MTL - Ace Evolution-v13 Chapter 42 Pretty hateful

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Pretty disgusting.

Race: Rakshasa.

Height: 27 meters. Weight: 218 tons.

Image characteristics: three heads and six arms, covered with muscle armor all over the body, the recovery force is extremely powerful.

Surrounding surnames: It is the sum of the surrounding surnames of mutant elite fat men, butchers, and iron needles. (For example, the butcher's strength is 100, the mutant elite fat man 150, the iron needle 80, and the pretty abominable strength is 100 + 150 + 80 = 330, and so on.) Physical strength: 100,000!

This monster is a combination of mutant elite fat man, butcher, and iron needle, which is mixed with the genes of the ancestor gene Barbie. It has unimaginable and terrible strength, but because of the insignificance of paying high and far distances, promoting the seedlings, and paying too much attention to the power of the equipment, it has suffered the backswipe of the soul of the golden plot equipment.

Therefore, no matter how aggressive the master is, he will hate in one battle. Usually, there will only be one mobile phone shot. Even if the internal balance of the body cannot be maintained, it is difficult to have a second shot. In the current situation, it is impossible. More than two chances. Unless it evolves to the point where it can fully control the six pieces of golden plot equipment.

The duration of the fit is determined by the insignificant payment, which is made to Mozi. The deeper the understanding of non-offensive articles, the longer the brutal abomination will last.

Weapons: Six golden plot equipment forged by all the affiliated households. After the fit disappears, these six golden plot equipment will fade the halo on the surface and restore the appearance of color. But once they are held in the very abominable hands, then it is the golden plot equipment as if it were faked!

Armor; a combination of the high-recovery physique of the Hungry Ghosts and the muscular armor of the dinosaur-knock world genetic technology.

Skills: Ability to use all the skills of the participants.

Able to use all the skills that come with the six golden plot equipment.

Passive skill: Ignore. The abomination is fierce, and no matter what kind of enemy it is, there will not be morale depression and fear of effect. The heavier the pain he suffered, the more vigorous the energy of life, until the flesh was completely destroyed.

Passive skill: Cell vitality burns. This is the embodiment of the highest technology in the world of dinosaurs. When the skill owner is not attacked by the enemy, the physical strength will be restored at a rate of 3% every 5 seconds. (This guy has a terrible strength of 100,000 points, so returning 3% in 5 seconds means that the recovery in 5 seconds exceeds 1500 points!) Skill? ? ? inactivated.

skill? ? ? inactivated.

skill? ? ? ? inactivated.

skill? ? ? ? inactivated.


After the knife was cut, it was directly disintegrated, surrounded by golden light, and then the golden light dissipated. The butcher, the mutant elite fat man, and the iron needle gave birth to the dragon. The fierce look looked like the birth of a starving ghost.

Although the abomination has disappeared in this world, the terrible consequences of his existence still exist!

That powerful knife wheel directly exploded the terrible power of the golden plot weapon, with the consequence that everything in front of it would be cut off in two ways.

If there are five people standing in front of the knife, after the flash of blood, ten segments of lifeless flesh are broken, they fall dullly, and at most they roll a few more rolls, and they completely lose their ability to move.

Although the five brothers absorbed Yao Dan, their essence is still human. Even if Yang Ye's help is added to the human and Yao Dan, at most they can be regarded as semi-mon demonic. It has not yet reached the point where the monster is hit and still can survive with perverted vitality ... So, although they are still struggling with painful twists, their eyes have gradually faded, although their white and twisted fingers have already With blood dripping, I still try my best to pull out something on the ground and pull back my fast flowing life.

However, some things are gone forever, just like youth, like time.

At this time, Yang Wei still had to wait at least one minute to get back. Even though he was supernatural, he could only watch his minions grieve the death of Huang Quan, which was undoubtedly a heavy blow to his pride. The grasshead gods saw that even the six brothers and other characters were killed on the spot. In addition, the core characters of the grasshead gods such as Muqi also died. Morale naturally flees.

At that time, Yang Yan, from a common sense point of view, the wings have been completely cut off, and his own mind should be greatly disturbed. Even if he was very capable, he could only play at most seven points.

However, it is not possible to rule out the occurrence of small-probability events. It is also the situation that Fang Lin is most reluctant to see, that is, Yang Ye is more frustrated and brave. After facing the enemy ’s harassment tactics, he broke out in a hundred percent Strength!

If the five brothers are killed, Fang Lin's future is to choose multiple choice questions:

A: Weak Yang Yang,

B: Yang Ye who ran away.

All this can only be decided by fate. Of course, the destiny in the nightmare world is essentially the decision of nightmare space.

Fang Lin's luck has always been good. He feels confident that he can win the good news of the weak Yang Yan. However, he did not have 100% certainty that Yang Ye would die for the death of his brother.

Because in the current situation, Yang Ye and the six brothers are called brothers, but in essence they are superiors. Since the brothers are just superficially named, then the brotherhood is a joke, and according to the historical description of Yang Ye ’s last name He said that he was not afraid of being easily decadent.

So Fang Lin sneered and shot. He chose the third path, and he immediately used a sinister, poisonous, and attacking trick that must be saved by the enemy. What is ironic is that this trick looks bright and full of compassion!

He threw a note of dissociation on the terrible wound on the waist of the five brothers ... but not to harm them, but to bring the dissociation to a healing effect!

The third way he chose was: tired Yang Ye!

The death of the five brothers was an irreversible fact. However, this SSS skill dissociation technique possessed by Fang Lin has the domain authority surname in any effect. The domain authority surname is a privileged surname overriding the priority surname. Any rule is ignored in the face of dissociation. Therefore, during the duration of the healing effect of dissociation, this plot character whose vitality is several times stronger than the reincarnation cannot die.

Because of Fang Lin's dissociation technique, the five dying brothers were able to support Yang Ming's return.

After Yang Ming returned, he could not help but face this poisonous situation under Fang Linbu! If the five brothers are so dead-in the immortal world, it will be rumored that Yang Ming could not keep one of the right brothers. Not to mention the six brothers in the future, even the grasshead gods under his command will run out. What is the meaning of a bare pole commander staying How about it?

Saving people is more complicated than killing people. In the real world, it takes only half a second to be stabbed on the stomach by a person, but to heal this wound requires a lot of stabbings and it takes at least three months. The difference, of course, is that the watermelon knife is the scalpel.

And this time Yang Ye was faced with five half-brothers. Although these five unlucky guys did not die under the care of Fang Lin, their lower bodies were all dragged by the fat trio. It seems that I will soon go sightseeing in the belly of the fat trio and finally excrete it into fertilizer.

About thirty seconds later, the golden light flickered in the distance, and Yang Yan had already appeared in a messy square. His complexion was blue, and the white light in the vertical eye shot out seven or eight meters away, apparently under the rage. It didn't take long for the group of grass-headed gods to return with the demon wind, and left three **** human heads. It seemed that they were the three ninjas under Babylon.

The grasshead **** had a little morale at this time: Yang Ye failed to kill the enemy's main brain, only three minions could be captured. At this point, he returned with a strong fight, but was afraid to find that all five brothers left behind fell into the pool of blood and twitched to fight for their lives. What was more terrible was that they were all cut off! Such a **** scene is naturally an involuntary collapse. I believe that if it wasn't for these grassheads that prevented Yang Ye from here, then they would all be scattered immediately and run away!

At this time, Yang Yan was scolding the five guys left behind in his heart. He was beaten so embarrassed in this short period of time, and it seems that the fierce plague array has been used. There was a strong intention to kill in his heart, and he could not wait to step on the heads of these five waste materials immediately, but at this time he still had a sober Yang Yan who knew two things:

"You must not do this yourself."

"Even to keep them from dying."

If these two points are not achieved, then the grasshead gods around will definitely escape, and flee without hesitation, and escape the mouth without hesitation. At that time, listening to Xuan Xuan had violated many people's taboos. There was no doubt that his dignified Erlang **** became a lonely person, and it would become a permanent laugh in the world!

Although Yang Yan could detect the direction of the enemy ’s departure, he was not 100% sure that he could find the trail of these **** enemies, so he could only follow the steps Fang Lin arranged for him, so he knew that there was a large number in front of him. A fire pit that consumed his energy and mana, but he could only jump down and had no second choice.

Yang Yan didn't want to be a laughingstock. And he still has extremely powerful self-confidence at this time, that is, although saving the five brothers is an extremely hurtful thing, although he has only 80% strength after doing this, but to kill those abominable enemies, It is also effortless.


"Very good." Fang Lin was now in a two-story building in Guankou City. The decoration here is exquisite, full of the beauty of the ancient Chinese architecture. The carvings on the pillars and the delicateness of the tile carvings are all about the status of the master of the place.

Although Fang Lin was dressed as a man, he stood on his shoulders and looked into the distance. He had stood on this floor for fifteen minutes and had been looking very cautiously. That was the direction of Zhenjun.

"Now there is no response. It seems that Yang Yan can only follow the steps we have arranged for him."

Lin Yinxiu took a step forward, stood beside Fang Lin and said lightly. She was able to grasp Fang Lin's thinking at this time, and naturally understood Fang Lin's concerns. The reason Yang Yang was burned by his own group of people was because he was in the dark, and he was in the dark. In addition, Yang Yang knew nothing about his group of people, so he was so embarrassed that he calculated with intent. .

However, once Yang Yan promoted his group to the status of the enemy of life and death, his group's advantages immediately disappeared. Yang Xun was born with 89 changes, and there were super monsters such as Xiaotian Dog. If Yang Xun lay down his heart to watch and kill, and actively cut off his worries, then he could immediately turn from a prey to a terrible one. Hunter. Even though he couldn't find Fang Lin, they didn't even want to complete the task.

Xin Yuan came upstairs and said:

"According to the analysis of the data, if Yang Ye wants to save the five brothers and recover, he must shape the bodies for them. According to the Romance of the God, it was recorded that Nezhe had flesh and bones and returned to his parents. He reshapes his body, and Yang Ye wants to retrieve the lower body for the five brothers out of nothing, so it is probably indispensable. "

Fang Lin looked back and looked at the insignificant pale cough, and said gently:

"How long will it take you to re-fit this skill?"

Misty Fu immediately waved his hands, tears said:

"I don't need it anymore! I'm injured ..."

Fang Lin smiled and said:

"As long as it's time to say, it's inevitable that the abomination of Emperor Emerson's giant octopus will be self-propelled."

Insignificantly cried heavily:

"But ... but I have nothing, I'm broke! I have no future, my money!"

"Nonsense!" Fang Lin suddenly shouted! Instead, he was frightened by the insignificance, and immediately raised the red mouse and looked at Fang Lin. Fang Lin lowered his voice and said, "Is your entire production capacity worth six golden plot equipment / weapons?"

Insignificant payment immediately said:

"Of course it's not worth it! But the six golden plot gear / weapons held by the barbarian are not mine!"

Fang Lin put on a stance that hated iron and steel:

"Stupid! Although it's not yours now, but I ask you, is it possible for someone else to get these six treasures?"

Insignificantly angry:

"How is that possible? Private property is absolutely inviolable."

Fang Lin sighed:

"That's right. Since you think that the six babies are private property, and it is impossible for others to get these six things, you can let the fat people fit out to appreciate when you want to appreciate it * Say it's not yours? It's just that you have made a steady profit now, not to mention that there is still room for improvement in the future? "

I thought for a moment and thought that it was indeed the same thing.

"The host is right. I made it. I made a lot of money!"

Fang Lin said badly:

"Then you tell me the price of being fit right now?"

Insignificant Fu coughed, a little embarrassed:

"Because I've had a cold recently, I have to wait for a sleep to summon the fit once."

Fang Lin nodded:

"Come on, when do you have a cold?" Fortunately, you are not a woman, so that the cooling time of the fit is once every 24 hours? "

Insignificant Furan said:

"Master, why do you say ... I'm okay not a woman? Why do I feel uncomfortable listening?"

Fang Lin sighed:

"If your weak body is a woman, it's likely that your aunt lasted seven times a month four times a month!"

Xiao Fu opened his mouth wide, and tears rolled in his eyes:

"You ... Although I am the master, I have fight with you!"

This joke was deliberately made by Fang Lin, because after everyone laughed, he raised his hand and announced calmly:

"If there are no accidents, we will make the first contact with the surname Yang Yang after three hours. We have never contacted him before, given that the dog can bring us huge damage in tracking. Trouble, I will let Bobby work hard to hold it and separate it from the Erlang God-Man and Dog, but the Whistling Sky Dog is a first-class monster of the **** beast, I guess it is likely to happen accidentally, so when retreating Someone stood up and sacrificed for the team, misleading the direction of Yang Yan's pursuit. "

The fourth son stood up silently. Although he did not speak, he had clearly expressed his will.

Last time, the senior and heart did not get the reward for killing Zhang Liao, and this time he is likely to leave the game early. Fortunately, this time the three golden potential points of the mission reward were obtained. And Fang Lin's team also has two items that can escape the world. Therefore, even if it is to mislead the direction of Yang Yan's pursuit, it should be shocking.

Fang Lin patted the fourth child on the shoulder and said softly:

"I'll ask the butcher to follow you from afar. Even if there is any danger, you can use the **** meat hook to rescue it in time. And Erlang should keep alive to persuade the whereabouts of the rest of us. Even in the worst environment, you Seeing the opportunity to launch backwater props immediately after World War I will be safe. "

The fourth child's backwater war skills are the skills of the selected person. After activation, the fourth child will be in a state protected by the divine power. After starting, the fourth child will still be harmed, but the pain will disappear, and immunity includes any abnormal state of dying. When his physical strength drops to 1, it becomes an invincible sandbag. Any enemies hit is invalid. And it lasts for a full 15 seconds, after the end of the duration, it also restores the physical strength x3 for the skill user.

Of course, the biggest flaw of the Backwaters World War I skill is that it can only be launched when the remaining fourth physical strength is 10%.

However, the skills of backwater wars can be improved ~ ~ At this time, the oldest has spent all his efforts to upgrade it to LV3, and can start when the remaining physical strength is 40%.

Xin Yuan came upstairs from this downstairs, looking dignified:

"I just heard the news from the street. Babylon they died three people. Babylon had his head cut off in half and he escaped to the space alive. The remaining ninjas were also seriously injured. Thanks to the preset The agency ran away. "

Fang Lin's eyes narrowed, his eyes stabbed like needles.

"Did you hear the details of Yang Ye's shot?"

My heart took a deep breath, and my voice seemed to tremble a little:

"Two swords ... Yang Ye only made two swords!"

(To be continued)

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