MTL - Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World-Chapter 171 bad boy (thirteen)

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The Yuan brothers were stunned.

The person who opened his mouth was also stunned.

Fuck, did those words really come from his mouth just now? Has he lost his mind and gone insane?

No! He was organized and thoughtful, so he didn't look like he was insane?

Then why did he say that?

It can't be... hit a ghost, right?

It's broad daylight, isn't it? !

There was a fright in the man's eyes.

The boss of the Yuan family keenly grasped this point. Although he still had some doubts in his heart, he still asked coldly: "So, did you do it on purpose?"

With that said, the boss of the Yuan family stepped forward slightly, blocking Yuan Yuhan behind him.

of course not!

Is he crazy for him to admit it?

He squeezed out a smile, just about to say it was a misunderstanding, but once he opened his mouth, it was out of his control.

"Of course! Otherwise, what do you think? Why am I waiting here in the hot weather? Is it not to surprise you...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"

The man finally realized that something was wrong, and hastily covered his mouth with his hand, but those words were like going through a maze in his mouth, determined to rush to the end, no matter how hard he stopped them, they could not stop their determination to fly to freedom.

"Hmm, I've been guarding for three days, and my skin color has turned two shades darker. I don't know if it can be counted as a work-related injury."

"I didn't mean to really hurt you, then I'd have to pay money!"

"I'm just trying to scare you—"

The man's eyes were finally stained with despair.

Why can't he even control his mouth?

The eyes of the boss of the Yuan family darkened.

What the **** is going on with this man? To say it so bluntly will inevitably make people feel that there is a conspiracy.

But the despair in this man's eyes was not fake.

Yuan Yuhan didn't think about it so much, he asked subconsciously: "Then why did you do this on purpose? We have no grievances or enmities with you, and we have never seen you before!"

"Could it be my brother's enemy instigated it?"

Can't say—absolutely can't—!

The man's pupils shrank, and he realized that it was useless to cover his mouth, so he simply put his hand into his mouth and grabbed his tongue.

Are you speechless like this?

But the saliva is dripping down.

Don't even think about it, he knows how disgusting he looks like now.

But at this time, the driver of the Yuan family, who had been silent as if he didn't exist, suddenly gave the man a crutch. The man fell forward unexpectedly, and the hand was naturally thrown out of his mouth. the sound of.

"—To prove that Shi Jingge is a disaster!"


The man fell heavily to the ground, and he slowly closed his eyes, feeling hopeless.

He is finished.

Kill yourself.

In order to prevent himself from telling more secrets, the man's eyes flashed a bit of determination.

My lord, Mr. Dong, even if I die, my soul will still be loyal to you!

I went!

Saying goodbye in his heart, the man resolutely reached into the hidden pocket of his clothes, then took out a dagger, and quickly stabbed it into his chest.

The speed is so fast and the force is so fierce that it is too late to stop it!

But the imagined pain did not come, the man opened his eyes, staring blankly at the dagger on his chest.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, lines slowly appeared one after another on the gleaming dagger, and it suddenly cracked, leaving only countless fragments.

Everyone present was suffocating.

The man's brain went blank, and then he shouted like a collapse: "Ghost—there is a ghost!!"

That heart-piercing cry made Yuan Yuhan couldn't help but cover his ears, but the next second, the man rolled his eyes and passed out!

The Yuan family brothers: "..."

"Isn't it?" Yuan Yuhan was dumbfounded, "The mental capacity is so poor, how dare you come out to harm others?"

"Besides, shouldn't it be us who should be stunned?"

The eldest of the Yuan family: "..."

It seems... it really makes some sense...

"What should we do, brother?" Yuan Yuhan looked at the boss of the Yuan family.

"Although I don't know whether what he said is true or not, and I don't know if he has any conspiracy, but," the boss of the Yuan family looked at Yuan Yuhan with a relaxed tone, "We are citizens of the empire."

"Huh?" Yuan Yuhan was confused.

"Citizens of the empire are in danger of their lives, so they should call the police." The boss of the Yuan family calmly picked up his optical brain and called the police.

Yuan Yuhan: "Then shall we still look for Xiaoge? Will Xiaoge be in danger?"

The boss of the Yuan family pointed to the people on the ground, "Do you still remember what he said?"

"We now know that Shi Jingge was rejected and hated by the Shi family because the Shi family thought he would bring bad luck, but the appearance of this person made me wonder whether the bad luck brought by Shi Jingge was man-made or accidental? "

"If it's man-made, it means that Shi Jingge has been framed for so many years, and this is the root cause of his nothing now."

"As for us, now we have the opportunity, the possibility, to restore Shi Jingge's innocence."

"Tell me, is it more important to find Shi Jingge, or to give Shi Jingge a clean slate?"

The boss of the Yuan family looked at Yuan Yuhan fixedly, Yuan Yuhan hesitated, "I'm not a child anymore, why do I have to choose multiple questions?"

The boss of the Yuan family: "?"

"It's all important, I want it all!" Yuan Yuhan said firmly.

The eldest of the Yuan family: "..."

