MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 711 The old driver is leaving!

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A voice equivalent to "Pikachu" came out of Bai Yan's mouth.

A large axe split the strange Li in front of him in half, then swung it up and chopped it down.

He cut the unfortunate monster into a pile of "waste armor" before he stopped.

The blood stained on her body began to gradually decrease, as if it was directly absorbed by Bai Wei.

Bai Ye threw a Wei Li Poké Ball and subdued the Wei Li.

Two days have passed since Bai Ye entered the foggy capital.

During this time, Bai Ye subdued dozens of Wei Li.

From the human head kite at the beginning, to the current hollow armor knight.

Even though there is only armor, blood still spews out from the inside.

A lot of strange and serious are similar, can be classified into the same type.

After subduing this strange Li, Bai Ye took out a small notebook, and a quill moved on its own, and began to record relevant information.

He's making a bizarre picture book.

Information is the key factor in this war for human life and death.

Even if they are weird, they also have different weaknesses.

Aiming at weaknesses, it can kill more effectively, and leave the seeds of "obedience" in the heart of Wei Li, who only has instinct.

Helps to subdue Wei Li, use it for me, and fight.

Behind Bai Ye, about a meter or so.

Following a group of people, the number exceeded sixty.

These people are all survivors that Bai Ye met during this period of time and rescued them easily.

These people are all wearing masks, face coverings, and swimming goggles.

in order to be able to operate in heavily polluted areas outside the building.

Of course, normal masks and swimming goggles will definitely not have any protective effect.

What they used was added a little weight by Bai Ye.

Immune to damage from fog.

These people did not dare to stay away from Bai Ye, but they also did not dare to approach.

The other party is very powerful, but also too powerful and mysterious, with a terrible "ghost".

Can also subdue the strange.

The feeling of everyone following Bai Ye to seek shelter is like following a wild beast in order to avoid the wolves.

Shock and fear, from the heart.

Emotions are not eliminated by reason.

Only a few people dare to have the courage to say a few words to Bai Ye occasionally.

Berwick, the first "standard English middle-aged" who was rescued by Bai Ye, was one of them.

Seeing Bai Ye successfully subduing Wei Li, he took a few quick steps, stood a step behind Bai Ye, and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Bai, where are we going next?"

"Go to these places."

Bai Ye took out a map and pointed to the location.

They are all important places, economic and political centers of London.

Seeing the position getting deeper and deeper into the fog, Berwick couldn't help but have a toothache.

Bai Ye is not afraid of this wild beast, and can hang up and fight those ghosts named "weili".

But as ordinary people, they will die if they are not careful.

It's a very sad story for a group of people who can't even call 666 to salt the fish and fight (look at him) monsters with their god-level thighs.

at this time.

The crowd that had been quiet as chickens behind them suddenly became a little commotion.

It's not just them, Bai Yingying is also looking at the end of the street behind him.

Everyone heard the sound of a car starting and driving from there.

"There's a car!"

Depressed exclamations erupted from the crowd.

You know, after the fog covered, all the cars on the street have disappeared.

In the parking lot and the like, there are still a lot of cars parked.

However, even if there is oil and a key, it cannot be started again.

Like all electronics, it's useless.

Now, actually hear the sound of the car engine?

Could it be that the rescue team from outside has finally arrived?

However, according to Mr. Bai, for now, 99% of the people on the planet.

Entering the foggy area, not only can't save people.

Or kill yourself.

Could it be that in the past two days, the outside world has found a way to deal with it?

It just didn't wait for everyone to show a surprised expression.

The car coming slowly in the fog broke the beautiful fantasy.

This is a double-decker bus, very retro.

The headlights illuminate a "light path" in the fog.

There is also a "7" number on the front of the car.

"Bus number seven?"

Someone took a few steps back, realizing that he seemed to be far away from the large group, and walked abruptly back into the crowd.

"Bus number seven? What do you mean?"

"This is an urban legend, a ghost story..." the man said.

London is a city rich in history.

All kinds of urban legends will naturally be born.

Bus No. 7 is one of them.

At many crash sites, witnesses will see a double-decker bus speeding past.

But the windows are pitch black, and you can't see what's inside.

Only the window of the cab is transparent, but there is no driver inside.

All in all, it's a ghost story.

Of course, in today's society, all kinds of shooting tools have reached the extreme.

Anyone can take out their mobile phone and take a mad shot, and the No. 7 bus disappears completely.

After 90 years, no one has seen the bus again.

when speaking.

The bus with its dark windows stopped beside everyone.

The door opens on its own.

It was still dark inside, and no matter how you looked, you couldn't see the scene.

The act of parking and opening the door seems to be an invitation to get in the car.

Of course, as long as it is a person with a normal IQ.

I'm afraid they won't get into a real black car.

Isn't life long enough?

Everyone's brains were not eaten by Wei Li, and their IQs were normal.

They all retreated to the front of the shops on both sides, away from the No. 7 bus.

"Bai... What about Mr. Bai?"

Soon, someone asked in horror.

Bai Ye, gone!

Everyone looked at Berrick, who was still talking to Bai Ye just now.

Berwick was also terrified: "I don't know, he was still by my side just now!"

Without White Night, they could only wait to die in the fog.

"Drip drip!"

At this moment, a piercing horn sounded from the No. 7 bus.

Then came the roar of the engine.

It doesn't feel like someone is stomping on the gas pedal in neutral.

More like some kind of shrill roar.

Non-human non-beast.

Everyone fell to the ground, their hands and feet were weak and paralyzed.

The heart was beating continuously with the sound of the engine.

A suffocating feeling of fear and despair came.

At the same time, I felt that the blood in the blood vessels was flowing frantically, and the heart was beating continuously.

It seems to explode in the next second.

Bus No. 7, like a living creature, began to shake and vibrate.


Finally, there was a long whistle.

The car was quiet, no engine noise, no shaking.

Only a patch of black still shrouded the interior of the car.


The whistle sounded two more times.

"Get in the car, get in the car! The old driver will take you around London and start an adventure."

The voice of the night came.

He walked out of the dark interior of the car and said to the crowd, "Each person is worth five points. This is the first time a big discount is offered. It's cheaper."


"...This is, has it been subdued by Mr. Bai?"

Someone asked Berrick, he was the one who followed Bai Ye the longest.

I saw with my own eyes the whole process of Bai Ye subduing Wei Li.

"Probably." Berwick wasn't sure.

How did Mr. Bai conquer Wei Li in the past?

He always beat Wei Li to and then said coldly, "Sit up and move yourself"—no, he threw the Wei Li Poké Ball.

Put Wei Li in.

But this time, he got in the car directly!

There is no strange Li Poké Ball.

It's not the same as before!

"I believe in Mr. Bai."

Berwick didn't hesitate, gritted his teeth, and rushed into the bus.

He was afraid that he would hesitate to get on this black car.

After a while, Berwick got out of the car again and said, "Everyone, get in the car, remember to pay."

The old driver Bai Ye is about to leave.

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Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes