MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 679 Debt can save lives

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The head of the Lan family in Xizhen, Lan Yuanshan, looked at the three people in front of him.

His face was a little complicated.

The complicated reason mainly comes from the white-haired man in the middle.

He leaned lazily on the back of the chair, but gave Lan Yuanshan an extremely dangerous feeling.

Like some kind of sleeping monster.

Although he didn't want to admit it, after seeing the other party, Lan Yuanshan's original idea of ​​revenge and regaining his place was just like the snow under the scorching sun.

dissolve rapidly.

This "plant", he Lan Yuanshan recognized.

Why were there four people when they set off, but only three people when they arrived at the Lan's house.

The reason is very simple, Qi Shaoshang separated halfway and went to find Xiao Qiushui.

Therefore, Shen Huchan was the only one driving the car.

"I have prepared the map. The Tang Sect occupies the center of Bashu's confidant, and should not be underestimated. You have to be careful with the big catcher and Bai Xiangye." Lan Yuanshan said.

He believes that Ruthless came just to ask for news.

I just don't understand why Bai Choufei also came together.

Is it possible to join in the fun?

Lan Yuanshan doesn't know much about Bai Choufei...

At least it's far worse than being ruthless.

Lan Yuanshan only knew that the other party was a very popular person in the court and in the arena.

They are also very greedy for money, which can be seen from the fact that the four of them sent people to kill Guan Qi, and then they were beaten severely.

"If you are not in a hurry, I can go with you in a couple of days," Lan Yuanshan said after ruthlessly thanking them.

"In two days?"

"Yeah." Lan Yuanshan nodded, "I have an appointment with Zhou Baiyu to fight in two days. If the three of you are willing, please give us a testimony."

The leader of the four famous arrests, the leader of the seven pirates, and the Prime Minister of the Left.

No matter who it is, it is enough to witness a "battle of the rivers and lakes".

Even if the two sides of the battle are Lanyuan Mountain in Xizhen and Zhou Baiyu in Beicheng.

Zhou Baiyu, the city lord of Wuyang City among the Four Great Families, is on good terms with cold blood.

The relationship between the four great families is not one of the same.

Although it is not the same as Jinfeng Drizzle Building and Liufenbantang, they are a pair of old enemies, fighting to the death and fighting each other.

There is also fierce competition between them.

Among them, Lan Yuanshan is the most obvious. He wants to revitalize the Lan family and make it the first of the four great masters.

It's not surprising to meet Zhou Baiyu, the lord of Beicheng, to determine the status of "master-slave".

"Is the time right now?"

Ruthless frowned slightly.

The Tang Clan was about to move. At this time, Lan Yuanshan was about to fight Zhou Baiyu. Aren't you afraid that the Tang Clan would take advantage of it?

"The time has long been set." Lan Yuanshan said, "It can't be changed because of the Tang Sect. And to deal with the Tang Sect, wouldn't it be better to gather strength?"

Looking at his appearance, it seems that he is very confident in winning this battle.

Press down on Beicheng.

Ruthless didn't agree. In fact, he didn't think about whether to agree or not.

Because the chief catcher is very clear that the person who makes the decision is the "Bai Xiangye" around him.

"Okay, it looks interesting." Bai Ye agreed.

Relentlessly nodded.

As for Shen Huchan, there will be no objection.

Bai Ye rescued Hen Shao and Tang Baoniu below, and Shen Huchan decided to repay his gratitude.

What's more, Lord Bai Xiangye also has a great wish to destroy gold, which is enough for Shen Huchan to follow his lead.

"It's interesting?" Lan Yuanshan was speechless in his heart, with a dry smile on his face.


At this time, Ru Qing suddenly turned his head and looked at the closed door of the room.

Lan Yuanshan stood up and strode out.

After a while, he walked back, followed by a woman.

"It turned out to be Mrs. Sister-in-law." He said ruthlessly, cupping his hands.

Lan Yuanshan introduced his wife to Shen Huchan and Bai Ye.

Judging from the smile on his face, it was obvious that he loved her.

This woman named Huo Yinxian is also worthy of Lan Yuanshan's preference.

Fascinating, soft and mellow, a simple gesture of salute will make the bones of ordinary men soften.

With such a wife, I don't know where Lan Yuanshan's confidence came from defeating Zhou Baiyu.

However, Zhou Baiyu's fiancee is also known as the first beauty.

The two are estimated to be half a catty.

They are naturally not ordinary men in the white night.

After a brief meeting, Huo Yinxian said goodbye and left.

Bai Ye and Shen Huchan wandered around in Xizhen, while Ru Qing reminisced with Lan Yuanshan.

The plot of the blind young man jumping out to send his face to the door did not happen at all.

