MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 4 let's trade

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Only the next morning, when the Penguin was going to look for Bai Ye, he found that this mysterious guy had disappeared without a trace.

Neither the surveillance outside the room nor the subordinates found any traces of this person left behind, nor could they find a way for him to leave.

He just disappeared into the room, and his elusiveness was about to catch up with Batman.

"How did he go? Are you all blind? You don't even know anything! Or, like Batman, he succeeded in making you blind?" The Penguin growled angrily at his subordinates.

The Penguin's subordinates were scolded bloody, and they shrank there and didn't dare to make a sound.

It wasn't until one of Penguin's secretary arrived that he calmed down the Penguin's anger a little.

The Penguin was so angry, of course, not only because of Bai Ye's mysterious disappearance, but after he went back last night, he thought about it and found that he did not take much advantage of this transaction with Bai Ye.

Knowing the true identity of Batman actually didn't help Penguin that much.

The reason why secrets are secrets is that they cannot be known to many other people.

The Penguin couldn't have told the madmen in Gotham City that Bruce Wayne was under the Batman mask.

He wanted to hide it and only take it out when necessary.

However, the embarrassing thing is that the penguin can't think of the benefit of knowing this secret for the time being.

He couldn't take this secret against Batman - what would he do if Batman knew about it?

The Penguin thought it was more likely that this guy ran over and beat himself up to amnesia to solve the matter.

No, no, he fell into a coma with a desperate blow, and after an unknown period of time, he woke up from prison or hospital with body pains—Facing the usual process after Batman, Penguin didn't like it at all.

Even, Penguin didn't dare to shoot Batman at will. If he wanted to kill him, he still had to consider the subsequent impact.

The most embarrassing thing in the world is this, Gotham City can have no Batman, but if Bruce Wayne dies in Gotham City, the Wayne Group is in turmoil, and for Gotham City, it is no less than a disaster .

If other criminals may have the idea that "I'm going to destroy Gotham", then Penguin is absolutely impossible.

His basic business is in Gotham City, and Gotham City is there, and he is the arrogant underworld tycoon - Oswald Chesterfield Copperpot.

The other party told him that the price of his identity as Batman was not low. Of course, it was not enough to make the Penguin feel that he had been fooled and deceived.

It's always a good thing to have a secret in your hands.

The reason why he wanted to find Bai Ye was because the Penguin still thought that he could extract other benefits from Bai Ye, but he didn't expect that the other party would suddenly disappear under his eyelids.

No wonder the penguins are so angry.

Where did Bai Ye go?

He just returned to his original world.

As a first-level agent, he cannot stay in other worlds for a long time. Every time he teleports to other worlds, Bai Ye can stay in that world for 24 hours (standard time), and at the twelfth hour, Bai Ye can choose to advance leave.

If you want to teleport again, from the moment you come back, you have to wait 72 standard hours, which is three days.

white night

Race: human

Status: First-level agent of the Rod of Power and Wealth

Equity value: 100.00005

This is the current state of Bai Ye. The transaction completed with the Penguin allowed Bai Ye to obtain 100 points of wealth.

"Black..." Bai Ye secretly said in his heart.

"To be promoted to the second-level agent, you need to accumulate 1,000 wealth points, the progress is 10%, and 0.00005 points of wealth have been ignored." Hei's voice sounded.

"What are the functions of power and wealth?" Bai Ye asked.

The benefits of being a high-level manual are also reflected in Bai Ye's gradual acquisition of wealth value. You don't need to experiment again and again, just "reading" the manual is enough.

"Influence teleports the world, prolongs the stay time, and transforms wealth." Hei said.

"How does it affect me, can I freely choose the world?" Bai Ye asked.

Hei's voice was still cold and mechanical: "For a certain amount of wealth, you can teleport several times to fix it. You can only choose the last teleported world."

"Oh, then I have to go to Gotham City next time, how much wealth do I need to pay?"

"Consume 50 wealth points and perform five fixed world teleportations, which cannot be changed." Hei said, "The consumption of wealth points is not static. After five times, you need to consume 500 wealth points to continue to fix 5 times."

"Is that so." Bai Ye said, "How about extending the stay?"

"One point of wealth value can be extended by a standard time, and you can return to the current main world at will during the extended time."

"Will the return be disturbed?"

"Returning will be disturbed by powerful forces." Hei said.

"How strong?" Bai Ye asked a nonsensical question that was difficult to answer.

Fortunately, Hei has no feelings, and will not have any emotional fluctuations because of Bai Ye's questions. He simply replied: "It can't be quantified."

"What about the last wealth transformation?"

"Mutual conversion of currencies recognized in different and similar civilization systems." Hei said, and asked a "question", "Whether it consumes 10.00005 wealth points to convert the existing currency into the legal currency of the main world."

Of course, Bai Ye's return is not empty-handed.

The umbrella he got from the Penguin trade was still $100,000, which was barely considered a small item, and he successfully brought it back.

"What kind of method?" Bai Ye asked.

"It can be converted into 500,000 Huaxia coins in the main world, and you can choose cash or electronic currency mode. Note that excessive wealth conversion will affect the stability of the original economic system, and more wealth value needs to be consumed to stabilize."

"Well, leave it for now and talk about it later." Bai Ye collected the money from the Penguin, he was not short of money.

Bai Ye has a bank card under his name that can be used normally. Since Bai Ye has a tendency to recover, his family will put a lot of living expenses into it every month.

The Bai family will not be stingy with this money.

If you were really stingy, Bai Ye wouldn't be living in this sanatorium.

Of course, it can't be said that he is very concerned about Bai Ye, and his attitude is still quite cold.

What Bai Ye wanted to say about this was that it was really good.

He didn't care about the family's attitude towards him, whether he gave money or not, Bai Ye didn't care.

On the contrary, if they really want to accept Bai Ye, hope that he will be discharged from the hospital and take him home, then Bai Ye will feel troublesome.

His goal is to go to the heavens, the world, and the endless world to do all kinds of things - no, it is a good deal, and it is not as convenient as in a sanatorium at home.

As a "senior patient", Bai Ye did not receive much attention.

As long as Bai Ye doesn't make any noise by himself, he will not deliberately have medical staff come to check Bai Ye's recent state.

Leaving the magical umbrella in the room, Bai Ye happily left the room, went to the restaurant to eat a delicious and rich breakfast, and then returned to the room to put together the puzzles scattered on the glass coffee table.

Soon, Bai Ye completed the last few pieces of the puzzle, but the back was still facing up, and the content on the front could not be seen.

At this moment, the door of the room was knocked, and Song Yin's voice came: "Bai Ye, are you inside?"

Bai Ye walked over and opened the door.

Song Yin didn't rush in, but first looked up and down Bai Ye's eyes to see if he was different from yesterday's state, then walked to the window, opened the curtains, and let the dazzling sunlight cast into the room.

Bai Ye's eyes narrowed, he didn't like such dazzling sunlight.

"You should go out in the sun more." Song Yin's tone was a little strong. She seemed to plan to have a good chat with Bai Ye to see if he could correct his strange thoughts.

Obviously, from Song Yin's point of view, although Bai Ye is no longer the autistic person he used to be, he is still a patient.

In a sense, this is true.

Sitting on the sofa next to the coffee table, Song Yin motioned for Bai Ye to sit down as well: "You can sit too."

She didn't plan to let Bai Ye go to the consultation room or something. In the room, Bai Ye is obviously more relaxed.

However, Song Yin's actions still showed the dominant position she wanted to achieve. It would be bad if she was taken into the ditch by Bai Ye like last night.

"Okay, Doctor Wang." Bai Ye said and sat down. UU reading

"Bai Ye, my surname is Song." Song Yin corrected Bai Ye's mistake seriously.

"Oh." Bai Ye nodded, not sure if he had listened to it.

"How's it going--" Song Yin used an innocuous opening remark, but she was interrupted by Bai Ye before she could finish her words.

"Doctor Li, let's trade." Bai Ye looked at Song Yin and said with a smile.


Song Yin was stunned for a moment, then asked, "What deal?"

"Help me open a store, I don't know how to open a store..." Bai Ye looked a little excited, with a feeling of "I am a genius to think of this". Obviously, this was not a thoughtful proposal, but a whim. Just do it.

"Shop?" Song Yin frowned slightly.

During this short period of time, Bai Ye seemed to have made up his mind, and said confidently, "Yes, I said that part-time work is impossible, so I want to be the boss."

Facing Bai Ye, who was full of confidence, Song Yin stretched out her hand and rubbed her brows. She seemed a little tired: "What kind of store is that, what's the main business?"

"I didn't think about it. It's better to be the kind that is omnipotent and can sell anything." Bai Ye looked like it was a matter of course.

"It's really difficult to communicate."

Song Yin secretly said in her heart, keeping a smile on her face, "If you just open a store, you shouldn't deal with me on this matter."

"Huh?" Bai Ye looked at Song Yin.

Does this count as rejecting his deal?

But this is also normal. This is just an ordinary transaction proposed by Bai Ye, and ordinary transactions are not guaranteed to be established. The other party has the right to refuse.

Read The Duke's Passion