MTL - Ace Evolution-v13 Chapter 45 Insignificant death?

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Howling Dog made a terrible scream.

It is a **** beast, not a beast god.

Even though the relationship and the insignificant payment were pushed down, Fang Lin's team suddenly reduced the number of two people, but they had to face the siege of Lao Hu / Lao Si / Lin Yin sleeve / Fei Zi's three brothers / Bobby. The pressure was great. Think about it.

In a short moment, the attacks of these people concentrated on a little, and then broke out! Xiaotian Dog shook his head and explored his claws. At this instant, the counterattack tore the fourth child apart, and he bit his arm down bloodily, his bones deep. Even Lao Hu's face was pulled a deep wound alive by his claws, and blood was flowing straight ... but the fourth child was also red at the moment when he was thrown at the edge of his heart, his arm It was deliberately dropped, but the fourth child took the delivery method and stuffed his right hand deep into his throat! The dog with a big mouth will naturally hit the enemy, but its throat is instantly breathless.

Tieqing's face-faced old Hu took a claw of his face, blood splattered, and his eyes were almost cut off, but the blood-red eyeballs were full of bloodshots. When he looked back, the giant palm held the sky. The dog's tail slammed the giant dog like a small calf onto the ground next to it.

Howling Dog screamed screamingly. Although it was a copper-steel iron bone, it was only possible that the stone slab fell on the stone slab and it was okay, but the fourth child with crazy flames in his eyes suddenly caught it. physically.

The fourth child's body type is a man who is as short and steady as steel, although he only has one hand left, but after the hoop is pressed against the dog's neck, he can't move for a while. Hu Fali yanked again, even pulling the tail of Xiaotian Dog out alive!

The furry tail, with the tail vertebrae at the end and the dripping blood, looks very ridiculous! Under the severe pain, the dog that turned into a bald-tailed dog burst out of huge potential, broke the shackles of the youngest one-armed one, and bite back!

However, the fourth old man always planned and moved. The golden light on his arm flashed and he rolled his shield to the remaining hand. His shield at this time was an ancient dark golden tower shield. The pattern when cast above shows a clear image of the battle between ancient gods and demons. However, Xiaotian dog burst into great force under severe pain. When he bite, Bai Sensen's sharp teeth “clicked” and penetrated into the shield deeply. He even bitten the skin of the fourth child and penetrated deeply. muscle!

At the same time, Lao Hu also flexed his sturdy arm and knocked one elbow on the back of the dog. This knocking of Lao Hu also used his full strength, and the dog was blown out, all over his body. It was trembling and twitching, his ears, nose, and eyes were slowly oozing blood, and the eyes of this beast gradually dissipated, and he barely stood up, but seemed to have turned seven or eight hundred circles. Usually fell down again, although the blood is pouring from the mouth, ticking, uninterrupted, if the rain under the eaves is dripping like a rainstorm! Compared with this side, although Lin Yinshou, with a cold face, is one enemy and one, she appears relatively relaxed at this time. After all, it was because of the terrible spear she held in her hand, the giant fern fossil spear!

This spear is the inheritance of human civilization and has brought to life the brutal blood in human development. What's more terrifying is that this giant fern fossil spear was brought in from the real world, which means that it obviously also has some special ability to destroy rules, so that it can be brought into the world to exert its mighty power .

The demon spirit of the flowering fox ferret bit his wrinkly neck and tried to force his soul out by beating him, but he noticed that the temperature in the air suddenly dropped by seven or eight degrees. An indescribable giant beast emerged, and Zhang Ya's dancing claws flew at the flower fox.

The blood fox marten is extremely bloodthirsty, and actually claims that it is completely a ghostly physical attack that is difficult to hurt. It completely ignores the reaction of the outside world and continues to take another bite! Poor Xiao Fu was already drooping all over his body at this time, and his head was unknowingly dead or alive. After being bitten by this guy, there was no slight reaction!

Fang Lin's Fool's Eye has been raised to the limit at this time, and everything on the battlefield is stunned! He had already entered the cold side of the sidelines, but when he saw that the insignificant Fu, who was most afraid of death and the most painful, was bitten, he didn't move at all, his thin and slender body was shaking so blankly, shaking And the gray hair drifted slowly in the wind, just like the withered leaves in the wind in the autumn ... "Princess! You will treat me as a chess piece when you are not there, and let me do such a dangerous thing as arson!" "

"The villain is willing to be the slave of the protagonist. Where the protagonist goes in the future, the villain is willing to follow ..."

"Eight out of four is borrowing 1,000 points, only 800 points, but 1400 points ... Are you okay, master?"


The image of insignificant payment kept changing in front of Fang Lin's eyes. This guy's usual words and deeds quickly passed in Fang Lin's mind. At this moment, Fang Lin emerged an indescribable soreness, not based on On the basis of benefits.

"You idiot! ... Don't die!"

"How do you want me to explain to Meimei!"

"You **** usually hides well, why are you not careful today?"

At this moment Fang Lin's eyes had passed a strong and sad color, his hands had been deeply inserted in the ground, at this moment he pulled out, wrapped in the hot golden light, A layer of thick and fiery red magma made Fang Lin's fists appear strange and colossal. However, the magma also quickly cooled and turned black, and Fang Lin was absorbed into the body alive.

A terrible tornado hovered above his hands, and then the flames in his palms changed color in turn, from fiery red to mauve, then deep purple, then clear blue, black, and pale ... ... in the end turned colorless!

Four flames in one!

Fang Lin knelt heavily on the ground, his palms covering his face were very hard, the blue tendons next to the temples swelled one by one, and everything around him began to spin rapidly with the eye of the fool in his eyebrows as the core. The colorless burning flame in Fang Lin's hands drifted slowly into the air, causing behind him the phantom of Chris, who also knelt and fell to the ground in pain, and then Chris stood up in the flame of violent rising There has also been a drastic change, he quickly changed from a thin boy to a man!

The man had white hair and his feet suspended above the ground, his slender body was full of power and beauty! Although his eyes were closed, the earth, mountains and rivers, the stars and rivers seemed to be out of his eyes, leaving nothing but sighs and regrets!

The leader of the serpent family, the ultimate guardian of the KOF world, the serpent was summoned by Fang Lin again!

Strangely, half of the white hair on the snake's head turned black, and the space around the black hair was also darkened by a layer of fog. What does this mean?

The light on Fang Lin who was half-kneeling on the ground flashed suddenly. The serpent's left hand stretched out flatly, and the slender and pale five-fin fan shape also brought out multiple phantoms, and a strange and magical image was captured in the air. The imaginary circle of beauty, then the five fingers clenched suddenly and fisted, while the big snake's arm was also retracted and elbowed, it looked like a motivational grip after a basketball player successfully scored the ball!

A bolt of lightning spurted out from the ground from the bottom up.

The lightning appeared extremely abruptly, and the lightning had a weird texture, like a waterfall that suddenly freezes after a steady stream of water drips from the air.

This is also the stunt of the serpent. Jet Aura!

Yang Xun's strangeness in Fanglin was extremely changeable, and she was a real eighth child. Reality can still be an understatement of defense, but in the following note, there are three hundred and sixteen styles. He Hua hadn't anticipated it, but Yang Ye's identity was not trivial. The jersey on his body must also be an artifact level. Yun Hua absorbed the power. However, Fang Lin still has a third note, which is by far the most powerful blow:

Jet Aura!

At this moment, Yang Ye also felt a great crisis, how big a snake is! Fang Lin used the power of the snake to send out a jet of aura pillars that could threaten Yang Yan's threat. In this short moment, Yang Yan's face began to change rapidly. First white, then black, then blue, followed by red to yellow. Invisibly, the colors of the five elements have been transformed once in accordance with the way of intergrowth. Then I was struggling hard, and withstood the bombardment of the jet aura!

I saw Yang Lizhong Zhao ’s left half of the body surface first appeared a layer of deep red, just like the surface of red iron, and then a faint white frost appeared on it. Even a piece of steel must be deformed. However, there was a sneer in the corner of Yang Yan's mouth, his shoulders trembled, and the left slammed a thousand shots of ice debris, which actually bears down this jet of aura with an understatement.

Eight or nine mysteries,

This is Yang Jiu's eight or nine mysteries! !! !!

Above Yang Yan's hands, a faint light has been emitted, and a trace has been quickly drawn in the air. Although the trace is passing through the void, it feels like a millennium deeply carved on the stone wall. Postscript! As soon as Yang Yong's hand moved, Fang Lin felt that the surrounding air immediately became a copper wall and iron wall, completely trapped him inside. Large amounts of dense clouds were scattered around Yang Yan's body. It was actually endless and endless, covering Fang Lin's masses!

The source of the clouds is the palm of Yang Ye's hands.

In the clouds and mists, there was also a huge, somber beast roar. The voice was not only muffled, but also mixed with an indescribable sharp feeling. After hearing a few more sounds, I immediately felt sad and wanted to vomit blood. Fortunately, the roar only lasted for a brief moment, and it had disappeared slowly, but it was not the roar that stopped! But the roar exceeded the frequency acceptable to human ears, but there was a constant vibration on the ground. The whole world seemed to be back to the beginning of the flood and wasteland when the world was opened, and the world was constantly trembling!

Fang Lin's three-strike combo remained intact, and Yang Wei could immediately seek a counterattack, and the strength of this counterattack was surprising. The strength of eight or nine mysteries is evident!


Lin Yinshou was stabbed by a spear, and a suffocating blackness suddenly appeared around the giant fern fossil spear. Only that point of the spear tip turned red like embers, removing a large number of ferocious beasts. Besides, there is nothing else! The flower fox marten immediately paid an extremely heavy price for his self-righteousness!

The spear tip suddenly fell into the body of the flower fox mare phantom! This made the monster's middle move suddenly crack like porcelain. Numerous fine cracks suddenly appeared around. And those violent beast souls scattered around, tearing wildly the soul of the phantom of the fox fox, but in a short moment, the corpse of the fox fox was separated by a fifth!

This hit was really painful for this demon soul. Immediately afterwards, Lin Yinshou withdrew the spear like lightning, and then slowly pointed the spear tip at the flower fox again. The spear tip pointed at the demon soul coldly, at this moment There seemed to be something trembling in the air, and the trembling was illusory, as if it hadn't happened at all, and it could make people shudder for no reason.

Thousands of spears flashed past, the demon soul of the flower fox marten has become so ragged, stagnant in place, and turned away from the wind, but the insignificant payment bitten by it was paralyzed, like a ball mud. The flower fox marten knew that when he met the nemesis today, he had abandoned his one soul and stayed in one place, and the remaining two souls and six souls had returned to Xiaotian Dog.

The demon dog got the return of the fox fox demon soul, with red blood in his eyes. A furious roar, a light red bead emerged from the mouth, and then emerged in the air, bursting suddenly, and a ring of invisible shock waves spread along its mouth. The surrounding old Hu, Lin Yin sleeve, butcher and others were all shocked by this roar. They actually felt that they were very heavy, and they seemed to be stiff!

Xiaotian is named after Xiaotian, and naturally the roar is extremely amazing. According to ancient myths and legends, the dog is a dog that eats, and there are ancient records that the mastiffs such as the Tibetan mastiff and southwestern China are descendants of dog. When the Yuan Empire marched west, he took 50,000 Tibetan Mastiffs along with him. When he wanted to attack, he must starve the Mastiffs for 5 ~ 7 days, so that he can charge the enemy first, bite the enemy, and then eat the enemy. The next feeding fee.

The roar of the Xiaotian dog next to Yang Yan was issued by him at his expense. The advantage is that the scope is wide, the effect is fast, and the duration of the deterrence is extremely long. The disadvantage is that the person being deterred cannot be harmed. Once injured, it will immediately leave the state of deterrence.

The ghastly dog ​​did not dare to stay at all at this time, and fled away with its tail (it has no tail, just described here). This is what a dog of a bereavement looks like. However, a figure leaped out of the oblique stab, and on the route of the flying dog's retreat, Dingguang struck his throat with a flash of light!

It's the fourth child who has broken his arm!

The fourth son was bitten by his dog, and his blood was dripping from the broken arm. Before the bandaging, he would naturally suffer continuous injuries. Therefore, the demon dog roared angrily, only to hold him for a few seconds. The fourth child knew that Fang Lin was making a fuss at this time to entangle with Yang Yan, so he said that he would kill Xiaotian Dog on the spot.

At this moment, Xiaotian Dog's eyes were fierce, and he could not help but raise his claws, but five hard claw armors popped up from his claws. He cut off a sharp electric light with his fourth-generation electric sword, but his body was Because he was paralyzed by electric energy, he was out of balance and swept out of the air several feet. But when her body was not yet on the ground, she had taken a backflip to unload her energy, kicked her feet on the ground, and waved back like an arrow off the string.

This man and a dog were fighting silently and dangerously in the fighting room. They stabbed and bite each other nearly a hundred times. Both sides wanted to end the fighting as soon as possible. As far as the fourth is concerned, this **** monster must be resolved as soon as possible. As far as the dog is concerned, if this guy is not killed as soon as possible, once he is released from the deterrent state by those cruel people, then he will have no place to bury himself! Must be decided quickly before then!

There was a smash of smoke, and it was difficult for the youngest dog to fight even with a flapping attack. The evil dog even put his head on the youngest chest. The younger man's eyes suddenly turned black. If he was hit by a hammer, Strike, spit out blood, and backed up, apparently eating a big loss, but the frenzied tenacity in the bones of the fourth child at this time ignited again, but immediately kicked on the ground, and hugged the sky with one arm The dog, with a strange scream, even bit his mouth open ~ ~ For a while, mouth, head, elbows, knees all out, as long as you avoid the key, even if you can fight back once in ten times is satisfied!

At this time, the Xiaotian dog was really shocked and angry. It already had a spiritual surname. Where would one want to find that the person on the opposite side would bite himself like a beast? After biting the opponent's bite seven or eight times, the fourth old man bit it on the nose of the dog, and the pain really made the demon dog scream and growl. It was alive under the confusion. Shaking his head so that the fourth child bit his nose down.

The dog's nose is one of the most fragile parts of its body. The dog suffered such a severe blow, and it was rolling so painfully on the ground, and the fourth child who was covered with blood was also pulled by the demon dog's claw. The right eyeballs were cut out and hung dry in the flesh and blood outside the eye sockets. The fourth old man gritted his teeth and leaped, stabbing the thunder sword in his hand and stabbing at the belly of Xiaotian Dog!


(To be continued)

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