Tried to abduct his younger brother for the Nth time, but failed.

But obviously, today is not enough.

The boss of the Yuan family thought about it, and then informed the Shi family. With the help of the Shi family, the investigation will be faster.

The third son of the Shi family answered the video call very quickly. When the boss of the Yuan family talked about Shi Jingge again, he frowned, and interrupted the boss of the Yuan family directly, "I have already told you about Shi Jingge. I've said it many times, and I've told you all I can say, if you are stubborn, it's your own business, and I'm done with this."

"You never thought that Shi Jingge was framed?" The boss of the Yuan family asked in a deep voice.

The third son of the Shi family had a strangely cold face, "Mr. Yuan, are you questioning my Shi family's ability?"

Who in the Shi family doesn't want Shi Jingge to be framed?

but not!

Shi Jingge is a catastrophe!

The eldest of the Yuan family briefly talked about the matter here, and the third son of the Shi family almost laughed angrily.

"Are you kidding me?" The third child of the Shi family was not polite, "This person attacked you and talked to himself, and confessed so simply? Then what's the point of him coming here, just to blow up his identity? This Do you believe in the tricks that children play like house?"

"I do have doubts," said the eldest of the Yuan family, Ying De, straightforwardly, "But if my younger brother is in Shi Jingge's position, even if there is only a one-in-a-thousand chance, I will find out."

"Otherwise, my brother and I would have become a joke."

"That's all for now, as for how to do it, that's up to your family."

As he said that, the eldest of the Yuan family hung up the video call directly, and Yuan Yuhan couldn't help giving his brother a hug, "It's a good thing my brother is you!"

The boss of the Yuan family slapped him and sighed, "I really owed you in my previous life."

The youngest of the Shi family looked at the optical brain screen, stretched out his hand and rubbed his temples, his expression was extremely bad.

After a while, he came out of the bedroom and happened to meet the boss of the Shi family, and asked, "Brother, have you contacted Mr. Shen recently?"

"No," the boss of the Shi family shook his head, "What's wrong?"

The third child of the Shi family was silent for a while, and said in a low voice: "I have something to ask Mr. Shen, please contact me, brother, is that okay?"

"No problem." The boss of the Shi family agreed happily.

Wen Xusheng escorted Yuan's family all the way to the police station. He realized that this was an opportunity for his queen to prove his innocence, so he poured a touch of spiritual energy into the man's eyebrows, so that the man could only tell the truth, and then There is a breath on Yuan Yuhan's body, as long as Yuan Yuhan is in danger, this breath will protect him, and he will feel it immediately.

After finishing all this, Wen Xusheng felt that he had completed the task quite well, so he went back to find Shi Jingge.

He originally wanted to tell Shi Jingge all this, but then he thought, it might not be possible to clear the queen's innocence now, what if there is no joy? Wouldn't it be better to wait until all the truth came out and then surprise the queen?

So when Shi Jingge asked, he only said that everything was fine, and did not tell Shi Jingge what happened today in detail.

The investigation over there was very fast, the man spat out a lot of heavy news, and wanted to bite his tongue several times. A special project was set up to investigate in the dark and strive to catch them all.

The man was very desperate, he realized that he was a sinner who was going to kill the Lord and Mr. Dong, but he couldn't control himself at all!

And with his "help", several people were caught one after another.

Wen Xusheng felt that one should not favor one another than another, so he also infused them with some spiritual energy, so that they could only tell the truth.

So, the man looked at his companions who were originally angry and hated him, and gradually became frightened and desperate, just like him.


But at this time, the invitation letter for the first competition of that game came. Shi Jingge was originally the seventh in that class. In an emotional crisis, he immediately canceled his account, so the invitation letter finally fell into the hands of Shi Jingge.

Shi Jingge rubbed the hairball, and suddenly said, "Say, should I go?"

Wen Xusheng looked up at him, "What?"

"I wanted to go because I wanted to meet my family and apologize to them. I was ignorant before, and I wanted to tell them that I have the ability to live on my own now. Don't worry about me. I wanted to..."

Shi Jingge paused, "But later, I knew the truth, and I knew that I couldn't blame them. In their position, it was undoubtedly correct to make such a decision. I knew that they were victims just like me, but I still ..."

"…very sad."

Wen Xusheng stepped forward, put his hands on Shi Jingge's shoulders, "Go, why don't you go?"

"But we didn't go for them."

"We have a valid reason. When you are shining brightly, the evil spirits will definitely not be able to stand it and will deal with you."

"We only went there to lure out evil spirits and protect world peace. We have nothing to do with those people from the Shi family!"

Wen Xusheng said sincerely: "You are a hero."

A hero who struggled for a long time in the quagmire of malice and evil, but never really fell into darkness.

It deserves all the light.

The author has something to say: Wen Xusheng: If you don’t have light, then I will turn into light and embrace you

Today all cuties have little red envelopes~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-07-21?23:51:49~2021-07-24?22:08:44~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: Qianluo? 10 bottles; Little Pei Fei? 6 bottles; Cute Baby? 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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