MTL - Ace Evolution-v13 Chapter 61 73 changes!

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The biggest difference between artifacts and golden plot equipment lies in one point.

Artifacts can form a terrible suppression of silver plot equipment and even dark gold equipment / golden equipment. The gold plot equipment can only suppress the blue equipment.

Therefore, although Laohu's Beast Demon became powerful, he did not have much resistance to Yang Yan's artifact. It was pierced and thrown away. Although Lao Hu transformed into a tiger demon, his attack range has increased, but he is easily restrained when he encounters a mid-range attacker such as Yang Yan who is better than him.

After Fang Lin forcibly accepted Yang Jian's knife, because the gloves were not like weapons for clothes / shields, the main purpose was to be a defensive weapon. Therefore, the single glove was almost destroyed to an unusable condition. Five or six knives.

After he was chopped, he had no time to breathe, and gathered all the energy from his body. It was used by the pupil of the fool to cut off the connection of Yang's soul, which undoubtedly made the injury worse. However, although Fang Lin felt that the sky in front of him was dark and the people in front of him were ghosts, he still gritted his teeth and launched his follow-up offensive.

"Dissociation, start!"

At this moment, Yang Yong felt the painful and helpless feeling of the terrible power of the ultimate rules of the Nightmare World, which is an irresistible huge existence. Although he is a god, he is as small as an ant in front of this ability. That power can deprive him of everything!

This time, Yang Jian's three-pointed, two-edged sword was spared. He could only see a dazzling golden light flying from his waist, struggling in the air with great pain, and seemed to try to resist being swallowed. Fate into the void. From this point of view, this equipment still has soul binding, which can resist the rules of the destruction effect of dissociation, but all the resistance is futile, and the golden light disappears instantly. Yang Yan's face immediately became ugly, because this time he lost his secret weapon!

If you disappear, you must disappear!

Fang Lin took a deep breath, cleared his head, and got the hint of the Nightmare Mark:

"Your dissociation destruction effect will take effect. Move Yang Ying's golden plot equipment: Golden Bone Slingshot into Nightmare Space and destroy 33%. Even if you return to Yang You, you will need to repair it and use it later."

Yang Yan is enough to surpass the perverted existence of goldfish essence. Without long-range attack methods, it is almost impossible. The record in the Journey to the West is "open mountain axe, two-edged sword, silver bullet and golden bow; ascension hat, step on the cloud, Tengyun drove the fog; the demon lock, the demon sword, and the eight treasures are all available. According to the mirror of the demon, according to the demon king ... "In addition to the spiritual power surname attack using the god's eye, he used the golden slingshot of the waist to launch silver projectiles to attack the opponent It can almost be said that it was a sniper rifle that was fired in a series. It was just that Yang Yang was used as a hidden hidden skill. However, as soon as Fang Lin's dissociation technique came out, Yang Yan's very important hole card was taken away.

However, Fang Lin still had no time to rest. He resisted the crazed headache. He first summoned all the mechanical flesh and blood, and then patted his hands on the ground. There was a token between his hands. Items, the blazing purple flames burned past, and a clear six-man star array was formed on the ground. From time to time, there were twisted faces with flames forming crickets, or huge greedy palms, while mechanical flesh-and-blood crickets were noodles. The expressionless fishes rushed in, and let the flames ignite themselves to form a flaming pillar of fire.

The strange appearance of the pillars of fire is reminiscent of the solemn sacrifice.

Yes, Fang Lin is indeed performing a sacrifice!

The size of the six-horse star array is getting larger and larger. If the whale **** water, it will absorb the mental power of Fang Lin. However, there is still no sign of exhaustion. Fang Lin is not hesitant to use foods and drugs that can restore mental energy, so that his mental energy consumption is maintained in a relatively normal decline, and it seems to be able to support the six-man star array. Activated successfully.

But how could Yang Yan sit by and watch Fang Lin complete this array, he lifted a three-pointed and two-edged sword, and flew with a huge violent breath! It's like a storm blowing over the Pacific Ocean. But Fang Lin is also a planner, and if he is not sure, how can he start this matrix method that takes a lot of time?

Fang Lin's reliance is Lin Yin sleeve.

