MTL - Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World-Chapter 111 Magic stick (eight)

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The room became quiet for a moment.

Wen Xusheng hugged the pillow and looked at Shi Jingge anxiously, looking like he was lying down.

After three seconds of silence, Shi Jingge slowly approached Wen Xusheng.

At that moment, Wen Xusheng only felt his heart beating.

But how is it possible?

Evil spirits have no heart.

For a moment in a trance, Shi Jingge brushed past Wen Xusheng, and then opened the door indifferently.

"There is a bed opposite." Shi Jingge turned to look at Wen Xusheng, and said in a good-tempered manner.

Wen Xusheng's room is opposite.

Shi Jingge told Wen Xusheng to go back to his room.

Wen Xusheng quickly laughed, "I don't need a bed."

Shi Jingge narrowed his eyes, "Really?"

Wen Xusheng nodded vigorously, like a chicken pecking at rice, "Really, really."

Shi Jingge looked at him quietly for a long while, then smirked, "Don't, those who don't know think I'm bullying you, and don't even give anyone a bed."

"I don't like sleeping on the bed!" Wen Xusheng said sonorously, "The bed is terrible. There is a vacuum under the bed. What if there is something? As long as I lie on the bed, I can't even close my eyes!"

"Only the floor can give me a sense of security!"

"I love playing the floor, and playing the floor loves me!"

Shi Jingge was almost amused.

Wen Xusheng opened a pair of pitch-black eyes, looking at Shi Jingge very sincerely.

"Okay," Shi Jingge shrugged, closed the door casually, walked back to the bed slowly, threw himself on the bed, pretending to be sorry, "I was thinking, my bed is quite big Yes, it’s okay to have one more you, after all, everyone is male.”

"It's just that you resist so much, so let's forget it."

Wen Xusheng pursed his lips, and glanced at Shi Jingge with some grievances.

You are obviously playing tricks on me.

Perhaps this grievance was too much fun, and Shi Jingge's resentment from being woken up from his sleep dissipated a little. He suddenly felt much better, and was in the mood to tell Wen Xusheng that there was a spare bedding in the closet, which made Shi Jingge feel better. He took it down and laid it himself.

Wen Xusheng turned around to get it, but he didn't dare to turn on the light for fear of disturbing Shi Jingge, so he went to get it in the dark.

He is now an ordinary person, and he must not see clearly at night, so he walks slowly with every step, touches here and there, and trips from time to time.

He managed to find the closet. The place where the quilt was placed on the upper shelf of the closet was too high, and the things were stuffed too far inside. There were other things outside. He struggled to reach for the quilt, and the hats and scarves on it Things like earmuffs fell off and fell into his arms.

Shi Jingge pinched his eyebrows, looked at the smashed figure in the dark who was stunned in place, and finally sighed.

...Why is this person so stupid? Can't you turn on the light? Can he still be angry because he turned on the light to get the bedding?

Shi Jingge thought without complaining, but that complaint was mixed with some special emotions that he himself hadn't noticed.

"Forget it," Shi Jingge said almost compromisingly, "Come here."

Wen Xusheng's eyes lit up, "Can, is it possible?"

Shi Jingge narrowed his eyes, "I'll give you another five seconds, five, four—"

As soon as the words fell, Wen Xusheng stumbled over.

At this time, Wen Xusheng didn't forget the details, and pretended to bump into the chair, and exclaimed in a low voice.

Shi Jingge sat up, "Are you okay?"

"No..." Wen Xusheng gasped, and then slowly added, "It's okay."

Shi Jingge lifted the quilt and got out of bed, found Wen Xusheng, "Where did you hit?"

Wen Xusheng's eyes flickered a little. At this moment, he was suddenly glad that he hadn't turned on the light just now.

"It's okay," Wen Xusheng said softly, "It doesn't hurt."

"I asked where you hit." Shi Jingge frowned and asked.

Wen Xusheng hesitated for a moment, then whispered, "Ankles."

Shi Jingge squatted down, held Wen Xusheng's ankle, and asked, "Does it hurt?"

Wen Xusheng frowned and said in a low voice, "It doesn't hurt."

"Stand here and don't move." Shi Jingge explained, and went around Wen Xusheng to turn on the light. Wen Xusheng turned his head to look at his back, the emotion in his eyes was like a boiling river, which could not be suppressed. It seems that it will overflow in the next second. The moment the light came on, Wen Xusheng lowered his head, preventing Shi Jingge from seeing the emotion in his eyes.

Shi Jingge came back again and frowned when he saw Wen Xusheng's ankle was red and swollen.

"Can you still move?" Shi Jingge asked.

Wen Xusheng nodded without looking up.

It was only then that Shi Jingge noticed that Wen Xusheng's chin was very pointed and surprisingly thin, with no flesh at all.

"Hold my shoulder." Shi Jingge bent down, motioning for Wen Xusheng to put his arm on his shoulder, "Go to bed first, and I'll apply the medicine for you."

Wen Xusheng slowly stretched out his hand and put it on Shi Jingge's shoulder.

"This way," Shi Jingge grabbed Wen Xusheng's hand and put Wen Xusheng's hand on his other shoulder, "Your hand is so cold."

Wen Xusheng's body froze slightly, and he answered vaguely.

Fortunately, Shi Jingge just said it casually, and didn't waste much time on this matter, he just explained: "In this way, you can put your weight on me, and you can use less effort."

Wen Xusheng's hand went around Shi Jingge's neck and put it on his other shoulder, and his arm was inevitably in close contact with Shi Jingge's neck, making his breathing involuntarily heavier.

Really like.

such a distance.

really... awesome...

Wen Xusheng's fingers trembled slightly, retracting bit by bit, his eyes fixed on Shi Jingge's neck, almost greedily staring at the fair skin.

Finally, his fingers had shrunk to a suitable position, and with a slight turn, he could touch the skin of Shi Jingge's neck.

But in the next second, Shi Jingge's voice suddenly came.

"Okay, go to bed."

Wen Xusheng suddenly came back to his senses, responded with some embarrassment, and fell on the bed.

"I'm going to get the medicine box." Shi Jingge's tone was light.

"No, no need," Wen Xusheng didn't want Shi Jingge to leave his sight, and hurriedly said, "Small, small injury."

"It's just important." Wen Xusheng explained, "No, it's nothing serious."

"It's nothing serious, why can't I even walk?" Shi Jingge asked rhetorically.

Now, Wen Xusheng hesitated and couldn't speak.

Shi Jingge pushed open the door and went out to find the medicine box.

Wen Xusheng stared at his back, a different color flashed in his eyes.

Is... care about him?

Surely so.

Wen Xusheng's eyes shifted to his feet again, looking thoughtful. can still hurt for a few more days.

When Shi Jingge came back with the medicine box, his eyes fell on Wen Xusheng's ankles, and his eyes were slightly concentrated.

"Why is it so swollen?" Shi Jingge put the medicine box away, "Let's apply ice first, and see if I can find ice."

Wen Xusheng looked at his ankle, a little confused.

...Is that an exaggeration?

Now reduce the swelling, don't be so exaggerated, will it be too conspicuous?

Before Wen Xusheng hesitated for long, Shi Jingge came back.

There was a clean new towel in hand, and a water bottle of ice.

"Raise your feet." Shi Jingge ordered.

Wen Xusheng raised his foot, Shi Jingge applied ice to him, his fingers inadvertently touched Wen Xusheng's ankle, and Wen Xusheng shivered.

Shi Jingge thought that Wen Xusheng was in pain, and said a little embarrassedly: "I accidentally touched it, I'm sorry."

Wen Xusheng shook his head and rested his head on his lap. The boiling emotion almost burned his reason. His fingers almost curled up, and he pinched his palm hard.

But compared with the boiling joy, that insignificant pain is like a drop of water falling into the ocean, which has no effect at all.

Seeing that Xusheng didn't speak, Shi Jingge's movements were a little lighter, for fear of hurting him.

After being careful, I found that Wen Xusheng's skin was really good, and his ankles were white, as if glowing, which made the redness and swelling even more shocking.

Shi Jingge recalled the touch when he accidentally touched it just now, it was really amazing.

He couldn't help sighing, "Your skin is so good."

Wen Xusheng didn't speak, but buried his head deeper in his knees.

After a while, he slowly stretched out his arm and handed it to Shi Jingge.

Time Scene Song: "?"

In the next second, Wen Xusheng's muffled voice came.

"The skin here," Wen Xusheng paused, "better."

Shi Jingge was dumbfounded. After a few seconds, Shi Jingge spoke.

"You..." He paused, and softened his tone as much as possible, "What do you mean?"

Wen Xusheng bit the tip of his tongue, reminding himself to be calm and restrained, "No."

"That's right, here," Wen Xusheng almost jumped out word by word, "The skin is better."

"No, nothing else," Wen Xusheng said stumblingly, "...meaning."

Shi Jingge asked back in disbelief, "Are you showing off your skin?"

Wen Xusheng faltered in response and stopped talking.

Shi Jingge was stunned for a while, then looked at Wen Xusheng, and found that he hadn't retracted his arm.

What is this doing?

Shi Jingge was a little dumbfounded.

But the eyes, involuntarily staring at Wen Xusheng's arm,

I have to say that Wen Xusheng's skin is really fair.

White and shiny, full of luster, it feels very good at first glance.

Just too skinny.

It would be better if there was some meat.

Shi Jingge stretched out his hand to poke, and shook his head regretfully.

Wen Xusheng took a deep breath before suppressing the cries that had been stuck in his throat.

That contented sigh kept ringing in his mind, but Wen Xusheng didn't dare to make it a reality.

He could only grit his teeth, and said like showing off: "Isn't it better?"

Shi Jingge glanced at him, and deliberately said, "I don't think so."

"Obviously the skin on your ankles is better."

Wen Xusheng hesitated, "Really?"

"You try again."

Wen Xusheng stretched his arm towards Shi Jingge again.

"Try again."

Touch again.

Come near me, touch me, be with me.

Just a little more is fine.

When Shi Jingge saw his stubborn look, he was a little funny, but he didn't argue with him too much about this matter, he just said: "Okay, okay, this is good, this is good."

Wen Xusheng pursed his lips, it's alright, just deal with him.

Although perfunctory his appearance, is so gentle.

Seeing that he was very swollen, Shi Jingge always had safflower oil in the medicine box at home, so he didn't dare to use it for him for the time being, so he finished icing him, stuffed him under the bed, and said, "I'll take you to the hospital tomorrow."

Shi Jingge yawned, turned off the lights, and went to bed. Without moving Wen Xusheng, he huddled inside and yawned, "Go to bed early."

Wen Xusheng nodded obediently, looked at Shi Jingge next to him and said in a low voice, "Good night."

Shi Jingge was so sleepy that he said vaguely, "Good night."

Wen Xusheng closed his eyes, but the corners of his lips kept turning up.

The sleepy little song is really good.

I don't know how long it has passed.

Wen Xusheng didn't feel sleepy at all, but Shi Jingge's breathing gradually became more even, and he was obviously in a deep sleep.

Only then did Wen Xusheng open his eyes, and looked at Shi Jingge quietly.

Shi Jingge's sleeping posture is very scientific. He is lying flat on the bed, with his hands folded and placed on his chest, with a peaceful and natural expression.

Wen Xusheng looked at Shi Jingge without blinking, and felt that there was nothing happier than this.

But as time went by, Wen Xusheng gradually couldn't control the surging desire in his heart.

Want to be close, want to touch, want to kiss.

Those clamors came so urgently and quickly that Wen Xusheng was powerless to resist.

... Xiaoge even touched him.

...Then it's fine if he touches Xiao Ge.

... Reciprocity, don't all human beings pay attention to this?

