MTL - Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World-Chapter 104 Magic stick (1)

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If scammers do too much, they will always overturn.

No, the creditor came to the door.

Some time ago, the original owner met a teenage child. The child had a gloomy face, but he had the air of a young master raised by a wealthy family.

This is a fat sheep!

The most powerful thing about the original owner is the mouth, and it is easy to fool a child. He got enough information from the child's mouth in threes and fives, and conducted a series of explanations on the child. The kid is coaxing like something.

And that time, the original owner restrained his own instincts, did not lie to the child, and let the child let go of the last trace of wariness towards the original owner.

The original owner said to the child inscrutablely: "You and I are predestined, I am just fulfilling the obligations of a predestined person."

"We have a lot of fate, and we will meet again in the end."

As soon as these ethereal words come out, can the child not be curious?

But no matter what the child asked, the original owner stopped talking, just shook his head and smiled without saying a word, quite a bit of a master.

That child is called Meng Yunhai, he is an old man in the family, he is ten years behind his elder brother, and he is loved and cared for by his family.

I have money in my family, so I can't help being spoiled, and I'm a teenager, I always have a bit of a second-guess heart, I feel that I am different, I dream of being a hero, and I will be called one day Children, on a great mission to save the world.

And these actions of the original owner gave him endless hints, making him like a rabbit in his heart, lingering in his dreams, unforgettable day and night.

So under this concern, he beautified the original owner a lot.

Meng Yunhai felt that the original owner was his guide, just like in every anime or movie, when the selected child wants to enter another world, there is always a guide leading him to get used to that world .

And the identity of the original owner, in a sense, also fits this point.

This made Meng Yunhai even more excited.

Afterwards, Meng Yunhai and the original owner met unexpectedly, more than once.

For Meng Yunhai, these encounters all confirmed his speculation from the side, that he really is the hero who is different and destined to save the world!

But to the original owner, every encounter was nothing more than a trick he got out of Meng Yunhai's mouth in advance.

When they met for the first time, he got it out of Meng Yunhai's mouth. On weekends, Meng Yunhai was going to a certain famous video game city with his friends. There was a delicious barbecue restaurant near the video game city, and they all liked it.

So, on the weekend, the original owner stopped by the video game city and completed the "encounter" with Meng Yunhai.

Because Meng Yunhai had always dreamed of the original owner, he recognized the original owner immediately.

But this time, during the simple communication between the original owner and Meng Yunhai, the original owner got the news that Meng Yunhai and the others were going to participate in a lantern festival in the north of the city tomorrow night, and another unexpected encounter happened.

It was still raining that night, when the original owner met Meng Yunhai and the others, they were soaking in the rain with their heads held high, like some soldiers.

The original owner gave the umbrella to Meng Yunhai and others, and persuaded: "Although the rain is moist, but you are young, and the air-conditioning enters the body, and it will not be good."

Meng Yunhai nodded obediently, and asked curiously, "Do you bring so many umbrellas when you go out?"

The original owner held the umbrella, and smiled faintly, "Going out today, encountering fateful people in the water, giving umbrellas to fateful people, it's a good story."

After a pause, the original owner nodded to them, "I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

After walking a few steps, the original owner heard Meng Yunhai proudly say to his friends: "That's the master!"

"The kind who knows astronomy and geography at the top and can pinch and count!"

"Very, very awesome!"

Meng Yunhai's friends gasped in amazement.

Those voices fell in the ears of the original owner, which made him very proud.

He just came here on purpose to have a "chance encounter" with Meng Yunhai, and when he saw the weather forecast warning of rain, he carried a bag and brought a few extra umbrellas.

If it really rains then, he can pretend to be aggressive and provide them with umbrellas; if it doesn't rain, it's not a big deal, isn't it just an extra bag?

In the end, God was helping him.

The original owner was in a good mood.

After repeating this cycle many times, Meng Yunhai's eyes on the original owner became brighter and brighter, and he trusted the original owner more and more.

The original owner felt that the time was almost here, so he made an inscrutable look and sighed to Meng Yunhai: "You and I are destined to be together."

When Meng Yunhai heard this, he was so excited. Did the master recognize him? To open the door to his new world?

