MTL - A Tale of Two Phoenixes-Chapter 239 Contrast

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Suddenly withdrawing his eyes from the alley, Chu Yu looked at Yuan Yuan and Aman beside him, and smiled strongly, "In the future, you will stay with me." Although there is another flower wrong at home, but that guy Every day, she only cares about crazy crazy sword practice, and completely uses her here as a hotel. From time to time, she also seeks to watch the sea, because the sea can never give him a heavy hand, but can guide his deviation in swordsmanship.

I do n’t know what crazy flowers are sent wrongly. After knowing the relationship between the Empress Feng, Guan Canghai and the tolerance of the three, and their original intentions here, they still believe that the tolerance is in this Luoyang city, and stay firmly here Do not move the nest.

However, Huacuo usually only works in the yard and does not go out to cause trouble. Chu Yu has the thought of raising a bodyguard, and he lets him stay in Chu Garden.

Yuan Yuan looked at Chu Yu's lost expression, and there was an impulse in her heart to heal all the worries in her eyebrows, but before he took any action, his heart was suddenly alert, and he rationally restrained the actions that he should not have. He lowered his eyes and whispered, "Let's go back." Chu Yu nodded, and walked in first, and Yuan Yuan caught up a little later. The two kept a close distance. From the past to the present, silently and silently, it has always been such a short distance.

I am neither too unfamiliar nor too ambiguous.

This is just right, taking a step back is reluctant, and further is dangerous.

Uh ...

Pu Zhong sat in a sedan chair with Liusang every year. The two sisters and brothers elaborated on their experiences after these years of separation. Mostly Liusang was talking, Zhong was listening year after year, echoing two sentences softly from time to time.

After talking a lot, Liu Sang suddenly remembered the incident and asked, "Yes, sister, how do you know that I live here with Chu Yu?" They still spent a lot of time when they escaped from the Southern Dynasty before they saw Zhong Nian. Nian was excited and ignored a lot of things, but now I want to come, but it is very strange.

Zhong Nian was asked a question every year, his eyes fluttered, and he smiled: "I used to have a lot of friends. It is really easy to find someone, not to mention that you are my only loved one. It's interesting to see where you go. Don't say that you came from the Southern Dynasty to the Northern Dynasty, or you went to the barren land, and I will find you as well. "

She spoke sincerely, and effortlessly let Rusang put down her doubts and hug her: "Sister, how nice you are."

Liu Sang leaned next to Zhong Niannian, feeling the trembling of the sedan chair, and couldn't help asking: "Sister, did you just say that I didn't give up so blindly, Chu Yu will always treat me as a child, if I will come back in the future. Will she really look at me differently? "

Fang Caizhong attached him to his ears every year and did not persuade him. He only asked, "How do you think you are more than tolerant? How far are you far away? Or even more so than Moxiang? You are willing to spend your whole life in As a child behind her, she was occasionally comforted by touching her head, or would she want to see you straight? "

The few people she said happened to be those of Chu Yu, and there were places where Liu Sang could not reach. The last sentence was about Liu Sang's mind. He watched Chu Yu and the sea going away. As he got closer, he could only use his children's means to coquettishly, and he couldn't think of other ways besides this, and his heart was not sad.

So he wants to change.

Even if he is unwilling, he will leave Chuyu temporarily. When he returns in the future, he will be a different hundred miles Liusang ... No, now he should change back to his original name, called Zhong Liusang.

Zhong Niannian was trying to perfuse him for sure, but seeing his bright eyes and expectant eyes, he realized that he was serious, and his eyes softened involuntarily. She paused for a while before she said, "I can't say anything. Death, even if you can achieve something, she may not pay attention to you, but I can tell you that if you just follow her like this, you will always be the child in her eyes. "

Liu Liusang nodded apprehensively. He cried a lot today, but he was a little tired, and now he couldn't support it. He closed his eyes, leaned on Zhong Nian's shoulders, and soon fell asleep. A tender light appeared in Zhong Niannian's eyes. She raised her hand and carefully took Liu Sang's body into her arms, holding him quietly.

The sedan chair has been lifted out of Luoyang City, but it was lowered in front of a carriage. Zhong Nian young released Liusang lightly, walked out of the sedan, and saluted in front of the carriage. Sang brought it out. "

The person in the car didn't speak, and the silence made Zhong Nian's forehead sweat unconsciously, and she waited anxiously for the next instructions.

Although Zhong Nian was a sister of Liusang, she did n’t want to pick up Liusang so quickly. Once her brother and sister separated for so many years, she felt a little afraid of being sparse. It's because she hasn't served her life, but the other day, she suddenly heard a message, preached that she was free in advance, but wanted to let her do another thing. She left, and taught her how to coax Liusang to leave voluntarily. If it was too late, she would wait to collect Liusang's body.

She was so horrified that she could only do it obediently. Although she didn't know where Lausang was blocking the eyes of the person above, it was always right to take him out of the wrong place as soon as possible.

Finally, there was a light thumping sound in the car, and then the entourage standing next to the car gave her the luggage and papers that had been prepared. Zhong Nian glanced around and saw one of them. After the title deed was settled, he made another gift in the car and returned to his car.

Staring at the sleeping mulberry lying on the seat, tenderness appeared in Zhong Nian's eyes. She pinched the hair on the forehead of the low mulberry, and then slowly sat down in the few empty seats in the car. Although the future was uncertain, but She has never been so full of hope for a moment.

Uh ...

Lu Liusang walked for a few days, although everything was still normal, but Chu Yu always felt as if something was missing from her side, and no one stuck around her for a long time, but she felt a sense of loss for no reason.

Lost and lost, but Chu Yu did not regret it, nor did she germinate the idea of ​​getting Liusang back, but with more sighs, she was tortured by the ears of the sea.

"I said ..." When Chu Yu sighed again, Guan Canghai finally couldn't help but say, "The other day you were still worried about how to pass that little devil. Now it can be regarded as Tiansuiren wish, what else do you have? Dissatisfied? "She sighed so much, didn't she deliberately torture his ears? Knowing that he replaced his ears.

Chu Yu glanced at him, instead of converging, he intensified and sighed harder, and then said, "I was just a bit uncomfortable for a while, so you can bear it for a few days." After a pause, she asked hesitantly, "You Say I ’m too boring? Would you like to do something, like open a shop or something? "

Guan Canghai sneered unceremoniously: "You? You still want to be a promising career for Mi Zong." Some of the nouns in this sentence, he only heard Chu Yu a few days ago, now he blinked It was just rightly used on Chu Yu.

"Hey, hey, don't hit me like this?"

"I'm used to telling the truth."

"Believe it or not I bite you?"

"You have the ability to bite."

Uh ...

The two of you said something to me, as always, the topic was so crooked that I didn't know where. At the end, Chu Yu herself had forgotten what she had to say, but this time, the depression in her heart stretched a lot. Laugh loudly.

He wandered away Chu Yu for a long time, and watched the sea slowly walk back. The house he lived in was very large and spacious. There were several connected rooms. Normally, there was no outsider except the servants who cleaned and arranged.

But after watching Canghai entering the house and closing it, there are two figures inside the house.

One of them said, "How long do you plan to stay?"

Another figure didn't speak.