MTL - Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World-Chapter 167 bad boy (9)

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There was silence in the ward.

The fur ball hiding in Shi Jingge's quilt froze for a few seconds, and carefully hid it inside.

The king didn't want to get it out of the queen's bed, so he went to battle directly, right?


Shi Jingge blinked slowly, he searched quickly in his mind, and confirmed that there was no such a man in the memory of the original owner.

So... who is this?

Shi Jingge showed a puzzled expression, tilted his head, and said slowly, "How are you?"

Kings:! !

This... this is so cute!

How should I respond? What should he say? Does he have to tilt his head too? Is it human etiquette to tilt your head?

Open your mouth! say something! Can't you even open your mouth? !

Help! He can't speak!

Seeing the noble and indifferent face in front of him, Shi Jingge didn't intend to start a conversation, Shi Jingge thought for a while and asked curiously, "Do you know me?"

The man shook his head slowly and said nothing.

"Then you..." Shi Jingge seemed a little confused, "Did you come to me for something?"

The man hesitated for a moment, then nodded slowly.

It can be regarded as... is there something wrong?

Just tell me if you have anything, big brother, how would I know if you don’t tell me!

Say it quickly!

Shi Jingge gestured with his eyes, but it was obvious that the man did not receive the message he sent.

So, Shi Jingge had no choice but to continue: "Then...what's the matter?"

What's up?

Me, me, you, you, you... You asked me to come see you!

But obviously, this sentence cannot be said, so what should he say?

Talk quickly, it's been a few minutes, the queen's expression has changed, open your mouth, you won't be dumb, will you?

The king was very anxious, and his mind went blank, only the queen's eyes were as clear as crystal, and her lips were extremely moist with watery luster., so tempting.

...Wait, is this the time to think about this? The queen is asking you something!

Will I be kicked out if I don't answer?

The king's nerves tightened.

At this moment, Shi Jingge's lips slowly opened.

The alarm in the king's mind sounded instantly, the queen wouldn't really ask to drive him away, would she?

At the critical moment, the king finally spoke before Shi Jingge.

"It is the guidance of fate."

Time Scene Song: "?"

Seeing the queen's doubts, the king could only bite the bullet and move down.

He nodded slightly, avoiding Shi Jingge's gaze, although he was guilty, but in the eyes of others, he was all noble and glamorous.

"Fate invited me here to meet you, and I'm here."

That's not really a lie... is it?

People of their clan yearn for their partners, respect the truth, and never hide anything from their partners, let alone lie.

The king felt that he didn't speak. He was indeed accepting the call of fate to find his queen, but... the queen didn't respond to him.

Because of guilty conscience, the king's expression was a bit stiff, but he was very good-natured and extravagant, and he glanced coldly, just like the moon in the sky, and no one would see the slightest disobedience.

Shi Jingge was silent for a moment, alert in his heart, does this mean that he is not human? god? Cthulhu? The "my lord" that Shen Changdong was chasing after? or something else?

Although there were various speculations in his heart, Shi Jingge didn't show anything on his face. After a moment of silence, he said euphemistically, "This reason is a bit strange."

The king regretted it in his heart, but it would not be shameful to ask the queen for advice, so the king humbly asked, "Then what is the reason?"

Time Scene Song: "?"

You come to me, let me find a reason for you, do you think it is appropriate?

The tight fur ball hidden in the bed was trembling, it couldn't help laughing like crazy, if it wasn't for the fear of being liquidated by the king, it would laugh until it rolled.

How could the king be so stupid?

It's so stupid that it doesn't even want to care about the previous things.

Seeing that Shi Jingge didn't speak, and his expression was very complicated, a bit of confusion gradually appeared in Wang Shang's eyes.

…did he just say the wrong thing?


The queen didn't want to respond to him at first, so her impression of him won't be worse now, right? Wang Shang's heart was full of alarm bells, he opened his mouth, and said very seriously: "I will protect you."

Time Scene Song: "..."

Brother, we don't know each other at all, okay? Am I that reckless? Will you rest assured that you will protect me?

However, the man in front of him was extremely serious, his deep black eyes were full of his reflection, this was not just a simple sentence, but more like an oath.

In a trance, many fragments suddenly flashed in Shi Jingge's mind, and the scene was turned so fast that Shi Jingge couldn't see it clearly at all, only the short words echoed in his ears.

【I am here. 】

【and me. 】

[Close your eyes, don't be afraid. 】

【I am here, no one can hurt you. 】

【I will always be by your side and protect you forever. Even if my soul dissipates and turns into a breeze, I will still stay by your side and protect you. 】

Gradually, those images disappeared, but the sounds remained.

After a few more seconds, this person's face gradually appeared in Shi Jingge's mind.

He was suddenly awakened.

And the moment he opened his eyes, there was an extremely beautiful black pearl in front of him.

Round pearls, radiant, mysterious and dreamy.

"It matches your eyes very well." The man stuffed the pearl into Shi Jingge's hand.

