MTL - A Tale of Two Phoenixes-Chapter 226 Seeing White Horse Temple

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Qi Chuyu originally wanted to know a little about the situation of Silently coming to Luoyang, then went directly to the temple to see him, chat with him or something, but now she suddenly didn't want to see him like this.

人 Who supports the silence behind? What is the purpose of the other party doing this? What can I get from it? Where is Wang Yizhi now? Does he know where Silence is now? Do you agree?

Ji Ran held an important position in the White Horse Temple. Is it related to her?

The more Chu Chuyu pondered, the deeper her brows were locked.

She's not narcissistic, she has to relate everything to herself. It would be nice if the solitude had nothing to do with her, but what if it was related?

Xun Jiran should have fled the Southern Song Dynasty and entered the Northern Wei Dynasty shortly after being assassinated by flowers, in order to avoid the tolerant pursuit, but he settled in Luoyang even later than her.

Xun Chuyu looked uneasily towards Xiang Yuan, who saw the same doubts in the eyes of the latter.

Now Chu Yu's mood is a dilemma. If she puts it aside and ignores it, there may be any unknown danger that comes to her head unknowingly, but if this matter had nothing to do with her, but because of her mistake Judgment, involving all of them, is not worth the trouble.

He seemed to see Chu Yu's thoughts, and Yuan Yuan whispered, "You don't have to be so worried. If you want to, let's try to be silent. Why? Even if it's miscalculation, it's a great thing to leave."

While talking, the two walked around the temple building, and along the towering wall, they slowly walked to the back of the temple.

There is also a door behind the temple. The wooden door of Zhu Qi is closed, which is different from the mountain door in the front. This should be the place for the monks to handle business in and out, and to transport goods.

Before the two of them approached, they saw two Zhumen doors opening to the left and right. Chu Yu's heart had some mustaches against the White Horse Temple. When the back door opened, he couldn't wait to think about it, and quickly pulled Yuanyuan back to the hidden corner.

Yuan Yuan was pulled for a while and resisted, and Chu Yu was pushed to the wall, and then Chu Yu's body also leaned over. He was distressed, but he could not push Chu Yu away. He could only keep his body as close as possible. Wall, leaving a distance of about two inches between the two.

The distance is so close and ambiguous, Yuan Yuan can't help holding his breath.

She waited in the shadow of the corner, and Chu Yu remembered that she didn't have to evade at all, but it seemed a bit bad to go out at this time, and she simply stood in place and looked up at the door.

At a glance, Chu Yu could not help but burst out. The first thing that came out of the temple was a valuable carriage.

The carriage has no complicated and exquisite decoration, and the appearance sample is simple and simple. However, after mixing in Princess House for a while, Chu Yu's appreciation of luxury goods has greatly improved. No need to mention anything, she can immediately see the material for the carriage. It is a kind of hard and expensive wood that can resist a certain degree of knife and gun attacks. If converted into money, it is enough to buy several Chu Gardens where she currently lives.

The sides and front of the carriage were a team of physically strong guards. They were right next to the carriage and performed their protection duties with all due diligence. All the people were neat and gazing straight ahead.

But this did not surprise Chu Yu. What really surprised her was the horse carriage driving out of the back door of the temple, and immediately after the guard, appeared at the door, a monk wearing a black monk costume.

This monk is just the silence that Chu Yufang was still thinking about.

Looking at this situation, it was to send the people in the carriage out of the temple silently, and I do n’t know who was sitting in the carriage.

After Xu stopped silently at the gate of the temple, the carriage stopped immediately, and the guards who protected the carriage followed the footsteps almost uniformly in the same second, showing that he was well trained. The overall quality of these guards is probably higher than the regular soldiers Chu Yu saw in Jiankang.

A sturdy carriage and powerful guards can have such a configuration, not only need to have money, but I also need power.

But ...

Xi Chuyu could not help raising her eyebrows.

This posture of neatness and power, she seems to have seen somewhere.

Quiet hands clasped together, silently facing the carriage, and the people in the carriage also did not speak, which made Chu Yu, who wanted to guess the identity of the inside of the carriage by listening to his voice, froze, and thus the carriage continued to drive silently Go, while still standing still.

His expression was a little lonely with solitude, his eyes were looking forward, as if out of divinity, immersed in his thoughts.

Seeing that she didn't leave silently, Chu Yu was secretly anxious, but she didn't want to be exposed at this time. However, the more she didn't want to, her luck was against her. She screamed and jumped back and looked back.

Behind her, Bian Yuan was bending over and breasts, panting, and managed to breathe calmly. Bian Yuan looked apologetically at Chu Yu, but did not know what to say to explain the only move. In the end, I really couldn't hold it, so I spit out such a tone, but unexpectedly surprised Chu Yu.

Wu Chuyu smiled bitterly, thinking of the stillness still standing by the back door of the temple, and turned back helplessly, but unexpectedly found that the look of silence was even more embarrassing than her, and her white face seemed to be bleeding.

Looking at the stillness and panic, Chu Yu was suddenly not embarrassed. She walked forward with a smile, and said, "Master Jiran, don't come here." The way of greeting was the same as yesterday.

She was skeptical, but when she saw what Jiran was like now, she knew that she was really wrong: even if there was any plot in Baima Temple, I wasn't afraid to come at her because of his expression at the moment. It is pure shame, but not a little guilty or even guilty.

Thinking about this, Chu Yu felt relieved a lot. She walked to the silence and admired his red ears that had not faded. She opened the door and asked directly: "Sorry, I came here with You Yuan to play, only to see you here. Passengers, inconvenience to disturb, right? I wonder who is in the car? "

With most doubts removed, most of the rest is curiosity.

Since she was discovered, she simply asked openly and honestly, so as to avoid a lot of suspicions in her mind, who accidentally hurt someone.

He was embarrassed on his face, and he whispered, "I'm really inconvenient to tell who I am, and I ask the donor to forgive me."

Chu Yu smiled slightly and didn't force her. She just said, "You have a dilemma, so don't say it." She whispered a few words with Silence, and learned from his mouth that Wang Yizhi had discovered that she escaped from Jiankang. They set aside the customs and walked around the Northern Wei Dynasty, maybe when they came to Luoyang.

Although the Baima Temple and his party could not be regarded as complete, they had also gained something. Chu Yuchao quietly left and left with Yuan Yuan.

The two walked slowly and kept walking out of the boundary around the White Horse Temple before they stopped. Chu Yu smiled and turned his head and asked, "What do you think?"

Wu Yuan also smiled: "I look at his color. It seems that there are really difficult words and is harmless to us. Whether to let it go or to see it depends on your choice."

If Chu Yu wants to know the truth, then even if the silence will be difficult, he will continue to explore.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with herself. Chu Yu is also much lazy and devoted her energy. She smiled and wanted to say no, but she saw the street in front of her, and the carriage that she just saw passed slowly. The amorous spring breeze blew the soft curtain, and the bright spring light wafted into it. It was just a breath of effort, but she saw the person sitting in the car.

Seeing what the man looked like, Chu Yu's body was stiff, like a lightning strike.

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