MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 691 Reciting poetry indiscriminately is going to cause an accident

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"Open the box."

Said the night.

The heavy box behind the four was opened, and a pungent smell of blood came out.

Inside the box, there are ears.

And a few heads.

The head is still very fresh, and it is estimated that it has just left the body not long ago.

Zhao Gou was no longer willing to look at these **** things.

He's still just an emperor who hasn't been in a trance!

"what is this?"

Averting his gaze, Zhao Gouqiang asked while holding back his disgust.

"Does this guy say it's not Chen Bing's border?"

The Condor Hero Bai Ye pointed at Bu Jian's head and said, "So, I asked Xiao Daxia to take people there. The harvest seems to be quite good."

There was a look of surprise in Zhao Gou's eyes.

As expected, Bai Choufei was well prepared, as expected of a man who wanted to destroy gold.

"As for these heads."

Bai Ye waved his hand, and a head flew up and landed in Cai Jing's arms.

Cai Jing, whose eyes were dull, shouted and threw the head in his arms to the ground in a panic.

"Is this bad? Mr. Cai."

Bai Ye looked at Cai Jing and said, "A few days ago, you called others Xiao Tiantian, but now you have abandoned it like a shoe?"

"What are you talking about?" Cai Jing replied reluctantly.

"I got this head from your house." Bai Ye said.

Of course, it was not the mission led by Bu Jian who contacted Cai Jing.

It was another group of Jin people who secretly entered Beijing ahead of time.

These people are members of the Eleven Wings of the Golden Emperor.

Wanyan Agu fights the most powerful group of masters under his command—the Wings in the Sky and the Eleven Wings of the Golden Emperor.

At that time, Xiao Qiushui led a group of Jianghu people and forcibly regained the disadvantage of Song Dynasty on the battlefield.

Block the army of the Golden State from the gates of the country.

Although they didn't really meet Xiao Qiushui, A Guda and Wanyan Jue were also very clear.

If you want to invade Shenzhou, take Song Dynasty instead.

The rivers and lakes and martial arts of China are a huge obstacle.

must be removed.

Without those who are strong in martial arts and willing to sacrifice their lives to get in the way, it would be many times easier to destroy Song.

Wanyan Jue, the King of the Golden Kingdom, led the Eleven Wings of the Golden Emperor, as well as some elites.

In fact, it has entered the land of Shenzhou.

Prepared to destroy the entire force of the rivers and lakes.

Cai Jing was one of the people they came into contact with and could cooperate with.

Cai Jing is also very dissatisfied with Jianghu.

Some of those damned Jianghu people can threaten Cai Jing's own life.

Even with the personal protection of a master at the level of the old, middle-aged and young, Cai Jing still doesn't have much sense of security.

In addition, he wanted to take this opportunity to bring down Bai Choufei.

The two sides naturally hit it off and reached a consensus.

Some members of the Eleventh Wing of Emperor Jin are in Cai Jing's home.

On the one hand, protect the safety of this collaborator - he can't die until Cai Jing's value is drained.

On the other hand, it is convenient.

It's a pity that the old man is immortal and the middleman died at the hands of Guan Qi.

The last remaining childhood sweetheart was seriously injured.

Cai Jing's men have no real masters.

I didn't realize that I had been stared to death by Zhuge Zheng.

The Eleventh Wing of the Golden Emperor has secret contact with Cai Jing. No matter how careful you are, some clues will be revealed.

I was told by Zhuge Zheng to Bai Ye.

And Bai Xiangye doesn't follow the same rules as Zhuge Shenhou.

What, Cai Jing seems to be in secret contact with a group of outsiders, as if to make trouble?

Just clues, no evidence?


That who, Lao Yan, Qi, whoever you want, go and solve it.

It doesn't matter, I made a mistake, Bai Xiangye is responsible for the matter, let go and do it.

The few people who had just returned from the border shot again.

After confirming that it is Jin Guo spy.

Even Xiao Qiushui would not show any mercy.

The current situation is like this.

If you can fight, you can do whatever you want.

"Master Cai, you conspired with Jin Guo's spies to assassinate the official's family, but it's a big crime against conspiracy."

Bai Ye looked at Cai Jing and said.

"I didn't want to assassinate the official's house!" The situation was over, and Cai Jing was in chaos.

"Oh? So, there is still a conspiracy, but there is no counter-conspiracy." Bai Ye "suddenly realized."

"I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense!"

Cai Jing's official hat had fallen to the ground at some point.

There was blood all over his body and face, Cai Jing's hair was messy, and he looked like an old lunatic.

"The official family." Bai Ye ignored Cai Jing and turned to look at Zhao Gou.

"Come on!"

Zhao Gou raised his eyebrows and said, "I will take this old thief into the Heavenly Prison, and I will take his head to sacrifice to the flag!"

The implication is that it is already decided to send troops to destroy gold.

The trend is set.

Naturally, the wallhead grass and the Cai party did not dare to object.

Amid the chorus of approval, the overall situation is set!

Changed place.

Bai Ye, Zhao Gou and others gathered together.

The overall situation has been decided, but if we really want to send troops to destroy gold, there is still a lot to do.

Do it well in every way.

Of course, for Bai Ye, things were actually not that troublesome.

"The imperial army, the requirements are very simple, they don't need to attack, they only need to defend."

Said the night.

"Shoucheng?" Zhuge Zheng, I was a little puzzled.


Bai Ye nodded, "The real offensive force is the strange army formed by these four masters leading the rivers and lakes - the world!"

Xiao Qiushui, Yan Kuangtu, Guan Qi, and Li Chenzhou.

Now the rivers and lakes, or the whole world.

The four most powerful people.

Everyone's martial arts are at the level of changing the terrain.

On the battlefield, Guan Qi and Yan Kuangtu were extremely beneficial.

The two cultivated the invisible sword energy, before they were exhausted.

The death energy on the battlefield can be used by them, and there is no need to take the trouble of extracting grass, trees, heaven and earth.

Completely inexhaustible.

The invisible sword energy is a first-class "mass destructive martial arts".

These four people—

It is a humanoid self-propelled army of ten thousand people.

Yes, Bai Ye never put the real hope of destroying gold on the army of the imperial court.

The army of the imperial court was reluctantly defending the city.

If they were to enter the grasslands and fight against the cavalry of the Jin Kingdom who were good at fighting on horseback, it would be dwarfed by comparison.

The masters of the rivers and lakes are the trump cards that destroy the gold in the white night.

Tangmen's formations, poisons, and formations of various sects, on the battlefield, can exert their formidable power, far surpassing the battle of rivers and lakes.

And with the strength and prestige of Xiao Qiushui and others.

Coupled with the coercion of Lord Bai Xiangye.

It is enough to twist the group of Jianghu people who are fighting each other and are scattered into a ball.

be the sharpest blade.

Pierced into the heart of Jin Guo.

If things go well, Bai Ye will do it himself.

With Xiao Qiushui and the others leading the world, it was enough.

Xiao Qiushui's strength was enough to make Yan Kuangtu, Li Chenzhou, and Guan Qi three guys with their nostrils turned up, agreeing to him as the leader.

The original battlefield experience, coupled with the help of people who are good at military.

Bai Ye believed that Xiao Qiushui would not let him down.

"It's feasible." Zhuge Zheng I said concisely.

Taking a step back, in case of failure, there will be Lord Bai Xiangye.

Zhuge Zheng, I do know that Bai Xiangye fought Xiao Qiushui and Yan Kuangtu, and shattered a mountain.

Shattered his knowledge of martial arts.

"Then it's settled!" Zhao Gou was in high spirits, "If I can destroy the gold, I will definitely not treat you badly."

"No need." Li Chenzhou said coldly.

Of the four, he was the only one who was sullen.

It is clearly stated that Song will be destroyed first, and then Jin will be destroyed.

The results of it?

Now it is necessary to destroy the gold first to preserve the power to help the foundation.

in exchange for future careers.

Li Chenzhou was very angry, and he naturally spoke coldly towards Zhao Gou.

Xiao Qiushui sighed softly, Jianghu people are just a group of problem children, and it is really difficult to lead a team.

Fortunately, Yan Kuang's disciples did what they said.

Guan Qi listened to Bai Ye's words very much and would support him.

Otherwise, if more people get angry, Xiao Daxia will use a shocking sword to educate and shock the "bear children".

"Brother, I want to see Xiaobai." Guan Qi said.

Bai Ye looked at Zhao Gou.

Zhao Gou was silent for a while, then nodded slightly with difficulty.

The current Guan Qi has shed blood for the Song Dynasty and made great contributions. He wanted to see the Queen Mother, but Zhao Gou could not refuse.

"Aqi and Xiao Daxia, let's go together." Bai Ye said, "Lao Yan, A Li, come with me, and we will find a weighty head to worship the flag."

"Who else?"

Zhao Gou asked in surprise.

"The Eleventh Wing of the Golden Emperor is not over, there are still people lurking in other places."

Bai Ye said, "Maybe, even that guy Wanyan Jue is in the capital."

"Okay!" Yan Kuangzu laughed.

Wanyan Jue, the King of the Golden Kingdom, should be an opponent who can make him move.

What Golden Emperor Eleven Wings, the opponent fell down before exerting any force.

There is also about Qi and the unfilial son robbing monsters.

"We killed five, and there are six others, do you know where they are?" Li Chenzhou asked.

"I don't know, I guessed one." Bai Ye said.

Li Chenzhou let out a sigh of relief, this kind of person is so strong?

"What if you guess wrong?"

"Guess wrong?" Bai Ye sneered, "If you guess wrong, throw your head in and make an iron case."

"Cough cough!"

Zhao Gou coughed loudly, "Bai Qing, Bai Qing, calm down."

"Don't worry, the official." Bai Ye said, "I'm more than 90% sure. After all, that little Marquis's poem number is about to have his contacts with Jin Ren secretly written on his face."

Talking and laughing with hidden swords and smiling blood.

Flip your hands for the cloud to cover the rain.

God Spear Blood Sword Little Marquis.

Divine Ability Hou, Fang Ying should see.

This is the person Bai Ye is looking for.

"Blood Sword" refers to Fang Yingkan's Blood River Sword, which has now fallen into Bai Ye's hands, the "Blood River Divine Sword" martial arts practiced, and the evolved Blood River Divine Finger.

And the meaning of the magic gun, very few people know, only a few people.

Almost everyone is only a young master and has good But in fact, his good marksmanship comes from the Jurchen royal family's unique "Wuri Gun"!

Fang Ying should look at the interest group that has been linked, the Youqiao Group.

It also has enough strength to hide and shelter the Golden Emperor Eleven Wings in the capital of the gods.

There are not many people who can do this.

There are not many people who have the motivation and reason to do this.

Add it up, and the range is reduced to the limit.

If the remaining members of the Golden Emperor's Eleven Wings are hiding in the capital of the gods, there is a 90% probability that they will be in the mansion of this Divine Ability Marquis.

Bai Ye's confidence is not blind.

"So, if young people recite poetry randomly, something will happen."

Read The Duke's Passion