MTL - Ace Evolution-v13 Chapter 23 Catfish Battle

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The Tongtian River is surging, like a pot of boiled porridge. But every ripple seemed to be jubilating, and every wave seemed to be jumping for joy, cheering the advent of this former master. A huge black figure descended from the dark clouds full of oppression and trampled on the river. Behind him was the madness of thunder and lightning!

Goldfish ... the king returns.

At this moment, the entire Tongtianhe River was shaking with excitement! Cheers for the return of this domineering former master! Tongtianhe and goldfish essence are just like the Oriental Pearl Tower in Shanghai, the Eiffel Tower and Paris, the Statue of Liberty and the United States, which is a regional symbol and irreplaceable glory!

Goldfish's huge body slowly sank in Tongtian Hanoi, giving people the feeling of assimilation rather than disappearance, and a huge wave immediately appeared on the river! But the huge wave attracted agitation from both sides of the strait to the middle. It was shocking and indescribable, and full of weirdness that completely violated the laws of nature!

This river is its own home for Goldfish. If there is a choice, he must be willing to use the thousand years of listening to the Putuo Mountain in exchange for a century of freedom on earth. Although he knew it was an improbable luxury in front of him, Goldfish's heart still regarded it as his own home. Even if he left, he could not live here for the time being, and he absolutely did not want others to set up his own home. It ’s so messy to use the toilet not flushing / collection of A film littering / **** littering ... and the goldfish essence was defeated by Fang Lin and trained by the Bodhisattva for a long time. Usually, I have to be gentle and pets. I've been in my heart for too long, and I've been brewing for too long, and I have nowhere to vent, unfortunately, the old enchanting is about to become its target!

The ants are still greedy. The enchanting spirits have a very long and strong lifespan, so they cherish this precious chance of survival. Only a short life like a moth will hesitate to burn assimilation in order to pursue the instant glory of the flame, in order to assimilate, Instant brilliant. So after feeling the terrible advent of goldfish essence, they completely collapsed and began to flee.

The old demon screamed in despair, but became even more crazy, hitting the top of his claws, killed the three demon stuns and devoured their inner dan, and the golden light of the nine robbery water lines quickly converged. On its surface, the light flashed on it, and it looked like a layer of strong golden light, and the entire water **** mansion also collapsed in an instant. All the matrix formations in it were completely invalid, and all the auras were destroyed. The old enchanted enchanted madly, this water **** mansion was originally built in the place of heaven and earth aura, and absorbed the entire decades for many outbreaks at this time, but how huge, the old enchanted consciously knew the front line of life and death, although it was supported by the aura The corners of his mouth burst and his eyes swelled and burst, bulging nearly halfway out of his eye sockets, still desperately swallowing.

Fang Lin sighed. It seemed that the old enchantress was desperate. If he sucked so much, his internal organs would be severely damaged, just like a balloon. If he was forced to breathe in too much breath, Go in, then the inevitable end will be the sound of "Peng" ... At this time, the water was surging, Fang Lin could not bear it, and it felt like the whole river of Tiantian River was facing a mad impact, and was forced forcefully Twenty meters back! There is also a kind of careful suffocation feeling, which is so involuntary that once again involuntarily gave birth to "get it done in the desert" fortunately.

After Bai Lang flew, the goldfish-like figure of the devil appeared in front of everyone.

It is still more than 20 meters burly, with upper body muscles knotted, showing a weird blue-green, and its head is a carp shape. The two fish at the mouth must be extremely slender and weird. After the Buddhist gate, the skin on its surface showed an indescribable luster. When you act, you can feel the strong surge of the muscles inside. There is a kind of vitality if the boiling mercury is flowing, and there is also a kind of People's eyes and the vulgar meaning of dust.

The monks recorded in the ancient books are like this: they are spotless, the snow is not traced, mosquitoes cannot fall, and flying dust cannot accumulate. Because the vitality is too strong, the skin surface is also actively undergoing metabolism, so this strange phenomenon has appeared.

Although the goldfish essence played in our family in the Putuo Mountain in the South China Sea, "Jingba" and "Chihuahua" are amused pet characters-this is also the ambitious reason why he first fled the South China Sea-but returned to his hometown After Tongtianhe, he is the king who can dominate this giant river! He can ask for anything here, and the feeling of **** makes it so difficult to give up if he takes drugs!

The gold eyes of the goldfish's copper bells did not look at the old enchanting--the whole body was enveloped in a layer of Jinxia, ​​and only two venomous small eyes were very clear--but they looked at the lower part with anguish Water **** mansion that has gradually become a ruin. Although this place was built by the old man, Jingyujing took it for granted as his own home, just like an owner who bought a commercial house with his family name paid in one go can be a blatant non-bird developer. Straightforward-although the goldfish is a tough and tough way to pay with its own hammer.

Goldfish is still immersed in heartache and anger, but the old enchanter is the first to do it! At this time, his body was wrapped in a thick earthy demon power that was condensed like a substance, brilliant like Jinxia, ​​like Qiuyu, but it also exceeded the limit of the old monster! If it didn't find a place to release it, I'm afraid it would explode immediately!

The old enchanter bumped into the goldfish essence at one end. Both of them were huge monsters, but because of buoyancy, they didn't look awkward and bloated, but there was a kind of calm and elegant. The goldfish screamed sullenly, holding the golden light in front of the old enchantress with his backhand, but it returned slowly in a hurry, and Jin Xia surrounded by the old enchantment's head bounced his hand and hit his waist all at once. .

The snoring sounded like a slam, as if the hot coals were thrown onto the pork, and the thick earthy demon power of the old demon's body was restricted from the water system demon power of goldfish essence, which unexpectedly worked. The old enchanting was even surprised to find that the reaction of goldfish essence seemed to be much slower, and it was also lethargic at this time. The four claws of the tadpoles were originally short and thick, and they actually popped out like practicing yoga. Suddenly, the goldfish fine nougat is entangled! The extremely thick and thick earth monster power on its body immediately and completely covered the goldfish essence in a state of full prosperity, just like a large group of sticky fossils for all-round incineration and erosion.

The two giant monsters were fighting under the water, and the momentum was really earth-shaking, making the bottom of the water extremely muddy and hard to see. Tang Sanzang suddenly turned pale and looked so slumped that he was as sick as seasickness first and then motion sickness, and hurriedly fled behind Fang Lin to get better. It turned out that the goldfish essence's body surface also formed a layer of crystalline ice armor, which was very effective against the old enchanting thick soil demon erosion, and the special effect of the goldfish essence's armor with water is: In the environment, 20% of the damage will be passed to the surrounding water source. Therefore, Tang Sanzang also suffered from the pond fish.

After all, the goldfish essence fell into the wind. After being firmly restrained by the old enchantment's entangled style of play, it was quite bound by hands and feet. It continuously performed a few tricks of water magic, but because of the old The enchantress was originally a water / earth system, so it did n’t hurt it much, but the goldfish essence ate continuously, and there were a few burn marks on the body, so the angry yelled, and both eyes were red because of the anger, suddenly right There was a spit of blood above the quasi-sky!

This blood exit was quite ordinary when it was just a beach, but during the flight, a trace of blood red was sketched in the water, and then an irregular spike shape was formed, and a long trail was dragged behind the spike. The long, deep red sharp light, just like the tail of a comet, burst straight out of the water, swayed towards the sky, then bathed in the moonlight, in the clouds, and rushed back to the river again!

This is a very vicious skill of goldfish essence: blood spitting!

That blood spur changed into various shapes in the air, and sharply penetrated into Jin Xia's light of the old man's fine body. Although the blood spurs were ever-changing, they felt as sharp as ever, and from the physical In terms of angle: it is obviously the contact between liquid and gas, but it also emits the sound of very hard metal violent friction.

However, the final outcome of this blood stab was first destroyed by that layer of Jin Xia ~ ~ Then the old demon took a big mouth, and actually sucked this blood of the goldfish essence back alive! This disgusting and shocking approach is undoubtedly unexpected, and the old enchanted assimilated the essence of blood from the goldfish essence, the bones of the bones of the whole body were crunchy, and the back muscles If the peristalsis is confused, the pupa shell that has been lost many years ago has actually grown!

The shell is almost equal to the testicles of a man and the breast of a woman is so important. This old enchanter continuously makes extraordinary actions under the pressure of death, plus the abundance of heaven and earth aura that is absorbed by the body. Therefore, it was at this time that the process of turning into a butterfly was completed. The limbs of the old cricket were loosened suddenly, and suddenly appeared like lightning. The blood and water immediately stained Tongtianhe, and the goldfish roared in pain. There are already four deep blood holes in its huge and burly body. Of course, the goldfish's right hand also has an extra heavy and large ice skate, and it is aimed at the old man Back shell smashed down!

(To be continued)

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