MTL - A Tale of Two Phoenixes-Chapter 213 Slow incense in the snow

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Wu Yuan jumped out of the car without waiting for the carriage to stop completely. He walked quickly to Chu Yu and stood suddenly as fast as three feet away from her.

Even though he cares and messes, he is still used to keeping a polite distance.

Wu Yuan looked up and down Chu Yu up and down, and determined that she was not harmed by Ding Ding, and finally relieved in her heart. It was rude to think of his own way of doing things, and he quickly raised his hand to make up a moment and said, "Princess."

Chu Yu looked at him with a smile and said, "Since Jiankang has been out, do n’t call me a princess anymore. In the future, we have to change our status. In order to avoid leaking words, please adapt to it and call me Chu Yu. Call now Come and listen. "

For Chu Yu, these two words are just the normal name of her name, but on the princess of Shanyin, she is the name of a woman's girlfriend. Yuan Yuan opened her mouth, and it took a long time to spit out like a mosquito. Two words: "Chu ... Jade ..."

After yelping softly, she felt as if she was too tender and intimate, and Yuan Yuan couldn't help heating her face.

Seeing Yuan Yuan's weird look, his cheeks were crimson, and Chu Yu was a little strange, but he didn't go to his heart, only nodded with a smile, and he said aloud, "Call me that in the future."

Asked about the situation on Lu Yuan's road, she smiled embarrassedly when she learned that Hua Yuan stunned Lu Yuan by mistake, because that was her idea, and when she heard that Liu Se died in the hands of Zong Yue, she was silent. She nodded, and when she heard that Rong Zhi woke up at that time, she did nothing at all.

Wu Yuan briefly talked about what happened on the road, and then wanted to ask how Chu Yu arrived before them, but Chu Yu shifted the subject and turned to look at the carriage.

During the conversation between the two, Hua Man, Hua Man, Liu Sang, and You Lan all got out of the car and walked towards her together.

After them, it is tolerance.

He didn't walk to her, leaning leisurely against the car.

Lu Liusang and others naturally came to her, because she was talking to Yun Yuan and did not come to bother.

Xun Hua mistakenly saw Chu Yu's unconsciousness, and finally relieved her guilt. He found that Rong Zhi didn't keep up. He hesitated halfway, but didn't know whether he should go back.

It's like a runway. She is the end point and the carriage is the starting point. A few people walked to her side without care. The erratic person stopped in the middle of the runway. Only one person stood at the starting point and never stepped forward. Out.

He could have, like others, pretended to walk towards Chu Yu casually, but he didn't.

Xun Chuyu's smile narrowed slightly, her eyes crossed Rusang and others, and bet on Rongzhi.

Wu Rongzhi also raised her eyes at this moment, facing her eyes calmly. Between the silent words, the starting point and the ending point distantly looked at each other.

Although he had been mentally prepared to tolerate drowsiness, Chu Yu still did not expect that the truly liberated tolerance would be so beautiful. Even if he stood still, he seemed to have gathered all the auras in the world.

终于 She finally understood why it was so dismissive to talk about Zhong Niannian when she first talked about it. Compared with the tolerance at this time, Zhong Niannian was almost as inconspicuous as the fireworks beside Hao Yue.

But ...

Wu Chuyu sighed and smiled helplessly.

Is too beautiful, not as beautiful as she can have, looks so out of reach, like the breeze in the clouds and the moonlight under the water, no matter how she stretches out her hand, she cannot touch it.

Xun Chuyu just wanted to speak, and suddenly she was surprised, looking at them behind.

Yuan Yuan followed Chu Yu's eyes and looked around, but at the end of the snow-white road behind him, a piece of Chu color pressed over, closer, Fang looked clearly, it was a cavalry team, led by the previous Zong Yue The team of thirty people is different. There are three or four hundred people. The sound of horseshoes is staggered and overlapping, which is very powerful.

It was only when she was afar that she had a little crimson face on and turned white.

Not only him, but also the people who spent the wrong time. Although one person's force can temporarily restrain a few people, but on the premise that the number of opponents is absolutely overwhelming, they have no chance of winning, even running. No, because the opponent is a cavalry.

Parallel to Zong Yue riding in front of another, another general, this is why Zong Yue returned and returned. On the way back, he encountered this team and determined from the team's medics that the wound on his neck was non-toxic. He led the cavalry again with that general.

This is no longer a question of merit or merits. The idea of ​​leading merit has long been cast aside. Now Zong Yue is thinking about how to break the tolerance into a piece of meat, so as to eliminate the mind he was teased twice. hate.

Wu Rongzhi glanced at Zong Yue, who was getting closer, and smiled, "After all, people are not as good as heaven."

When he woke up, he hurriedly pulled out the jade to solve the danger of wrong flowers. The sword was borrowed from Yuan Yuan. Where can I find the poison? It is said to use poison, but to use his family's previous Jaegerville and Zong Yue's suspiciousness to frighten him.

However, no matter how thorough his thoughts are, it is impossible to count them into unexpected incidents, such as Zong Yue's way back to meet his own people, and for example--

Ji Rongzhi glanced back.

Another example, Chu Yu.

I am not Liu Chuyu, but Chu Yu.

