MTL - Ace Evolution-Chapter 11 transaction

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The empty space gradually blurred and became dark again. When Fang Lin restored his vision, he was in a small room. The style of the room was simple and simple. It felt brown everywhere, with only two walls. Cabinet, a wooden stool that looks very heavy and sturdy. Soon, the Nightmare Mark gave a hint:

"This is your exclusive room in the Nightmare Space. Outsiders cannot enter without your permission. All the equipment that you cannot bring back to the real world will be stored here. If you have physical trauma, you can quickly recover here, and deduct certain Credit points. The key to entering and exiting this room is the Nightmare Mark. In the Nightmare space, your appearance will be blurred. Therefore, when communicating with others, do not disclose your identity in reality, so as not to cause unnecessary seriousness. Consequences. If there is any demand, you can request an inquiry through the Nightmare Mark, but it will consume a certain amount of points. "

Tong Fanglin pondered the meaning of these words, but soon he said in a loud voice:

查询 "Look up the points I currently have and explain the usefulness of the potential points."

He quickly responded:

离开 When you leave the nightmare world, the total score is 1550 points, and 300 points are deducted for the mission requirements. The current points: 1250 points. Potential points are used to upgrade basic skills and combat skills.

Each person can only learn three combat skills. Basic skills and advanced training of basic skills are not limited to this. There are a total of eight items, which are basic leg skills, basic boxing skills, basic hand skills, basic melee, basic distance combat, and basic steps. Law, basic capture, basic waist strength. Most of the prerequisites for learning advanced combat skills require skilled basic skills to support them. For example, the skill maneuver attack used by the person who attacked you previously is learned from the story character Lion King Blanca of Street Fighter II. The premise of learning the maneuver attack is the basic leg method LV12 and the basic footwork LV9. , Basic waist strength LV13.

Some advanced equipment also require certain combat skills or advanced basic skills to equip. For example, what you obtained earlier: Deakin's Red Blood Gloves, you need level 5 of empty hand combat. The premise of learning karate is basic melee LV3, basic boxing LV7, and basic leg LV6. The higher the skill level, the more potential points it will cost to improve. For example, to increase a basic skill from 1 and 10 to 10, the required points are 1x3 + 2x3 + 3x3 + 4 = 22 points! If it's combat skills, it will cost more potential points! Each time you complete a hidden mission, you will get 1 to 5 potential points depending on the difficulty.

The improvement of skills can also be achieved through hard training. Usually, the potential points are only used when learning new skills or encountering bottlenecks. For example, a world Sanda champion in the real world, then it is very likely that as soon as he entered the world, he possessed advanced basic boxing skills and empty-hand combat skills.

Basic skills and some combat skills can be purchased with points in the Nightmare space, and use potential points to improve. Advanced skills are learned through self-understanding or by interacting with characters in the nightmare world.

I see here, Fang Lin already has a general understanding of this. After thinking about it, he realized that his current potential points were six points in total, and he called up the storage space in the Nightmare Mark. He realized that during the previous war, many of the trophies that he had put in it were because "Cannot carry out "World" attribute, but there are still many things left. The highest value is to kill the twenty silver coins dropped by the fiery red hammer, and you can get 1,000 points. In addition, there are dozens of pieces of poor quality silver jewelry, which can be exchanged for 650 points. Of course, the pair of green suit gloves and Skorn's anger he had no plans to deal with the store.

林 Fang Lin, who has more than 2,000 points, frowned at the sale bar of basic skills. A basic LV1 boxing method requires 2000 points to purchase, and you must use potential points to upgrade after purchase. He is naturally reluctant to spend all his limited funds on it.

After pushing the door out of his own room, Fang Lin looked back. The portal was completely dissolved on the wall, no trace was visible, and he was still moving at a constant speed. Of course, it was also for other people to check in from the room and identify you. identity of.

Bian Fanglin turned around and looked up. Rao was that he had been mentally prepared for a while, and he was a little hesitant for a while. There was a huge space in front of him! To be precise, the surrounding wall is like a huge arched eggshell, and your own room is enclosed in the shell. The ground is not hard, but some Microsoft, it feels like rubber, but also emits a slight light, and there is an unusually wide square in front of it. There are almost a thousand people on it, squatting or standing, talking noisily, like The food market is average, except that everyone's head is covered with a layer of mist, and even the facial features are not real, and it is thought that it is a special protective function of the nightmare space.

Fang Lin walked to the nearest gathering place, and as expected, the squatting man was selling things at the stall, full of equipment brought out of the nightmare world, and he even found that The E-level skill cutting scroll --- --- Of course, the price is also very low, only selling 60 points, and obviously no one cares. He shook his head and smiled bitterly, and looked at the real cutting technique he had mastered, only to feel that he was really blessed by misfortune.

At this time, he walked halfway through the place, but saw a sheepskin roll with the basic footwork LIVE3. This sheepskin roll also appeared dim gold, slightly stunned, and walked to pick up --- --- --- Nightmare Space Unlike the nightmare world, there is naturally a protection mechanism. Among them, there are many rules that can not attack others. The transaction also has automatic detection and protection functions --------------- Get prompt immediately, the basic footwork LIVE3 scroll, you can master the basics directly after learning Footwork LV3, and only consume a little potential points.

He looked up and down the seller. This man is burly. Although he can't see his face, he can also see that he is white. He may be interested in his silver plot equipment, and he's interested in it. Asking price:

怎么 "How to sell?"

The white man spit out a fluent stream of French. Although Fang Lin was very clever, he could only know that he was speaking French. If it was in the real world, the specific content was completely blank. At this time, the nightmare mark The original intention to be expressed by the other party is directly translated, and even the impatience in it is expressed exquisitely.

"20,000 points."

All Fang Lin's current net worth is less than one-tenth of his price. The seller seems to see that Fang Lin can't get it out, and he waved his hand impatiently, trying to get rid of people. But with the various security protection measures of the Nightmare Space, Fang Lin also let go of a lot of caution, smiled slightly, and put out the anger of the silver plot weapon, Scoon.

人 The man had muttered a few pieces of broken copper before, but when he saw the faint silver light shining on this scone's anger, he moved immediately and reached for it. It's just an attack, but the special attribute is really exciting and immediately called for someone.

The two of them muttered beside each other. Fang Lin really wanted to know what the two said. Suddenly, his chest was hot, and the eyes of the nightmare imprinted a faint blood-red light suddenly. The conversation that the two of them deliberately lowered their voices. Words passed into his ears.

"Green, although the attack on this gadget is a little lower, but trying to spend some money to the forging room on the opposite side to raise it to a few levels, it never hurts. Besides, when the weapon rises to the top 6th, it may be very explosive. small."

"Mike, you're right. I heard that those Americans spend points and props every month to enter the round table warrior world to brush it. The purpose is to get this axe and prepare for the high mortality level. "

"This rookie doesn't know how to get it, it's lucky."

They didn't know that this thing was obtained by Fang Lin's hidden mission only by killing Scoon. Because the hidden mission has an explosion rate bonus, Fang Lin entered the nightmare world for the first time. So the rewards that came out were excellent.

However, Fang Lin obtained several pieces of extremely useful information from the conversation between the two men: First, the equipment can be strengthened by upgrading in the forging room in this nightmare space. Second, you can spend points each month on a designated world adventure. Three: This axe stunt seems to be suitable for a very difficult scene. And it seems that most people have to go through it. Fourth, he can rest assured that the bold lion has made a blackmail.

Hmm ... ……………….

Green discussed with Mark for a while, walked slowly and haughtily:

"Your axe is good, but this skill scroll is a little worse for me. Add some points and give it to you."

Bian Fanglin gave a faint "Oh", took the axe and turned away, then Green only when he would be too expensive to bargain, where do I know this is the result? With his eyes wide open, he saw that the boy had come up to the British side next to him, his eyes almost stared out, and this thing fell into the British person's hands. Where is his own? Hurriedly strode to catch Fang Lin Dao:

"Hey, I have something to discuss."