...It's not too much to touch, right?

Wen Xusheng stretched out his hand, approached Shi Jingge cautiously, then nodded lightly, then quickly withdrew his hand.

The whole movement was done in one go, without delay for half a second.

Wen Xusheng stared at Shi Jingge quietly, and was slightly relieved when he saw that Shi Jingge didn't respond.

After all, Wen Xusheng didn't make any noise, and night is the home of evil spirits, so it's really good for him to hide himself.

After a few minutes of silence, Wen Xusheng thought again.

This time, he got better at it, touched it for a few more seconds, and then withdrew his hand like a thief.

A few minutes later, Wen Xusheng became more courageous.

After repeating this cycle countless times, Wen Xusheng dared to touch Shi Jingge's lips.

On the lips, there is an aura that belongs to Shi Jingge.

Wen Xusheng just touched it, and felt as if an electric current flowed through it.

It's not the same as being struck by a lightning talisman. The tiny electric current, scorched, weak, and numb, made him unable to help but let out a sigh of almost satisfaction.

Wen Xusheng turned over and quietly looked at Shi Jingge's profile. At this moment, he seemed not to notice the passage of time.

Like a dragon guarding his treasure.

But he didn't dare to cross the thunder pool half a step.

The most excessive thing he did was to poke Shi Jingge's face with his hand, or lightly put his finger on the corner of Shi Jingge's lips.

The nature of evil spirits is to plunder and hurt, they are always greedy and cunning.

But often in front of his treasures, his nature is not worth mentioning.

He will never allow any harm to his treasure.

Maybe it goes against my nature, but I can do it.

—This is an oath engraved on the soul by a demon.

Before I knew it, it was dawn.

There was a knock on Shi Jingge's door, with a little haste.

"Brother Shi, Brother Shi, are you awake?"

"Did you see that kid you brought back?"


Before the three words "disappeared" could be uttered, the door opened.

Dong Haiyuan saw the "child" he was looking for.

The "child" looked at him coldly. At that moment, Dong Haiyuan even felt that his aura was two meters eight.


The "child" stared at him with dark eyes, and said a word coldly.

Dong Haiyuan lowered his voice subconsciously, and murmured: "I'm sorry, I'm not..."

Before he finished speaking, Wen Xusheng closed the door.

Dong Haiyuan: "..."

On the other side, Ning Wenyue also came out of the room in a hurry. His clothes were still not in order. He tidied up and asked, "How is it? Is Brother Shi awake? Do you want to go out and look for it?"

"You don't need to look for it." Dong Haiyuan lowered his voice, "Slow down."

Ning Wenyue: "?"

Dong Haiyuan pointed to the door in front of him, "He's in Brother Shi's room."

"Brother Shi is probably still asleep, that kid thinks we're noisy."

Ning Wenyue: "..."

A few seconds later, Ning Wenyue returned to his room indifferently. Dong Haiyuan yelled a few times and followed him in.

Ning Wenyue rolled his eyes, and said, "Look at your potential, are you afraid of even a child?"

"That's not an ordinary child!" Dong Haiyuan retorted, looking at Ning Wenyue's eyes, feeling a little resentful, so he had to change the subject and said, "Why do you think that child is in Brother Shi's room?"

Ning Wenyue frowned slightly, "Did you see Brother Shi just now?"

Dong Haiyuan shook his head, and soon, he also reacted, and said in horror: "You mean...?"

Ning Wenyue made a prompt decision, "Let's go and have a look!"

The two went out again and knocked on Shi Jingge's door.

Wen Xusheng took a careful look at Shi Jingge, and was relieved to see that Shi Jingge hadn't been woken up, and went to open the door with a dark face.

At that moment, Ning Wenyue finally understood why Dong Haiyuan said this child was scary.

"What are you doing?" Wen Xusheng lowered his voice and said with some displeasure.