Shi Jingge shook his head and refused, and stuffed the black pearl back into the man's hand. The man took two steps back and refused to accept it, so Shi Jingge got out of bed, grabbed the man's hand, and the man froze on the spot for an instant, Shi Jingge didn't react until Shi Jingge stuffed the pearl back.

The king, the king, the queen touched, touched him!

Is this a response? Absolutely!

The queen—the queen answered him!

The king was overjoyed and wanted to hug the queen back to the Deep Sea Palace to complete the wedding, but in the next second, he found the black pearl in his hand.

So... did the Queen actually respond to him?

The king slowly raised his head to look at Shi Jingge, "No, don't you like it?"

Shi Jingge shook his head, "No, but I can't accept it."

"Why?" The king was puzzled.

"We've only known each other for a day, and we don't even know our names. How could we accept such an expensive gift?" Shi Jingge gave the most simple and reasonable reason.

A light flashed in the king's eyes, "Oh, you want to know my name."

Time Scene Song: "?"

How did this come to be understood? ?

"My name," the king thought for a while, he seems to have a human name, what is it called?

I slept for so long that I forgot about it.

The king decided to follow his instinct, and he would call whatever word came to his mind.

So, he looked at Shi Jingge, and at that moment, he had an illusion.

It was as if his queen was naming him.

He was a little excited and a little shy.

Those words finally appeared in his mind, and he said slowly: "Wen, Xu, Sheng."

This name is actually somewhat familiar.

As if it could break through the boundaries of time and space, it floated down beside him with the breeze of the world.

"Good name."

Shi Jingge heard himself saying that.

Wen Xusheng had a smile in his eyes, he hesitated for a while, and asked, "What about you?"

In fact, he already knew what his queen's name was, but he wanted to hear his queen say it herself.

"You came to see me, don't you even know my name?" Shi Jingge asked amusedly.

"I know." Wen Xusheng hesitated for a moment, but chose to be honest.

"Then you still ask?" Shi Jingge raised his eyebrows.

Wen Xusheng pinched his palm, feeling very embarrassed, but how could he be dishonest when facing his partner?

So he said, "I want to hear from you."

"I feel that exchanging each other's names is quite meaningful."

Shi Jingge was taken aback for a moment, the guy in front of him was so cold, he actually had a sense of ceremony.

"I'm Shi Jingge."

Shi Jingge finally satisfied him.

Wen Xusheng stretched out his hand to Shi Jingge, and held it back for a long time until his ears turned red, before he uttered a few words.

"Nice to meet you."

Shi Jingge was a little amused, and reminded: "You have already said this once."

Then can't we talk about it?

But I'm really happy.

A trace of remorse appeared in Wen Xusheng's eyes, and Shi Jingge's heart trembled. He didn't know what happened, but he suddenly became impulsive.


"My pleasure to meet you too."

As he said that, Shi Jingge put his hand on Wen Xusheng's, and the two of them held hands together, and Wen Xusheng felt like he was about to stop breathing.

— Finally got a response?

—Is it possible to get married? ?

At this moment, the door of the ward was pushed open.

"Xiao Ge!" Yan Zicheng hurried in, looking anxious, with a hint of determination, "Clean up, we can leave the hospital—"

His voice paused, as if he had just noticed Wen Xusheng, and surprise flashed across his eyes, "This is...?"

Shi Jingge pretended not to hear Yan Zicheng's question, and just said, "Ah? Am I going to be discharged from the hospital? Is that okay?"

"Didn't you say yesterday that a very good psychotherapist came? Didn't you still make an appointment? By the way, that physical therapist was injured yesterday. How is it today? Is it serious?"

Mentioning the psychotherapist, Yan Zicheng's expression changed slightly, he didn't care about Wen Xusheng anymore, he just said, "Xiao Ge, do you believe me?"

"Of course." Shi Jingge nodded vigorously, with undisguised trust in his eyes.

The man next to him pursed his lips, and slowly looked at Yan Zicheng, with a look of awe in his eyes.

How did this malicious man gain the queen's trust?

"Trust me, then listen to me," Yan Zicheng's tone was a little anxious, but he was obviously restraining, "Let's leave the hospital first, and I'll tell you in detail later, Xiaoge doesn't want to live in the hospital, does she? We can still do it Go out and see the scenery."

At the same time, Wen Xusheng's voice sounded.

"Don't trust him."

"He lied to you."

"He's been lying to you."

Yan Zicheng suddenly turned his head to look at Wen Xusheng, his eyes sharpened, and when he was about to refute, his eyes gradually became blurred.

"He can only tell the truth now."

Wen Xusheng looked at Shi Jingge, "You can ask him if he is lying to you."

The author has something to say: Wen Xusheng: They all lie to you, they are all hot chickens

Wen Xusheng: I am different, I only love you

Wen Xusheng: So when will we get married?

All the cuties still have red envelopes today~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-07-14?23:12:00~2021-07-18?00:22:09~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 53316083? 3 bottles; Yuan, Zhou Jin, Xingci? 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion