MTL - Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World-Chapter 128 Overlord (End)

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When the old man was shut down, his expression was very ugly.

But he didn't chat with Wan Yijiang for a long time, he turned his head and got into the car.

Steward Zhou sighed in his heart, thinking that the old man was angry, and he might not intend to bow his head again.

As a result, when the car returned to Shi's old house, old man Shi suddenly spoke.

"Go find Xiao Rong."

Those four words were almost squeezed out between the teeth of Mr. Shi, with a particularly strange tone.

Butler Zhou subconsciously looked up at Mr. Shi.

The car stopped slowly, and the old man sat quietly in the car without saying a word.

He didn't mean to get out of the car, and the others naturally wouldn't get out of the car either.

For a while, the car was silent.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the moment Steward Zhou was about to speak, the old man opened the car door.

He said solemnly: "Xiao Rong can contact you."

After leaving these words, the old man walked away, butler Zhou looked up in astonishment, looking at the back of the old man.

The old man said these two sentences so simply that others might not understand them, but Butler Zhou understood very well that the old man was asking him to find Shi Jingrong and Shi Jingrong to contact Shi Jingge.

Steward Zhou felt a little complicated, but he still went to find Shi Jingrong as he said.

If it wasn't for yesterday's incident, Shi Jingrong would probably have contacted Shi Jingge, but once yesterday's incident happened, where would Shi Jingrong go to find Shi Jingge for the old man?

It's rare for Shi Jingge to go out to take a rest, do you have to make people feel bad?

Of course, Shi Jingrong would not refuse, and just said flatly: "I see."

That's what Shi Jingrong said the last time Steward Zhou spoke to Shi Jingrong.

At that time, Butler Zhou didn't understand the mystery of these three characters, but now he does.

— I know, but that doesn't mean I'll do it.

"Master Rong," Steward Zhou sighed in his heart, "Master, he has already regretted it."

"He is willing to bow his head."

"Today, I went to look for him at Master Xiaoge's villa, and wanted to pick them up, but Master Xiaoge and the others were not here."

Shi Jingrong threw away the pen in his hand, raised his eyebrows and looked at Butler Zhou, "So?"

Steward Zhou bit the bullet and said, "It's all a family, and everything will prosper with family harmony."

"Yes," Shi Jingrong nodded, "I see."

Oil and salt do not enter, nothing more than this.

Butler Zhou had no choice but to leave.

Shi Jingrong looked down at the document in his hand and smiled suddenly.

What did the old man say yesterday?

He was someone who never did something he regretted.

Shi Jingge was dragged by Wen Xusheng and walked around outside, and found a few factories suitable for cooperation, so Shi Jingge began to adjust the plan overnight, and his mind was not on relaxing and playing at all.

Wen Xusheng lay on the bed and watched Shi Jingge typing on the keyboard excitedly beside him, and sighed, "My face, does it not smell like it used to?"

Shi Jingge was taken aback for a moment, "What?"

"Or do you mean that you don't cherish me after you get me?" Wen Xusheng asked with his head down, in a low mood.

Shi Jingge turned to look at him, suspecting that he was hallucinating, "What did you say?"

"It's really not easy to get your attention," Wen Xusheng sighed, pulled Shi Jingge's arm, and kissed him on the lips, "It's almost eleven o'clock, workaholics should also rest gone."

"Go to sleep."

Wen Xusheng took away Shi Jingge's laptop, Shi Jingge rolled his eyes, but didn't stop it.

After a busy day, it's time to enjoy the charm of the night.

He's not really a workaholic.

They had been busy outside for more than a month, and they returned two days later than Ding Yuxi and his wife.

When Ding Yuxi and his wife came back, Wan Yijiang told Ding Yuxi and his wife everything about the old man's visit.

Ding Yuxi and the second son of the Shi family gradually turned serious. They hesitated for a while before asking Wan Yijiang not to tell Shi Jingge about this for the time being.

"Do you want to go back?" Ding Yuxi was in a complicated mood.

Shi's second child kissed her forehead, "I'll go back and have a look first."

He paused, and his mood was extremely complicated, "'s me."

Ding Yuxi grabbed his hand, was silent for a while, and finally said a little tiredly: "That's fine."

They all tacitly did not mention Shi Jingge.

Before they really confirmed the old man's attitude, none of them wanted Shi Jingge to face the old man.

Shi Jingge's affection for the old man was too deep, and they didn't want Shi Jingge to be hurt any more.

The estrangement did not arise overnight, and naturally it cannot be resolved with a sentence or two.

However, after Shi Jingge came back, he immediately entered a busy working state.

After everything was ready, the company was established, and because the preparation was sufficient, everything went on the right track in an orderly manner.

When old man Shi found out about this, he didn't say anything, but he didn't eat dinner for the first time.

Early the next morning, he took Butler Zhou and drove outside Shi Jingge's villa.

This time, Ding Yuxi, the second child of the Shi family, and Shi Jingge were all at home. Wan Yijiang had no reason to refuse Mr. Shi, so he had to open the door and let Mr. Shi in after "asking the master for instructions". Shi Jingge and others also came out to meet him. old man.

Mr. Shi was dressed very solemnly that day, and his expression was very serious. Ding Yuxi and the second son of Shi's family hadn't seen him for a long time. When they saw him at first sight, even if they didn't say anything, they felt a little nervous.

On the contrary, it was Shi Jingge who was very calm and called "grandfather" first.

It sounds like there is no difference from before, but old man Shi's mood has inexplicably dropped.

The old man Shi nodded, responded lightly, and didn't say anything else. He just walked around and walked around slowly, uttering two critical words from time to time.

It’s not good here, it’s not good there, it’s not particular, it makes people laugh, and so on.

It made Wan Yijiang a little angry.

But suddenly, the old man's voice stopped, and he just stared fixedly at the patch of red roses.

Some roses are just about to bloom, delicate and timid; some are already in full bloom, showing their beauty unscrupulously.

When the wind blows, the buds sway left and right, and there is a floral fragrance unique to roses, which blows over with the wind, making people feel refreshed.

This is the rose garden that Shijingge promised to give to Ding Yuxi.

How long does it take for roses to mature from seedlings?

It turned out that the second child's family had been away for so long before they knew it.

The old man suddenly felt meaningless.

No matter what he said or did, the second child's family would never return to live in the old house.

This is already their home.

It's not something he can change with a few words and an invitation.

After a long time, the old man said in a low voice, "Go into the house."

Although everyone was a little surprised, they would not refuse this request.

For the next time, the old man didn't say a single unpopular word, but he was mostly silent.

This breakfast was a bit depressing for both Ding Yuxi and Shi's second child.

Mr. Shi actually ate seriously, but he ate little. After drinking a bowl of porridge and eating a tea egg, he couldn't eat anymore.

But after the meal, he handed an envelope to Shi Jingge.

Shi Jingge didn't answer.

Old man Shi had expected this scene a long time ago, so he spoke before Shi Jingge could speak.

"You fell in the company."

"Xiao Rong asked me to bring it to you."

Shi Jingrong wouldn't let the old man bring him something.

But at this time, there is no need to say these things.

Shi Jingge took the envelope, "Thank you, grandfather."

"You..." The old man frowned, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything in the end.

The old man nodded and walked out in silence.

Shi Jingge and the three sent him away.

After getting in the car, Steward Zhou turned his head to look at the old man from time to time, feeling a little worried.

The old man sighed, lay back and said in a low voice, "He doesn't call me grandpa anymore."

I didn't know it before, but now I realize that the word "grandfather" is so strange when it comes out of the mouth.

Steward Zhou opened his mouth to comfort the old man, but he didn't know what to say, and finally said, "Master Xiaoge, I'm still thinking of you."


Mr. Shi was noncommittal.

"It will take some time," Zhou Butler resolutely said.

The old man didn't speak at that time, as if he was asleep.

On the other side, Shi Jingge opened the envelope, and inside was a black card.

"This..." Ding Yuxi frowned slightly.

In addition to the card, there is also a note with a few words written on it.

— [You deserve it. 】

In the silence, the second son of the Shi family patted Shi Jingge on the shoulder, "Take it."

"The old man said it all, you deserve it."

At the end, the second child of the Shi family said softly to Ding Yuxi: "The old man seems to... really regret it."

In the past, no matter how Steward Zhou said that the old man regretted and bowed his head, the second son of the Shi family was dubious. He had heard too many stories about the wolf coming, so he had to be a little more vigilant.

But at this moment, the second child of the Shi family really felt the remorse of old master Shi.

"I know." Ding Yuxi said in a low voice. She has lived in Shi's old house for so many years, and she also understands the temper of old man Shi.

The old man would not waste a word on things he dislikes and dislikes, it is unnecessary.

Once the old man opens his mouth to dislike this and that, he is often preparing for his next words.

If Ding Yuxi guessed correctly, Mr. Shi wanted them to go back to the old house.

But when he saw the rose garden, old man Shi shut up.

Because when the old man realized that they would not go back.

Ding Yuxi felt a little complicated.

When she blamed the old man, she really complained.

If Shi Jingge's life is not good, she may keep complaining.

But Shi Jingge is doing well, their family is very good and happy, the resentment is not so serious.

After a long time, Ding Yuxi said: "If you want to go back, you can go back and see more."

The second child of the Shi family didn't speak.

Ding Yuxi smiled, and said with some relief: "Is the old man celebrating his birthday this year?"

"I have to go to celebrate my birthday."

"take it easy."

You can't let Xiaoge bear the reputation of being unfilial.

Anyway, they have already moved out, if they can make good use of it, they will be there; if they can't, it will only happen once a year and a half, it doesn't matter.

Time will always give the answer.

But Ding Yuxi didn't have time to worry about this anymore, because another guest also came.

It's Wen Xusheng.

Ding Yuxi smiled and went to the kitchen to rush for two bowls of noodles. Shi Jingge didn't eat much just now. She was familiar with her son's appetite and knew he must not be full.

Just in time to eat some more with Wen Xusheng.

During this period of time, Wen Xusheng ran to Shi's house whenever he was free, staying overnight at Shi's house from time to time, and now Shi's house has a bedroom for him.

Wen Xusheng and Shi Jingge are very close, although they are restrained in front of Ding Yuxi and his wife.

But when people are in love, especially when they are passionately in love, how can the aura around them be concealed?

What's more, Shi Jingge is so frank.

Ding Yuxi and his wife may or may not have noticed, but they both tacitly kept silent about it.

No support or no opposition, the path of young people, in the end, is for young people to walk by themselves.

No matter when, they will stand behind their son and be the most solid backing of Shijingge.

They have turned their backs on their son for too long.

Maybe they didn't want to, but they did intentionally or unintentionally stand on the opposite side of their son and on the side of the old man.

But not anymore.

Time flies, and Shi Jingge's company is developing rapidly. He himself has a very good vision, and there are many capable people under his command. He has the help of the system inside, and the help of Shi Shi and Wen Shi outside.

From a small company to a behemoth, it is only a few years.

At first, when Shi Jingge left the Shi family to rely on himself, there were many outsiders who pointed out that it was Mr. Shi who kicked him out. Later, when he found out that Shi Jingge resigned on his own initiative, he was even more amazed. This is throwing away his brain, otherwise he wouldn't have done such a brainless thing.

The Shi family has a big business, can Shi Jingge create a Shi family in a lifetime? Half of them are gone!

Some people bet that he couldn't hold on for even half a year, and if he figured it out, he would have to go back to Shishi.

But when these people saw Shi Jingge later, they could only call Shi Zong respectfully.

Then he became the "other people's child" in the mouths of many elders.

This made old man Shi get a lot of envious voices.

I envy him for having such two excellent grandsons. The elder grandson is in charge of the Shi family and has pushed the Shi family to a higher level. The younger grandson is even self-made, a business prodigy, and his future achievements will never lose to the Shi family.

Every time the old man heard this, his expression was a little strange, but he often didn't say anything, just nodded casually.

Over the years, the relationship between Mr. Shi and Shi Jingge and the others has eased, and Shi Jingge and the others come to the old house for dinner from time to time.

The conflicts between the old family and the second family have also eased, and occasionally they will go shopping together and complain about their son's unmarried.

Everything seems to be going in a good direction.

But old man Shi knows that there are some things that cannot be returned.

When dreaming back at midnight, Mr. Shi can always dream of Shi Jingge.

When I was a child, when I was a teenager, when I was young and vigorous.

In the dream, Shi Jingge's eyes are always so bright, full of nostalgia and admiration, brighter than when looking at Ding Yuxi or Shi's second child.

He always appears around Mr. Shi.

If you want to be accompanied by Mr. Shi, if you want to be coaxed by Mr. Shi, if you want to play games with Mr. Shi, and then happily tell Mr. Shi, it will become his pride.

Those scenes were just like what happened in the past. In the dream, old man Shi would always touch Shi Jingge's head and tell him he was good.

But in fact, old man Shi at that time only found Shi Jingge annoying.

The talent is not very good, but the tone is not small, and the modesty that does not understand at all is disgusting for no reason.

Mr. Shi has always thought that the saying "you will regret it when you lose it" is ridiculous.

Lost, and can't get back, what is there to regret?

Regret is the most useless emotion in the world.

He will never regret it.

But later, he really regretted it.

Regret those indifference, partiality and disgust.

But no matter how regretful it is, those will not come back.

The child who admired him and loved him with all his heart will never come back.

After seven years of long-distance love, Shi Jingge and Wen Xusheng decided to enter the palace of marriage.

On that day, Young Master Tang wept with joy.

Shi Jingge felt very surprised, Wen Xusheng hadn't done anything yet, why did Young Master Tang cry?

Shi Jingge asked curiously.

Wen Xusheng's eyes swept over.

Young Master Tang choked up and said, "I'm happy for you."

"This is tears of excitement, tears of joy, tears for your love!"

Time Scene Song: "..."

Later, when Young Master Tang got drunk at the wedding, he complained about the young master of the Mu family next to him, and Shi Jingge finally understood what was going on.

"Do you know how crazy my cousin is!"

"When he proposes, he must be novel, unique, romantic, different, and indistinguishable. Only the one and only can match his baby!"

"Once or twice is fine. Do you know how many times he proposed? Twelve times!"

"Every time he pulls me to think with him, my brain cells are going to die!"

"If Shi Jingge doesn't agree to his marriage proposal, I want to kneel down and beg Shi Jingge."

"My brain cells are really dead, and I really can't think of a new way to propose."

"Moving Heaven and Earth, Shi Jingge nodded!"

"Shijingge! The savior! Thank him for letting me go!"

It is said that the young master of the Mu family endured the hard work with a smile at that time, and the box was full of familiar people, so he even recorded a video for the young master of the Tang family.

The next day, the sober young master of the Tang family saw the video, chasing and killing Fa Xiao with his mobile phone, tears streaming down his face.

—Wen Xusheng Shi Jingge How do you both owe me back!

Wen Xusheng and Shi Jingge have moved out a long time ago, and the parents on both sides are in good relationship. Needless to say, Ding Yuxi and his wife have traveled all over the world, and they almost traveled around the world; I was still worried about his health, but later found that after the two got together, Wen Xusheng's health got better and better, so I felt relieved and joined the tour.

Later, the parents of both sides formed a group of four, and occasionally Zhao Yunya and his wife would join in.

During the Chinese New Year that year, they got together and took a family portrait.

Mr. Shi sat in the first row in the center, the second row was from his parents' generation, and the third row was from Shi Jingge's generation.

After the photo was developed, the old man put it under his pillow and took it out to look at it every night before going to bed.

Wan Yijiang opened a restaurant, and the business was very good, so he brought his parents over from his hometown.

Both parents are honest and honest people. The family of three is reunited, and every minute and every second is very happy.

Everything is going in a good direction.

Everyone has a bright future.

When Shi Jingge left this world, he was still asleep.

The voice of System 111 rang from beside his ears, and he realized that he had left that world.

[The repulsion of the host world is reduced to 0. 】

[Congratulations to the host for successfully completing the task and gaining the recognition of the world. 】

Shi Jingge reacted for a while, and asked System 111 to send him to the next world.

System 111 originally wanted Shi Jingge to rest for a while, but suddenly discovered that Shi Jingge's soul power was already so strong, with a faint golden light, which made System 111 feel a sense of oppression.

System 111 suddenly understood that Shi Jingge didn't need to rest.

It sent Shijingong into the next world.

And at this time, System 111 suddenly realized that since when the host entered the next world so naturally, there is no longer an option to choose a world.

When Shi Jingge opened his eyes again, he was in a magnificent castle.

And in his body, there is a different power flowing.

It's very faint, but it does exist.

Shi Jingge was a little curious, trying to drive that power, which was very close to him and made him feel very comfortable.

This is a world with magical powers.

In this world, magicians are the most respected existences.

And Shi Jingge is the grandson of an old housekeeper in this castle.

The old housekeeper worked for the master of the castle all his life, but his son and daughter-in-law passed away due to accidents, leaving only his five-year-old grandson behind.

But the old butler was not young, and the white-haired man sending the black-haired man was a blow to him too much, his body collapsed all of a sudden, and he passed away not long after.

The owner of the castle was grateful for his dedication, so he took his little grandson over and raised him as an adopted son, which can be regarded as adding a playmate to the little owner of the castle.

The young master of the castle is so weak that he can't even walk independently. Numerous therapists have checked his body, but they haven't drawn any effective conclusions, let alone treat him.

The little master can't run, jump, or even get off the ground. Under such circumstances, his personality becomes gloomy and indifferent, he rarely speaks, and his dark eyes make even adults feel terrified. Many servants in the castle are very nervous. Afraid of this little master.

The owner of the castle is also troubled by his son's personality, and has found many playmates for him, but most of the children cry when they see him, so how can they become his playmates?

Only Shi Jingge didn't cry when he saw him for the first time.

This is also one of the important reasons why the castle owner decided to adopt him.

But in fact, the original owner was just stunned at the time, because of fear, he didn't even shed tears.

Others didn't see this, but how could the little master of the castle not feel it?

Just too lazy to speak.

Although Shi Jingge didn't become the young master's playmate, the castle master has adopted this adopted son, so naturally he won't regret it.

It's just a child, but it's not that I can't afford it.

Later, the secret of the little master's frailty finally got the answer.

—His magic talent is too strong.

The magic power active in his body was too active, and he couldn't control it, so his body became so weak.

As long as he learns to control the magical power in his body in the future, use the magical power to forge his body, and let the magical power feed back his body, his body will naturally get better.

This news made everyone in the castle extremely excited. Their little master possesses shocking magical talent, which is unique in the world, and will surely ascend to glory and become a figure passed down through the ages.

But only Shi Jingge was not happy.

Not happy at all.

The author has something to say: Wen Xusheng: I am the owner of the castle, so will Xiaoge do what I say?

Wen Xusheng: Suddenly happy.jpg

I have been struggling, whether the next volume is called a magician or a noble

Today all cuties have little red envelopes~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-05-13?23:57:06~2021-05-14?23:55:26~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: Pinlu Chengjiang? 1 piece;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: cute baby? 34 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!