

However, after a few breaths, in addition to the white mist, it is still a white fog, nothing is empty, there is no so-called enemy.

A low-mouthed sly monster, covered with white bones all over the body, opened the chest, slowly drilled a green head from the inside, gently sniffed two times and then hoared and screamed: "These white mists have drama poison!"

After that, the green small head instantaneous group will have a chest.

After the screaming monsters screamed and snarled, it was like an ugly hedgehog standing up, and the diffusion of a spur of the body in the body opened Ali, like a billions of tens of thousands of needles, interspersed between the objects.


This is a dragon with a blue flame. The blue flame spurts into the white mist in all directions. When the flame passes, the white mist is eroded, and then the flame wings are waved again and again. The blue flame light wave becomes several kilometers. Absolutely the field, the eyes are stunned and the eyes look around.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

Other monsters have also mobilized their own strength. In the violent bombing of these monsters, a large expanse of white mist was dispelled and purified. After a long period of time, the monster’s aimless attack gradually stopped, except for the sky. The endless white fog everywhere, still the same silence.

The forgotten people gradually gathered together and stared at each other, and they were able to feel the fear of this unknown power from each other.

"Well? What is this!"

A thunder attribute monster, like a bird man, holding a short hammer, and a flash of lightning on his body, "噼里啪啦" kept flashing, and was surprised to find that he had grown something like a short mushroom. And more and more look.

This is not an individual phenomenon, and similar phenomena have appeared on the surface of other forgotten people.

Whether it is elemental or flesh-and-blood creatures, or even rare regular creatures, the body surface grows a pale white mushroom with a height of one or two centimeters, and more and more looks, dense, and the monsters are completely ignorant of this state, than death. More fearful of the unknown, fear is divided into spread.

Finally, some people can't bear the psychological pressure. If it is a death after a rumble, the forgotten people are not afraid, but this unknown waiting has caused them to gradually collapse and flee.

No matter what, find the way out first!

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

Although some people insisted on staying behind, most of the forgotten people simply ignored it and fled in all directions, hoping to escape the white fog range as soon as possible.

In addition to white fog or white fog, dead silence.

Among the fugitives, a monster resembling a steel cymbal and a lion, constantly screaming and screaming, his body surface has been covered with dense jinjin mushroom, which has been tried by any method. However, hurting the pain of these Flammulina velutipes is like cutting off their hands and feet. It seems that these Flammulina velutipes are part of their body.

With the increasing number of these Flammulina velutipes, the body's strength seems to be constantly being drawn and becoming weaker and weaker.

Can not restrain the body of their own, continue to expand, expand the body and bring growth gaps for the mushroom, as the spring shoots continue to emerge.

This kind of aimlessness does not know how long after flying, this monster of more than a thousand meters of real body, the body surface has been completely covered by the mushroom, and fell heavily on the bones of the earth.

Constantly twitching, but increasingly weak.

After a while, underneath the dense mushroom, with a frenzy of squirming, like the irregular twisted monster seen from the exit of the door, the monster writhed the irregular body and took everything around. After all the nutrients are absorbed, they scream silently, and the sound of "嘭" is blown into the dust of the sky and melts into a part of the white mist.

Among the monsters that are fixed in place, there is a strange creature similar to the wizard, focusing on the relationship between creatures, the characteristics of the ability, and so on.

These clusters of monsters are constantly expelling the nearby white mist, but they still can't avoid erosion and grow a mushroom.

Although the speed is much slower than those of the fugitives, everyone seems to have seen the tragic side of the upcoming look serious.

The researcher, like an old goat, wearing black-rimmed glasses, is looking at the characteristics of these Flammulina velutipes.

After a while, the old goat muttered: "We are in its stomach. These white fogs are innumerable cells. Each cell has nerve perception, self-thinking energy, muscle fiber, and digestive power! After entering the body, it is like a malignant cancer, defrauding our body's ability to sense immunity, then splitting and replicating indefinitely, and finally completely replacing us and becoming part of it."

"Can't you kill them?"

Even this puppet has grown a mushroom.

"In fact, we are killing them all the time, but with a small number of special races, our own destructive power can never match the energy that can be provided after death."

The goat's explanation makes everyone fall like an ice cave. A three-headed ostrich is unwilling to say: "If we can be deadlocked like this, we can at least support the millennium. Can we find a way to curb the invasion of white fog?"

"The endless world is alive and well, and the solution should be there, but it is not something we can find in such a short time."

Immediately, the old goat closed his eyes and said with a heavy heart: "In addition, these things obviously do not have such a power..."

It seems that in the words of the old goats, in the fog of high altitude, one after another twisted strange body appears, and then these strange shapes are continuously spliced ​​and combined with each other, which is getting bigger and bigger and bigger.

In the desperate counterattacks of the following forgotten people, the "咚" sound fell on the earthy bones, and after a brief creep for a while, it began to shrink, and then gradually evaporated into a fog, integrated into the air, sincerely billions of dollars, Part of a pan-conscious population of infinitely endless flying.

Read The Duke's Passion