Calculate silently how much energy is available in my heart, and to what extent can be achieved in this situation, tolerate picking up the sword again, and after a half-day rest, he recovers a little, if he could have been in this state before , Will be able to kill Zong Yue sword to avoid future troubles.

Naturally, at this time, if it is useless, tolerance is nothing more than thinking about it casually, and then putting all thoughts on the enemy.

However, Zong Yue's cavalry army had not yet come to them, but the tolerance seemed to feel nothing, regardless of Zong Yue and others who were about to approach soon. He turned and looked in the opposite direction.

Qi Chuyu then looked back in surprise.

On their other side, a road was divided into two. On the road on the left, there were even dark clouds accompanied by the sound of horseshoes, rushing forward in a mighty manner.

After the first one, the two teams scrambled Chu Yu and others back and forth.

The Dark Rider appeared later in their field of vision, but arrived in front of them almost simultaneously with another cavalry unit.

Xi Chuyu only heard the hoar-hoof, hundreds of horses rushing through the wind, the broken snow flying on the snow, and a white cloud rising, it looked as if a black ride came from the clouds. The knights on the horse were all black shirts with black felt on their bodies, and a black scarf mask covering the snow and snow on their faces. What is even more rare is that each horse is also the same color as the knight's shirt and is born with black hair. Majestic and mighty.

The headed knight galloped forward to Chu Yu, suddenly raised his hand, grabbed the reins, and the horse stopped hissing for a long time. Then, hundreds of horses behind him made a long hissing, and they even ordered them to stop. Came down.

It wasn't until this knight stopped that Chu Yu could see clearly that they were no more than a hundred rides in total, but they were very strong, divided into two rows neatly arranged, each row was less than fifty, and the momentum was actually three or four more than Zong Yue's side. A hundred people are still a lot stronger.

The man headed by Xun turned over and dismounted, striding towards tolerance. When he was about one foot away, he stopped and removed his mask and kneeled on one knee: "Yu Wenxiong has seen the son."

The man who claimed to be Yu Wenxiong was the one Yu Chu had seen before. At this time, he was not as kind and humble as when he went to Jiangling with Chu Yu. His eyes were firm and his whole body seemed to be strong and sturdy, as if An unsheathed sharp sword, this sword is now lying under the tolerance foot.

Wu Rongzhi still leaned on the side of the carriage, raised his palm to indicate that Yu Wenxiong stood up, and then turned back to Zong Yue, who was in doubt and smiled, "General Zong is willing to fight us?"

Yun Fang only tolerated that there was no certainty that he could escape from this situation, but the arrival of Yu Wenxiong completely reversed the situation-at least in his mind.

Zong Yue looked at the knight brought by Yu Wenxiong with a strange look. The soldiers of the Southern Dynasties did not have much success in riding and shooting. He could not imagine that there would be such a mighty cavalry team in the Southern Dynasties. The opponent's momentum was ten times stronger than the cavalry behind him.

But he failed to reconcile twice when he failed to deal with Rong Zhi.

Tong Yuwenxiong glanced at Zong Yue coldly, then turned around and yelled, "Children! Prepare for battle!" His voice was magnificent, as if thundering and exploding on the flat ground.

杀 "Kill!" The hundreds of knights responded in unison, shouting loudly, and they pulled out their sabers at the same time. The white light on the sword was so bright that Zong Yue could hardly open his eyes.

何 How brave and how powerful this is.

Xi Zongyue was almost a little jealous. He didn't know where the cavalry came from. How good would it be if his cavalry in the southern dynasty could be so powerful and robust?

Let it help.

The funeral has come to an end, and the governor Zong Yue cannot do anything. If he loses his mind, he will only annihilate himself. He bites his teeth with hate, and says a few words with the general next to him, leading the team to retreat slowly.

He chased after him three times, but was forced to retreat three times, even though his mouth seemed to be bitter, but he had to swallow it with hate.

Qi Yuwenxiong turned to tolerance and asked, "Son, can you chase?"

Rong Zhi smiled and said, "No, Jiankang has already changed, and the new emperor must not tolerate this person. Why do we need to work harder?" He paused and glanced at Yu Wenxiong with a smile: "How can you Come here? "

He didn't wait for Yu Wenxiong to answer, his eyebrows were raised slightly, and suddenly he remembered the incident, and he looked at the hundred knights with a smile.

The road that had been trampled by horses was slowly riding in the rear, but a man in a black cloak was walking slowly on the horse, and the sound of the hoofs hit the ground in an unhurried manner. In the ears of Chu Yu and others.

The man approached, and the one hundred black riders automatically separated from the middle, giving him a way to let the man ride all the way to Rong Zhi.

Tong Rongzhi smiled.

The man stopped the horse and slowed down. His dismounting motion was a bit awkward, as if he was not very clever, and his riding was not worth mentioning, but Yu Wenxiong did not show a look of contempt, but looked at it with respect. he.

The man slowly dismounted and stood up, slowly raised his hand again, and opened the black felt cape, revealing a face with a deep cut on his cheek.

My face was originally beautiful and tender, but at this time it was miserable with the horrible knife marks and mystic mood.

Wan 籁 all silent.

墨 香.

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