MTL - Ace Evolution-v13 Chapter 68 True. Tian Ba ​​Feng Shen Slash

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Mayan feather snake **** Kukulkan: It is one of the main gods among the Mayan gods, with snake wings and eagle wings, and is the legendary master of war harvest. In the sacrifice activities, a large number of "human animals" are used.

Physical value: unlimited.

The summoned time depends on the vitality of the summoner.

Skills: 1. The protection of Ye Creek can silence all enemies within 100 meters around the body for eight seconds, making them unable to use any mentally consuming skills, and generating the enemy's maximum physical strength within 20 seconds. Damage, the damage will not be less than a thousand points.

2. Marri's guard launches on the highest hatred single target. The venom transpiration illusion will appear on the top of the target, causing the target to appear dizzy for one second every ten seconds. Suffering 200 Ignorance of Defense when stunned. This effect is permanent unless dispelled by the skill.

3. Atel's sacrifice: Inflicts 450 damage every 2 seconds to all enemies within 100 meters of the body, which can resist for 10 seconds and a half-minute cooling time.

4. Fetal Serpent's Fury. When this skill is activated, it will control the current target (if the target can be controlled), and the Fetal Serpent ’s attack power is increased by 20%. There may be a violent effect of attack after charging.

5. Blazing light. Has a 15% chance to stun the current target for 10 seconds, causing it to fall into the pain of being burned by the light. At this time, the enemy's chance of being critically hit is increased by 20%, and the consequences of continuous crit are extremely prone. Usually, it will cooperate with the first All skills are silent.

Among the Mayan sacrifice, after practicing to the extreme, there are four types of sacrifice with the ability to summon the feather snake **** Kukulkan. The four types of sacrifices are:

Mayan female war sacrifice, Mayan male soul sacrifice.

Mayan hunting ritual, Mayan male ritual.

Depending on the class of the Summoner, the Feather Zombie will have different bonus powers. Lin Yin sleeve is the most powerful Maya female war sacrifice among the four major sacrifices. The additional bonus given to the Feather Serpent is called Breath of the Wind Serpent. In each attack of the Feather Serpent, the Venom effect of the Wind Serpent is attached. Damage is 20% of this damage value.


The feather snake **** Kukulkan first stretched a huge and long body comfortably in this humid air, carefully enjoyed the feeling of the world, and then looked at Yang Ye. Although Yang Ye closed his eyes, but Even in the dark, this moment seems to be intense, the light pierces the depths of the soul, making people feel the warmth first, and then the naked burning pain!

The light is bright because of the darkness.

Darkness is deep because of light.

Light and darkness are one. Today, the eyes of the Maya feather snake **** Kukulkan are Yang Yan's deliberately closing his eyes and appear more intense and fiery, which can only be described in four words.

Such as the early rise!

Then, at such a distance of several hundred meters, the feathered snake **** Kukulkan patted his left wing, and the huge triangular red head protruded forward sharply. Yang Yan suddenly felt that the front chest came with a sharp sharpness. He felt Fang Lin in front of him, but he had no chance to shoot, because he was directly hit by the whole person, and a back bump hit the back of the stone wall, and a large amount of crushed stones leaked.

The attack of the feather snake **** Kukulkan turned out to be able to directly overcome the limitations of space and distance! What it touched was its attack distance. At this time, Yang Min was abolished by Fang Lin! Being in the negative 20% defense, that is, when the enemy attacks him, he not only hits the theoretical number, but also 20% higher than the theoretical number.

After this collision, Yang Jian's body made seven or eight consecutive "clicks", which was the sound of continuous bone fracture. Yang Yan's face was white with pain, but he took a deep breath again, and his body returned to normal during the eight or nine Xuan Gong operations. Although such abnormal healing power is at the cost of vitality, Yang Yan's vitality is from the incense of the world. Although it is certainly impossible to metamorphose to the point where one head can be grown out, but the healing of this kind of injury is twisted .

Just as Yang Yan was about to counterattack, Kukulkan, the feather snake **** in the distance, had opened his mouth wide, and bite a bite! The sharp white fangs reflected a glory like the sun in the air! Yang Yan's pupils suddenly contracted. After losing his eyes, he was like a plane without radar. Although he could still use his personal combat experience to predict the behavior of the enemy, the guy he faced was also the same. No less than his god!

The seemingly biting left of the feather snake **** Kukulkan was actually spying on Yang Ye's move to dodge. As soon as he shifted his position, he immediately turned to the right. It is true that although the body is huge to cover the heavens and the earth, in fact, the action is like a snake! Even though Yang Ye changed his direction again in the air, he still bit his right arm bit by bit. The long fangs even penetrated Yang Ye ’s arm. Under this bite, Marri ’s guard effect was even activated. The black-and-violet gas was steaming from the top of Yang Yan's head, and his face became very purple.

Yang Xuan could not bear the long scream immediately. At this time, he was under negative defense. The eight or nine mysterious powers that claimed to be able to prevent seventy-three calamities were useless. His body became like tofu, but he was also a **** At the rank, he immediately ran eight or nine Xuan Gongs, screaming backhand and punching the tusks of the feather snake **** Kukulkan! It is well known that the fangs of the snake are hollow. This punch of Yang Ming is for his life, and he is doing his best. Although the flesh on the fist is blurred, the huge force on the fist actually pops that fang After breaking off, Yang Huan took the opportunity to roll over and escape, taking a big breath after hiding behind a giant rock.

The bite was only a short moment, and the wounds on Yang's arm were sweated, not only pain, but also itching. The quietly waiting time is simply a terrible torment. Eighty-nine Xuan Gong will heal the injury instantly, but Although the wound was completely healed, the muscles were not as smooth as the original, but the scars were knotted, just like the healing burn scars. The surface was filled with numerous mass suckers, and the blue blood vessels burst out. Not only fierce, but also a kind of brutal atmosphere, apparently to temporarily control the poison rather than expel it.

In just such a short moment, the earth-shaking voice came from afar. It was the feathered snake **** Kukulkan who swept the long tail and swept away. This sweep was not only a snake body that was more than 100 meters long and the train was generally thick. The swabbing swab also brought a tide to emerge, and the magnificent momentum of Xu Yue's eastward rise made it seem like it was facing the majestic force of nature, and it was rolling wildly.

Yang Jian felt an indescribable feeling:

"Abominable ... if my three-pointed, two-edged swords are still there and full of power, how can I be afraid of you **** demon snake?"

His idea just started, and the whole person was swept up into the sky together with the hidden giant rock. The giant rock was less than 1,000 tons in weight and was divided into five pieces by the feathered snake **** Kukulkan. Almost a thousand meters high, and then the feather snake **** Kukulkan stood upright and shouted, opened a huge mouth, and a thunderous thunder immediately sounded in the air!

The mouth of the snake can be opened to a terrible angle. This one opens, and even the clouds in the sky form a huge vortex! Dark clouds within a thousand miles are gathered together, appearing vortexly in the air, but the sun shines in from the gaps between these dark clouds, the edges of the dark clouds are inlaid with splendid gold rims, extraordinarily magnificent surprising.

There is a sentence used to describe huge creatures in ancient China:

A fish that swallows a boat, a snake that swallows.

Today, the momentum of this feathered snake **** Kukulkan is to be swallowed!

Such a horrible move is the instinct of snakes. It is really irresistible and irresistible. How can Yang Huan change his body shape anyway in this moment, because there is nowhere to borrow in the volley. Son was sucked into the belly of the feathered snake **** Kukulkan!

This sucking tendency is like a long whale sucking water, full of endless momentum, Yang Ye instantly turned into a twisted and unwilling elongated flat light was swallowed alive, and there were extremely screaming.

Then the world was quiet ... for three seconds!

From the belly of the feathered snake **** Kukulkan, a flash of indescribable light suddenly exploded. The light was not dazzling, but was full of infinite penetrating power. Just looking at it, there was a kind of cricket and was penetrated a feeling of.

At this moment, the water level within a thousand miles has skyrocketed by three feet. Even the tea in the tea cups in all teahouses has skyrocketed out of the cup mouth by several inches without oozing, as if there is a transparent big hand holding it invisible. general.

Yang Min's body flickered, and he had taken off the snake belly, holding a mirror in his hand.

As soon as this mirror came out, Fang Lin immediately gave birth to a surging, surging sensation, and the surging was passed on. This feeling was extremely helpless, as if it was a teenager who saw the dream lover in the night thinking Kiss and make love! He immediately understood that it turned out that the eight close-up mirrors in the body gave birth to the desire to fight!

Artifacts are also intelligent. If there is anything left on Yang Yan who can shake such a fetish like Baojin, then only this one is possible:

Look at the demon mirror!

The photo demon mirror held by Yang Yan's hands is different from the photo demon mirror that used the surname props last name. It's just that the names are similar.

At this time, the effect of Yang Yao's Zhao Yao mirror being held in his hand was completely different from Fang Lin's use of the eight-hand mirror. When Fang Lin used the eight-mirror lens, the tube-like strong light like a searchlight swept past, but the light of Yang Yao's mirror at this time was gentle and silent, emitting to all sides, like holding a round of bright moon .

Instead, the huge feather snake **** Kukulkan fluttered in the air crookedly, with fast speeds and slow speeds, without any regularity, even crashing into the mountains and crushing the woods. If an inappropriate analogy is made, The flight trail was like a buzzing headless fly.

At least a few times Yang Yang's body was burned, with thick, black stomach fluid, and still smoky, he floated his head in the air, calmly like a freshly sharpened knife soaked in coldness In the water. The whole person exudes a kind of intertwined forest cold. He seemed to be thinking about something, looking at the artifact he was holding, but there was an awakening surprise in his eyebrows.

The light emitted by the demon mirror converged on the body of the feathered snake **** Kukulkan. From the perspective of its confusion and stumbling action, it can only be described by the words “Dream Awake”!

A mirror-like snake is shown on the mirror of Zhaoyin Mirror. It seems that the fur of Kukulkan, the feather-snake god, has not damaged half of it. However, it is its brain and its memory that bombarded by Zhaoyin Mirror. The moment the light hit the feather-knock **** Kukulkan, the evil god's mind glanced back to the long memory in his heart——

Past and present memories! ——

At this time, in my heart, there are countless sad and joyful pasts. The deep sea of ​​memories flashes out like memories, like bubbles one by one, bursting out slowly, emitting endless sadness! In such a state of ups and downs, how can it be possible to mention the war will, and what can be said to devour the world!

Looking at the demon mirror, the shadow of the demon, the heart of the demon is broken, and the prototype of the demon is revealed! Kukulkan, the Feather Serpent, is a ferocious **** who wants people to live. Absorbing the soul power of countless people, it was now backswept by the memory of thousands of people under the action of the mirror of the demon. Obviously, Rao is boundlessly powerful, and it is unable to break away from this terrible mirror in a short time.

Seeing that the power of the demon mirror slowly appeared, the eyes of the feathered snake **** Kukulkan burst out, blood red muscles broke through the smooth and tough snake skin, and blood was sprayed into the mist from the pores, and the flesh formed a sheet. Zhang Ye's screaming face! At the same time, Fang Lin also noticed that Yang Ye ’s right hand holding the photo demon mirror has dried up. If the skin of an 80-year-old man is drooping and full of wrinkles, it is obvious that he also has great vitality and uses vitality to control this artifact!

The feather snake **** Kukulkan regained his consciousness and madly rushed to Yang Ming, but he didn't want to go to attack Yang Ming at this time, but he couldn't go at all! The powerful suction of the demon mirror is like a small and deep suction black hole, sucking crazy the vicious power of the fierce **** itself, and the large number of refined souls and spirits inside it are biting madly to eat, which is really an internal worry Outside sleepy.

According to common sense, the feather snake **** Kukulkan exists at least at the same level as Yang Yan, but this mirror of the demon is its natural nemesis, just like Lin Yinshou's giant fern brought from the real world. Fossil Spear! There is no grade at all, but it can breathe a vicious alien beast like Whistling Dog!

But at this time, the movement of the feather snake **** Kukulkan suddenly disappeared, where was the rigidity, and only the light in the eyes became the thickness of the wellhead in an instant and went straight to the sky. At this moment, the entire earth seemed to be spit. cover! And the body of the feather snake **** Kukulkan turned into a gray-white stone, and fell down.

The suffocating scorching light came over the sky! The dazzling golden plot equipment of the ocher Canghai double blade was like a layer of flowing golden liquid, which was held by Lin Yinshou in her hands, and all the magic weapons she carried appeared. The double-edged guard in the ochre sea looks even more eye-catching.

For a moment, Lin Yin sleeves opened his arms! The double-edged blades of the ocher Canghai seem to stretch straight out on both sides of the body, like thin and wide wings made of molten forged gold, and then her whole person disappears. When it reappears, it is in Behind Yang Yan! Then there was a straight and sharp sharp arc between the two, flashing quickly without it!

This flash of light made Yang Yan stiff, and a blood spring spurted from his body. Under the condition of negative defense, the instant split opened Yang Yan's chamber! However, the horrible self-healing ability of Baojiu Xuan Gong immediately came into play and immediately healed the injury.

After Lin Yinxian flashed sharply, he waved two brilliant gold-colored long knives held in his hand at high speed, refracting the fierce light, forming a terrible dazzling ring of energy around the body, even the whole world seemed to be He lost his color when Lin Yin sleeve was spinning and waving his first axe! And the auxiliary soldiers hovering next to each other formed a thundering knife wheel of thunder!

The brilliant arc of light flashed on the body of Yang Yang who was walking backwards and disappeared. The impression is that even the sight is burned and ignited. If the arc-shaped light is generally composed of light, it is more than ten meters long. It cuts people's vision with a hot arc of light one by one!

true. Tianba Fengshen cut!

In such an attack like a tidal wave, although Yang Ye's body was out of control and cut with scars by the terrible knife gas, but under the action of eight or nine xuan gongs, he was still perverted and kept healing. .

Tian Ba ​​Feng Shen Zhe Every slash is as unstoppable as the rising sun ~ ~ It is difficult to match. Each of these tracks continues to deepen the power of the next cut if the giant rocks stack. Every time the light wheel passed Yang Yang's body, a continuous vocal sound of "tearing" was issued, which was the terrible sound of the blade cutting the flesh under the severe trembling, and then the bright red aerosol sprayed out,袅袅 evaporated ... At this time, it can be said that Fang Lin's last chance, if in such a situation of 20% negative defense, SSS skills can not kill Yang Yan, then they can only choose to retreat, at this time Fang Lin also watched When it came out, the seventy-three changes in Yang Ming = the seventy-three lives were not bragging. The fierce vitality of this guy is only afraid that even if it suffered a total of 73 fatal injuries, it can support it.

Of course, similar to the severe damage of Yang Min ’s head being chopped, the vitality of the repair is definitely not comparable to that of the heart. It should be double / triple calculation. Even if Fang Lin had spent a lot of his time recovering Vitality, but now it seems that if you can't exhaust the vitality of Yang Ming within 30 seconds of "abolition". Then Fang Lin can only give up ...

(To be continued)

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