Wu Fanglin didn't really want to go. He was also very interested in the book. This basic step determines the speed of movement, which is very helpful to himself, and also saves two precious potential values. And so far, he has gone through half of the market and still hasn't noticed a similar scroll. The two guys in front of him have already practiced the basic footwork a few levels. Naturally, this thing is not useful.

He deliberately took out Schoen's anger, causing the faint silver light on it to flash continuously, saying in a hurry:

算 "Forget it, your scrolls are too expensive to sell, I still don't change them, I'll go elsewhere."

Green Express:

"It's not impossible to be cheaper. In this way, I don't want you to add money, just use the skill scroll for the axe head office!"

Sui Fanglin sighed suddenly:

"In fact, I have learned 2 and basic footwork, this thing is basically useless to me."

Green was trying to speak, but Mark calmly said:

"What price do you want, just open it up."

Suddenly Fang Lin was in his heart and smiled:

"I don't know what you have, how can this price be obtained."

Mark is very refreshing, pulling Fang Lin aside and directly taking out the things that can be exchanged. But most of them are blue equipment, the only one that is golden is a ring with 3 agility, 4 energy, and 1 loss of operation, which is called the ring of the wolf.

Wu Fanglin shook his head slightly. He knew that his mental strength was much higher than others, so he deliberately wanted to exchange for some skills or equipment that required high mental strength to cultivate. However, this equipment seems to be very scarce. And the gold loss of -1 on the gold ring attribute is also very valuable, which means that casting skills originally required 2 points of energy, now only 1 point is fine. Unfortunately, the ring specifically states: If the skill only consumes 1 point of energy, it will not be affected by this ring.

He thought for a while and threw an incredible price:

"Take the ring and that skill book for my axe."

When he heard this sentence, Mark jumped up like a monkey who had been poked, his eyes were red, and his teeth were gritted:

"You Gelangtai! Think of it!"

Bian Fanglin sighed helplessly, then turned and left. He learned a lot of life and learned a lot, and naturally knew how to get the greatest value at the least price. He continued to walk through the stalls, searching for what he hoped to find. Until he came to the end, Fang Lin, who had nothing, not only was not frustrated, but hurriedly called up a menu that could only be viewed in the nightmare space, and carefully searched, smiling slightly, One thing was settled, so he started to set up.

"He sells the rye snacks that were carried back in the round table warrior world! This thing is made of inferior rye bread that can't be carried. One piece of bread can cut three pieces. Although this thing is quite expensive, but The explosion rate of inferior rye bread is also very high, so that he now has about thirty pieces left.

And a piece of rye snack, Fang Lin sells 100 points! The reason why he dare to sell so expensive is very simple. UU Kanshu because the medicine sold in the nightmare space that can heal in battle is very expensive, that is, only 100 points of physical strength are restored, and 800 points are required, and taken After that, there is a cooling time of up to half an hour!

Soon, someone came over and picked up what he was selling: rye snacks: (general), category: food, portable, effect: restore the physical value of fifteen. After looking at it, I bought it without asking for a price.

Not long after that, another person was trying to sweep away all the five rye snacks in front of Fang Lin. Who knew that two burly figures forcibly squeezed over, Mark was very annoyed and said angrily:

"You add ten pieces of this snack, and take away the ring and book."

Tong Fanglin smiled slightly and handed out the anger of Skorn:


此时 At this moment, he felt that he had taken a big advantage and simply traded the remaining twenty pieces of rye snacks. Then Mark looked slightly softer and patted the ring and sheepskin rolls, transferring ownership. Fang Lin smiled, turned and walked away, and equipped the golden wolf ring with his hand.

此时 At this time, he has found that he can't find anything good, so he returned to his personal space, directly spent 2000 points, and learned the basic footwork LIVE3 scroll. Immediately I felt that my body and the body were much easier, and even the speed of movement increased by about a third. At this time, I also got a hint: the basic skill upgrade takes level 3 as a stage, 1 ~ 3 and only need to spend 1 potential point, 3 ~ 6 and one liter, and you need 2 potential points, 6 and above each 1 And skills, you need 3 potential points, at this time Fang Lin supported the reading, already feeling quite sleepy, he fell asleep on the spot.

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