MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 670 passersby shocked

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One has two.

Once someone starts to run away, even if they had the courage to face Bai Ye.

With the escape of his companions, the courage that he had finally accumulated suddenly seemed like a cloud of smoke.

It disappeared in an instant.

Jianghu people are not well-trained troops.

There's no such thing as the Overseer's long sword team, and whoever escapes will be executed.

The coaxes dispersed extremely quickly, and after a few seconds, there was no one in front of Bai Ye.

There are only a few swords left.

Some of them are quite smart, knowing that they escaped with the large army, and they will be punished in the end.

There are many people, and the law does not blame the public.

But if even the weapon is lost.

Jinfeng Drizzle Building does not accept such waste.

The people around in front left, and the scene in front of them naturally opened up a lot.

Bai Ye saw the figures of several people, who were approaching quickly along the mountain road.

Not long after, they met directly.

"Big brother."

In front of him is Wang Xiaoshi, who has never been seen by many people, with a very complicated expression.

Behind Wang Xiaoshi, there are three people.

Two men and one woman.

The woman is the gentleness that Wang Xiaoshi secretly loves. She looks cute and cute, and she looks at Bai Ye with a very resentful look in her eyes.

One of the men had a sick face, one hand stopped in front of his mouth, and he coughed lightly.

The other one is slightly behind.

The owner of the Golden Wind and Drizzle Building, Su Mengzhen, and the military advisor Yang Wuxie.

When Bai Choufei appeared, it was impossible for this landlord Su to put on any pretense, and he would definitely appear in person to "entertain" him.

The others in the Golden Wind and Drizzle Building are not qualified.

Although the rivers and lakes are chaotic, they also pay attention to rules.

Although Bai Choufei and Guan Qi were "alone", they had no power behind them.

But there is no doubt that their status in the arena is comparable to that of Su Mengzhen in the Golden Wind and Drizzle Building.

King, of course, we want to treat the king.

Because soldiers and generals can't stop him at all.

"Little Stone, we haven't seen you for a few days, have you lost your love again?" Bai Ye completely ignored Su Mengzhen, Yang Wuxie and Wen Wen, looked at Wang Xiaoshi and smiled.

Wang Xiaoshi forced a smile.

Guan Qi is crazy and tyrannical.

Bai Ye is cold and dignified.

They are naturally good to Wang Xiaoshi.

However, Wang Xiaoshi finds it difficult to accept the differences and extreme differences in ideas and behavioral styles.

He is an innocent, pure, good boy who loves life.

She has her own perseverance in her heart and will not be broken by Bai Ye and Guan Qi.

As a result, the three eventually parted ways.

"I told you to study and read more. Qi is now studying every day, so I don't know how serious it is." Bai Ye shook his head, "I have something to do with you, Mr. Su, if I borrow your place for use, I also have something to talk to you about."

"it is good."

Su Mengzhen nodded, showed a smile, and agreed neatly.

To lead the way for the white night.

Suddenly, his face changed.

A strange flush appeared, and he coughed loudly.

The originally upright body suddenly bent down and almost shrank.

The sound of coughing was violent, as if the liver and intestines were broken.

Others will feel the same when they hear it, and they will feel a dull pain.

Next to him, Yang Wuxie immediately took out the handkerchief and handed it over.

Su Meng pillow took it and covered her mouth to slightly cover up her coughing sound.

Both Wang Xiaoshi and Wen Wen looked worried.

After coughing for a while, Su Mengzhen stopped coughing and stood up again, a dazzling red on the handkerchief.

He casually folded the handkerchief and put it away, and said to Bai Ye, "Let's go."

Bai Ye nodded, his body swayed, passing by Su Mengzhen like a breeze.

He seemed to raise his hand and pat him on the shoulder.

Su Mengzhen lowered her steps, with a shocked look on her face.

"The landlord?"

Yang Wuxie was a little strange.

"It's okay." Su Mengzhen quickly restrained the expression on her face, but she couldn't hide the emotion in her eyes so quickly.

The flickering eyes are like throbbing flames.

Showing his inner restlessness.

the other side.

"Eldest brother, Bai Chou flew to the Golden Wind and Drizzle Building, what are you going to do?" asked in cold blood.

Four arrests are on their way to the Golden Wind Drizzle Building.

After Chasing Life reported the matter, the ruthless man next to him pondered for a moment, then called the other two arrests, and the four went to the Golden Wind Drizzle Building together.

He judged that Bai Ye must have gone there.

As for the reason, it was left on the road.

"Yes, Senior Brother, how did you know where he was going?" Chasing was also very curious.

"Fu Zongshu." said ruthlessly, "Bai Choufei wants to kill Fu Zongshu!"


The three arrests were all taken aback.

Who is Fu Zongshu, the current left minister.

If Cai Jing is the prime minister, then Fu Zongshu is the traitor.

When he was at its peak, he had the intention of chasing Cai Jing.

It's a pity that the son-in-law Gu Xichao was not good enough, and in the matter of going against the water and cold, he tried his best and spent a lot of manpower and material resources.

However, he still failed to uproot Lianchengzhai, and finally died in the hands of his elder brother, Jiu Xian Shenlong Qi Shaoshang, who was betrayed by him.

Four arrests were also involved in the "counterwater cold" incident.

In the end, it also affected Fu Zongshu.

The forces of all parties took the opportunity to exert force and did not directly dismount Fu Zongshu, but it also greatly damaged his vitality.

She shrank her tail and fell silent, on the surface only Cai Jing followed suit.

He was regarded as Cai Jing's puppet by those who didn't know him well.

But in fact, he was a weak half-ally of Cai Jing, so he was suppressed a little bit miserably.

The thin dead camel is bigger than the horse, not to mention, Fu Zongshu is not dead yet.

Why did Bai Choufei suddenly want to kill him?

What about killing Cai Jing?

"Wang Xiaoshi, gentleness is in the Golden Wind Drizzle Building." Tie Shou said, his voice calm.

In the past, he didn't talk much, but when he spoke, he could get to the point, "There are rumors in the rivers and lakes, the two..."


Ru Qing went on to say, using the Spring and Autumn style of writing, "Wang Xiaoshi is warm-hearted and righteous. Unlike Bai Choufei, he has rescued Tenderness many times. If Tenderness is in trouble, Wang Xiaoshi will definitely not stand by."

"What's so hard about being gentle?" asked coldly.

"Seven big bandits. Gentle is friendly with the seven major bandits, and she is Shen Huchan's sworn sister." He said ruthlessly, "Shen Huchan has been in the capital a few days ago. Someone saw him, and he was inquiring about Guan Qi."

Speaking of which, even if you don't think about it in cold blood, you still understand what happened.

A bunch of clues are connected together to form a complete event.

Guan Qi's head, the people of Jianghu want it, and the people in the court want it too.

Among them, including the traitor Fu Zongshu, this is a good opportunity for him to re-emerge.

It happened that the traitor Fu Zongshu had a good card in his hand.

The ruthless Shen Huchan is the leader of the seven gangsters of the Jianghu Bandit Organization. Fang Henshao and Tang Baoniu, who are about to be beheaded, are his sworn brothers.

In order to save the two, he would inquire about Guan Qi.

Because Fu Zongshu wanted him to take Guan Qi's head!

Exchange Guan Qi's life for the lives of his two brothers.

Therefore, in the notice posted, there was no time, it was just a reminder to Shen Huchan to do things quickly.

The meaning of threat is obvious.

To save his brother, Shen Huchan had two choices.

Either the Heaven Jailing Prison or the Law Jailing Field, from the original petty troubles, to the court's never-ending death, it is impossible to turn a blind eye to the criminals of the four arrests.

Or just follow Fu Zongshu's advice and do it.

To kill Guan Qi, exchange life for life.

What would Shen Huchan do?

Guan Qi is not a decent person.

Anyone who kills can give himself the name of acting for the heavens.

When a friend has an accident, the eldest lady's gentle temper will definitely take care of it.

Then, Wang Xiaoshi will be involved.

Not to mention, Guan Qi was also involved.

As for how to manage it, it's hard to say.

And Bai Ye appeared to decide on a solution to this matter.

"Brother, is what you said true?"

Inside the Golden Wind and Drizzle Building, Wang Xiaoshi looked at Bai Ye in shock.

Since re-meeting this former good friend and now the eldest brother, Wang Xiaoshi has often been shocked.

Later, he felt that he was no longer shocked.

As a result, he couldn't resist.

"Of course it's true. Kill Fu Zongshu and solve the troubles from the root."

Bai Ye said leisurely, "Master Su, do you think what I said makes sense?"

Su Mengzhen, who has been absent-minded since just now, nodded and said, "Yes."


Military division Yang Wuxie wanted to say, what's the point?

That's when the Prime Minister faces the left!

You thought it was a cat and a dog on the side of the road. If you say kill it, kill it?

But when I thought that the person who said this was Bai Choufei.

Thinking of what he and Guan Qi did.

It seems that there is some truth to it.

Killing Fu Zongshu is no more difficult than breaking into the power gang.

Some things have to be done, and for most people, it's a miracle.

But for some people, it's as simple as looking for something.

"Look, the cunning and cunning old Jianghu like the landlord Su agrees. When Fu Zongshu dies, the troubles will be relieved naturally." Bai Ye said to Wang Xiaoshi.

"..." The sly and sly Su Mengzhen expressed that she really wanted to draw a sword.

"Don't worry about the aftermath, we have strong enough allies."

Bai Ye said.

"I'm not worried about this." Wang Xiaoshi said.

He originally wanted to find an opportunity to Jietian Prison or the Dharma Field to rescue the seven major bandits. In this way, it would be able to help Gentle.

It can also reduce a dangerous opponent like Shen Huchan for Guan Qi.

As for the consequences, Wang Xiaoshi doesn't care, just quit the arena and find a place away from the hustle and bustle.


Su Mengzhen was a little curious.

What allies can Guan Qi and Bai Choufei (mainly implicated by Guan Qi), who are now the enemies of the rivers and lakes, have any allies?

Is this ally strong enough to deal with the death of the Left Prime Minister?

Cai Jing?

Or the emperor Zhao Gou?

"Well, it should be coming soon."

Bai Ye said.

A burst of footsteps came from outside the room, someone stopped outside, and the voice came: "Lord Lord, the four famous arrests are asking to see you."

Su Mengzhen's eyes widened slightly, looking at Bai Ye.

The allies he said were the four famous arrests?

Or maybe is the Marquis of Zhuge behind it?

"Master Su, stabilize your emotions."

Bai Ye looked at Su Mengzhen, "There are still many chances for you to be surprised later, but now I am so surprised. With your body, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."

As Bai Ye said.

In the half hour that followed, Su Meng was shocked several times in a row.

Shocked to the end, he almost coughed to death.

He believed that the name of Bai Choufei would never be forgotten in his entire life.

It has been deeply embedded in my mind.

This is the legendary "passers-by shocking flow"! Ps: Book friends, I am an argotist. I recommend a free novel app that supports novel downloads, listening to books, zero ads, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press for three seconds to copy) Book lovers, please pay attention!

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