MTL - Abyss Domination-v11 Chapter 10 Heaven falls justice! ......

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The afterglow of the setting sun will give the city of Modo a golden brilliance. 『┡

Sauron is very rare to stand on the tower to enjoy a quiet moment, reviewing his own experience along the way, he is racing every time almost every minute, never enjoying the extravagant life of this world.

Now that the Holy Holocaust has entered the late stage, as long as the last wave of impact from **** is passed, then Sauron can enjoy the ease of life with the most important people. This is a very long time. Soren has enough time to squander extravagant waste. One hundred and two hundred years and three hundred years, if it is not enough, it will be thousands of years and two thousand years and three thousand years. As the immortal god, as long as Sauron is willing, He can spend all his time doing whatever he wants without hesitation. And all this can be obtained as long as the Holy Holocaust can be obtained. At that time, the status of the gods will be stabilized and will never fall into the hands of others.

The gentle footsteps came.

The figure of the fallen witch Corinna appeared. She saw that Sauron, standing in the setting sun, couldn’t help but squat, then walked over to shoulder with him and whispered: “It’s rare to see you so leisurely.”

"Is it?" Sauron turned and smiled.

Then he looked into the distance: "Since the robbery of the Holy One, I have been racing against time. It used to protect Vivian, and later to deal with other crises. But fortunately everything is coming to an end. I am I feel that the energy storm is gradually weakening, and it is possible to end it at the end of next year."

"At that time, I had enough time to arrange my future life."

The fallen witch heard the news and then lost a little bit: "Go to the Kingdom of God? It is also."

"Whether you or Vivian, the last thing is to go to the kingdom of God."

Sauron turned to look at her. For so long, the fallen witch proved her loyalty with her own actions, and there were certain ritual relationships. Her estrangement with Sauron gradually decreased, and the relationship became intimate.

Corinna met Sauron's gaze.

Sauron suddenly smiled and said slowly: "If you like, you can enjoy immortality with us!"

"Gloria is about to seal God."

"You also have divinity on your body. As long as you solve the imprint of the succubus queen, I don't want to help you to seal the gods. But this is the last time you have to choose."

The fallen witch is the path of the Arcane Empire.

Unlike Sauron, her ultimate goal is a destiny wizard or a great arcane master. If she chooses to seal the gods, then she will give up some things and eventually become a guardian of the rules with Sauron. The gods have powerful power, but they also maintain the order of the world. It is like a job. On this point, there is no freedom for the archaeologists.

The power given by the law also brings obligations.

The position of this kind of **** is said to be to maintain the operation of the sun, the moon and the stars, and to maintain the order of many rules.

The multiverse itself is orderly.

The gods should maintain this, and this has been the case since ancient times. Even in the face of the biggest crisis in the multiverse, it was the earliest demon invasion, and even if the gods were fallen, they never retreated.


The fallen witch hesitated for a moment, then said: "I don't know!... I have persisted for so long!... Although it is hard to refuse!...but..."

Sauron smiled and said: "The arcane is not outside the path of the gods."

"In the future, my plan also has a lot of places where arcane is used. You can think about Gloria's current path. She may surprise you in the future!"

Gloria is also a witch, and she can become an Arcanist at any time if she wishes.


Her choice is to stand side by side with Sauron and eventually control the arcane as a god.


Night falls.

Sauron returned to his study, and suddenly he felt like a shock, then he said to himself: "Is it dangerous?!"

The body of Saul has the mark of Sauron.

This imprint is similar to the electorate, and is also present in Milan, the pastor of the Holy Spirit. If the other party encounters a fatal danger, Sauron will have direct induction.

next moment.

Sauron’s vision turned to the distant East.


The Eastern Kingdom is still only at dusk, but Sauron sees the blood and corpses of the earth, humans and monsters, and many distorted distortions, as well as a breath that Sauron does not like.

That is the breath of the ancient evils!

The gods hate any ancient evils and reject all things related to the gods.

A terrible monster appeared in the eyes of Sauron.

In front of it is a huge altar with dark red blood sacrifices and no idea how many living people are used as sacrifices.

The shadow of the dragonfly is on the side of the altar.

There are already a lot of corpses nearby. After destroying the surrounding Luo Yi demon and evil spirits, all the legendary professional players have joined the battle against zargon. Zargon has more than ten terrible tentacles, and one of them is one of them. The roots were drawn, and this moment broke her protection, and almost a move shattered her internal organs.

"I am going to die...?"

A bite of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth, and her consciousness at the moment was a bit fuzzy.

Her expression was a little sad and unwilling, and she finally advanced to the legendary field, but she did not expect to die here. She does not regret it, because the seal of the ancient evils is the mission of the monk. After a long period of time, countless monks and princes have not followed the legendary strong, but no one has ever regretted and retreated.

This is the mission.

From the moment they become a monk, they know that they may face it in the future.

All the monasteries existed for this purpose. In the long years, the entire Eastern Kingdom supported the monks of the monks, and when the ancient evils appeared, they also needed to fulfill their mission to seal these terrible monsters.

I don’t regret it, just a little unwilling.

The consciousness gradually became blurred, and the internal organs that were directly shattered did not let her die suddenly, but she would die soon.

The mind began to become jealous, and when he thought he would enter the Styx, a gentle male voice rang: "This level of injury, as my voter, is not so easy to die."

A little golden glory emerged.

I don't know when, there is a young man with a sinister charm in front of him.

His body was shrouded in fog, but there was an indescribable pressure. He didn't know when it appeared. No one noticed his arrival, whether it was climbing clouds or ancient evils.

- "Higher recovery!"

Sauron's fingertips were lightly on the forehead of the donkey, and the next moment the body was restored to the naked eye.

The healing technique performed by the gods is so powerful that the cockroach is almost completely recovered from one breath, all the wounds have healed, and the whole person has almost returned to the peak state.

"Shadow dominates!..."

She suddenly recognized Sauron, which made her involuntarily kneel down.

This is an irresistible emotion!

"Is it ancient?"

Sauron turned his head and looked at the monster in front of him, then frowned. "Zargon? I can't think of it and finally ran out!"

He has traveled to the East.

Naturally knowing one of the most dangerous ancient evils in the Eastern Kingdom, zargon is the monster that was killed by the Lord of Hell, Asmodiers. This is the second time, but the last time, because of his ability to kill. The adventurer can completely destroy Him.

The zargon is a huge monster of up to ten meters.

His whole body is covered with dark scales, only one **** red one-eyed eye, the blood bowl is full of teeth, the head looks like an eye, and the body's trunks are terrible tentacles, with six tentacles on each side. And the lower body is a total of about 1o, this terrible monster with a hint of divine atmosphere.

He was the Lord of Hell, the ruler of the Aboriginal people of Barto.

When Asmodiers entered Hell, this monster once fought with it, but was killed by the Lord of Hell, because he could not destroy his unicorn, and eventually the Lord of Hell threw it into the material plane and sealed it.

He is a very powerful enemy!

Even defeated the gods during the peak period of the first resurrection.

However, the strength of resurrecting him this time is not very strong, because he has not completed the blood sacrifice just after breaking the seal. It was restored to the peak with a kingdom. Nowadays, the kingdom of the East has a guardianship and the population is scattered. It is almost impossible. It suddenly returns to its peak state.

“Climbing the clouds?”

Sauron saw the monk who was fighting with zargon, and he was very excited to shake the He was a little surprised: "Wuhan above professional level 4o?"

"I can't think of it here."

He turned and smiled and stared at him, then said: "It seems that you are in trouble. But since you are my voter, then I will help you."

A golden beam of light descended from the sky.

The figure of Sauron came out of the fog and gradually changed from imaginary, and this time the battle of the clouds and the Eastern Emperor Ji showed his existence.

"Shadow dominate?!"


In the distant overseas archipelago, suddenly there was a golden light over the Great Temple of Modo City, and then countless divine powers gathered together to raise a beam of light. Everyone looked at it with some sensation, then muttered: "God is falling?"

The surging power of the surging.

Sauron's figure emerged from the fog, and the body gradually merged into a body, and the pressure of a **** instantly enveloped the battlefield.

"come on."

Sauron smiled and shouted in front of his eyes: "Your body borrows me!"

He stood up involuntarily, then looked at Sauron nervously, and the next Soren golden body gradually integrated into her body. A golden radiance of glory emerged in the hustle and bustle of the embarrassment, and then she seemed to break through a certain boundary, standing directly on the altar.

........................ (To be continued.) 8