MTL - A Tale of Two Phoenixes-Chapter 5 Untraceable

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He withdrew his thoughts, tolerated some scattered eyes, and refocused on the door in front of him.

In fact, these days, his heart is not strange. The princess's abnormality is more profound than anyone else's eyes. He only has a quiet and firm mind, and his energy-raising skills are very good. Suspicious anxiety.

Today, Liu Se came and let Rong Zhi abruptly save one thing. That is, if the whole government went up and down, if he would not even come to investigate what happened to Princess Shanyin, then no one would dare to come to the first place to risk danger Already.

Tong Rongzhi sighed and raised his hand to open the door.

The inside of the squatter house was dark and cold, there was no light, and even the incense incense that the princess usually preferred was removed.

I could not help but frown.

When the light of the outside world is accompanied by the sound of the rotation of the door shaft, when the elves are generally put into the house, after hearing the wide screen, a low voice is heard: "Who."

The voice was clearly familiar, but strange.

Low soft and dumb tone, that he has heard many times, but not once, as now, this ...

I seem to come from a very distant place, calm, firm, restrained, and have the relief of rebirth.

For a moment, Rong Zhi thought that he had come to another world and met another person.

"Who." Maybe it was because of the silence for too long, the people behind the screen could not wait to answer, and asked again.

Tolerance stood at the door, reached out and pushed the screen that was blocking the door, but only pushed a short distance away, there was no strength, a sunlight poured in from the opening that was not large, and he stared down at his slender hand, he lightly Sighed lightly: "It's me, princess, I'm tolerance."

He walked slowly to the inner room, and after passing around a screen, he saw the princess's bedroom. Not surprisingly, but somewhat unexpectedly, he saw Chu Yu on the bed.

Although she is married and accepts male pets, Princess Shanyin is still a young girl, and she can only see what she sees. It is the beautiful young girl, dressed in deep clothes, with black hair like silk satin. , Sitting by the bed.

之中 In the darkness, the girl's face is still Shuya Wenwen, who deceives the world, but her eyes are so calm and clear, which is completely different from the confusing smiles that were familiar to him.

At the same time, Rong also found that in a few days, the princess Qingya's cheeks had cleared a lot. He secretly wondered: What happened to Princess Shanyin?

"It's you." Chu Yu glanced at it calmly, the young man's style was still so elegant and elegant, and his attitude was still calm and indifferent, as she saw here on the first day. He didn't wear a towel and hat, but just curled his black hair into a bun and fixed it with a bun.

But Chu Yu is not as surprised as she was a few days ago. She can even look at the boy calmly, look at his appearance, and think about his identity.

Although she was somewhat depressed about Princess Shanyin's habits, Chu Yu had to admit that this woman had a very good aesthetics. If she did not know that her tolerance was a male pet, she would almost have mistakenly believed that this elegant young man was from a noble family. child.

"How did you get in?" Chu Yu raised her eyebrows. If she remembers well, she should have ordered people to stop outside. Did the guard give her a touch of fish?

Wu Rongzhi didn't answer. He took two steps and stood three steps in front of Chu Yu. He said gently, "Princess, you haven't been out of the house for several days. We are all worried ..."

Wu Chuyu faintly answered, "What are you worried about?"

Tong Rongzhi smiled, like a moonlight flowing quietly and leisurely, and his tone was very leisurely and safe, and even some casual: "Worry about living up to the spring, and in a few days, in the hot summer, it is not so interesting."

Xu Chuyuyuan thought he would worry about her body, but he didn't expect him to say such things, and he couldn't help but smile: "You're right, time is like water to my generation, and I really can't keep close to myself like this."

Ji Rongzhi's eyes flickered and said, "In fact, Rongzhi is also very strange. What do the princesses think in the room these days?"

"What did you think?" Chu Yu raised her face slightly, from her chin to her neck, forming a beautiful curve, she smiled resolutely, "Thinking a lot, there is a past, there is a present, saying goodbye to the irreparable farewell, give up What you will never see in your life, accept what has happened, and face it is not a dream. "As a 21st century Chu Yu, everything you have is lost at the moment you open your eyes.

Her relatives, friends, familiar living environment, and her life.

If you get lost, the first priority is to be calm. Don't run around like a headless fly, calmly observe the surrounding environment, make the best judgment for yourself, and take decisive action.

Even if you travel through time and space and lose your way in history, it should be the same.

I was just lost so much that she lost so much that she spent five full days to sort out her thoughts.

Cangjie, shocked, pained, confused, sober, calm, abandoned, determined, thinking.

I'm dying and alive again.

I ca n’t go back, what should I do?

视 Face yourself and face the current.

He opened the painful wounds and let the calm thinking scalpel cut slowly.

From being at a loss to organizing his thoughts into a clear and organized way, Chu Yu's soul has undergone a trial that can be said to be almost a rebirth. This process cannot be said to be painless, but fortunately it has passed.

But despite being ready to face and doing a lot of psychological construction, Chu Yu was always reluctant to push the door and go out because of instinctual inertia and unknown to everything around him.

Until you enter the house.

He pushed the door open and put the sunlight in, as if he had opened the closed door in her heart, which he did not want to open.

Qi Chuyu stood up.

没有 She walked on the smooth and cold ground without wearing shoes, wearing her hair barefoot, and the cold chill shivered from the soles of her feet into her body, but made Chu Yu more sober and firm.

When she walked to the door, bypassing the slanting screen, she saw a large amount of spring light rushing into her face, and the newly drawn tender green came into her eyes. Chu Yu only felt that her chest was suddenly bright.

What a beautiful view! These days, she has locked herself in the house, and she has shut this great scene outside.

She turned to look at Rong Zhi, and said sincerely, "Thank you." The bright sunlight hit her white jade-like face, making her white skin look translucent.

If it wasn't for him to break in, she didn't know how long it would take.

I was saying Xie's words, not Liu Chuyu, the princess of Shanyin, but another Chuyu who came through the water-like time and crossed the insurmountable obstacle after more than a thousand years.

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