MTL - Ace Evolution-v13 Chapter 19 Cruel Barbie

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After Babi was injured, the pain caused the strength to increase again. With a strong pressure on his mouth, the sharp teeth pierced directly. The enchanted Taiji figure protection array had been broken, and the carapace immediately made a "cracking" sound. It looks like the walnut shell has been crushed, and the appearance looks more like a car's windshield punctured by a few stones, with a cobweb-like tattered appearance.

For these magpies, the carapace is their own psychological advantage. During the battle, there must be the idea that "Lao Tzu's carapace can resist everything." At this time, the biggest problem occurred, which is like eating soft rice. The dancing man found that he was as scared as he was impotence. This stunner immediately frightened his heart. He screamed and then used water leeches and soil **** to use them together. In a few tens of seconds, he would bite Babi who was bitten by himself Taken to shore.

This enchanter was originally a relative of the oldest concubine. It can not only cultivate a bodyguard similar to Taiji, but also the special features of the two systems of soil and soil-according to legend, when Dayu was passed, a tortoise emerged from Luohe, Luoyang County, Luoyang, and carried a 'Luoshu'. To Dayu. Dayu succeeded in treating water according to this, and then set the world as Kyushu. In accordance with this, the nine chapters of Dafa were governed, and the society was passed down and collected in the "Book of Shang", named "Hong Fan". "easy. "On the Anthology" said: ‘He Chutu, Luo Shushu, saint ’s’.

Therefore, there are many rumors in the demon clan, saying that it bears the blood of the **** turtle carrying Luo Tu and Luo Shu. And it's really extraordinary, the strength is repaired to tens of thousands of people who are hidden among the Lao Jing Jing forces, so to speak, if the Lao Jing Jing once farts, it must be inherited by the Lao Jing Jing forces.

One of the tricks of this enchanting Baishang Bailing is to rely on the advantages of its water / earth system to instantly transfer the enemy to the land next to it, and it is still far from the Tongtian River.

As mentioned earlier, the Tongtian River is an environment similar to the Nile River in Egypt. It is a rolling yellow desert 100 meters away on both sides of the bank, and the hostile enemies were all aquariums. The only monster shrimps that can fight off the water. The monster crab, even so, is greatly reduced in strength. As for those fish that landed on the shore, the decline in combat effectiveness can be imagined.

Moreover, its defense power is extremely high. With the powerful recovery power of the beast and basalt, it can recover at several times the speed of the enemy as long as it touches the ground. On the contrary, if the monster in the water system comes to this dry ground, it will naturally be embarrassed. However, this enchantment has been defeated, so this enchanting has won many battles and has a high opinion of itself-of course, this pervert of goldfish essence will not be included in this list, but this enchanting will not be stupid. Find goldfish to do this kind of thing.

This trick was originally a trial of Bailing. I felt that I was afraid that I could not reach the full form of Babi in the water, so it immediately re-applied the tricks and was bitten by Babi crazy, which was also the giant at this time. Baba was dragged to the shore alive, and it also saw that Babi was extremely explosive, so he also painfully pulled Babi to a place about one kilometer away from the shore to prevent Babi from escaping into the water, and his heart was immediately settled and suspended. The spell casts Bobby off.

After this enchanted foot touched the ground, it immediately raised two front feet to hit the ground, setting off a powerful yellow sand storm to wrap Babi, and then sucked the ground gas to heal his wounds. Its neck was babi Immediately after the poisonous needle was stabbed, it turned into a crooked neck, which looked very similar to the insignificant face of the crying face after the implementation of the family law.

However, its healing speed is indeed quite fast. In less than a minute, the fierce neurotoxin was expelled, and the wounds in the body were also very good. After eating a treasured fish essence innerdan, the Taiji pattern on the back shell was also light. Recovered, seeing that the enemy had not yet rushed out of the barrier of the yellow sand at this time, his heart was immediately settled, only when Bobby was the kind of blue whale that was a giant in the sea, but once on the beach it was The huge waste immediately rushed forward, dragging the heavy back shell, to revenge the previous bite!

Unexpectedly, just before it rushed to the sandy sky and the pervasive yellow sand barrier, the two forelimbs suddenly protruded from the impenetrable yellow sand barrier. The two forelegs were relatively thin, There were only three fingers, densely covered with fine scales, and there were strange rays on the scales. When I looked up, the water surface reminiscent of the smoky waters in the setting sun seemed to rise up. Feeling of the hero's end!

The size of these two forelimbs is not even comparable to that of the enchanting claws, so this enchanting is not at all minded! The trembling trembled the armor directly and greeted it. At the same time, the spring-like missiles came out of the neck, and his teeth were about to spit out his own Nedan to give the enemy a bad blow.

But what it didn't expect was that when the two thin forelimbs touched the armour, they flew out a full six huge claw armors!

The toenails between those toes are not only four or five meters long, they are as bright as a moon, like a sickle of death, sharp and terrible!

Then came a strange cry, and the fully deformed Barbie rushed out of the yellow sand barrier! It looks like a deformed mantis. Six huge claw armors on the forelimbs have been severely chopped on the enchanting back shell!

Detective Claw Form! !! !!

Although the tai chi pattern on this enchanting back is only a faint one, it is also a trivial matter, emitting a faint white light, a crackling sound of blood from Babi's toes, and the six claws are broken together, but the The dim and fuzzy pattern of Tai Chi is gradually rippling like water waves, but it has faded a lot,

However, Babi is more and more hurt, more painful and fierce! For the dinosaurs that have dominated the planet for hundreds of millions of years, it is a test that must be tested and sharpened from survival! And Terrorclaw's most proud attack is not claw strike, but its leg strike! Even ordinary Direclaw dragons have a unique set of killing skills: one foot hits the ground, and the other raises sickle-like claws to send lightning-like top-to-bottom strikes. The child is put to death, most of the forelimb claws only cooperate with each other!

The forelimb's six claws were broken, but Bobby's legs muscles quickly expanded again, like a kangaroo, kicked out from the bottom, and the foot also popped up. Hook! The hook claw does not look as sharp as the previous toe claw, but it is actually composed of two thin sharp bone pieces. That bone piece is much harder than alloy steel. The two thin sharp bone pieces are fast in the air. When swinging, the air also slides fiercely between the thin and light bone pieces, which not only emits a harsh and shrill scream, but also causes the two bone pieces to vibrate with high frequency and produce a terrible cutting ability.

Bobby can not only change the fighting form according to the surrounding environment, but also the body of this super gene called Dragon, which also embodies the essence of dinosaurs and the world's mafia technology. It is the perfect combination of primitive and fierce evil and high technology. This blow is called a high-frequency wave sharp claw, which is a half-meter-thick tank with ceramic armor on it. It is also a direct hit in half!

The blood blasted, the faint black-and-white Tai Chi pattern that the enchanting back was hard to form was fixed in mid-air, and then it shattered like glass, and Babi's claws broke again, but the surface of the armor had left two deep whites. mark! The enchanting was going to bite Bobby, but suddenly he was sore in pain. But when it just recovered from the pain, it found that the enemy in front of it actually swelled again and changed quickly again!

Then, a pale green monster up to four stories tall appeared in front of its eyes, with a huge head and a thick giant tail! Passing by, the smoke billows, and its huge jawbone and sharp teeth can crack the prey to the size of a toothpick. Its body is huge, more than twenty meters long, five meters tall, and weighs twenty tons!

This is the overlord on land in the era of dinosaurs!


According to the current situation, Bobby once again exhibited the Tyrannosaurus Rex form!

Bobby opened his mouth wide and rushed straight. He could only see it from a distance. The open mouth of the Tyrannosaurus rex was even more scary. There were two rows of sharp teeth curved inward, each with two or three. Ten centimeters long, once bitten, even large herbivorous dinosaurs with tough bone armors can't bear it.

The enchanting horrible tragic, at this time it also understands that it is afraid that it is doing something wrong. If it fights underwater with this monster, there may be some hope of escape, but this land is clearly the home of this monster! In a rush of enchantment, he vomited a khaki-colored Nedan from his mouth and shot it at Babi, which contained extremely terrifying power ~ ~ but Babi was turning his body On one side, the impact was undiminished, and it turned out to be directly on the side of the body and hit the Nei Dan with your shoulder!

Flesh and blood flew, and the whole space suddenly became dark, and the air was full of stench, as if it was a blood rain. Bobby ’s left body has been reduced by one-fourth under the bombing of Neydan, and Sensen ’s bones have been exposed. He can even see the creeping dark red internal organs. His penetrating momentum can not keep the balance, but He fell straight and fell forward on the ground.

But Bobby was still red-eyed, and her blood pool closed. When she slipped out of balance, she bit her enchanting right front paw! Tyrannosaurus, the terrible carnivorous animal's giant jaw, has a saber-like giant jaw, biting the enchanting front paw with a savage bite, and then twisting the strong neck, the demon Most of the cricket's forefoot is torn down with the belt bone!

It ’s so cruel to trade injuries!

(To be continued)

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