MTL - A World Worth Protecting-Chapter 1438 Happy Lord (first more)

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"I think I have met the desire you said..." Wang Baole said softly.

"You have indeed met." The emperor, who was shrouded in black mist, changed his voice, as if a woman's voice was interspersed in it, making the words reverberate and full of a strange feeling.

Especially for the last word, the voice of the emperor disappeared, completely replaced by the voice of the woman!

Wang Baole is no stranger to this voice. It is exactly what he heard in the Six Desires, and it is also the voice of the person who accompanies him throughout his life in the sinking of his desire.

This made Wang Baole's expression very complicated. He looked at the trembling emperor in the mist at this moment, and looked at the black mist around the emperor. At this moment, he seemed to wake up from a deep sleep, bursting out, spreading towards the surroundings, and the strange star above his head. The graph's slow rotation...

In the end, when the emperor’s body no longer trembles and the whole person seems to fall asleep, the fog outside his body converges on the top of the emperor’s head in this rolling burst, in the echo of bursts of laughter, Together, they formed a figure of...a woman!

She was wearing a long black dress, holding a black umbrella in her hand, and the eaves of the umbrella were raised in laughter, revealing the face that made Wang Baole familiar and unfamiliar.

He said that he was familiar because he had met... and he said that he was unfamiliar because of the other person who looked like this. Wang Baole sighed slightly and was also very moved.

"Should I call you desire, or... Happy Lord?" Wang Baole said in a low voice.

The face of this woman in front of me is exactly... Happy Lord!

As for the identity that he wanted to reveal before him, if Wang Baole first entered the first world, then he would have been very surprised, but he had gone through the six levels of desires, and had gone through all of this. By now, he has already realized the other party's problems.

Wang Baole did see the warlord named Lingyue in the memory of the emperor, and he did become Xizhu, but it was different from what he knew.

Looking at the black mist in front of him at the moment, Wang Baole thought of the familiar laughter in the desire to hear, the deja vu de scent in the desire to hear, all of this, and the sinking of the desire, the other side's frenzy. A smile has already explained the identity.

Also, she told Wang Baole how to open the upper realm.

She told Wang Baole that the fusion of seven emotions can be turned into desire.

What's more, she... gave Wang Baole the other seven emotions. It can be said that the intention here is completely promoted by the Lord. Her purpose is already self-evident.

After the emperor separated the first-level world from the second-level world, because of the additional source, the emperor's desire was split into two parts, one in the first-level world and the other in the second-level. In the world.

Therefore, in order to truly control the emperor, her desires need to be merged into one, but she couldn't gather her desires and couldn't open the gate of the upper realm. At this time, Wang Baole appeared.

"Thank you for taking me here. Otherwise, I don't know how long I will have to wait before I can gather the power of desire in the second world and break the seal forcibly." On the top of the emperor's head, countless black mists formed the figure of a woman, He smiled at the moment.

"So, as a reward, you can call me whatever you want, whether you like it or want it, it doesn't matter." At this point, she took a deep look at Wang Baole.

Wang Baole looked indifferent, without much expression, just looking at desire coldly.

"Why is it so cold... In fact, you have to thank me, because without my help, I am afraid that a long time ago, you will meet a god-like emperor, personally go to your world, and forcibly merge you. A scene." He still wanted to smile, looked at Wang Baole, and said softly.

However, what she said is indeed the truth.

Even Wang Baole had to admit that the other party was correct in this sentence. If it wasn't for the emperor to have a problem, then it was true that Wang Baole had to face the forcible integration of the emperor's body a long time ago.

Therefore, Wang Baole was silent.

"Don't speak? That's approval... Xiaodijun, you said that according to the truth, do you want to repay me?" She wanted to smile, and when she said this, she couldn't help licking her lips. China is getting darker.

"Give me your soul as a reward for you, okay?"

"I'm here to fuse your soul, and use you to influence your body... Just as I told you before, you want freedom, then... it's actually very simple."

"After I merged your ontology with the help of you, plus the emperor I am controlling at the moment, you are truly complete, and you... as the clone of the remnant soul, it is actually meaningless."

"You can choose your life and path, and I... will also take the complete emperor and leave this universe." The voice of desire is very pleasant, and even more convincing, the words spoken seem to be He also possessed the power to shake the minds of others, making Wang Baole's heart also have some waves.

"How is it?" Yu Yu noticed Wang Baole's waves in an instant, and the darkness in his eyes was full again.

"You said so much, but still don't make a move. Is it because you feel unsure, or that... you are controlling the emperor and it is not perfect." Wang Baole suddenly said.

The expression of desire did not change, but there was a flash in his eyes. The right hand was raised, but at the moment his hand was raised, Wang Baole's figure disappeared in place, and when he appeared, he was in the midair above the steps. In the front of desire.

As Yu Yu's complexion changed slightly, Wang Baole's expression was cold and stern.

This punch exploded with earth-shaking power, forming a storm, which seemed to be able to shake everything, making it subconsciously retreat, and controlled the emperor below with his hand, so that the emperor raised his right hand and waved forward.

Suddenly, a more violent aura broke out, forming a huge palm, which pinched Wang Baole with one hand, but in the next moment, the pinched Wang Baole became an afterimage. The real him appeared in desire. On the other side.

"It seems that you are not very good at fighting people..." During the words, Wang Baole's eyes were cold, and when his right hand was raised, a light source appeared in his hand!

The light source is white, emitting a vast glow, which is exactly what...the previous emperor sent out...white light spots when he gave Wang Baole that memory.

As soon as it came out, Wang Baole directly blasted it with a punch. After falling on it, the spot of light exploded suddenly, turning into countless light spots, and suddenly spreading towards the surroundings.

Wherever he passed, the black mist was corroded, making his complexion change again. The most important thing... was the moment when the light burst, controlled by the mist, and the sleeping emperor, his eyelids moved slightly!

The body and the avatar, sometimes, even if there is no communication, the tacit understanding... is engraved in the soul.

If this seems to be just a light spot carrying memory...