MTL - Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World-Chapter 131 Nobility (3)

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That night.

The man was sitting in a wheelchair, his brows were knit together, revealing a sense of irritability.

He held a brand new book in his left hand and a quill in his right hand, writing something on the book.

Before writing two pens, he suddenly became angry and tore off the page forcefully, making a lot of noise.

Immediately afterwards, the piece of paper was dyed by fire, and quickly disappeared, leaving no ashes behind.

It's just that the breath around the man is colder.

The surrounding magical elements are not so active anymore, they spread out carefully, not understanding why the little master's mood is so changeable today.

In fact, the man himself doesn't know why, but it's clear he doesn't want to know either.

He raised his head and looked at Shui Jing with gloomy eyes.

In the water mirror, Shi Jingge is still in love with the booklet.

If it's just reading, men won't care at all.

But the idiot in the water mirror is a lively, brainless monster.

After reading a few pages, that stupid thing was about to "do experiments" on himself, manipulating his magical power to do whatever he wanted, for fear that he would be able to see the sun tomorrow morning smoothly!

The man's face became even more gloomy, but seeing the idiot in the water mirror getting short of breath, he still stretched out his hand and tapped the water mirror lightly.

Ripples appeared in the water mirror, and the magic element was involved in it, and then rushed towards Shi Jingge.

The magical elements quickly surrounded Shi Jingge, but they did not attract Shi Jingge's attention. Their shapes changed again and again, and finally aroused the resonance of the magical power in Shi Jingge's body, and then poured into Shi Jingge's body bit by bit. Inside the body, it is intertwined with those magical powers.

Just like it naturally belonged to Shi Jingge, it didn't cause Shi Jingge any discomfort.

At the moment when Shi Jingge gradually regained consciousness, other magical elements around him disappeared in an instant, as if they had never appeared before.

Shi Jingge opened his eyes, looking at his hands, his eyes were full of brilliance.

Looking at Shi Jingge's eagerly trying expression, the man's expression became even uglier, and even the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Idiot," the man squeezed out these words through gritted teeth, "it's endless, isn't it?"

The magic power in that stupid thing's body is so little and so weak, how much can he give him?

If you give more, I'm afraid that stupid thing won't be able to stand up.

But that stupid thing has no idea.

The man couldn't bear it anymore, the water mirror in front of him rippled again, he raised his head haughtily, and fixed his eyes on Shi Jingge.

"There is a saying, you are right."

"You sold yourself to me, it's my wealth."

"If..." He paused and said slowly, "I will lose."

"How can the devil have a loss?"

He raised his head and said these words arrogantly.

Shi Jingge in the water environment yawned, and then became addicted. He yawned several times, and his eyelids started to fight, as if he was very sleepy.

He struggled to resist the drowsiness, and wanted to sit up from the bed, but his spiritual world was so exhausted that he didn't sit up at all, and fell into a deep sleep as soon as he turned over.

Even the booklet was not arranged properly, it just fell on him as he fell asleep.

But soon, the booklet "flyed" from Shi Jingge's body, and then fell to the ground with a "pop".

What replaced the booklet was a blanket that tightly wrapped Shi Jingge.

Shi Jingge's hand still moved, and he grabbed the blanket tightly.

In this situation, people can only think that when Shi Jingge was in a drowsy sleep, he felt cold and stretched out his hand to cover the blanket.

When Shi Jingge fell asleep, curled up in the big blanket, she actually looked a little cute.

I don't know what a good dream I had, and the corners of my lips curled up, making it even more sweet.

The man stared at it for a while, then suddenly sneered, and said a word coolly, "Stupid."

After falling asleep, it is even more stupid.

The water mirror slowly disappeared in mid-air.

The man lowered his head and eyes, took back his quill, and slowly wrote something in the notebook.

Before writing two lines, he tore up the page. After repeated several times, the man finally threw away the quill.

The notebook slowly floated onto the table, followed by the quill, and then it automatically wrote something on the notebook.

The handwriting is very neat and beautiful, just like printing.

It's just that the man's face is more ugly.

After a while, the notebook floated to the ground, and another brand new notebook appeared on the table.

The quill started working again, following the man's thoughts, and dropped beautiful fonts one by one.

From the middle of the night until the sun enveloped the earth, the quill stopped, and all the paper on the book fell off completely, without any traces.

Immediately afterwards, several black-skinned magic books floated over, and the man carefully selected one of them. Soon, the cover of that magic book was peeled off, and the words on the cover were erased one by one.

The quill flew towards the black skin, and soon, a line of words full of aura appeared on the black skin.

—"Elementary Magic (Book 1

And the papers that fell off from the book naturally flew into the black leather, and the magic elements flew around, some flew into it, and some opened their mouths in all directions.

This magic book, made by a man himself, was thus born.

Just looking at it from the outside, we can't see any flaws.

The man snorted contemptuously, "Stupid things deserve to watch this stuff."

After speaking, he seemed to feel comfortable physically and mentally, slowly closed his eyes, and fell asleep in the wheelchair.

Not even a blanket.

By this time, it was already lunch time.

Mrs. Li went upstairs with the tray and did a long time of mental preparation at the stairs. She only felt that it was getting colder here today, which made her shiver uncontrollably.

I don't know if it's her illusion, she always has a feeling of being unwelcome and driven away.


Aunt Li looked at the tray in her hand and gritted her teeth.

—The little master needs lunch!

—Her job is to deliver meals to the little master!

Mrs. Li bit her bullet and moved forward. Every step she took felt difficult and difficult to breathe.

Just when she was on the top floor, an invisible force pushed her out, making her return to the stairs below again.

Is this... little master's magic...?

Mrs. Li was both surprised and delighted, the little master's current magical power is so powerful, he will definitely be able to lead the Sinos continent to glory!

However, the little master is weak, so he didn't eat dinner yesterday, and he must not disturb the little master in the morning, so no one dared to deliver breakfast.

If the little master doesn't need lunch anymore, he won't eat for a day and a night, how can this work?

Mrs. Li was a little anxious, but she couldn't get in, what should I do?

In the blink of an eye, Aunt Li thought of Shi Jingge.

It was the same at noon yesterday, she went to look for the little master but couldn't find it, but when the young master went to look for it, he found it.

Even at night, the little master went downstairs for an unprecedented time.

Although it is not certain that this has something to do with Young Master Shi, what if?

Thinking of this, Mrs. Li hurried to find Shi Jingge.

When Shi Jingge heard the knock on the door, he thought it was the housekeeper, reluctantly let go of his booklet, opened the door and said, "I'm not hungry, I won't have lunch..."

Before he could say the word "rice", he saw Mrs. Li.

Shi Jingge was slightly surprised, "Sister Li?"

Mrs. Li held the tray in her hand, feeling a little embarrassed.

It's obviously my job, but I have to trouble someone else, and this other person is still the adopted son of this castle, and can be regarded as half of the master.

But for the sake of the little master, she still opened her mouth.

"Master Shi, I'm sorry to bother you."

"The young master drove me down, but his lunch is useless."

"Yesterday noon till now, the young master hasn't eaten anything yet, how can this body take it?"

"Yesterday, you gave the lunch to the young master. I think today..."

Mrs. Li paused, and looked at Shi Jingge pleadingly, "Please."

"No problem." Shi Jingge readily agreed, "Leave it to me."

Aunt Li breathed a sigh of relief and thanked her repeatedly.

"But..." Shi Jingge changed the subject, showing a troubled expression, "I can only try."

"Brother didn't drive you down yesterday, it's just that you didn't find him."

"Brother drove you down today, maybe he really didn't want to see us, so I have no other choice."

Of course Mrs. Li understood this, and continued to thank Shi Jingge. Shi Jingge went up with the tray, and Aunt Li followed closely behind. After seeing Shi Jingge's foot stepping up the stairs, she was relieved, smiled a little, and stretched out her foot, wanting to go upstairs.

It's just that before this foot stepped on the step, a force struck her and pushed her back a few steps, keeping her away from the step.

Afterwards, no matter how hard Aunt Li tried and tried, she couldn't get close to it.

She raised her head in shock and looked up, as if she wanted to break through the ceiling and see the person she wanted to see.

... Shi Jingge has not yet appeared, that is to say, he has not been kicked out.

...and she couldn't even get to the stairs.

So, does the little master only allow Shi Jingge to go up there alone? !

This conclusion was too horrifying, and Mrs. Li threw this idea out of her mind non-stop.


...Why hasn't Master Shi come down yet?

The man was sleeping, and the magic element naturally subconsciously rejected everything that might disturb his sleep.

But Shijingong is different.

There is an "agreement" between him and the man.

So the magic element finally let him in.

However, what should he do if he disturbs the little master's sleep?

If the little master is woken up, he will be very angry, right?

The little master has had a bad temper these two days and is always angry.

But this person has an agreement with the little master.

The magic elements circled around Shi Jingge, not knowing what to do.

Shi Jingge only felt that today's magic element was stronger, but it was a bit weird.

He finally walked to the man's bedroom and raised his hand to knock on the door, but found that the moment his fingers touched the door, the strength seemed to disappear and there was no sound.

In an instant, Shi Jingge suddenly realized, "Is he asleep?"

The corners of his lips moved slightly, and his voice was inaudible.

The surrounding magical elements rejoiced and eagerly responded to him.

Only then did Shi Jingge understand why Aunt Li was kicked out and why the magical elements around her were weird.

This is because they are afraid of disturbing that person's sleep.

"Then me," Shi Jingge's lips moved slightly, and at this time, the reaction of the magic elements became stronger.

But Shi Jingge didn't notice, only moved the corners of his lips, and silently finished his words, "Go down first?"

And at this moment, Shi Jingge suddenly felt a gust of cold wind coming from behind.

He looked back subconsciously, and found that the door behind him opened at some point, and the man was sitting in a wheelchair, looking at him coldly.

After three seconds of silence, Shi Jingge laughed and said sincerely, "Brother, it's time to eat."

The man looked at him coldly and said nothing.

Shi Jingge pointed to the door, "Shall I send it in for you?"

The man's expression became a little more gloomy, and the air around him was cold, but he still didn't say a word.

Is this the default, or is it hovering on the verge of going crazy?

Shi Jingge blinked, thinking it should be the default.

But to be on the safe side, Shi Jingge still slowed down.

He looked at the man in the wheelchair, slowly raised his foot, and took a step forward.

The man looked at him gloomily, his dark eyes were like an abyss, and Shi Jingge's eyes just met the abyss.

Shi Jingge froze for a moment, and raised his foot hesitantly. The breath around the man didn't get colder, so it should be supporting him to walk over, right?

The four eyes met, while Shi Jingge was staring at Abyss, Abyss was also staring at him.

His every move, word and deed, even every subtle expression and movement, are firmly remembered by Abyss.

Then, Shi Jingge walked up to the man.

The man blocked the door, Shi Jingge really couldn't get in.

He hesitated for a while, then discussed, "Let's go?"

According to the personality of the man, it is estimated that he can stand in a stalemate from the door for half an hour.

Shi Jingge was ready to fight, but the man smiled suddenly and entered the room so naturally.

Time Scene Song: "?"

At the same time, there was a man's cold and hoarse voice.

"three two-"

Shi Jingge flew into the room like flying.

In the next second, following the man's voice, the door was slammed shut.

It was so powerful, as if it was about to knock something out.

For a moment, Shi Jingge's eyes showed some emotion.

Sure enough, it was the one he saw yesterday. Shi Jingge put the tray on the table, and the man said coldly, "Have you finished reading?"

Although the booklet is thin, Shi Jingge has to practice after reading two pages, which is a waste of time, so there are still some left to read.

Shi Jingge shook his head honestly, "No."

The man leaned back in the wheelchair, looked Shi Jingge up and down, and said casually: "I thought you could still have a smart brain, but unfortunately, your brain is just like your appearance, which makes people sad."

Shi Jingge felt that he was still pretty good-looking, so he calmly took this sentence as a compliment.

"Thank you brother."

Don't forget to smile and thank you.

The man looked at Shi Jingge mockingly, with an extremely long ending, showing arrogance, "It seems that my judgment is not wrong."

"With your brain, you are worthy of seeing this kind of thing."

"Higher-level ones are not suitable for you."

A thin black book flew into Shi Jingge's arms, and it seemed to be very powerful, but when it fell down, he didn't feel anything.

When Shi Jingge lowered his head, he saw the four big characters "Elementary Magic", and the corners of his lips turned up.

"get out."

The man said blankly.

Shi Jingge nodded obediently, and took two steps away, with a sly look in his eyes, he suddenly turned his head and asked, "Then when will I come back?"

"Is it still before dinner tomorrow?"

The tone was sincere, even a little eager.

The man was silent for a long time, then smiled coldly, very short and full of sarcasm.

"Do you think..." He draws a long tail, looking down at Shi Jingge, "Don't you need to do anything?"

"It is time for you to fulfill your duty, my dear brother."

There was a cheerful malice in his eyes, and a hint of anticipation.

"Before I go to sleep tonight, I want to see your people."

"You have to learn to serve you..." He dragged out the ending, but the voice was so soft that Shi Jingge couldn't hear clearly, only his haughty expression could be seen.

In fact, he didn't even finish this sentence, but the moment he met Shang Shi Jingge's eyes, his voice suddenly rose, almost roaring out in anger.

"What are you still doing?"

"Get out!"

The magical elements in the room also became intense, they surged around Shi Jingge, and they worked together to push Shi Jingge out.

Shi Jingge looked at the magician in his hand, opened one of the nights, suddenly smiled, and said lightly, "Thank you, brother."

"Goodbye, brother."

"I'll be up soon."

The man didn't respond.

He "didn't" hear anything Shi Jingge said.

Shi Jingge turned over two pages of the magic book, then thought of something, hid the magic book in his clothes, and went downstairs.

Sure enough, Mrs. Li was still at the stairs, and when she saw him, complex colors appeared on her face.

"You..." Mrs. Li paused, but still didn't ask, and said, "Have you eaten, Master?"

Shi Jingge smiled slightly, and said calmly, "Eat."

Sister Li then smiled, and said, "You...Young Master..."

"What?" Shi Jingge didn't hear clearly.

Mrs. Li opened her mouth, only to realize that she was speechless, and finally she just shook her head.

Immediately afterwards, she felt a mysterious force pushing her, making her completely unable to control it.

She went downstairs almost quickly, out of Shi Jingge's sight.

And when it reappeared on the first floor, everything was restored.

At this moment, Aunt Li was thoughtful.

Suddenly, she suddenly understood something.

The man in the wheelchair watched Shi Jingge leave, lowered his eyelids sleepily, and soon fell into a deep sleep again.

Only the magical elements around him surrounded him in amazement.

——The little master didn't get angry!

Waking up from a deep sleep is a big taboo for the little master.

Last time, he almost burned down the entire training ground. If it weren't for the magic circle he arranged there, I don't know what would have happened.

But this time, it's just... go back to sleep?

Could it be that the little master didn't fall asleep just now?

No... they can all feel it, the little master is just asleep...

After yesterday's riddle of agreeing with the little master but being driven away, there is one more unsolved mystery about the little master in the magic element today.

When Shi Jingge returned to the room, looking at the magic book in his hand, the light in his eyes became even brighter.

Compared with that booklet, the knowledge in this magic book fits its title very well, and it is very suitable for beginners like Shi Jingge.

But why didn't the man bring out the magic book to him yesterday?

Of course, it can be said that the man wanted to show him off, but is it necessary?

Those surges of magical elements have already demonstrated the man's strength, so what else is needed to show off?

The man's malice will not be concealed, although it always feels like it was deliberately revealed to him, but will he use the method of showing power?

Shi Jingge shook his head lightly.

In other words, this book was not in the hands of men before today.

Is that what the man went out to buy?

Shi Jingge casually flipped through a few more pages, almost to the end, when suddenly, his eyes fixed on a few words, and he slowly laughed out loud.

It seems that it will not be bought.

Who would write the five words "stupid magic" into a magic book?

Then, the most incredible situation appeared.

This magic book was probably written overnight by a man.

So, at this time, he is sleeping.

For a moment, Shi Jingge felt a strange feeling in his heart. He didn't know how to describe it, but there was no doubt that it was not something bad.

He thought of every "experiment" yesterday, he succeeded, even if the process was very difficult.

And the sudden drowsiness and deep sleep, and the blanket and feeling refreshed in the morning.

...This devil is a bit unqualified.

Shi Jingge laughed softly, then looked around, took the magic book and pamphlet, pillow and blanket, and two sets of clothes, avoided the crowd, and walked up to the top floor.

The magic elements didn't expect him to go back and forth, and they didn't know whether the little master was angry or not, so they didn't stop him from knocking on the door.

So, the man didn't wake up for the second time.

He opened the door gloomily, and was slightly taken aback when he saw Shi Jingge.

Shi Jingge smiled innocently at him, "Brother, where do I live?"


Is it his illusion?

Why did he feel a little impatient?

"Oh, I'm sorry," Shi Jingge showed a suddenly realized expression, "I'm stupid, where can I live, of course I live with my eldest brother."

After a pause, Shi Jingge's voice became more natural, "I have to serve Big Brother."

The word "serve" was re-read, and the man's eyebrows jumped slightly.

"But it seems that I can't go to bed," Shi Jingge frowned distressedly, "Maybe, I can make a bed on the ground?"

"This will make it easier to pay attention to the movements of the eldest brother."

The sincerity of the voice and the sincerity of the attitude made the man kick out Shi Jingge with a wave of his hand.


There was a touch of exasperation in the man's gloomy voice.

"How do you deserve to live in my...?"

The man himself didn't even notice how lightly he said this, for fear that others would hear it.

It's not over yet.

And the door of the room next door opened automatically, and the room was empty, with nothing in it.

The man said coldly: "Go in and hit the floor."

Shi Jingge chuckled, "I think, I need a bed."

If the man didn't speak, pretend he didn't hear you.

Since you didn't hear it, isn't that the default?

So Shi Jingge went downstairs to find the butler and asked him to bring a bed up.

How dare the butler? No matter what Shi Jingge said, no little master personally told him that he would never "offend" the little master.

And at this moment, a warm, hearty and longing voice suddenly sounded.


It's Nie Ziyu.

The author has something to say: The Devil's Diary:

The one who came to serve you...Master (heavily stroked, not a single stroke can be seen)...Male (same)...Man!

Don't even want a bed.

Anyway, I won't really sleep there.

The devil who dare not write those two words in the diary is really pitiful [Lianci.jpg]

Nie Ziyu appeared! Do you know what that means!

It means dog blood! It means misunderstanding! It means Shura field! It means abuse!

Suddenly Excited.jpg

Brother Xu: Can you see me?

Brother Xu: I don’t think I can do it

Little Qianhang:? ? ? ? ?

All the cuties still have red envelopes today~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-05-16?23:56:54~2021-05-17?23:59:08~

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: Snowflake Cake? 20 bottles; Lanyue? 5 bottles; Jifenhua? 2 bottles; Kekou Sprite, Zhou Jin, Jun Shiye? 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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