The original owner looked Meng Yunhai up and down, Meng Yunhai's face was flushed, he stood at attention and took a rest, with his fingers sticking to the seam of his trousers, standing upright, a hundred times more serious than being punished to stand at school.

The original owner saw his nervousness and expectation, and sighed slightly, "It's like a bone."

Meng Yunhai's expression collapsed, his ears buzzed, and when he looked at the original owner again, he seemed to be asking for help.

"Master," Meng Yunhai said at a loss, "Is there any way? I have money, can I change my roots? Can I become better? I..."

The original owner patted him on the shoulder to signal him to calm down, and then showed a very reliable smile in Meng Yunhai's eyes.

"It's not a big deal—" the original owner said slowly, "After all, you and I are destined."

"Do you want to worship me as a teacher?"

At that moment, Meng Yunhai's tears almost fell.

—The door to a new world has opened!

Can Meng Yunhai refuse to agree?

He nodded without hesitation!

It was the original owner, who pretended to be serious and said: "Think about it again, don't give me an answer so quickly."

"Your roots are average, this road is more difficult after all."

"Discuss with your family."

The original owner had firmly grasped Meng Yunhai's thoughts, saying this made Meng Yunhai trust him even more, and he couldn't wait to become a teacher.

But the original owner refused to let him worship, and insisted that Meng Yunhai think about it for a week, and give him an answer after a week, and urged Meng Yunhai to discuss it with his family, because he is not good at all.

The more the original owner said that, the more reluctant Meng Yunhai was to tell his family.

Children of this age hate being looked down upon and bad-mouthed. The more the original owner said this, the more Meng Yunhai wanted to make a big career and shock their attention.

Therefore, he didn't plan to tell his family before he achieved a big career.

He didn't want to admit that he was weak at all.

He is unique.

A week later, Meng Yunhai found the original owner and told him that he wanted to be a teacher.

So far, Meng Yunhai has been firmly controlled by the original owner's routine.

Meng Yunhai's family is rich, and he is an old man. The elders of his grandmother's generation were very tolerant and loving to him, so that he had a lot of pocket money, and he could get six pocket money a month. After that, I saved a lot, plus the annual New Year's money, etc., I have a lot of money in my hand, and these were slowly cheated away by the original owner.

The original owner is good at kung fu, Meng Yunhai has no doubts in him, and there is a root-like excuse here, the original owner changed his roots for him, how could he not buy heaven, material and earth treasures? Then how can it not cost money?

Meng Yunhai felt that the money was well spent.

But the original owner knew that this was not a long-term solution. Meng Yunhai's family would find out about Meng Yunhai's anomaly sooner or later. Meng Yunhai's family was not so easy to deceive.

So the original owner was ready to run away.

But running away is definitely not an option, for fear of being found.

So, he fooled Meng Yunhai, called Meng Yunhai Bigu, not eating any food from the world, and took the "elixir" prepared by him on time every day, so that he could cleanse the essence and cut the marrow, and reshape the bones.

for three days.

The original owner also specially emphasized that there must be no interruption in the middle, and it is not enough to eat anything. It is enough to take the elixir every night from five to six o'clock. If you eat something today, then don't take the elixir.

There are only three pills, they are very precious and must not be wasted.

Meng Yunhai solemnly agreed, and happily prepared to go, and the original owner was ready to run away.

If the child goes on a hunger strike suddenly, the family must be worried. They must persuade him to eat, and they may have to go to the hospital. They are afraid that the child will suffer from anorexia. Why don't you just create time for him?

But what the original owner didn't expect was that Meng Yunhai also had an older brother who was a "tyrant".

One of the rare times when I went home, my younger brother wanted to go on a hunger strike, so I immediately pried everything out of his mouth, and then brought someone to block him.

In the background is the cry of the younger brother.

After clarifying the cause, and then looking at the gloomy man in front of him, isn't it easy to understand?

Who wouldn't hate to cheat one's own children around?

At the same time, the voice of System 111 rang in Shi Jingge's mind.

