MTL - A World Worth Protecting-Chapter 5 Special student

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The Shudaoyuan is extremely large, especially the lower house island is even more magnificent, enough to accommodate 100,000 people to study and live. At the moment, in the southeast of Xiayuan Island, where the airport is located, dozens of huge hot airships are parked. .

There are countless students, with curiosity and excitement, carrying luggage from the airship, although there are noisy sounds, but more with a happy laughter.

These people are from different parts of the Federation, and this year they were admitted to the school.

On one of the airship ships, Wang Baole and others from Phoenix also took their luggage. They were very excited. They looked at the blue sky and white clouds and looked at the peaks of the distant departments. They only felt refreshed. The mind is full of unpredictable expectations.

It’s just that compared to their vigor and vitality, the old doctors and the teachers who came out of the main cabinet at the moment are all slightly weird. Now they are very good for this group of students from Phoenix. Familiar with it.

Especially familiar is Wang Baole, so I couldn’t help but watch Wang Baole.

This scene was immediately noticed by Wang Baole, who was accustomed to observing his words. Don't look at him in the crowd, but he always cares about his assessment results and keeps an eye on where the teacher is. This shows that something is wrong.

"How do they look at me... Is it that my assessment results are too bad? Haha, it must be like this." Wang Baole was excited, but there were some doubts in this excitement, because in the group of teachers, there were A goatee, when his eyes fell on himself, seemed to carry some anger.

"What is the situation..." Wang Baole was suspicious and felt that the goatee seemed to be a bit problematic. He had not waited for him to elaborate, and all the teachers, including goatee, went straight to them.

"Chen Ziheng, come here, I will take you to sign up." As he approached, some of the teachers walked a few steps and spoke to the red boy.

If Chen Ziheng thought thoughtfully, after nodding his head, he was taken away by the teacher. He could see the two walking and saying, the teacher seemed to be trying to recommend what it was.

Wang Baole saw this, his eyes jerked brightly, and suddenly he breathed a little rush, and there was speculation that the dark road was not the result of the assessment, and it began to work at this moment.

Then my heart beats faster, with expectations, and my chest is up, for fear that the teachers can't see themselves.

"Hui Liushan, you and I will go."

"Liu Daobin, you come." Soon, these teachers opened their mouths and shouted one name after another, calling them all in the past.

This scene suddenly made everyone start to accelerate their hearts. They also saw that these people who were named were obviously doing good in the examination. They were valued by these teachers, and they were taken away in advance, for their place. Department, throwing olive branches.

Wang Baole was proud of his heart. Although he did not hear the teacher yelling his name, he was very confident in the results of the examination. He felt that the more he was behind, the better he should be. Even the teacher still valued himself, and he had a strong look forward to.

"If all the teachers have taken a fancy to me, what should I do, hey, I have a headache, I don't know how to choose it." Wang Baole had a heart-felt heart and stood tall, but he waited for a long time and saw Du Min also They were all shouted, and the hundreds of students around them were only about 80% at the moment. He was a little embarrassed.

"Can't you..." Wang Baole wiped the sweat from his forehead and it was difficult to calm down.

Especially when I saw that the teachers were constantly leaving, there was not much left at the moment until all the teachers had gone. Even the old doctors looked at Wang Baole and left. Only the face owed him money. When the goat is still in the air, Wang Baole only feels a bit black in front of him.

At this moment, the ugly goatee, the chest quickly undulating a few times, seems very reluctant, and extremely helpless, just like the road of his choice, even if it is difficult to go, they have to go down, pass Out of words.

"Wang Baole, but it is not here!" This sentence seems to be squeezed out of the teeth. After the talk, the goatee turned and got off the airship.

Wang Baole was so excited that he only felt that the voice was like a scorpio. He didn't have time to consider the other person's face. He rushed to go. He was very diligently following the goatee. It seems that if the other person has luggage, he will not hesitate to help. Looks like a pick up.