Think about it carefully, thanks to the silent Shen Huchan behind Bai Ye.

A mighty man with a big knife on his back.

After a little inquiries, the leader of the seven major bandits...even the person who originally wanted to regain some face, immediately died.

People do not fight with officials.

Jianghu people are not ordinary people, and many of them are daring.

However, there will not be many people who are bold enough to face the frontal anger and just become the prime minister of the court, plus a leader of the seven major pirates.

late at night.

Xizhen was quiet, only the sound of beating men echoed in the night sky.

Not only did it not make people feel at ease, but there was a strange feeling.

A black figure shuttled through the shadows.

The speed is fast enough to show that he is a good player who is good at light kung fu.

However, the expert did not notice that behind him, there was a man in white following him unhurriedly.

Completely unreasonable flying in mid-air.

Even in the moonlight, not even a shadow was projected.

"really interesting."

Bai Ye adorned behind the man in black who came out of the city lord's mansion, with a smile on his face.

After the man in black left West Town, he walked all the way, about half an hour later.

Stopped on the outskirts of a small town.

The moonlight was shining brightly, casting a layer of white light on the green grass in the suburbs.

Not long after, two men with wretched expressions but stiff faces appeared and whispered a few words to the man in black.

One leaves, one stands still.

The man in black took off his turban and mask, revealing a head of fine hair and a beautiful face.

Huo Yinxian!

This person turned out to be Lan Yuanshan's wife?

The problem was that when Lan Yuanshan introduced her, he didn't say that she knew any martial arts.

Bai Ye looked at Xizhen, who was no longer in sight.

As if to hear raindrops falling on the green grass.

Huo Yinxian's actions next verified Bai Ye's thoughts.

She didn't say a word, just undressed-untie-belt, took off her night clothes and handed it to the man beside her to "destruct the corpse and destroy the traces".

All that was left was a thin coat.

That's not enough, Huo Yinxian stretched out his hand and tore Xiaoyi into rags.

There was only one piece that was still in her hands, and she didn't even care about it, it wasn't even half-covered.

Enough to spit blood.

The man with a stiff face next to him had a more obscene expression on his face.

But restrained and did not move.

Until, there was a sunny roar from the town.

The sounds of fighting and chasing kept getting closer.

The expression on the man's face was almost morbid, and he swooped towards Huo Yinxian with the meaning of being refreshed before he died.

A terrified and struggling expression appeared on Huo Yinxian's face.

But he didn't mean to dodge, waiting for the man to pounce.

A big drama is about to unfold.

If...if there were no white nights—

Closing her eyes, Huo Yinxian, who was terrified, suddenly opened her eyes - the expected abandoned son did not pounce.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a white-haired man standing in front of her, looking at her with a half smile.

Still holding her companion in her hand.

Bai Ye waved his hand at will, and the man crossed a graceful arc in the dark night, flew hundreds of meters away, and fell into the woods in the distance without making any sound.

"I didn't expect Mrs-in-law to be an actress."

Bai Ye smiled.

"It's you!" Huo Yinxian's face changed greatly!

Bai Choufei, why did he appear here?

Did you come with yourself?

Why didn't you notice it along the way?

At this time, a burst of rapid footsteps approached.


The words of the person who fled in front of him hadn't had time to say it.

The people who were chasing behind him had already caught up, and a cold, icy sword light flashed.

The head soared into the sky, and the headless corpse fell.

Only a small amount of fresh blood flowed out of the fracture.

The wound was frozen in a frozen state.

The man slashed his head with a sword, and the pursuer did not stop.

Directly at Bai Ye and with a terrified face - this time, it was the real, terrified Huo Yinxian who was not fake at all.

The cold sword in his hand flashed a cold light again.

It turned into a bolt of lightning and stabbed behind Bai Ye.

"The thief, take your life!"

At the same time as the attack, he also issued a cry of justice.

Bai Ye measured his body and pointed out his left hand at will.

The tip of the index finger just fell on the tip of the sword.

An unparalleled force That sharp sword exuding a chill, the blade instantly shattered and turned into countless fragments.

Several wounds were drawn on the sword-wielding man.

Before he could make a correct response, Bai Ye's index finger that didn't stop after breaking the sharp sword had already landed on his forehead.

Not really pressed down.

The pain and biting sensation of the sharp sword piercing the brain came, as if the head had been pierced at this moment.

"City Lord Zhou, I advise you to speak carefully."

Bai Ye looked at the person who came and said, "If you didn't owe me a debt, at this time, it would already be a corpse."

Beicheng City Lord Zhou Baiyu was before this moment.

It never occurred to him that such a debt could save his life.

Read The Duke's Passion