MTL - Ace Evolution-~ postscript

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I was really weird. There was a lot to say in my heart, but when I touched the keyboard, there was a feeling of bewilderment.

But to be honest, the first thing I want to thank is the book friends who gave the trump card great support. Every time I ask for a ticket, whether it is a monthly ticket recommendation ticket, all readers can say that they have given their best support to me. Both can make me get what I want, and they can easily surpass the opponent I want to surpass, and achieve the goal I want to achieve!

I can only say this from my heart: Ace is not the best book at the beginning, but Ace's book friends are the most reliable and best book friends! I thank you, I am proud to have such a book friend! !!

Ace writing has now reached 4.5 million. Although I have seen mixed evaluations from book fans, no one has said that I am bad, and I still feel that I have given you a relatively satisfactory ending, Nightmare The value of the existence of space, which has caused a lot of controversy, also gives a more acceptable explanation.

But I still have regrets, the biggest regret is on the ace. Many book friends say that the trump card looks good on the front and not good on the back. That's because I have saved the manuscript in the front. The saved manuscript can be scrutinized and checked a few times more, and the back is built directly and temporarily on the daily high-speed update ... …. To me, the trump card is like a building that has been repaired to the main structure, but has no time and energy to perfect the decoration. There is no tile coating on the building. It is magnificent when viewed from a distance, but it cannot be carefully considered. of.

This is my regret, and also a big regret for the web article ...

But I can say very loudly that every word I write is worthy of the reader, worthy of your payment and love, although it may not be satisfactory, but it is written with heart!

Atu can also be proud / and proud to say: Even if my writing is somewhat lacking, my character is the best starting point! Even if there are some spies who maliciously come to slander and defame this book, you can only be cautious / take out the contents of this book to talk about things. Do you dare to say that I am insincere and bad character without faith? Wow haha.

As for the reasons for finishing this ace, I have already said it and will not mention it again.

A lot of things happened in my life in the year and seven months of writing the book Ace. It can be said that the experience of writing Ace was a turning point in my life. During this time:

I got the highest monthly salary in my life,

I found a woman to marry,

I made my own life,

I realized my own potential and the direction of my future struggle.

I profoundly understand the truth of the heavenly remuneration.

I will always remember this time, forever .........

For the characters in the trump card, I am most proud of not Fang Lin, because the protagonist of Fang Lin is not much different from the protagonist of the book I wrote before, but it is insignificant to pay this equally memorable guy, his I am very satisfied with treacherous and funny, loyalty and timidity, weak and strong, I believe also impressed the reader extremely deeply, so I let him and his brother's beautiful wife return to the real world, which is a great satisfaction The ending.

The most unsuccessful character is Raeluo. Probably because of my lack of writing power, the last impression left by this character should deviate from my original intention. Driving a super-long novel like 4.5 million words really makes me feel like I'm too weak to follow the thin ice.

Some of the issues in the final chapter are supplemented:

A: Why didn't Lao Hu / Lin Yinshou resurrect Fang Lin?

Because there was no way to resurrect, Fang Lin never died. Their situation at the time was the reminder of the Nightmare Mark: Please say your wish. After speaking of the resurrection of Fang Lin, they have not responded, and at this time there is a time limit, they can only choose to resurrect their loved ones.

B: Is Lao Hu's wife resurrected?

I was resurrected, but his wife has been very ill, and it is good to not take care of it, so there is no way to bring children.

C: What kind of skill is Huaguang?

SSS's ultimate skills and domain authority.

D: "Someone has gone out before" in Wan Qiang's mouth?

Someone went out, but the memory of the experience here was erased.

E: Why didn't Fang Lin use a thousand years of ginseng in advance:

One is to use the abomination that cannot be summoned in the world battles, and the other is to be afraid of being attacked by the nightmare space.

F: Since the characters of the IV world can appear, such as Yang Yan, Tianbing Tianjiang, is it easier to create a person than to create a map?

Creating a character with an IV world difficulty is not the same as creating the world, involves changing the rules of the world, and so on. For example, in the Burning Expedition of World of Warcraft, there can be some 80-level characters, but by no means equal to the ability to upgrade WLK.

Then talk about my future arrangements, specifically a sequel to the ace, because I am tired, I regret that it will not appear in the short term. But three points are certain:

The sequel is the son of Fang Lin ~ ~ The sequel is still infinite.

The sequel scene is not limited to arcade, it may be dominated by movies. But it uses the original architecture of Ace.

Finally, I have a message for everyone: there is an enthusiastic / and wealthy book friend investing ..... to be a trump-based online game.

The name will not evolve with the trump card, because the arcade scenes inside are serious infringement, it is impossible to obtain copyright one by one.

However, it will use the trump card structure. The world experienced is divided into ancient, war, future, science fiction, and modern systems.

The specific game mode is to pass the 2D horizontal version. The nightmare hall is a distribution center for players. There are light gates around to each copy. The copy level is written by me. (In fact, 95% of the world levels in the trump card are oversold by me, and 5% are restored arcade scenes)

Ace's learning skill mode, 4, 7, 10 step-by-step promotion methods remain unchanged.

The top ten battle for hegemony is reserved, the candidates are reserved, and everyone can try to be a fool.

I act as the script director of this online game, which can guarantee that this game is made, it is definitely the embodiment of the ace gamification in my mind!

The end of the trump card today is actually the beginning of another trump card .........!

The game will begin production in June of this year. The name can be determined in June. I will announce it in the book, and the game name will be announced no later than June 15.

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