As they left, the remaining disciples were unanimously taken off the boat. Students who had no special performances would choose their respective departments in the next few days.

At the moment, the goats on the lower house of the lower house, the goats are carrying their hands, their faces are dark, and they are striding forward. There are some small airships parked in front of him. Some young students wearing cyan suits are waiting excitedly. There, I often saw girls with good looks appearing, and immediately ran warmly and greeted the cold. When they saw the goats coming, they quickly and respectfully.

"Teacher, let's go slowly, what are we?" After the goat's body, Wang Baole's breathless voice came. It is really the goat's own master. It is too fast, and there is no Wang Baole who cultivates ancient Wu. Difficult to keep up.

The bottom of the goat's heart was depressed. He took out a purple jade from his arms and threw it directly to Wang Baole who ran over. He snorted.

"I went to the French army to report that I still have something to do, first go." He said, he walked into a small airship and quickly left.

Wang Baole, who was caught in Yu Pei, was as depressed as he was. He also saw that the other party’s attitude was wrong.

"Don't I behave too well, wear it... oh, what is the system of the martial arts department?" Wang Baole took a forehead and took Yupei there, full of distress, unconsciously taking a pack of snacks from his luggage. Eat it up.

He felt that this goatee was too unreliable. At this moment, he could only inquire about it. On the day of the arrival of the new student, there were a large number of people in the lower house of the Shudaoyuan. The airport was a sea of ​​people. It was originally hot. The weather is even more sultry.

Although there is a lake wind blowing, it can bring heat waves. Wang Baole stood there and wiped his sweat. He saw that there were people selling stalls selling ice water in the distance. It is called ice water. Although the price is expensive, Wang Baole is not the kind. Those who have wronged themselves, even if they are expensive, ran to buy a few bottles and put them in their luggage.

While drinking the cool ice water, Wang Baole looked around and looked around at the lively airport. He even saw someone streaming live new students into the school and faintly heard the voice of the gift.

Under the inquiries and inquiries, Wang Baole did not spend too much time, and he had some understanding of the French military department. His heart was suddenly hot and he sat on a small airship heading to the French soldiers.

After the arrival of the French soldiers, the number of people here is as large as that. Some come to visit for alternatives, while others have already made a decision.

There are also a number of volunteers from the law-giving department, who are responsible for the reception here, leading the way for a new wave of newcomers, looking at them, and the crowds are full of enthusiasm.

"Faculty, seemingly refining, can be different, can refine the heavens and the earth as a treasure!" As the crowd marched, Wang Baole listened to the introduction of a horse face sister in front of him, especially serious, very consistent with him before The introduction of the law enforcement department made him feel that it sounded very powerful.

"The law enforcement department of the Daoist School is also second to none in the entire federation. Whether it is a musical instrument, a warfare or a civilian weapon, all of them are well-versed, and every graduate is a hot person." In front of the horse face school sister, while leading the way, while introducing, the voice has been heated, seems to be very proud of their own department.

"You are only at high altitude, you should have noticed the three huge platforms of my French peaks. There are three university halls, namely Lingshi, Huixing and Lingxue!"

"Unlike the basic school in your hometown, the life of the Taoist Temple is relatively free. Every school department has a fixed school. No matter the new students, you can go to study at any time. At other times, you are mostly self-cultivating. Assessment, but it is not particularly strict, only the college entrance examination is the key."

"If it is not possible to enter the upper house within five years, then you can only leave the Taoist hospital." When he heard the assessment from the front school sister, Wang Baole pays more attention to it, and everyone around him is also like this.

"But you don't have to be too nervous. It is too far away for you to go to the upper house. Well, here is where the freshman is sent to the department." Seeing everyone looking at themselves, the school sister responsible for taking the road smiled a little. It was parked next to a stone mirror of ten feet in the middle of the mountain.

This stone mirror is full of ancient meanings, and there is a vicissitudes of life, and there is a path like a rune on it. It looks very good.

"Put your application card on it and you can go down the mountain. For up to three days, there will be a notice in the lower house, telling the admission list of each university department." Ma face school sister said that she wiped the sweat and some dry tongue. Dry, standing aside, looking at the students in front of her eyes, she felt guilty in her heart, and she felt as if she had seen herself.

"I don't know how many of these people can be admitted, but I don't think there will be many. After all, I only accept 4,000 people at most." When the horse face sister sighed, Wang Baole immediately noticed that he would learn. Sister wiped the sweat, quickly ran over, took a bottle of cool ice water from the baggage, and handed it to the school sister.

"School is hard, I represent all our new students, thank you to the sisters for explaining us. This hot day, school sister, you drink your mouth." Wang Baole's expression is thick and sincere, so that the horse face sister can not help but look a few more The little fat man in front of me immediately had a good impression. It was really she who ushered in guiding the new students so many times. Such considerate people are still rare.

Other students have also looked at each other. After all, Wang Baole’s discourse is not just about himself, but on behalf of all of them, which makes them feel good about Wang Baole here.

Seeing a bottle of ice water, I have gained so much goodwill. Wang Baole is proud of her heart and feels that her potential as an official is a little higher.

Soon, all the students around the room looked forward to the stone mirror one by one, took out a white jade card, put it on the stone mirror, the jade card shined, the branding was completed.

This kind of jade card, each of them has one, after arriving at the lower house island, was issued by the accompanying teacher, but Wang Baole at the moment, he looked at the jade card in the hands of everyone, some dumbfounded.

"What is this thing, why don't I..." Wang Baole quickly inquired and knew that the goat was too unreliable after knowing the origin.

Until everyone had finished the jade card, only Wang Baole was left, and the school sister who led the way could not help but look at the past and asked with concern.

"School brother, is there any doubt?"

"My card is a little different from others..." Wang Baole hesitated, touched the purple jade in his arms, and carefully placed it on the stone mirror.

But in the moment when its jade and stone mirror touched, suddenly, the entire jade suddenly burst into a strong purple light, and even this stone mirror suddenly shines, and the rumbling loud noise is soaring. Resound the entire French peak.

More waves spread, and all the students around, all of them were shocked and stunned.

"what's the situation!"

"what happened!!"

Even Wang Baole was shocked.

This is not finished yet. The next thing that is even more amazing is that in this ray of light, the peak of the French soldiers, and even the majestic bells and sounds, it seems to be in the whole law army!

铛, 铛, 铛...

For a time, all areas of the French Peak, whether it is a student who is going up the mountain, a person in the school, or a building in the top of the mountain, everyone who is self-cultivating... all look up.

Next to the stone mirror, the horse face school sister only felt her head screaming at the moment, suddenly widened her eyes, and her eyes were unbelievable and she was exclaimed.

"Specially recruited students!!"

"What do you say?" Wang Baole is a bit embarrassed.

At the same time, in this resounding bell, on the top of the peak of Fa Bingfeng, there is a hall full of aura. Goat Hu is sitting there watching an ancient book, and the heart that has gradually calmed down has become irritated.

"This little bastard, how come so fast!" He was bored in his heart, and thought that his five-year authority was gone, he felt that the intestines had to be remorseful.

If no one is bothering him, but as the bell reverberates at this moment, several figures will fly from outside the hall, which is the other teachers of the French army.

"Zhang Youde, a friend, I heard that you gave us a special seedling for the French army this time!"

"Haha, Lao Zhang, Lao Zhang, I know that you have always had great eyesight. Where is the good seedling? Call me to see."

As the teachers came in with excitement, the goats listened to their words, their faces were dark, and there was a **** that they bought, and they felt like they had to eat with tears. They could only squeeze out their smiles.

"Yes, that's a... good seedling! I have a ritual to refine, go first..." said, the goat Hu quickly ran away, for fear of staying again, he couldn't help but slap the palm of his hand. Good seedlings!


Third, ask for a ticket!

Read The Duke's Passion