"It's nothing," Ning Wenyue said quickly, "Isn't it morning? The day's plan is in the morning, so you have to have a good breakfast. The two of us want to order takeaway, so come and ask Brother Shi what he wants to eat. "

And at this moment, Shi Jingge's somewhat vague voice came.

"What's wrong?"

Shi Jingge was still woken up, and Wen Xusheng's face turned darker.

"Brother Shi!" Dong Haiyuan shouted from behind Ning Wenyue, "What do you want for breakfast!"

Ning Wenyue: "..."

Facing Wen Xusheng's gaze, Ning Wen became more aware of Alexander. He turned his head and gave Dong Haiyuan a faint look.

Hot chicken thing, are you using me as a shield?

"Breakfast," Shi Jingge yawned, "Noodles, noodles in clear soup will do, and add a poached egg."

Being able to talk normally, it seems that people are all right.

Ning Wenyue responded, and then smiled at Wen Xusheng, "Do you have breakfast?"

Wen Xusheng looked at Ning Wenyue, and said slowly, "Noodles."

Ning Wenyue: "?"

"Buy some flour."

Ning Wenyue lowered his head and said in his mouth, "Okay, okay."

Suddenly, Ning Wenyue's voice paused, "Your feet...?"

It's so swollen that it doesn't look like it!

At this time, Shi Jingge finally got off the bed, then frowned and looked at Wen Xusheng, "What are you doing getting out of bed? Can your feet bear it? Why don't you go to bed and lie down!"

Although Wen Xusheng was not very willing, but he listened to what Shi Jingge said, so he nodded obediently, and the aura on his body disappeared in an instant.

He was aggrieved and said, "They knocked on the door, making noise."

In an instant, it changed from a big bad wolf facing Ning Wenyue and Dong Haiyuan to a big white rabbit belonging to Shi Jingge.

Afraid to wake you up.

It still woke you up.

Wen Xusheng narrowed his eyes and looked at Ning Wenyue and Dong Haiyuan quietly.

Both Ning Wenyue and Dong Haiyuan were a little embarrassed.

I can't blame the kid for having a bad expression.

Who can look good on this?

How painful is it to get out of bed to open the door when your ankle is swollen like that? It's no wonder his complexion looks good!

"It just so happens that this store sells bone soup," Ning Wenyue said, "Give this kid a bowl of Bubu."

"Okay," Shi Jingge said readily, "I'm in trouble."

"What's the trouble? Brother Shi, don't be too polite," Ning Wenyue scratched the back of his head, seeing Shi Jingge's sleepy look, knowing that they woke up Shi Jingge, he was even more resentful, "You guys Go to sleep again, and I'll bring you the takeaway when it arrives in a while."

After speaking, Ning Wenyue and Dong Haiyuan slipped away.

Shi Jingge closed the door and looked at Wen Xusheng, "Does it hurt?"

Wen Xusheng nodded.

"Go to the ground even if you know it hurts?" Shi Jingge raised his eyebrows.

Wen Xusheng quickly changed his words, "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt at all."

Shi Jingge looked at him silently, without speaking, with a cold expression on his face.

Wen Xusheng asked hesitantly: "Then should I feel pain... or not...?"

That cautious sentence made Shi Jingge lose his temper in an instant.

"What do you think?" Shi Jingge said angrily, and put him back on the bed.

"Listen..." Wen Xusheng glanced at Shi Jingge quickly, "Listen to you."

How do you listen to him?

Shi Jingge rolled his eyes, a little speechless.

"What do you want flour for?"

At the same time, Ning Wenyue and Dong Haiyuan who were ordering takeaway also raised this question.

"What does he want flour for?" Dong Haiyuan was speechless, "Could it be possible that he still wants to cook?"

Suddenly, Dong Haiyuan paused.

Ning Wenyue and Dong Haiyuan, who were ordering takeaway, looked at each other, and they both saw shock in each other's eyes.

In the next second, they said in unison: "—Could it be that you want to make noodles for Brother Shi?"

Wen Xusheng hesitated and said, "I just think it's time to store some flour at home."

"The kitchen, there can't be nothing left."

Shi Jingge narrowed his eyes and looked at him suspiciously, but didn't expose him, just lay down on the bed and yawned.

"Then let's sleep again."

Wen Xusheng nodded obediently, "Okay."

However, after a while, Shi Jingge suddenly said something.

"Don't give me any hand-rolled noodles."

Wen Xu was stunned for a moment, "Don't you like it?"

"You really want to do it," Shi Jingge sat up and looked at him, "Brother, can you see your feet?"

"You go to the kitchen with your foot hurt like this, are you afraid that others won't know that I abused you?"

"Xiaoge didn't abuse me." Wen Xusheng said with extra certainty.

Time Scene Song: "..."

After a few seconds of silence, Shi Jingge said speechlessly, "Is this the point?"

Wen Xusheng nodded.

Shi Jingge silently patted the pillow on Wen Xusheng's face, and got out of bed by himself, "Sleep."

Wen Xusheng hugged the pillow, looked at Shi Jingge's back, and shouted: "After the foot is healed, can it be all right?"

Shi Jingge sighed, "It's up to you."

Wen Xusheng looked at Shi Jingge's back with burning eyes.

Takeaway was not good at all.

How can I get Xiaoge to eat takeaway?

It can be seen how painful the takeaway yesterday left on Wen Xusheng.

When Shi Jingge went out, he met Ning Wenyue and Dong Haiyuan, and Ning Wenyue and Dong Haiyuan asked a few questions.

Shi Jingge said simply: "He was too thin, had nightmares, was afraid, came to me, then entered the door without turning on the light, then tripped, twisted without telling, walked by himself, twisted again, that's it."

"There is a small outpatient clinic nearby. I went to the doctor to help him see it. I feel that going to the hospital is still a bit embarrassing for him."

Shi Jingge sighed slowly, Ning Wenyue and Dong Haiyuan simply went out with him, walked the area again, and picked up the takeaway from the delivery boy on the way, but still didn't find anything unusual.

The doctor from the outpatient clinic followed Shi Jingge and showed Wen Xusheng, "This is the second sprain, young man, although you are young, you can't spoil your body like this. If you sprain, just lie on the bed obediently." , don't go down to the ground."

"If you become prone to sprains, you have to be careful when running and jumping in the future, you have no place to cry!"

The doctor babbled a lot. Wen Xusheng, Wen Xusheng, had never been talked about like this before. He was a little confused for a while, so he looked up at Shi Jingge, as if he was asking Shi Jingge for help.

Shi Jingge was a little funny, and simply ignored Wen Xusheng's pleading for help, but he didn't resist Wen Xusheng's accusing eyes, and helped him divert the doctor's attention, asking about dietary precautions and so on.

The doctor was very responsible, and wrote a note specifically for Shi Jingge, noting various precautions, and reminded Shi Jingge: "The young man on the bed is too thin, too thin and too fat are not good things, affect health."

"Understood," Shi Jingge said quickly, "I'll pay attention."

Only then did the doctor nodded in satisfaction, and was sent away by Shi Jingge.

After a while, Shi Jingge came in again with Wen Xusheng's big bone soup, "Did you hear what the doctor said? Be more honest these two days, stay in bed honestly, understand?"

Wen Xusheng shook his head, "If you don't understand, can you stop doing it?"

"Not only is it impossible, but I will also beat you up." Shi Jingge said ruthlessly.

Wen Xusheng's face suddenly collapsed.

Shi Jingge thought it was interesting, and softened his heart, and said, "If you do well, I will reward you."

Wen Xusheng's eyes lit up, "Can I choose the reward myself?"

Shi Jingge glanced at him, "Okay."

Before Wen Xusheng could be happy, he heard Shi Jingge say, "But you can't make me do things I don't want to do."

"I will refuse."

Wen Xusheng nodded obediently on his face, but his heart sank.

...Then if Xiaoge is asked to kiss him, does that count as asking Xiaoge to do something she doesn't want to do?

...The little song, will you kiss him?