[World repulsion: 100. 】

[Your task is to reduce the world's rejection of you to 50 without OOC. 】

[Because the world is special, with ghosts and ghosts, and because it is the first time for the host to enter a similar world, three golden fingers are hereby provided. 】

Hearing the word "Gold Finger", Shi Jingge's eyes flickered slightly, and he was relieved.

If you don't have a golden finger, just come up here to start, why don't you just gg?

Shi Jingge raised his eyes and met the men's dark eyes, a flash of anger suddenly flashed in the eyes, and soon he returned to calm, but the slightly rough breathing revealed the master's true emotions.

"I don't know you well, sir, why did you speak so rudely?"

Although he looks embarrassed and sloppy, but the tone of his speech is still very important.

The bodyguards around were very disdainful. Liars are enough to be annoying, but this person is so worthless, catching children to cheat.

Parents came to the door and pretended to be from here, what kind of thing!

The man's eyes became even more hostile, and he asked with a half-smile: "Mr. Shi has always been known as a fortune teller, why don't you figure out how we all came from?"

Shi Jingge looked at him with a frown, his eyes were a little cold, but soon, a flash of enlightenment flashed in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, his attitude became calmer, as if a little helpless.

"This gentleman, seems to have some misunderstanding with me?"

The man twitched the corners of his mouth coldly, and looked down at Shi Jingge.

It's pretty much like that.

Even being approached by someone, and being able to put on such an appearance, really deserves to be a professional.

"Where?" Meng Yunzhen wrote lightly, "We were just attracted by Mr. Shi's reputation, so we came here to visit Mr. Shi."

"Why don't Mr. Shi help my brothers take a look first?"

Meng Yunzhen raised his chin to the bodyguards around him. He seemed to be easy to talk to, but his eyes were full of malicious intentions.

Thinking of the little **** at home who was crying, howling and tossing, Meng Yunzhen felt a little more malicious towards the person in front of him.

Who is not good to lie to, must lie to his children? He also deceived his children so sincerely!

Meng Yunzhen didn't even dare to think about how sad Meng Yunhai would be if he knew that the "teacher" he trusted and liked so much was a liar.

But he can't let that stupid boy at home be cheated all the time, can he?

Meng Yunzhen's heart was on fire, and he was so aggrieved that he urgently needed a vent.

And is there a more suitable culprit than Shi Jingge?

there is none left.

Shi Jingge looked at him with a frown, with the displeasure of being offended in his eyes.

This look made Meng Yunzhen even more unhappy.

He curled his lips, and said coolly: "What? Mr. Shi looks down on my brothers, and doesn't want to count my brothers?"

A bodyguard said very cooperatively: "Shouldn't the master treat everyone equally?"

Another bodyguard sighed: "Master, you can't do it."

"Oh, I have a bad temper, why do you look down on me?"

"Does the master not want to count, or dare not count?"

A few bodyguards said something to each other, which made Shi Jingge's expression even more ugly.

Meng Yunzhen sneered, and said lazily: "Forget it or not, master give me an accurate word."

"Money is not a problem. It's easy to talk about. I also know the market price of the master. I will give you ten times."

"Forget it, master, these brothers of mine are not good-tempered people, and the thing that wastes time is the most annoying thing."

"Master, don't challenge the patience of my brothers, right?"

— This is a naked threat!

In terms of tone and words, it seems that he is much more polite than the bodyguards.

But the malice in it is much more than that.

Anger and shame flashed in Shi Jingge's eyes, and his chest heaved violently a few times, as if he was about to rush out to argue with Meng Yunzhen in the next second, but in the end, he still endured it.

Meng Yunzhen's eyes were even more disdainful, if Shi Jingge broke out, he would still look up to Shi Jingge, but unfortunately...

…a liar is a liar, and a bad liar.

"Who will come first?" Shi Jingge gritted his teeth and spat out three words coldly.

[System,] Shi Jingge yelled in his mind, [I want to use Goldfinger. 】

【Do me a favor, let's see what golden finger is best for me now. 】

System 111 was still immersed in the dream of how nice and gentle its host was, and said without hesitation: [I'm coming—]

[Yes, this is good, see through the eyes of the past, three...] System 111 paused, then changed his mind, 【...Seven chances! 】

Said categorically, without hesitation.

Shi Jingge immediately said: [That's all. 】

[Thanks, system. 】

System 111 was a little excited when he heard Shi Jingge's thanks, and frantically ran his own data.

Normally, the cheats that the system exchanges for the host are usually the most common ones.

If there is a limit on the number of times, it is also the one with the least number of times.

Those who want to exchange more times, either use more cheats to make the times stack up, or the system dedicates its energy to exchange more cheats for the host.

But it's clear that few systems are willing to do that.

In each world, the system does not get much energy, and it is necessary to maintain the normal operation of the system, open the space-time tunnel, accumulate energy for system upgrades, etc., who is willing to give away such a little energy?

But my own host... my own host is different!

The number of times of this golden finger is divided into three times, five times and seven times.

System 111 gritted his teeth, and used his own energy to exchange seven times for Shi Jingge.

Although a little bit reluctant, but...that's what the host deserves!

The host deserves it!

At this moment, Meng Yunzhen winked at a tall bodyguard, who came forward and said, "I'll go first."

Shi Jingge glanced at him, frowned slightly, "stretch out your hand."

The bodyguard handed over his left hand and asked maliciously, "Doesn't sir need my birth date? I heard that fortune-telling requires birth date."

Shi Jingge said coldly: "I or you?"

The bodyguard shrugged, "Of course it is you, but you have already said so, it seems that there is no need for birth date."

This blocked the way for Shi Jingge to need the birth date.

The bodyguard looked at Shi Jingge contemptuously. This liar is too low-level, doesn't he even know a little bit of common sense about fortune-telling? Even people like him who don't believe in this at all and have never told fortunetelling know that fortunetelling requires birth dates.

This liar has straws in his head, right?

At this moment, Shi Jingge spoke.

"Mother died young, before you were six years old; father became sick from overwork, and passed away early, around your twenties."

The bodyguard's pupils shrank suddenly, and he subconsciously looked at Meng Yunzhen.

Obviously, Shi Jingge was right.

Shi Jingge's voice was a little erratic, "I have a girlfriend, and she has a good relationship. She has a gentle temperament and strong empathy. She understands you, tolerates you, and gives you comfort. You have experienced a series of blows in the past two years, and your fortune is very poor. Not only did you not make any money, but you also made a lot of money, which caused your original proposal to be delayed, but it doesn’t matter, you will get married this year.”

"Your fortune this year is very good, and you have a good harvest in career and love. This is your lucky year."

Shi Jingge withdrew his gaze, rubbed his temples, and said in a tired voice, "What else do you want me to say?"

The bodyguard opened his mouth and closed it again, finally looked at Meng Yunzhen, and nodded slightly.

— This liar, this liar is telling the truth!

"It's nothing," the bodyguard said bluntly, and then stepped back. Under Meng Yunzhen's gaze, another bodyguard stepped forward and said with a smile, "Master, please do the math for me."

Shi Jingge rubbed his eyebrows, then looked at the bodyguard again.

The first bodyguard retreated to Meng Yunzhen's side, still muttering in his heart, is the one in front of him a liar, a blind cat bumping into a dead mouse, or a real talent?

This sloppy look doesn't look like a real talent!

And yet...he was absolutely right.

Meng Yunzhen glanced at him, with a little searching in his eyes.

The bodyguard nodded, took a quick look at Shi Jingge, and then moved closer to Meng Yunzhen's ear, his voice was inaudible, "It's all right."

"My mother died when I was five and a half years old, and my father became sick from overwork. I left when I was twenty."

"As you know, I had some trouble with an employer two years ago. After that, the employer kept suppressing me. I didn't receive any order. Under the pressure, I found a middleman and paid a certain amount of compensation to the employer. Money solves all of this."

"Before that happened, my girlfriend's birthday was half a month away. I originally planned to propose to my girlfriend on her birthday, and the ring was all set."

"But because of this, just..."

Meng Yunzhen shuddered, this had nothing to do with what Shi Jingge said, it was exactly the same!

"Not to mention anything else," the corner of the bodyguard's lips moved, "No one knows about the plan to propose to my girlfriend except myself."

"Even my girlfriend doesn't know."

Meng Yunzhen nodded, with a serious expression on his face. He looked at the bodyguard who was being told by Shi Jingge. The bodyguard had a bold personality, carefree, and traveled countless times. This was the first time he was so stunned.

Soon, he also retreated and replaced the third bodyguard.

He hurried to Meng Yunzhen's side. Although his steps were not chaotic, he could feel something from the speed of his speech.

"He's right about my situation."

"It's said that I'm not very close, but if you have a good life, you can always save yourself from danger."

"I was abandoned when I was young, and was picked up and raised by the old man. Not including this time, I have experienced life and death three times, and all three times happened in places with water."

"Never been in love."

After a pause, he repeated, "It's all right."

"Not to mention anything else, I have never talked about being in love, and absolutely no one knows."

"I've always told people I've talked."

The corner of Meng Yunzhen's mouth twitched.

For some reason, he was suddenly speechless.

...what magical focus is this?

Soon, the third child also came down.

He also nodded to Meng Yunzhen, saying the same as the first two.

Still all right.

"It's really amazing—" the third child whispered, with a bit of anger and shame in his eyes, "—he can even figure out my likes of blueberry egg tarts and Xue Mei Niang, how can this kind of personal taste matter? Figure it out?"

Meng Yunzhen: "..."

Wait—Is there something wrong with your focus!

Now, the surrounding atmosphere has changed a bit.

No one dared to continue looking down on Shi Jingge.

Even the contempt in Meng Yunzhen's eyes has subsided and turned serious.

Meng Yunzhen believed that his bodyguards could not play such a game in collusion with Shi Jingge, and Shi Jingge's calculations were all correct. There were many things that only the bodyguards knew, so there was only one answer, even if this The answer made Meng Yunzhen feel ridiculous, but this answer was true.

——Shijingge is a master with real materials.

After counting the fourth one, Shi Jingge's forehead was a little sweaty, obviously tired.

"Can we stop here?" Shi Jingge wiped off the sweat from his forehead, straightened his back, and said in a firm tone, "I think Mr. Meng's test can come to an end?"

Meng Yunzhen laughed, this smile was very different from just now, even though it still carried inquiry, doubt and puzzlement, but the hostility and malice were much less.

"See what Mr. Shi said, we really came here because we have heard Mr. Shi's name for a long time."

Shi Jingge rubbed his brows, "Mr. Meng can tell you directly, did something happen to Xiaohai?"

A trace of treachery flashed in Meng Yunzhen's eyes, but he still suppressed his anger. The person in front of him has already demonstrated his ability. If he is indeed a master with real talents and knowledge, there may be some misunderstandings.

But after all, they are parents, and their concern and love for their younger brother prevailed, and their voice was rather cold.

"Mr. Shi, do you think it is a very good thing for a thirteen-year-old child who is growing up to insist on not eating or drinking for three days?

Shi Jingge seemed to be taken aback for a moment, then reached out and rubbed his temples very hard.

Meng Yunzhen shrugged, trying to be friendly, "Using elixir to wash the essence, sounds like a fairy tale."

Meng Yunzhen stared closely at Shi Jingge, refusing to let his every move go.

On the contrary, Shi Jingge was much more calm and generous than he imagined, he was silent for a moment, and sighed: "Yes."

Uh-huh? !

Meng Yunzhen was stunned!

What did this person just say? He nodded, right? He said "Yeah" right? !

He's admitting he's a liar, isn't he? !

"Where is there such a thing as cleaning the essence? The root bone is like talent. It is there from birth. What God gives you is like learning to paint together. Some children have this talent. His paintings Full of aura, some children don’t have this talent, so his paintings don’t have aura.”

"Is there anything in this world that can enlighten the latter overnight, lighten his talent in painting, and draw a picture full of aura?"

"I think," Shi Jingge said as tactfully as possible, "this possibility is very small."

Meng Yunzhen's chest heaved violently twice.

You yourself know that the chances are slim, and you still play with that stupid kid in my family?

Did you **** do it on purpose? !

This is simply... It is simply an extra crime!

Meng Yunzhen gritted his teeth and almost couldn't control his anger.