In principle, the pair of double-edged blades in the sea of ​​Lin Yinxiu is only half a grade lower than Yang's artifact. In addition, Lin Yinshou has the special effects of weapon control, and the double-edged blades in the sea can give out 100% of the ability. This undoubtedly gave her the greatest capital of the main battle Yang Yang.

Lin Yinxiu is also deep-hearted. She obviously can quickly break away from the shackles of the shackles, but after confirming that the rescue is not as good as Lao Hu, she still resists the strong binding of the shackles. Even her own skeleton can hardly bear being When the **** cable was "creaky", it was still biting his teeth and forbearing until Yang Xun rushed to Fang Lin, and then he shot suddenly, pulled his knife out of his hand, and the gray mist of the **** cable was terrified by the two The scabbard appearance of the long knife ripped open, Lin Yinxue slashed his head towards Yang Yan!

This sword cut out and used Lin Yinshou's ability to the fullest extent. When this golden plot weapon was unsheathed, it was originally brilliant and brilliant, but it soon became dim, and then the light near the blade was used for it. Disappeared, as if the entire world had entered a state of extreme night, the only thing shining was the blade, the blade that had slaughtered tens of thousands of unjust souls! That has turned into a dazzling blade of light!

Let everything ... come to the forefront!

This sword's great extinction and great killing force was fully exerted in this moment of out of the sheath, almost making the river flow back and back in time! Lin Yinshou can only use this trick on the giant fern fossil spear before, but after all, the giant fern fossil spear was carried from the real world after all, and it is rarely bound by the rules of the nightmare world, unlike the golden plot equipment. It is the product of nightmare space.

Of course, after the use of the double-edged stone of the Shishi Canghai, the power is bound to be incredible. Although Yang Yan claimed to have eight or nine mysterious body guards, he could only turn around to meet the slash. And terribly, he also slashed his sword at Lin Yinshou, and it seemed that he was going to lose both!

Lin Yinxie bit her lower lip tightly, her face was a bit pale. Although Yang Yan's three-pointed and two-bladed sprinter hurriedly shot, she still had the momentum of Tarzan. However, Lin Yinxiu still gritted her teeth and cut it off. According to her visual inspection, Yang Yan When he cut himself, he was already cut by himself. Yang Kun shot with an injured body, and his power will inevitably drop again.

But just when the double-edged stone of Shishi Canghai is about to chop on Yang Jian's body! This guy actually flashed a brilliance on his body, transformed into a high-crowned green bird, spread his wings and soared, and Lin Yinxiu's ambition to get a knife actually fell into the air!

Yang Zheng's signature skills finally appeared-the highest realm derived from the Eighty-nine Xuan Gong-seventy-three changes!

Fang Lin had previously investigated and summarized the approximate types of the 73 changes from the data.

First, you can change yourself and other things.

Second, variable humans, variable plants and even no organisms.

Third, variable male, variable female; variable old, variable less.

Fourth, variable length, variable short; variable large, variable small.

Fifth, change nothing.

Of course, the information is information, and Yang Ye will be limited during the battle. However, at this time, the show still gives people a sense of surprise.

Lin Yinxiu cut everything, but the unsharp three-pointed and two-bladed Shenfeng still slashed down with the control of his surname and mental power. Fortunately, there are five magical arch guards beside Lin Yinxiu, which offset most of his cutting power, but a thorny wound is left on Lin Yinxiu's body, and blood rushes out of the wound of flesh. , 汩汩 汩汩 dyed red shirts.

The strange bird Yang Yang transformed back into the human shape in the air. Yang Jian took a sharp flip and took back his three-pointed and two-bladed sharp edge. A chilling sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. He held it tightly. The soldiers who breathe with their own flesh and blood seem to blend together, and the pride and ambition in their hearts emerge from the tide.

However, when Lin Yin sleeve came out, Fang Lin also completed the last step of the summoning! The six-pointed star instantly expanded ten-fold range, and the center of the ground sent a great roar, as if there were some huge things struggling and twisting inside, and the sky was also covered with dark clouds, and a strong feeling spread, even the wind was blowing on people His face seemed to be as hot as a knife.

Then, a giant palm protruded from the center of the formation where the black hole had been formed.

The giant palm was wearing blood-red steel gloves, and the length of this giant palm had already reached one person!

The ground trembled again, and a steel monster nearly twenty meters high crawled out from the inside. He was covered with a layer of bronze metal armor around his body, and there were more than ten blood-red iron chains that were as thick as a baby ’s arm. On its shell, it is reminiscent of blood vessels dangling outside the body.

The iron monster ’s head and eyes glowed with a dazzling red light. Its right hand held a large bronze round hammer the size of a locomotive. The hammer had round nails about half a meter long, although it was washed clean. Net, but still a strong **** exhalation. On the left hand is a giant shield of black iron thorns. The thickness of the shield is even more than two meters.

Among the exposed parts of the bronze armor, all of them are twisted dark red muscles, as if the dissolved wax is still flowing, and the situation is extremely secretive.

Fang Lin stared at this huge, silent monster with a very dangerous surname, and said calmly:

"Marce, get up and fight for me."

This terrible giant flesh and steel puppet turned out to be Marce, a special summoner from the round table warrior world Marce!

As a slave of Fang Lin, Marcel was actually a very special existence. First of all, his opponent Lin is not very loyal. Second, he is quite cruel and crazy. Of course, the most important point is that it is owned by the magician Riley, the magician of the Round Table Samurai world. This item can be summoned through the darkness.

And with Riley's gradual strengthening of Marcel, Fang Lin will have to pay more to call Marcel, for example, this time Fang Lin spent two surnames! This is also why Fang Lin didn't summon Marce before, but this time, after missing his heart and his fourth child, Fang Lin can only choose to summon this monster, which has been strengthened to the point where he can't tell the truth!

After Marcel officially came to this world, this monster, like a steel fortress, stared at Fang Lin with blood-red eyes all the time, and the hatred could not be masked. This is what the other owner, Wright, did.

No one wants to share his ace with others. Naturally Wright is extremely willing to remove Fang Lin, a guy who can also control Marcel, so he used magic to query Marcel's memory, and speculated that Marcel's lover at the time was likely to be Fang Lin killed it, and then forged some magical pictures of Fang Lin killing Marina and infused into Marce's memory ... In all fairness, this is not an injustice to Fang Lin. So when Marce saw Fang Lin, the first thing he had to do was attack him!

However, at this time, a thin, dry figure without even Marcel's feet suddenly stood up. This figure yelled aggressively with his hands on his hips:

"Want to rebel?"

Who isn't that insignificant? Xiao Fu saw that his roar did not respond, and immediately spit on Marce's instep, his voice became sharper, and he took a half of the brick and knocked the metal armor on Marce's big toe with a deterrent sound:

"Dare you ignore me?"

The red light in Marcey's eyes disappeared, and then a few plumes of smoke came out of his brain. Wright's forged magical picture was fragile under the sloppy saliva and the brick offensive, and he completely failed. In the scornful yelling, Marceau leaned down and rushed forward to Yang Ming, waving a huge bronze round hammer the size of a locomotive, and the ground even made a slight shock like an earthquake.

Yang Yan sneered and rushed back to Marcey. When Marce's sledgehammer struck him, Yang Huan disappeared again, but the three-pointed and two-bladed sharp edge in his hand pulled a thin red line in the air. ~ ~ Fly to Marse's left arm!

"Mosquito!" Fang Lin said coldly. "Yang Yan's trick is so abnormal, he turned into a mosquito and escaped the hammer, and the cannon hit the mosquito, so he returned without success!"

However, just before the three-pointed and two-edged sword was about to cut to Marcel's left hand, Yang Ming appeared from the air, and he re-held the handle and cut Marcel's left hand! The heavy black iron giant shield fell from the air, and the mud waves splashed were nearly two meters high!

Marce, with a disabled limb, did not have any painful reaction at all. His left hand broke off with his wrist, but his forearm began to spin off by itself, exposing a huge black hole in the arm tube. A strong and dangerous surname emanated from the arm tube. It can be imagined that in the left arm of this giant monster, there must be a very scary weapon!


(To be continued)

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