The days that followed were uneventful.

Shi Jingge, Ning Wenyue, and Dong Haiyuan need to stay here for the time being, so Shi Jingge hasn't returned to Meng's house, but Meng Yunhai's side is not over yet, so there are always one or two masters at Meng's house, There is no need to worry.

It's just that Meng Yunzhen is an exceptionally trustworthy person.

Therefore, he did not tell Meng Yunhai about Shi Jingge's response that day.

So much so that Meng Yunhai was worried for several days, and at night he dreamed that Shi Jingge was rejecting him, and finally one day he couldn't help it anymore and called Shi Jingge.

"Master, master..." Meng Yunhai called intermittently.

At that moment, his heart was in his throat.

"En." Shi Jingge responded.

Meng Yunhai froze in place.

He agreed, he agreed—Master, he agreed—!

"Yes, is that what I thought, did that mean?" Meng Yunhai almost spiraled into the sky, and he forced himself to land first before he ascended to the sky.

Shi Jingge said with a half-smile, "What do you think?"

Meng Yunhai still had an unreal feeling. He held the phone tightly and asked, "You, you, you...are you willing to be my master?"

And at this moment, a loud voice came.

Wen Xusheng accidentally pushed the water glass on the bedside to the ground.

Seeing Shi Jingge looking over, Wen Xusheng hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose, I was just a little thirsty, but I didn't catch it, so I'll clean it up..."

As he said that, Wen Xusheng wanted to get off the ground, and the next second, he gasped.

Shi Jingge yelled sharply: "What are you doing? Lie back honestly! I'll clean it up!"

Wen Xusheng was a little at a loss and said, " do your work first."

"I'm not busy, you lie back for me!"

Meng Yunhai: "?"

Only then did Wen Xusheng lie back obediently, then moved on the bed a little anxiously, and then said in a small voice: "It seems... there seems to be debris... that fell on the bed..."

This is too coincidental.

Shi Jingge gritted his teeth and said, "I'm coming!"

"Yes." Shi Jingge said bluntly, "I am willing to be your master."

Meng Yunhai: "!"

Before Meng Yunhai could speak, Shi Jingge said again: "I still have something to do here, I will call you back later."

Meng Yunhai: "!"

Before he could say the word "wait", Meng Yunhai heard the sound of hanging up from the phone.

Suddenly, he was a little dazed.

Obviously Shi Jingge agreed to be his master, such a great thing, why is he not very happy?

Meng Yunzhen pretended to pass by by accident, saw Meng Yunhai's expression, and asked in confusion, "What's wrong? Xiaoge, he rejected you again?"

"Don't call me Xiaoge! He doesn't like you calling me that!" After Meng Yunhai finished speaking, he was immediately discouraged, and after holding back for a long time, he said slowly, "I suspect that Master has someone outside."

Meng Yunzhen: "?"

Meng Yunhai said sadly: "I seem to have a junior brother."

Meng Yunzhen: "??"

Meng Yunhai continued: "Master is with him now, and he won't come back to see me."

Meng Yunzhen interrupted him, "What? Please make it clear."

Meng Yunhai said quietly: "Master, I'm living with another man."

Meng Yunzhen: "!"

"Something happened to that man. Master went to take care of him. He said he would call me later." Meng Yunhai paused, and said expectantly, "You said Master, will you still call me?"

Meng Yunzhen: "..."

—I don't want to know if he will call you, I just want to know who that guy is!

Meng Yunhai waited for a whole day, but he couldn't wait for Shi Jingge's call.

It's not that Shi Jingge forgot, it's just that whenever Shi Jingge wanted to call Meng Yunhai, Wen Xusheng always had something to do.

Either breaking the cup, or spilling water from the cup, or wanting to go to the toilet, or having a stomachache or touching an ankle, or kicking the quilt to the ground and needing Shi Jingge's help to carry it.

The last time, Shi Jingge simply sat in front of the bed, looked at Wen Xusheng, and said with a smile, "Is there anything else?"

