MTL - Abe the Wizard-Chapter 13 Morning

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"I'm sorry to bring someone with this identity to a noble party, and you can handle it as you wish." Lord Walker gave a big gift to the Marshall Knights, a noble ritual that has been publicly acknowledged Kind of representation.

The Knight of Marshall returned a gift and turned to the outside and shouted: "Guard, put him down and send it to the law enforcement officer of Pagang tomorrow."

"No, you can't do this." The crying woman was dragged away by the gloomy Lord Walker and left the castle without waiting for the ball to end.

At the corner of the hall, the butler Lin Sai stood in the shadow like an invisible person. He could see the process of the conflict just now, as if he had discovered something. The curiosity flashed in his eyes.

A farce just added more talk to the aristocracy, and no one would care about an unlucky guy who had offended the fiend knight, not to mention that this unlucky guy was not a nobleman.

After the party, the guests who stayed had already arranged into the guest rooms. Butler Linsey, who was busy with all this, found the Marshall Knight who was wiping his armor.

"What? Abel is a fourth-level trainee knight, you read that right?" Marshall's knight in the center of his armour fell to the ground and made a loud sound, but these did not lower his surprise.

"Yes, although I am only a Level 5 fighter, Master Abel ’s momentum at that moment is the momentum of a real Level 4 trainee knight. I ca n’t read this wrong." Butler Lin Sai nodded heavily, Twelve points answered with affirmation.

"Haha, this guy from Ceci has lost a lot of money. It seems that he doesn't know that his second son will be such a genius. If he knows how he will put such a genius into my hands." Marshall Knight patted The table yelled.

"I heard that Zach, the eldest son of Bennett Knight, is 18 years old, and is only a level 4 trainee knight." Steward Linser whispered to remind Marshall Knight.

"Yes, Abel is a good boy. He was afraid that his practice speed would affect his elder brother and make him lose his confidence in practice, so he concealed his strength." Knight Marshall thought he had found the reason and couldn't help it Abel's behavior moved.

"Write a letter to the old guys in Pakistan, tell them the news, and ask them to provide a set of Chiyang armor. When I left, I was only given a set of imitations." Beloved armor, then said: "I have brought in a super genius for the family, and the family has nothing to say about how to do it, and it takes the old guys to bleed some blood."

"Okay, master." Butler Lindsay didn't care about the tone of the Marshall Knight. The knight's enthusiasm for Chiyang armor was like his love for his dead wife.

Chiyang armor is the standard armor of the Chiyang Legion of the ancient Hao Ri empire. Whenever the sun shines on the armor, it will emit a blood red light. The strong protective ability makes all knights heartbeat, which can emit blood red light. The peculiar effect made the aristocrats eager, but unfortunately, since the fall of the Hao empire, most of the Chiyang armor has disappeared, and a small part of the Chiyang armor that has survived in the world has also been collected by various nobles and rarely seen in the market.

The next morning, Abel was washed with the help of the maid, and came to the restaurant. In the restaurant, the Marshall Knight was already waiting for him. Feeling the disrespectful Abel saluted to the Marshall Knight, "Sorry, I have kept you waiting so long. . "

"It doesn't matter, how was the rest last night?" Knight Marshall asked casually.

"Very good and comfortable."

"Don't stand, just sit down." The Knight of Marshall waved and let Abel sit down.

After praying, the servant began to have breakfast. The richness of the breakfast was beyond Abel's expectation. Eggs, red sausage, and bacon were paired with green vegetables. Abel was surprised by the green vegetables in this cold winter.

Seeing Abel's surprise, Knight of Marshall explained with a smile: "This is Druin's work. They use mystery to make vegetables, and the price is in line with its identity."

There is also a profession like Druin in this world. Abel moved in his heart and asked, "Apart from Druin, what caster is there?"

The Marshall Knight saw Abel interested in the topic, put down his knife and fork, and said, "You're talking about a wizard."

"Sorcerer!" A picture of the destruction of the teleportation scroll in the town appeared in Abel's mind. Is he unable to use the magic scroll because he is not a wizard?

Abel's heart heated up again, and he decided to find an opportunity to learn more about the wizard.

After breakfast, Knight of Marshall led Abel to the study, poured a cup of coffee for Abel, waited for Abel to taste it, and said, "Abel, you are now a member of the Harry family."

After a pause, the Marshall Knight organized the language, and then said, "Some things, let me say it clearly. Last night, you showed the momentum of a fourth-level trainee knight."

Abel was startled, and looked up at the Marshall Knight. Unexpectedly, yesterday, he only discovered the use of the power of the fourth-level trainee knight once.

"Don't worry, I know you are only for Zach's sake, and you haven't revealed your true level." Seeing Abel's response, the Marshall Knight said holding Abel's shoulder.

Abel did not explain the misunderstanding of the Marshall Cavaliers. Such a misunderstanding is more perfect than his own explanation.

"I don't know how you suppress your strength, but I want to say that this suppression is not a good way. The power of the knight is violent and violent. If you suppress the power, you will lose its original nature. . "

Hearing the words of Marshall Knight, Abel knows that this is a difference in understanding of power between the two worlds, and he uses tai chi to control the power. For the people in this world, the power loses the violent and violent Strong aggression, and the knowledge I learned on the earth believes that strength must be soothed in the body, and it must be implicit, so that we can maintain ourselves and live long.

Abel decided to follow the advice of Marshall Cavaliers. In the final analysis, this world is an era of cold weapons. Only in this era can people know how to use power. It is too luxurious to maintain longevity in this world. It is this that kills the enemy to survive The essence of world power.

"Then how should I master this power?" Abel asked directly.

"I already have a solution to this problem, and I came here the same way."

Marshall Knight took out a long sword from the table and said, "Look at this long sword as the knight's most important weapon. How much do you know about this sword?"

Abel took the sword, groped his hand on it, and observed it carefully. He returned it to the Marshall Knight and said, "This sword is about 1.5 meters long and weighs about 20 pounds."

Knight Marshall waved the sword in the air and said, "This sword is a knight-style sword. It is repeatedly forged 100 times with iron. It is 1.58 meters long and weighs 21.2 pounds. Know why I am so is that clear?"

"This is your sword." Abel said softly.

Although the voice was very light, the Knight of Marshall could still hear it clearly, watching Abel a little unconvinced, and laughed: "Do you know the exact length and weight of your own light sword?"

Abel was speechless, and touched his nose unnaturally.

"As long as you study in the smithy for a year, you will also master this ability, and you will master the weapon more than the average trainer. At the same time, forging can make your power fully exerted, and your power is full. Rage can be controlled again. "

"Well, you convinced me, where do I learn to forge?"

The Marshall Cavalier asked with some complacency: "Do you know why I'm so rich?"

Abel has always been a bit confused. It is necessary to know that the domain of the Marshall Knights is not larger than that of the Bennett Knights.

Abel shook his head, and he kept burying this question in his heart, and wanted to find a chance to ask.

"That's because there is an iron ore in my territory." Knight of Marshall said proudly: "I discovered this iron ore shortly after I got this territory, and because of this iron ore, I was able to put the castle It was built as Emma envisioned. "

Speaking of his wife Emma, ​​the knight of Marshall looked a little sad, and sighed, saying, "Emma designed this castle at that time, and some of my savings and Emma's savings did not add up, but we still started building the castle The **** has eyes, and when we were running out of gold, we discovered the iron ore, so that my dream and her can be realized. "

Read The Duke's Passion