MTL - Ace Evolution-v13 Chapter 59 Dare to compare with me?

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Lao Hu's tiger claws flashed a bit of cold light in the air. When the sharp tiger claws grew from the back of the hand, they appeared amber, but after being stimulated by the cold air, it became transparent and hard immediately, giving people The feeling is that if diamonds are generally indestructible, it seems that even air and space have been cut out of deep marks!

The tiger's claw hit Kang Anyu's body, which can't move, with one punch. To be precise, it was his chest! The power of this claw is actually angry fury, and he directly penetrated through Kang Anyu's chest! Blood and cracked meat pieces and ugly white bone **** flew out, but were frozen in time. That is the case. The thin wall of time that was condensed was suddenly cracked by tiger claws. Come on, the cracks in the back extend like a cobweb!

In the face of this frozen time bomb, the five brothers turned out to be lambs to be slaughtered, leaving no room for return. Although Kang Anyu was a demon fairy, it was impossible to underestimate the damage to the deadly parts of the heart such as the heart. After Lao Hu leaped, his two claws continued to strike, and Kang Anyu was like a living target and generally had no power to fight back.

At the same time, Lin Yinshou also danced the pair of shining swords of Shi'er, condensed and cut it from the side of the straight body, the blood sprayed out, and then coagulated in the air, like a A well-known painter is painting gongbi-style beauty paintings on his straight body with the techniques of "big splashes of ink" and "small outlines".

That ink, but the **** red ...

Even if it is a golden plot equipment, the ability to freeze time is not likely to be too long, and it can only freeze time, and it can not control the time countercurrently or downstream as Ichigoya holds eight-foot Gou Qiuyu. This is so. After the effect of the freeze time disappeared, three of the five brothers had completely killed the keys, and the remaining two had screamed in horror that the ghost crying, even they didn't know the meaning, escaped! As for other things outside the body, the two brothers have completely lost their minds.

As soon as the Lord fled, those grassheads wandering around watching in the air escaped cleanly. At this time, they would not necessarily die if they were caught after running away, but if they did n’t leave at this time, they would definitely die clean. The net corpse will be devoured by the greedy monster below!

The square suddenly became empty, only the sound of wind blowing through the open space. Looking at the majestic Zhenjun Gate, the bustling crowds of the past are associated with a desolate sorrow.

However, the brutal lord grunted and gasped, his steel-like muscles on his body showed slackness, and a luster like a candle melting appeared on the surface. The most typical sign is that the left and right heads have closed their eyes and dozed off. Although not exhausted after the last move, the nerve delay was more than ten seconds so exaggerated, but at this time it seemed to be at the end of a crossbow.

Fang Lin was still frowning at this moment, walking calmly step by step, but there was already one more in his hand.

The man was slumped all over, his eyes were dull, and even drooling, his handsome face had been distorted, and it seemed indescribably funny.

Fang Lin hid most of his body behind this person, then moved forward steadily. In sharp contrast to this twitching twirling snot drunk guy, it is clear that Yang Tianyou at this time is Fang Lin's shield.

Or Fang Lin wasn't Yang Yang's opponent at this time, but for Fang Lin who was already on full alert, it was impossible for Yang Yan to save people from his hands silently!

Yang Yan finally appeared, and in a dignified manner, his artifact, the three-pointed and two-edged sword, had returned to his hand, wearing a fan cloud crown, wearing an eight-claw dragon pattern yellow robe, and a vicious The mastiff was yelling at Fang Lin. Yang Jian's eyebrows opened sharply and swept across Fang Lin's body. All of them suddenly felt X-ray scanned.

"What do you mean?" When Yang Yan spoke, it seemed that every word was squeezed out of the teeth. In his status, such a disorder was quite rare, and it was certainly a turbulent heart. . This is both a good and a bad thing for them. The good thing is obviously that Yang Ye who has lost his calmness will definitely have more opportunities, but the bad thing is that once Yang Ye has obtained the opportunity to let go of his attack, then it must be a thunderous raid!

With Yang Yan's words, the surrounding scenery even swayed slightly like the reflection of a calm lake! This is the real world, not an illusion! It can be seen to what extent Yang Ye's accumulated murderous anger and murderous horror at this time. Yang Zheng has been operating in this concept of true monarch for many years. The whole person seems to have been integrated with this place. He likes that the entire concept of true monarch is joyful together, and his anger will shock the entire concept of true monarch. This is the artificial force created by nature. This is the terrible idea accumulated by the good men and women in burning incense for hundreds of years!

Fang Lin didn't look at Yang Yan, and said lightly:

"You burned Zhenjun Guan and handed out the Xiaotian dog and I let it go."

These two conditions put forward by Fang Lin were calculated in advance. Even if the world is filial piety, but if it directly proposes conditions such as allowing Yang Kun to commit suicide, or to cut JJ off by himself, so is Xiao Yang. He will not hesitate to destroy his relatives. Therefore, after listening to Fang Lin's conditions, Yang Ye said with almost no hesitation:

"it is good!"

At the same time, he took a step forward, but Fang Lin seemed to expect Yang Yang's action, and quickly took two big steps back, coldly:

"You have to do these two things separately, first burn the view, and then send the dog to the sky. You want your son to die in yours"

Fang Lin's retreat happened to fall outside the scope of Yang Yong's attack, and the request made was not only reasonable, but also tied Yang Yang's possibility of counterattack by using Xiaotian Dog as an excuse. Yang Xing stared at Fang Lin for a while, and the burning of hatred in his three eyes was an indiscriminate hatred to swallow Fang Linsheng alive!

A moment later, the raging fire engulfed Zhenjun View. Yang Ying's figure is reflected in the raging fire, and the indescribable loneliness is also indescribable indifference!

Fang Lin said without fear:

"Very good. I will let the Xiaotian dogs come over, and I will let them go. There are so many people watching in the distance. If you do n’t deal with the dogs, then I do n’t keep the appointment first, so you can attack and kill them. Do n’t be blamed! "

Yang Yan's cold expression didn't fluctuate slightly. He just waved his hand, and the vicious Whistling Dog behind him made an indescribable sorrow, but he walked directly step by step, with an undisguised fierce light in his eyes. But when they were close to thirty meters away from Fang Lin, Yang Yan suddenly stomped! That foot seemed to trample on the internal organs of the earth, making the whole earth twitch!

Correspondingly, the slate flying behind the dog, fluttering like a piece of paper in the wind. Fang Lin took a sip of air-conditioning. It turned out that under the slate on the square, there were crisscross shallow trenches that seemed to have been dug, and the trenches slowly flowing were actually gray-white slurry, from time to time. A thick pulp bubble erupted, and the breath emanated was nasty.

Fang Lin remembered clearly that when he stepped into the square, he carefully checked the up, down, left, and right with his mental strength, and there was no such crisscross pattern. Immediately afterwards, they found that crooked creeks like this crisscross crisscrossed, forming a huge and mysterious pattern on the square. The gray-white slurry couldn't stop flowing, just like Flowing in the blood vessels.

Then the grayish-white juice poured on the body of the dog, and the horrible beast stood up. The bones of his body began to shrink, so that Fang Lin and others in the distance could hear it. The sound of broken bones, then the flesh and blood on it seemed to twist like a candle, melted, and then solidified together, and finally formed a terrible monster with a grayish white color all over the body. It looked like it was just a head. The skinned giant orangutan has only the front arm bones of both limbs to form Bai Sensen's bone blade!

Such a dog was aimed at Fang Lin, and they rushed straight at it. It was hard to describe how strong the impact was. Most of the energy of a person is focused on Yang Wei, so he can only let the Kaixiao Tengu rush out. And this horrible monster dog fled into the distance without a second thought, disappearing on the horizon.

"Release" Yang Yan said coldly, "I have already handed over the Xiaotian dog, what can you do to stop yourself?"

Fang Lin sneered, but Yang Yan was playing sophistry in front of himself! He immediately pushed out Yang Tianyou in his hand, but the hostage just stumbled and ran five or six steps. Just now Yang Yang wanted to take a shot, and a **** iron chain flew behind him to pull the old man back!

"You! What do you mean?" Fang Lin didn't bother to care about him and made a gesture. Insignificant Fu hid in the distance and took an iron skin horn Shenlong shouted shamelessly:

"I have handed over Yang Tianyou ~ ~ What can you do if you can't catch it yourself? Your mother, Sun, dare to be more insignificant than us?"

Yang Yan took a deep breath. He played this kind of mind in front of the two guys, Fang Lin and Wu Suo Fu. It was really a big axe in front of Lu Ban.

"What on earth do you want to let go?"

Fang Lin sneered:

"I've made it very clear, and hand over the dog."

Yang Yan said with a somber face:

"Xiao Tian Dog is a beast with a deep surname! Knowing that I will die if I surrender it, how can I still listen to me?"

(To be continued)

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