Wen Xusheng hesitated for a moment, then shook his head.

Shi Jingge asked again: "Will something happen later?"

Wen Xusheng blinked and stopped talking.

Shi Jingge kept smiling.

It happened that Dong Haiyuan passed by the door and was almost overwhelmed by the atmosphere in the house.

Dong Haiyuan lowered his head and muttered "You can't see me" and wanted to run away, but Wen Xusheng mercilessly caught him.

"Brother Dong!"

Wen Xusheng called out.

Dong Haiyuan couldn't help shivering.

There is nothing wrong with calling "Brother", but why is it so strange when it comes from Wen Xusheng's mouth?

"That," Dong Haiyuan scratched his head, "I'm passing by, I'm just going to pick up a midnight snack..."

Dong Haiyuan's voice gradually faded under Wen Xusheng's gaze.

Wen Xusheng covered his stomach and said in a low voice, "I'm a little hungry too."

Dong Haiyuan said very kindly, "I bought a lot, why don't we all eat some together?"

Wen Xusheng raised his hand in agreement, "Thank you Brother Dong!"

Time Scene Song: "..."

Okay, this call never went out.

Because everyone is having a late-night "dinner".

But at this point, Meng Yunhai had already fallen asleep.

Because of the repair of the root bone, Meng Yunhai's body needs a lot of energy, and the sleep time is extraordinarily long.

Therefore, Meng Yunhai and Shi Jingge had already finished their conversation on WeChat and said goodnight to each other.

Although the old antique evil spirit who has been sealed for hundreds of years has tried his best to adapt to the modern society, occasionally, he still falls off the chain.

It is easy to be found by calling, but you can send WeChat.

But the one who was really affected was Meng Yunzhen.

Meng Yunzhen was dizzy from his younger brother's phrase "living together", and decided to come and spy on the enemy.

It's a beautiful name, to see for Meng Yunhai whether the junior is getting along well, and got Meng Yunhai's eyes.

Meng Yunhai actually wanted to go too, but his bones hadn't recovered well, so it was really not suitable for him to go out, so he could only watch Meng Yunzhen wave his sleeves and walk away.

But before Meng Yunzhen, a new guest came to Shi Jingge's house.

The man is tall and handsome, well dressed, with a perfect smile on his face, and holding a small basket in his hand, which is said to be all pastries made by himself.

"I'm a neighbor who just moved here. I live next door. My only hobby is baking. I baked these pastries. You can taste them." The man scratched the back of his head and showed a slightly shy smile .

Dong Haiyuan took the basket of pastries and said with a hearty smile: "Thank you, you can come to us if you have anything to do, we are very familiar with this place."

The man smiled, and his eyes silently fell on Shi Jingge, with a little curiosity in his eyes.

Shi Jingge looked at him with some doubts in his eyes.

The man scratched the back of his head and said sheepishly, "I'm a...painter."

"So, although it's a bit presumptuous, I still want to ask."

He seemed to muster up his courage, took a deep breath and asked, "Sir, are you interested in being my model?"

Wen Xusheng hung his head, said nothing, and was behind everyone, no one paid attention to him.

No one saw how cold his eyes were at this moment.

If there is a way to heaven, you don't go, but if there is no way to hell, you just come and vote.

Also eyeing his treasure.

What a...heinous crime!

The author has something to say: Wen Xusheng: I am a good ghost who yearns for peace and only wants to fall in love

Wen Xusheng: I put all my energy into thinking about how to get Xiaoge to kiss me proactively

Wen Xusheng: These scoundrels forced me to do this [Serious.jpg]

All the cuties still have red envelopes today~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-04-26?23:58:50~2021-04-27?23:55:06~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Aning? 1 piece;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: Lavender's language? 14 bottles; Yanxiu, Anshanshi, Beizai, Mumuhuanヾ(??ヮ??)?"? 10 bottles; Jun Shiye? 5 bottles; no Know how to choose the name? 4 bottles; Zhou Jin? 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion