MTL - Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World-Chapter 150 Lord (9)

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Without this heavy rain, Jiang Minghuan would never have thought of meeting F and Shi Jingge.

Just like what his holy servant said, what is it worth for him to worry about, a dandy?

Jiang Ming raised his eyebrows happily, but he didn't stop what the holy servant said. His people were all around here, and the voice of the holy servant was small enough.

"It just happened to be raining heavily, and I heard that Young Master Shi is here, so it's a coincidence."

"There is nothing wrong with meeting the future young master of the Shi family in advance."

Let's see if that dandy young master is as stupid as rumored, maybe he can have some fun in this heavy rain.

Besides, tomorrow is the elder young master's funeral, and the young young master is still here today, so what is the deep meaning behind it?


The young saint waiter led the knights to come here by order, and respectfully invited the young master of the Jiang family to Shi Jingge.

But no matter how well this saint pretended, Jiang Minghuan could still feel the subtle reluctance.

This makes it even more interesting.

Does this reluctance come from this holy servant, or the young master of the Shi family?

This somewhat dilutes Jiang Minghuan's irritability caused by the heavy rain. When they stopped in front of the small house at F, he raised his eyebrows involuntarily.

The young master of the Shi

Immediately, Jiang Minghuan had a weird expression.

The young master of the Shi family has always pursued luxury and splendor, can this place catch his eye?

Or is it that the young master has "progressed" at this time? Do you know the importance of a good reputation?

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, but Jiang Minghuan didn't show it at all on his face. He was gentle, elegant, polite and open-minded enough, and he put all the performances that a guest should have on the bright side, and no one could fault him. fault.

He and his chaplain entered the room, while the rest waited outside.

The inside of the room is simpler than the outside, even a bit empty, without any decorations, even the tables and chairs are simple enough, it seems that the person on the chair is the only bright color in the room.

—Because that robe is gorgeous enough.

Immediately, Jiang Minghuan suddenly felt bored.

Even if it was raining heavily outside the room and made people bored, it was better than him appearing here to visit this ruthless young master.

Tomorrow is my brother's funeral, and I'm still wearing a gorgeous robe here today. At this time, the young master really doesn't even want to pretend to be F.

With just such a brain and such an attitude, when this kind of person takes over the Shijia, the Shijia will be finished within three months!

I hope that the owner of the Shi family's territory still has some brains to recognize the fact that this young master is hopeless.

However, he has already come here after all, so he can't be rude.

Jiang Minghuan could only cover up his disgust, smiled politely, and said in an extremely sincere tone, "I take the liberty to come to visit, I hope I didn't disturb you."

"How come?" The young master said slowly, with a long ending, "My honor."

After speaking, the young master stood up and said hesitantly, "Please."

Two or two were speechless.

Jiang Minghuan felt even worse.

He must be out of his mind, otherwise how did he come up with the idea of ​​looking at this young master?

In the end, does he still need him as a guest to start the topic?

Jiang Minghuan cursed a few words in his heart, and in the end he had to take on the heavy responsibility of provoking the topic, so he couldn't just be so silent, could he?

"...I didn't expect to meet you here," Jiang Minghuan said with a smile, calmly, "I thought you would be in the Shi's mansion."

Shi Jingge frowned slightly, and looked at Jiang Minghuan fixedly, he always felt that Jiang Minghuan was a little weird.

Jiang Minghuan paused, and he suddenly discovered that Shi Jingge had a pair of particularly beautiful black eyes, which were clear and bright, and there was light condensing in them.

It's a pity that such F eyes are on Shi Jingge's body.

"The world thinks there are too many things," Shi Jingge retorted flatly, "It's a pity, not everything will develop as the world thinks."

"Indeed," Jiang Minghuan nodded flatly, realizing that his aggressiveness was too obvious, and smiled, "Then you and I met here, isn't it fate?"

A little confusion flashed in Shi Jingge's eyes, "Are you also here to study Dong Linghua?"

Jiang Minghuan froze for a moment, "What?"

Research East Spirit Flower? Scene song?

Jiang Minghuan suspected that he was hallucinating.

But in the next F seconds, he saw Shi Jingge saying with a lack of interest: "It seems that you are not."

Jiang Minghuan asked suspiciously, "You came here to study the East Spirit Flower?"

It's nothing to hide, Shi Jingge nodded lazily, "Yeah."

"It's really rare." Jiang Minghuan's eyes became a little colder, and the topic just fell on Dong Linghua.

Jiang Minghuan also knew about Donglinghua. After all, the problem of Donglinghua had plagued all the major territories. When Jiang Minghuan was young, he always wanted to solve this problem to make his father proud.

But obviously, he failed, and he didn't completely give up the research on Dong Linghua afterwards, so when it comes to Dong Linghua, it's even F set F set.

He didn't believe that Shi Jingge really came to study Donglinghua, so he deliberately set the topic on Donglinghua, and talked about more advanced issues, waiting for Shijingge to reveal his secrets.

But to Jiang Minghuan's surprise, Shi Jingge was able to keep up with his topic!

Not only can you keep up, but you can also mention some unique insights!

...Is this really here to study the East Spirit Flower?

Jiang Minghuan was slightly stunned, but Shi Jingge had already turned his head and took out a whole sprig of East Spirit Flower, and placed it on the table with some excitement, showing it to him.

"This is the F plant I found in the East Spirit Flower. Around it, all the East Spirit Flowers have withered, and only it is in full bloom."

"F-like air, F-like sunlight, F-like moisture, all F-like things are F-like, but only this dongling flower survived."

"I have studied for a long time, but I really can't find the reason."

"Perhaps you have an idea?"

Jiang Minghuan was slightly stunned, maybe because he was too excited, the young master actually stood beside him, with his head all over his side, he could even smell the fragrance from the young master.

The unique aroma of F shares made him take a deep breath.

"Actually," Jiang Minghuan breathed a little shortly, "I've also studied for a long time, but I didn't find anything."

"Oh." Most of the young master's excitement disappeared immediately, and he sat back to his seat slowly, looking at the East Spirit Flower in his hand, his eyebrows frowned slightly.

Jiang Minghuan's breathing gradually eased, "I never heard that you were so interested in Dong Linghua before."

"Who is interested in this thing?" The young master sneered and picked up the East Spirit Flower roughly, "If it wasn't for that guy, I would-I wouldn't-!"

His voice suddenly dropped, murmured between his lips and teeth, Jiang Minghuan couldn't hear it clearly, he could only feel that Shi Jingge was a little angry.

"What?" Jiang Minghuan asked.

"It's nothing." Shi Jingge replied in a bad tone.

The atmosphere seemed to have cooled down again.

At this time, someone came in to report that the heavy rain had stopped. Shi Jingge jumped off the chair, walked forward a few steps, stopped again, and slowly retreated, inviting Jiang Minghuan, "Go and see those Donglings." flowers?"

A complicated look flashed across Jiang Minghuan's eyes. He shook his head and said with a light smile, "Perhaps, it's time for me to go."

"Oh," Shi Jingge pursed his lips, and said dryly, "F is on the way."

Jiang Minghuan pursed his lips, "I'm going to the Shi's mansion."

Shi Jingge frowned at him, "So?"

Jiang Minghuan tried his best to act as nonchalantly as possible: "Are you starting?"

"What?" Shi Jingge was taken aback, "I will send a knight to **** you."

Jiang Minghuan looked at him, "Aren't you going back?"

After a pause, Jiang Minghuan found a reason for Shi Jingge, "Are you going back tomorrow morning?"

Shi Jingge frowned at him, and said as it should, "Why should I go back?"

Jiang Minghuan looked at him in astonishment, and his gaze froze.

He thought, he was really stupid to change his view of Shi Jingge because of the F strain of East Spirit Flower.

And at this moment, Shi Jingge's holy servant said, "Master Jiang, by order of the young master, the Cavaliers F team will **** you on your journey."

Jiang Minghuan nodded, walked to the door, and for some unknown reason, he turned his head to look at the young master.

The young master was holding the East Spirit Flower, his black hair was softly attached to his scalp, just looking at the profile, he was actually a bit cute.

Jiang Minghuan couldn't hold back, and opened his mouth again, "You know tomorrow..."

Before he finished speaking, he was suddenly interrupted by the voice of Shi Jingge's holy servant.

"Sorry," Shi Jingge's servant lowered his head and picked up the thing that fell on the ground, "I didn't catch it."

Jiang Minghuan frowned deeply. It seems that the holy attendant interrupted him on purpose?

Forget it, if it wasn't for Shi Jingge's order, how could the saint servant dare to do this?

Anyway, it's not his brother's funeral, why does he care so much?

Jiang Minghuan left.

Shi Jingge didn't care about this little episode, he was still concentrating on studying the East Linghua, but he couldn't concentrate.

After an unknown amount of time, Shi Jingge suddenly said, "...why does he want me to go back?"

Saint Servant F was startled, "Master?"

Shi Jingge lowered his head and continued to look at Dong Linghua, but stopped talking.

He didn't speak, the holy servant should be relieved, but in fact, the holy servant couldn't let go of this breath.

...So, why is the **** young master of the Jiang family so talkative? !

F everything seems to be F as usual, but this F night, Shi Jingge couldn't sleep no matter what.

He sat quietly on the bed, looking out the window, he should be sleepy, but he couldn't fall asleep.

He slipped out quietly, but he didn't go to the Dongling Blossom, but went outside Jiuri's room, stared at it for a long time, and then suddenly knocked on the door.

Jiuri opened the door, and when he saw him, he seemed a little puzzled, "Xiaoge?"

Shi Jingge noticed that Nine Ridge seemed a little tired, but he didn't think too much about it, he just asked deeply, "Can I come in?"

Jiuri was silent for a long time, then smiled suddenly, "Of course."

Time scene song came in.

Nine days poured F cup of water for him, and said lightly, "Why haven't you slept yet?"

Shi Jingge took the glass of water and looked straight at Jiuri, "I can't sleep."

Jiu Ri showed a surprised expression.

Shi Jingge said in a low voice: "I met F person today, he F invited me back to the mansion all the time, and said something strange about tomorrow."

"I didn't care about these at first, but in the dead of night, I suddenly realized that I had insomnia."

"Nine days," Shi Jingge raised his head and looked straight at him, "Did you lie to me?"

The author has something to say: Nine Days: I feel that admitting is death, and not admitting is also death

Jiu Ri: ...I even fake my name QAQ! !

Jiu Ri: ...that damned Jiang Minghuan!

#恐怖江明欣 team was formally established, the current number: 2#

Today all cuties have little red envelopes~

Push the new article of Jiyou, it’s very good~

"Do whatever you want with the male protagonist [Quick time travel]" by Xiao Wujun


Lin Sui transmigrated into a cannon fodder in a comprehension text, with a cannon fodder incomparable physique, destined to be a servant. How could Lin Sui be reconciled, so he seduced the Son of Destiny, and when he dissected his bones and transferred them to himself, he was blown up by the Dao of Heaven.

The bones on his body became the system that restrained him, and issued an order: You must retrieve all his souls, serve him as your master in every world, and do your best for him until you die!

Lin Sui agreed with a smile, but he hated being taught how to do things most in his life.


In the first world, he was an arrogant and domineering young master of a wealthy family, and the other party was a poor and humble illegitimate child.

He stepped on the other side to humiliate him that he was only worthy of carrying his shoes, and he called him master in his ear when the crowd was buzzing.

System: Your mother xxxxx [beep—]

Lin Sui is innocent: I regard him as the master.

In the second world, he is the new top player in the entertainment industry, and the other party is the silent actor after the accident.

He mocked and suppressed him saying that he deserves to come back even when he is angry, and kissed his scar at night, leaving resources behind and leaving.

System: [beep——]

Lin Sui spread his hands: I'm not dedicated enough?

In the third world, he is an S-class Alpha, and the opponent is a mentally damaged former SSS-class Alpha.

He contemptuously said that trash is also worthy of the battlefield, and when no one was around, he said that since you can't smell pheromones, then I will be your omega, and I almost died for the other party.


Lin Sui smiled: Is it enough to die?

Although in the end he was hidden by the rich and upstart Jinwu, possessed by the Three Gold Film Kings, and forcibly marked by the Marshal of the Empire, he was very happy.

The system burst into tears: Brother, please, stop doing it, and I will never teach you how to do things again!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-06-08?00:37:49~2021-06-09?23:52:48~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 29 bottles of cute baby; 10 bottles of Yanxiu; 5 bottles of Xuanmo Qingsheng; 3 bottles of your little cutie;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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