MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 666 Bai Choufei, a white family

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At the same time as he spoke, his ruthlessly lowered hand pressed on the support of the wheelchair щww{][lā}

He was about to activate his Qimen weapon, Yiyunzu's hidden weapon.

Ruthless's legs are crippled and unable to walk normally.

His wheelchair is his strange weapon.

Under the hidden weapons of the agency, I don't know how many Jiang Yang robbers who are dead and unrepentant are criminals.

With some intelligence sources, people in the arena with more flexible minds know that they are ruthless towards the big catcher.

It is necessary to put both the hands of the other party and the wheelchair of the other party—if at that time, he was in a wheelchair ruthlessly.

Few people know that the sedan chair that Ruthless occasionally uses for travel is also a dangerous item.

So, do you know Bai Choufei, who is famous in the world, but not an old world?

Wuqing didn't know, but in the next breath, he got the answer.

Kankan pressed on the armrest, and before he had time to activate the hidden weapon, his ruthless body had already taken off into the air.

Before he took off, Wuqing didn't even feel how Bai Choufei in front of him made him fly.

When he was in the air, he vaguely felt that his shoulders seemed to be grabbed by the opponent.

Then it was thrown out so casually.

Throw it to the small pond in front of you.

Ruthless waved his sleeves in mid-air, turned his body as he fell, head down, feet up, and patted out with both hands.

Half of the forearm is submerged in the water.

Most of the sleeves were wet, but the ruthless person pulled up completely unreasonably.

Like a weird marionette.

Floatingly landed on the other side of Xiaochi, sitting on the ground, with no other "damage" except for the wet sleeves.

There is no embarrassing feeling of being thrown from the wheelchair and thrown at Koike.

"The big catcher is so handsome, and even compared to the three catchers, it's probably not much different."

Bai Ye exaggerated with a smile, and the dove occupied the magpie's nest and sat on the ruthless cloud seat.

One hand rested on the armrest with his elbow, his fingers supported his head slightly, and the other hand casually rested on the other side.

Bai Ye's body was slightly inclined, looking ruthless.

He looks lazy and frivolous, but he has an inexplicable majesty.

Like a tiger that is lounging and yawning.

You can hurt people anytime, anywhere.

Looking at "Bai Chou Fei", I know ruthlessly that this rookie who is full of plans and will only last for more than a month after his "debut", his momentum has already become established.

After this period of time, he is a giant owl of the rivers and lakes!

But it's hard to get through.

Because Bai Choufei and Guan Qi's opponents are now giants in the arena, underworld, white, aristocratic, and sectarian.

After cleaning up trash fish, he made a name for himself.

Instead, these Jianghu people restrained their underestimation and pride.

Many people already have the intention of uniting with each other.

For example, the old enemies of Liufenbantang and Jinfeng Drizzle Building have already decided on an "alliance under the city". ..

Before Guan Qi is completely resolved, they are no longer hostile to each other.

Some lone rangers have also begun to help out - it is impossible to exist a lone ranger who is truly alone.

The crazy Guan Qi had the Lost Heaven Alliance back then.

The ruthless thief Jiang Yang will also have his own gang.

Otherwise, someone would cut him down, and there would be no place to hide his wounds.

Wuqing didn't know why Bai Choufei appeared in the Shenhou Mansion when it seemed like a beautiful scene, but in fact, it was full of crises.

But since he appeared, we must do our best to keep him.

"It's still a little worse than the startled Bai Chou flying."

He said ruthlessly, his voice cold.

The words are true.

Silently, he approached in front of him in an instant, and even Ruthless couldn't hear any clues.

This light energy and body method has already surpassed the pursuit of life, and it should be among the top ranks in the arena.

They are also all Jianghu people who are famous for their light work, such as Chasing Life, Ruthless, and Liu Suifeng.

The focus of each Qinggong is different.

Chasing is better at rushing and tracking, and has a lot of stamina.

There is no "destiny" in the world that he cannot catch up with.

Ruthless is unable to cultivate internal strength, and only relies on "smart energy", so he lacks stamina, and suddenly shifts, with a bit of a strange feeling, which makes people caught off guard and can't judge.

Liu Suifeng is even more floating.

You can click on the wicker willow leaves and sway with the wind.

But in the white night, it is different.

Completely incomprehensible, no clues, even more than the three.

What Ruthless said to catch up means to catch up in an all-round way.

He had no doubts at all, even if he stared at "Bai Choufei" at the time, he might suddenly lose his presence.


Bai Ye chuckled lightly, accepting the ruthless compliment, "Since the big catcher is not so enthusiastic, then we can sit down and have a good chat."

"Well, sit down and talk."

said ruthlessly.

At this moment, in the wheelchair that Bai Ye was sitting in, there was a faint sound of the activation of the mechanism.

An iron ring popped out from the armrest, locking Bai Ye's hand firmly.

On the other side - because Bai Ye's hand was raised, it was not locked.

After stepping on the ankles of both feet on the pedal, it was the same, and the iron rings popped out, locking Bai Ye's feet.

At the same time, at the edge of the chair behind the back, there were three curved iron bars that were close together and thick.

Three from left to right, three from right to left, a total of six, forming a seal semi-circle.

Bai Ye, who adjusted his body in order to avoid being stabbed by an iron rod, was completely locked on the cloud seat.

Only the right forearm was left to move.

Oh, and a brain.

"On the Cloud Seat, not everyone can sit casually."

He said ruthlessly, "Bai Choufei, you are here, so you don't have to leave."

Following the ruthless words, three figures galloped forward, standing on Bai Ye's left, right and behind.

The person on the left should not be young, but he has a slightly cynical baby face.

There is a bamboo jug hanging from his waist.

Ranked third among the four famous arrests!

On the right, is a man with a calm face and temperament, with both hands clenched by his side, dressed in black.

It seems that the person standing there is not a person, but an iron wall that cannot be crossed.

The four famous catchers ranked second, Iron Hand.

The person behind Bai Ye was the fourth person to arrest the fourth, while Leng Xue had a sharp sword in his hand, and his body was slightly lowered.

Panting, like a wolf about to prey.

If it is four arrests, who is most likely to hurt Bai Ye.

That person is not the iron hand with the strongest internal strength, nor is he the chasing life with unparalleled legs.

Nor will it be witty and merciless.

Instead, he is the best at fighting and desperate, his swordsmanship is only attacking but not defending.

After being injured, it will enter a violent state, not killing the opponent, and never giving up cold-blooded.

The four famous arrests have never been known for their martial arts skills.

The martial arts of the four people are also difficult to match the top masters in the arena.

However, the four joined forces.

Looking at the rivers and lakes, there are not many people who can easily respond.

What's more, there is one more person.

Next to Sijiantong, a white-haired and long-bearded old man slowly stood up after the inspection.

Looking at Bai Ye, he didn't speak, Yuan Ting Yue Zhi had a grand master's demeanor.

If it is said that the Iron Hand stands there, it is an iron wall.

Now that he is more than seventy years old, the old man who does not show any signs of old age is a towering mountain.

The master of the four famous arrests, the real master of this Divine Marquis Mansion.

Zhuge is right me!

"Nothing, they just passed out."

Zhuge Zheng said to me, which weakened the murderous aura of the four arrests.

"Marquis God."

Bai Ye moved his right hand and said with a smile, "Forgive me for not being able to salute."


Zhuge Zheng I laughed, "Even if you Bai Choufei are willing to salute, the old man can't bear it, and the 'Marquis of God' is too much."


Bai Ye laughed, "Don't worry about it, this 'Marquis of God' doesn't respect your martial arts, your age, and your official position as a lord, but only respects God's marquis for life."


Not only the four arrests, but even Zhuge Zheng and I had a surprised look on my face.

According to the information obtained, news.

All of them reflected that Bai Choufei was a full-fledged hero.

Therefore, Ru Qing also asserted that he should become a giant owl.

However, "it's better to be famous than to meet".

Looking at his actions and speeches now, he seems to be arrogant and surly.

Well - there is arrogance.

She is not arrogant, she will not break into the Shenhou Mansion, and she even reminds Ruthless on purpose so that she can be discovered.

He will not face the Marquis of Zhuge and the four arrests, and he is still calm.

Wait and see.

This is a step closer to arrogance and arrogance than the crazy Guan Qi!

"You just want to say this. After you've said it, just go to the Heavenly Prison and stay there."

said in cold blood.

"Heavenly Prison?"

Bai Ye doesn't look at cold blood - unless you turn your head 80 degrees, Bai Ye can do it, but it will scare the children, which is not good.

He said, "I don't know what crime I committed. I need to go to the Heavenly Prison and stay there. How about the four arresting heads read to me?"

Cold-blooded slightly stunned.

What crime did Bai Choufei commit?

He killed Yingye together with Guan But it was all "vendetta in the rivers and lakes".

The matter of the Power Gang is even more of a matter of all corners.

When you come out to mix, you must have the consciousness of hacking and being hacked.

The hacker grinned, and if he was hacked, he would find a police officer and file a complaint. It doesn't exist.

The grievances and vendettas in the rivers and lakes, unless it is a disaster to the family, causing serious impact, otherwise the court will not care about the four arrests.

Even if it is a tube, it is mainly about adjustment.

Many rivers and lakes have accumulated grievances and grievances for decades. If they really want to act according to the law, they can dig out the old grandfather of the other party and behead him.

What must be said is that Bai Choufei and Guan Qi were mixed together, which was barely considered a "one sin".

But Guan Qi's sin is not justified.

The imperial decree of the Son of Heaven did not convict him as long as his seven heads were closed.

It is quite a bit of a "private matter", not "official".

Breaking into the Shenhou Mansion, privately breaking into the residence of the imperial officials, well, it can be counted.

But this one definitely won't get into the Heavenly Prison, he will be locked up for a period of time, and if you say it, people will laugh out loud.

In this way, the Bai Choufei in front of him is properly innocent.

The innocent family is Bai Choufei!

"I just came to visit Shenhou's mansion, and I was **** like this...") Book lovers, please pay attention!