MTL - Ace Evolution-v13 Chapter 15 The End of Urchin King

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There is no shell!

This strange phenomenon undoubtedly made Fang Lin surprise them. It is still unavoidably as fat and bulky as all magpies, and even extraordinarily huge. Under the water, it feels like the strong oppression of the sky that has collapsed. Its skin color is dark, showing a steel-like grayish luster, but the place where the armor was originally on the back is already a horrible scar solidified like paste. Although the scar is very old, it can still be associated with the brutal madness of the injury from the crisscrosses of scars and folds.

It is possible to make the armor of the crickets known as defense-and according to Fang Lin's inference, there are old crickets of the sacred animal and basalt blood. There is no doubt that the suspicion of that crazy goldfish essence is the biggest. Only when it is carrying the hammer of clean air law (in fact, the blood on the hammer is neither clean nor empty at all), it can play this amazing destructive effect!

Seeing the healed scar on the old man's fine back, Fang Lin could even visualize how the fierce sledgehammer they had personally taught was wielding, and how to use amazing damage to break the solid and extremely heavy For the carapace, the fragile flesh under that carapace splashed, even the internal organs were squeezed out by the huge spray of crazy pressure!

And it survived.

And it can survive! ——

In the case where your own armor was broken!

It can be said that a voluptuous carapace has been completely broken and broken, which is almost equivalent to the human skull being completely stripped. It can survive such a bad injury and survive very well. You guys can imagine the tenacity and tenacity of its vitality. In the face of other enchanters, it is clear that their weakness lies in the unprotected areas of the armour, such as the head, feet, and tail, but this old man has subverted this common sense! Its whole body looks flawed, but no one knows that it is possible to surpass the almost indestructible sea urchin king in terms of strength. How can it look so flawed in appearance?

The old man walked over with a heavy stride, and the earth shivered violently under its weight and majesty. The other two enchanters immediately respected the ground and respected it, without any prestige and arrogance. Feeling, but from the body they felt helplessly humble.

"The King is mighty!"

The old man nodded arrogantly, his iron-blue skin was rough and hard, and a dense iron-like rafter was grown on it, so he looked at the ground with his condescending eyes. Of course, its eyes also stayed where the previous Urchin King was injured and the body fluid dripped!

The old man sniffed and smelled, two small eyes swirled slowly, and suddenly the yellow light around his body flashed, and a layer of solid shell condensed, and its two front paws suddenly lifted again. It slammed on the ground, and the ground actually swelled up, as if there was something huge to be arched out of it. After rising to a height of four or five meters, the top of the giant mound cracked. The gap, from which a substantial yellow-white aerosol sprayed out, spread out around it, and quickly gathered around a place automatically.

Fang Lin said lightly:

"I was just guessing. I didn't expect that this old man actually had basalt blood! The Journey to the West of the Earl of the World pays attention to the five elements of raw shells, and basalt is a soil-based beast. The earth that it summoned at this time, the intensity of the gold two qi, is what we have only seen! Just don't know what the purpose of this guy's contrition?

The yellow-white aerosol wandered around, but finally gradually condensed in one place. Lin Yinshou frowned, looking cold and extremely charming, and she said coldly:

"Is this the guy of the Sea Urchin King who hasn't left at all? It's Fabao hiding his body shape? As a result, he was discovered because he couldn't hide the smell of his blood after being injured?"

Fang Lin nodded:


He then frowned and said:

"If this old magpie had basalt blood, it would be easy to move the mountain and crack the stone. That is to say, as long as it wants to get us out, it is a matter of minutes. If the Tang monk has not been out of trouble at that time, we will Quite passive. "

At this time, the two enchanters next to each other were already tense, surrounded by the yellow and white cloud, but the old man gradually narrowed down and turned into a man who looks old but still strong (if this sentence is difficult to understand, please refer to Pictures of Arnold Schwarzenegger since 2008, the best for showing the upper body), the old beard's gray beard hair has been constructed, and the face is covered with wrinkles. Although the skin on the body appears loose, the muscle outline can also be seen His eyes were brilliant and aggressive, and there was a sneer of contempt in the corners of his mouth.

"Don't show up yet?" Lao Jingjing abruptly drank, his voice was a bit hoarse and sounded somber, but every word that spit out seemed to be shocked in the ears of people, lasting forever! With its stop drinking, the water in the air surrounded by the yellow and white air was rippling, and then gradually formed a large group of shadows. Finally, the sea urchin king who had previously run away emerged from the air.

There is a light green barrier around the sea urchin king's body, which is gently supported. The thorns on the body of the sea urchin king had originally dropped at least half, but now they have recovered to at least three-quarters. In addition, the parts that were hit hard by Lao Hu's "Tiger Kill" also recovered as before, and there were many fine small spines on it. It seems that after a period of time, it can naturally return to a normal state.

The old man laughed wildly, and the sound waves from that laughter even shook the river ripples:

"You have a good abacus! You dare to make a ghost under my eyelids, but I did not expect that this magic weapon of goldfish essence will remain in your hands, just for your ability, but now I am afraid I will be a cocoon! "

It turned out that the magic weapon that surrounded the King of Urchin at this time was not small, but it was left over by goldfish essence. It is called light green ever-changing lotus mist net. The goldfish's hammer, which is called BUG, ​​was made from lotus bones in the lotus pond in the South China Sea. At the same time, it also brought a tender lotus leaf out, and used this tender lotus leaf to cultivate Out of this light green ever-changing lotus mist net.

If the hammer of clean air law is the main attack, then this light green ever-changing lotus mist net is the main defense, which can not only cover your body very effectively, but also recover it very quickly. The physical strength of the protected person. However, because the goldfish essence is the holy hammer of the clean air method that was cultivated first, and because of this, it hurts so much that this light green ever-changing lotus mist net has not been fully cultivated successfully. After the Green Variety Lotus Net, if the user does not have enough mana, it will lead to an unlucky incident trapped in it.

As the so-called confidant knows that there is no battle, Lao Jingjing has been beaten by goldfish essence for a long time, so it naturally knows all kinds of magical methods of goldfish essence. At this moment, when you see the appearance of the sea urchin king, you immediately know this The enemy is clever and wrong. Haha laughed immediately.

At this time, another giant enchanter swam over, but this enchanted carapace had a huge Tai Chi figure pattern. It seemed that its identity was also very high, and even the old enchantress was quite respectful of it.

The three heads of enchanting encircles the sea urchin king in the shape of a pin, and the old enemies swept around the periphery. Under the feet of the three enchanting enemies surrounding the sea urchin, clear pale yellow ripples appeared and were connected together. A strange formation of triangles was formed. In the formation, the river water completely disappeared, showing a deep space. The original name of the sea urchin is water, so naturally it will completely deprive it of its advantages. It stays in this light green ever-changing lotus mist net magic weapon, just like sitting on fire, it is extremely painful! And these three enchanting alliances have become a trend, as well as the old man who is above his own strength, obviously today is in danger of escape!

The Urchin King's body suddenly shivered violently, and gradually turned red, Fang Lin's face suddenly changed, and the pupil of the fool in his eyebrows opened at once, and at this time the structure that originally imprisoned Tang Seng became a prisoner. It took two minutes for the prisoner's demon power to release the catastrophe. Suddenly it seemed to have found a catharsis, and suddenly turned into a ray of red light and shot upward. Obviously, Tang Seng's imprisonment had been lifted.

Just a moment, Fang Lin created a layer of light blue mental barrier to protect everyone, but everyone still felt a severe head pain ~ ~ The inside of the temple was like Two barbed needles were stirring frantically, and there was a piercing auditory sound of "tearing" in the ears. But this illusion lasted for less than two seconds and dissipated, and there was also a feeling of breeze blowing like a spring breeze, everyone was stunned, looking back, I saw Tang Sanzang looking at the one with the same expression on his face Alas, there are a lot of strange treasures inlaid on that aquarium. At this moment, under the action of external forces, a slight soft light is flashing, and even the surface of the aura still has a brilliant Sanskrit illusion!

It stands to reason that the brother Yu should have his hands folded into a **** stick shape at this time, but at this time he is just like everyone else, but innocently looks at his hanging puppet, and then laughs:

"Yeah ... I don't know what's going on!"

Then it seemed to return to the solemn clasping of the godlike expression:


(To be continued)

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