MTL - Absolute Deal-~ absolute deal

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Lars pointed the way from behind, and pointed to a villa area.

Then they had to ditch the electric car and sneak in.

The security guard in the rich villa area is really annoying!

"Bai Ye, actually got here, and sure enough..."

On the way to sneak in, Lin Feng murmured in a slightly strange tone.

The last words were very low, and Lars, who was leading the way, did not hear them clearly.

Come to the "promised" location.

Before Lin Feng instructed Lars to forcibly break in, the door opened on its own, as if to welcome Lin Feng and the others.

"Ha, are you waiting for me?"

Lin Feng smiled, not at all afraid.

He strode in and looked at Bai Ye who was sitting on the sofa in the living room and asked.

"That's it."

Bai Ye nodded.

"You think you've won?"

Lin Feng stood still, staring at Bai Ye, with a triumphant smile on the corner of his mouth, "Do you think that I was being played by you as a fool, and I really didn't notice anything?"

Following his words, a broken scepter whose end seemed to be inlaid with a black gem appeared beside Lin Feng.

Lin Feng reached out and held the scepter: "You are also part of the scepter of power and wealth, right? Do you really think I don't know?"

Ralston was a little horrified.

Lin Feng actually noticed Bai Ye's true identity?

When did this happen?

Your own worries are not unfounded.

It turned out to be true!

"How did you notice that?"

The staff of power and wealth also appeared behind Bai Ye.

Belongs to the "top half".

Combined with the scepter in Lin Feng's hand, it just formed a complete scepter.

"You are too proud and too careless."

Lin Feng did not answer Bai Ye's question directly, his tone was arrogant.

"All right."

Bai Ye spread his hands, "Even so, what means do you have to make a comeback? I got the Staff of Power and Wealth much earlier than you. In terms of control over the Staff of Power and Wealth, it is far better than you."

It translates to-

Save it, I won't lose when it comes to money.


Lin Feng laughed, "What do you think I am doing these days?"

Bai Ye thought about it and turned on the TV.

Several channels have been changed, and all channels are broadcasting a news urgently.

The famous multinational chaebol Shangguan Group suddenly collapsed overnight.

A huge "empire".

It collapsed completely without anyone expecting it.

All the wealth evaporated completely, not a cent was left.

It caused a serious economic crisis that spread to the whole world.

"I see."

Bai Ye laughed, "You used Shangguan Hao as a springboard to grab all the wealth of Shangguan Group."


"Then, convert them all."

Lin Feng took Bai Ye's words and affirmed his speculation, "Now, I am the controller of the Rod of Power and Wealth! The only owner of the Rod of Power and Wealth!"

The broken scepter in his hand exudes an indescribable mighty power.

Lars also understood why this kid Lin Feng was dressed as a successful person and returned home.

The car is an electric car.

It turned out that he was desperate and converted all the wealth he grabbed into the value of wealth.

This allows you to reach the level of a master.

However, it seems that the wealth of Shangguan Group will not allow Lin Feng to reach this level.

In this way, the "loss" can be very large.

Lars had vaguely heard Bai Ye, and it was not easy to become the master.

Is it possible that Lin Feng's requirements will be lower?

"Remember our deal?"

Lin Feng turned around and looked at Lars, "There is no time for you to drill, kneel down and truly surrender to me!"

Lars' face changed, and after two seconds of silence, he knelt down in front of Lin Feng on one knee, making an action similar to a knight's salute and surrendering to the king.

Lin Feng closed his eyes and seemed to be enjoying the moment.

After a while, his eyes reopened, and he looked at Bai Ye: "You don't need me to talk nonsense, hand over the scepter, this is a deal you can't refuse!"

Asking Lars to kneel, the anger in his heart came out a little.

Lin Feng did not choose to talk nonsense, but decisively chose to integrate the scepter first.

So as not to have too many dreams at night and capsize at a critical moment.

After taking the scepter, fuse it together, and then concoct the white night.

Then there will be time and energy.

Rule-like might, acting on Bai Ye.

Bai Ye's face sank, and he seemed to be resisting.

But after a few seconds, it gave up.

He reached out and grabbed the scepter behind him, stood up, and sent it to Lin Feng.

There was no expression on his face, it was as cold and hard as ice.

Angry at a force he could never resist.

"Remember, you failed because you were too arrogant."

Lin Feng said, reaching out and grabbing the scepter sent by Bai Ye.

Before Lin Feng took the initiative to bring the scepters together.

The surrounding space seemed to vibrate, and the scepters in his left and right hands broke free from Lin Feng's control. .

It turned into two groups of streamers and gathered together in the middle.

Black light burst out.

In other words, it is actually like a black hole, absorbing all the light around it in an instant.

Bai Ye and Lin Feng took two steps back at the same time.

Look at the "black hole" suspended in mid-air.

But the expressions are not the same.

Lin Feng smiled and looked excited, while Bai Ye's face was sinking like water, but he was so cooperative, he didn't know what he was thinking.

Soon, the black light between the two slowly dissipated.

Revealing the complete rod of power and wealth, its true appearance.

Gold ornate top.

Black rod body.

The black gemstone inlaid at the end has disappeared.

It was replaced by a black mass of unknown substance.

Like a flame, like a vortex.

A golden light radiated out.

Match with the gorgeous golden top.

To the mysterious scepter shrouded a layer of noble meaning.


Lin Feng laughed and reached out to hold the scepter.

The color of black gold spread from the staff of power and wealth, covering Lin Feng's whole body.

Lin Feng's suit has changed.

He was dressed in an incomparably luxurious robe and wore a purple-gold profound crown on his head, like a **** in the sky.

At this moment, he felt that he was the king of the world.

Even Lin Feng himself did not expect it.

After the rod of power and wealth is truly complete, it will reach the sky in one step, reaching a state that has never been seen before, and has never been thought of at all.

"You haven't answered my question, how on earth did you find out?"

Bai Ye asked. In Lin Feng's opinion, he wanted to be a sensible ghost. "It's not that I look down on you and think your IQ is low. It's just that the amount of information we both have is too great."

"It's not something that IQ can make up for."


Lin Feng said, "I really didn't know anything at first, but I can know everything."

The second half of the sentence.

It came from Lin Feng's mouth.

The voice was completely different from Lin Feng's original voice.

Not only that, Lin Feng's face also showed a stunned and frightened expression.

In stark contrast to the calm, high-pitched voice.

"Good job."

The stunned Lin Feng continued to say things that he himself did not expect.

The expression on his face returned to calm, but it meant that he had completely lost control of his body.

"Agent, you, did not disappoint me."

Behind Lin Feng, a translucent human phantom appeared.

This is a middle-aged man who looks very loyal and expresses "I am an honest person" all over his body.

"A proxy?"

Lars spoke, his body trembling slightly, "You are the previous owner of the Staff of Power and Wealth!"

With the appearance of this man, everything made sense.

Lin Feng could not detect the abnormality. As the previous owner of the Staff of Power and Wealth, how could he not detect the abnormality?

This one didn't really die.

It must have been hidden in the fragments of the Rod of Power - the black gem that disappeared?

Waiting for a chance to shine again?

Lin Feng thought he was in control, but in fact, he was making wedding dresses for others!

This guy is really unlucky.

The phantom of the middle-aged man merged with Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was shocked and turned into a middle-aged man.

At the same time, his own translucent little soul was driven out.

Controlled by this middle-aged man, he maintained a motionless and frightened posture.

Seize the house, the dove occupies the magpie's nest!

After finishing this, the middle-aged man looked at Lars and said: "To correct your mistake, I am not the previous owner of the Rod of Power and Wealth, I am its maker, the only and eternal owner, you can call it I am the lord of power and wealth."

"The legendary staff maker!"

Bai Ye gave a thumbs up, "You're on the stage, pay attention!"


The Lord of Power and Wealth glanced at Lin Feng's soul in his hand, and then looked at Bai Ye, "Originally, I planned to give you a chance."

"Chance, what chance?" Bai Ye asked.

"Agent, do you really think that you can really control the scepter by following the steps?"

The Lord of Power and Wealth smiled, and the original feeling of being honest and honest disappeared instantly.

It was replaced by a whiff of a profiteer.

"You are always just agents."

"And you are lucky and have enough ability."

The Lord of Power and Wealth looked at Bai Ye and did not hide his admiration, "If I was in the part of the scepter you got, I should have recovered earlier than now. You are not this waste (Lin Russia side), You are qualified to be my agent."

"This honor, you would actually choose to refuse."

After speaking, he shook his head and sighed.

"Wait, when did I refuse?" Bai Ye asked.

"Just when you are sarcastic." The owner of power and wealth said, "Don't forget, how did you come to be proficient in language."

How could the owner of power and wealth not understand this kind of inferior homophonic ridicule?

The Lord of Power and Wealth holds a scepter in one hand and the palm of the other hand upwards, controlling Lin Feng's soul.

Just look at the white night so quietly.

It seems that he is thinking about how to deal with this rebellious agent.

Holding the hand of Lin Feng's soul, he began to converge a little bit.

The soul, which was originally motionless, struggled with the move of the master of power and wealth to clench his fist.

There was a shrill scream.

"You can kill yourself."

The Lord of Power and Wealth seemed to have an idea and said to Bai Ye, "It is a credit to be able to send the scepter to me, and I will not torture you."

"What if I say no?" Bai Ye asked with a half-smile.

"Do not?"

The owner of power and wealth showed an arrogant expression, "Then—forget it, after all, the delay is enough."

His expression restrained, showing the look of a successful trick.

Smiling towards Bai Ye, the space behind him was distorted, and the Lord of Power and Wealth fell backwards, as if being sucked into the vortex, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.


Lars was stunned, what happened?

"Running really fast."

Said the night.

"He actually hasn't recovered, and he's still very weak?" Lars was not stupid. After a while, he immediately thought of a possibility.

The Rod of Power and Wealth is broken.

How could the lord of power and wealth be unscathed?

The equity value of the mere Shangguan Group.

He died so that the lord of power and wealth could truly wake up and seize Lin Feng, a relatively ordinary person.

Want to deal with the white night?

Still a long way to go.

The mighty appearance and the high-level words are just to delay the time, save the strength to run away, and come to "escape".


Bai Ye nodded, "This staff maker is quite interesting."

"...Boss, we are at a loss!"

After thinking about it for a while, Lars said that the transaction between him and the master of power and wealth was no longer maintained when it disappeared.

Bai Ye came to seize the last part of the Rod of Power and Wealth.

As a result, someone took his part and ran away.

Isn't this blood loss?


Bai Ye laughed, "How could I lose Bai Ye? Run away? Where do you think he can escape?"

Reach out.

The door of time and space leading to the trading pavilion opened, and Bai Ye was about to enter it.

"and many more!"

Lars said loudly, "Go to Lin Feng's house first, there are also Ezio and the puppy beast."

Bai Ye nodded in satisfaction, as expected of the best development agents and the most profitable in the BOSS team.

Lars did not let him down.

The trading pavilion, in the grand hall.

The Lord of Power and Wealth frowned, holding Lin Feng's remnant soul in his hand, and fell into contemplation.

Where is the problem?

He clearly controls the scepter, so why did he appear in this dangerous and unfamiliar place?

Shouldn't we return to the broken "world of power and wealth"?

This group of people around, people feel really dangerous!

He's the crook he hates the most.

The members of the gangster boss team.

Surrounded the Lord of Power and Wealth without doing anything.

Like a wolf around a little white rabbit.

"This is impossible!"

The Lord of Power and Wealth, his face turned grim, and a few words were squeezed out between his teeth.

"Nothing is impossible."

The bosses separated, and Bai Ye walked over slowly.

"Your scepter is good."

He reaches out.

The rod of power and wealth in the hands of the Lord of Power and Wealth shook violently.

In an instant, he broke free from the previous master's control and fell into the hands of Bai Ye.

"Now, it's mine."

Said the night.

The rod of power and wealth turned into a little starlight and began to sink into his body little by little.

The part of the rod of power and wealth that was once obtained by Bai Ye was "eaten" by Bai Ye long ago and turned into a power that truly belongs to him.

The scepter that the Lord of Power and Wealth thought was fused and restored to its original appearance.

In fact, it is the last part of Bai Ye's erosion of the rod of power and wealth.

Everything is under the control of Bai Ye.

Including the escape of the master of power and wealth - how could he escape to the trading cabinet without Bai Ye opening the door for him?

With the starlight turned into by the scepter, it was completely integrated into Bai Ye's body.

His breath suddenly became misty.

It recovered after a breath and became ordinary and unremarkable.

"very good."

The last bit of flaws are patched up.

"From now on, in the heavens and the world, there will be no existence that I can't trade in the white night!"

With deafening words, the Lord of Power and Wealth completely lost his mind, took two steps back, and fell to the ground.

Even Lin Feng's soul was abandoned.

Why, why was his scepter picked up by such a person?

Such reckless behavior has become a representative of the power of civilized order?

The chaos and disorder of the enemy of civilization is more suitable for the people in front of you!

No, in the heavens and the world, there is no existence that this person cannot trade.

This has surpassed the power of civilized order!

"Don't panic, Azhi!"

Bai Ye walked up to the Lord of Power and Wealth, squatted down, and said with a smile, "I'm staring at the group next to you, thinking that I'm not the same as the martial arts faction you fight. I'm an honest and reliable businessman."


The lord of power and wealth trembled.

Once upon a time, he said similar words to countless people, and they were pitted to pieces.

"So, how about we make a deal?"

Bai Ye continued, "I am very interested in and appreciate your ideas and techniques for making scepters. We need talented people like you in our trading pavilion."

"The position of the Chief Staff Maker in the Trading What do you think?"

"Can I say no?"

The Lord of Power and Wealth gave a wry smile, "Okay, the only request is to change the name, something better."

"Do not."

Bai Ye also laughed, "This deal is absolute, you can't refuse, my chief staff maker."

"Work hard to make a stick."

Standing up, Bai Ye already has a new and grand goal.

I want the rod of power and wealth to fill the endless world.

I want all civilizations to have transactions that belong to me.

I want my deal to be absolute!

(End of the book)

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