Shi Jingge rubbed his temples, a bit of shame naturally appeared on his face.

"Xiaohai and I are destined to be destined, but he is a bit ordinary after all. If we want to go this way, it will be very difficult."

"So that day, I advised him to think twice before making a decision. In fact, I regretted that invitation. You know, Xiao Hai is still too young, so I advised Xiao Hai to go back and discuss it with his family. It's something that will affect his life."

Meng Yunzhen asked subconsciously: "You persuade him to discuss it with his family?"

Shi Jingge was taken aback for a moment, and asked strangely: "He's a child again for such a big matter, so of course he has to discuss it with his family."

But that stupid kid in his family didn't tell his family about this.

Eighty percent of them are hiding it by themselves.

There's no need for Shi Jingge to lie about this kind of thing. When the time comes, he can get the answer by asking that stupid boy of his family. If he lies about this kind of thing, Jingge is too mentally retarded at that time.

Obviously, Shi Jingge is not mentally retarded to this extent.

Meng Yunzhen made a note of his stupid brother in his heart, "I'm sorry to interrupt you, you continue."

Shi Jingge frowned and said, "I gave him half a month to think about it and discuss it with his family members. If the family members agree and he is sure, he will come here to find me."

"About a week later, he came to me and said he wanted to worship me as a teacher."

"He also showed me a video recording his family's words of support for him, saying that his family members were very supportive of him, but because of one or another reason, they had no way to come over and could only record a video for him. "

"I thought he had discussed it with his family, and he put his words before him, so I accepted him as an apprentice."

Shi Jingge paused, touched his nose, and the guilt in his eyes became stronger.

"However, this is also the first time for me to be a human teacher."

"I didn't expect that the sentence I said to him earlier, 'like a bone', would have such a great influence on him."

"He fell into a certain kind of paranoia about his own bones. Afterwards, every time he failed, or did not go well, etc., he would blame these on his own bones, thinking that his roots restricted his life."

"No matter how much I persuade, how to explain, how to use the example of those metaphysicians who are so ordinary but finally made a big deal, it will not help."

"I realized that this is not going to work, it will become the child's demon."

"But the root bone is a talent, and you can't change it artificially."

"It's like your IQ is only 100. You have made a career through hard work, but you can't change your IQ to 130, right?"

"Xiaohai is still young, so this paranoia towards Gengu must be eradicated."

"After thinking about it, I came up with such an idea."

"Since Xiaohai thinks that his roots are not good enough to cause this paranoia, then I just need to let Xiaohai think that his roots are good, won't it be fine?"

"You should know what happened next."

Therefore, Shi Jingge provided Meng Yunhai with the methods of "cleaning the essence and cutting the marrow" and "changing the bones". After a long period of time, he collected natural materials and earthly treasures and made them into elixirs to complete this plan.

From a logical point of view, there is indeed no problem.

Meng Yunzhen looked at Shi Jingge steadfastly, and Shi Jingge's eyes were quite open.

Only then did Meng Yunzhen realize that the person in front of him had a pair of exceptionally clear eyes.

How can a person with such eyes be a liar?

This thought floated through Meng Yunzhen's mind, making Meng Yunzhen's nerves tense.

The most brilliant deception in this world is that one can deceive oneself.

Who can say that Shi Jingge is not a person with such deceit?

Because Shi Jingge has real talents?

Who can say that people with real talents and real learning will not become liars?

Interest is the eternal driving force.

It was only then that Meng Yunzhen remembered that Shi Jingge hadn't accounted for the sum of money.

If it was true as he said, then why did Shi Jingge take so much money from Meng Yunhai?

A trace of anger flashed across Meng Yunzhen's eyes.

At this moment, Jing Ge almost deceived him!

Meng Yunzhen hates deception and betrayal the most, and it happens that Shi Jingge has both, and now he is trying to play tricks on him again.

Playing with their two brothers as dolls?

Meng Yunzhen sneered in his heart.

…then be prepared to fall from the clouds.

Meng Yunzhen pretended to be calm and asked: "Mr. Shi also said just now that Xiao Hai is still young, so naturally he should ask his family members for their opinions. Then Mr. Shi, why haven't you ever thought about meeting Xiao Hai's family members?"

"Of course I want to!" Shi Jingge's eyes widened, "But Xiaohai—"

Shi Jingge's voice stopped abruptly, and after a while, he said dryly, "I didn't do it right, I'm very sorry."

Having said that, but the contrast between before and after Shi Jingge made it clear to everyone that the problem was probably caused by Meng Yunhai.

In fact, the original owner did say to meet Meng Yunhai's family many times, but he knew that Meng Yunhai would not let him meet, so it was just a show.

And Meng Yunhai didn't tell his family about this at all, so how dare he let the original owner meet his family?

Meng Yunzhen's eyes swept over several bodyguards around him, seeing how relaxed their expressions were, he couldn't help shaking his head in his heart, suddenly there was a desolation of "everyone is drunk and I am alone".

Was it that simple to be fooled by Shi Jingge?

Shouldn't it be time to feed his bodyguards?

Meng Yunzhen looked at Shi Jingge firmly, shrugged, "Okay, it barely makes sense."

"Then," Meng Yunzhen stretched out his hand to Shi Jingge, "Nice to meet you, my stupid boy's teacher."

Shi Jingge shook hands with him hesitantly, and said politely, "Nice to meet you, Brother Xiaohai."

Meng Yunzhen chatted about other things casually, and the atmosphere gradually eased from the tense situation. At this moment, the sound of vehicles driving came.

Soon, an extended black luxury car appeared in front of everyone.

The car had just stopped when a half-grown boy jumped out. He must have just cried, his eyes were still red and swollen, and he opened his mouth and shouted, "Don't bully my master!"

He is not as tall as Shi Jingge's shoulders, but he stands in front of Shi Jingge, covering Shi Jingge with open arms, crying in his voice, "I want to do this! Whatever you want to do, come at me! Don't embarrass my master!"

Meng Yunzhen almost laughed out of anger.

After being sold, he helped others count the money.

This stupid thing in his family is really the only one.

The other people who got off the car one after another were the two brothers' grandparents, grandparents and grandparents.

"Xiao Hai," the grandfather said seriously, "what did I tell you on the way?"

Meng Yunhai shrank his neck, but still stood firmly in front of Shi Jingge.

Shi Jingge sighed, and said, "Xiao Hai, how did I teach you? What kind of attitude should I have towards the teacher?"

Meng Yunhai turned his head to look at Shi Jingge, seeming a little dissatisfied, but seeing Shi Jingge's stern eyes, he finally apologized bitterly to Meng Yunzhen.

Meng Yunzhen wanted to give Meng Yunhai a hard time, but he held back and opened his mouth to praise Shi Jingge, praising him for his real talents and knowledge, his calculations, and so on, which made everyone look at Shi Jingge in a different way .

Meng Yunhai raised his head proudly. If he had a tail, he would definitely be in heaven by now.

Grandfather softened his expression, and just when he was about to say something, Meng Yunzhen said suddenly: "Oh, by the way, I haven't given Mr. Shi the fortune-telling money yet."

"We agreed to pay ten times the bill."

"Well, let's deduct it from the tuition fees that this stupid boy of my family gave to Mr. Shi."

"Since Mr. Shi didn't buy any natural materials and earth treasures for my brother, he must still keep the money for my brother, right?"

Meng Yunzhen looked at Shi Jingge, with a trace of malice in his eyes, like a poisonous snake spitting out a snake letter.

— "Mr. Shi is a master, so he won't embezzle children's pocket money?"

The author has something to say: Meng Yunzhen: As a younger brother, I am jealous

Meng Yunhai: You will only push me more toward Master! 【Complaint】


Meng Yunhai: Aren't you the brother-in-law? ? Why do you want to rob Master from me? ?

Meng Yunzhen: Oh, I am now under the control of my teacher.

Meng Yunhai:? ? ? ? ? ?

Today all cuties have little red envelopes~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-04-19?23:46:15~2021-04-20?23:57:35~

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: Weixing in early summer? 300 bottles; Blooming? 200 bottles; An Luo, Yanxiu? ?5 bottles; Xiuye? 2 bottles; Pavilions, Beizai? 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion