MTL - Ace Evolution-v13 Chapter 80 Escape those who are obliterated by space!

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The madman seemed to have great respect for the dark shadow, and at the moment when the black shadow raised his sword, the madman was already standing with his hands bowed, and at the same time he was afraid to interfere with any small steps. If the substance is attracted to the knife, it is very brilliant, and it is also extremely gorgeous, and even it continues to drip downwards, shining brightly in the air.

When the light was at its peak, the dark shadow swung gently in the air while holding a silver knife! Cut off the faint smoke-like thread that was previously scooped out!

The silver knife didn't look sharp, and even the blade seemed quite dull, but under that cut, the air made an extremely sharp and harsh sound, just like steel was severely cut by a chainsaw. The sound of the splash was amplified a hundred times!

In the eyes of this shadow, everything is composed of "cause" and "effect", which is a very simple philosophical viewpoint. And his ideas and strength have magnified his own concept a hundred times and formed his "potential"! His understatement, on the surface, seems to be the conflict between the silver knife and the translucent silk thread, but the essence is to cut off the causal chain between the madman and Fang Lin and touch the contract between the two!

The faint and transparent silk thread symbolizing the contract was broken, and the trail of the silk thread's withering and falling was like two leaves falling in autumn. At the same time, Fang Lin was in the real world for a while. With a strong palpitant attack, he just felt salty in his mouth, couldn't help but take a half-step, only felt a little itching in his throat, and he vomited half a mouth with a wow, and Hu Jia beside him was still angry I remembered the burdens I had suffered, and I was afraid of pulling Fang Lin to cry, but when I looked at the ground, I immediately screamed!

On the ground is a pool of crimson blood, and the blood showed a very violent spray. A shallow mouthful of blood spread out an area of ​​five or six square meters. It can be seen that when this mouthpiece was ejected, it was How violent. At this time, Fang Lin also felt helpless and felt an indescribable threat approaching quickly, and he couldn't care so much. The sudden glare in his hand was bright, and a milky cloud can be clearly seen. Things instantly disappear into space.

SSS Skill: Dissociation!

This skill is Fang Lin's greatest reliance at this time. Dissociation with the domain authority surname can be said to be a kind of irresistible existence of the highest rule! The most important role of dissociation-and the most valued by the nightmare space-is the ability to slowly repair the space. At this time, when Fang Lin used this trick, the various rules of the space bound to him were immediately Give way to evasion and let his repair ability flow through. Therefore, although Hu Jia saw Fang Lin using SSS-level skill dissociation, he was not bound by the rules of space.

Hu MM has completely stopped at this moment, she has been completely stunned by this series of incredible things, Fang Lin's strange disappearance, to the inexplicable vomiting blood, and then suddenly glaring between her fingers. It was something she could not understand at all. At this time, she suddenly felt that her waist was light, and she was hugged by Fang Lin, and ran into the nearby woods at an incredible speed.

Hu Jia was stunned, watching the familiar scenery flying below, and she realized that the man holding himself could free up a hand to balance his body and run in the middle layer of the tree without falling to the ground. That agility is almost like being completely absorbed in nature, it is even more magical than the legendary ape Tarzan. Hu Jia even saw her close friend kissing her boyfriend on the bench below, and they could see themselves as soon as they looked up, but they didn't realize it.

Finally, Fang Lin took the surprisingly amazing Hu Jia to a secluded park outside the school, and then put her hand on her shoulder and said seriously:

"I'll explain to you something else later. Now I have to deal with the crisis first. Don't panic if you see anything strange."

Hu Jia looked at Fang Lin's mild eyes, and there was no dried blood on his lips. The original anger was gone, both timid and concerned:

"Be careful."

Fang Lin smiled and took a deep breath. The black hair was exhilarated. Hu Jia rubbed her eyes in surprise, because she found that behind Fang Lin there was an illusion of a very simple mirror, but she looked carefully. In the future, there will be nothing. At this time, Fang Lin was refreshed at every happy event. The eight eyes on his body flashed away, and the pupil of the fool in the eyebrows was fully operating, like a deep and strange well.


At this time in the space, the black shadow cut off the cause and effect between Fang Lin and the madman, and then sighed at will. The silver light flashed between the fingers, and the silver knife had disappeared into a cold mang. Then Hei Ying flicked his fingers with his fingers, as if removing any dirt and water marks, and then left, the madman bowed slightly next to him, looking extremely respectful.

But at this time, a white mist came from the mist. The cause and effect originally cut off by the black shadow had faded into the space, but under the transpiration of the mist, it was healed again. As always, it even appeared clearly in the space. And the madman is even more painful, because the cause and effect is not only so simple to recover, but also tightened between the breaks!

At this time, the repair effect of Fang Lin's first dissociation operation came into effect. After seeing such scenes, Heiying was shocked all over his body, and he snorted coldly. It was clear from the humming that he was obviously very angry in his heart. There was also a faint red light between the hands, which actually meant that if the knife, the backhand was cut on the broken and renewed cause and effect wire, and the contract that had been in force between Fang Lin and the Berserker was forcibly cancelled again.

Under this cut, the opponent Lin did not have such a big impact, but it only made him feel a little bit surging. The reason is very simple. That is because the cause and effect line at this time was interrupted and renewed by SSS skills. To cut it off, it is tantamount to destroying the domain authority surname of SSS-level skill dissociation! This is almost impossible to happen, so it is naturally reasonable that the slash of the black shadow did not take effect.

However, after the black shadow was cut back and rebounded, he didn't take the matter to his heart at all, and he made a long whistle. His right hand touched the direction of the cause and effect to Fang Lin and touched it, and The silver light on his right hand flowed like a fish, and immediately followed the direction of causality. The small silver knife instantly passed through space and time, piercing the reality directly from the nightmare world. world! In the shadowy senses, the silver weapon that had to be killed had suddenly pierced Fang Lin's throat and killed him in one hit!

However, the shadow realized immediately that he was afraid to be blinded by the illusion, because if Fang Lin died, the contract between him and the fanatic should be automatically cancelled, and the cause and effect representing the contract would still die. Fang Lin's fetters are proof that Fang Lin is still alive.

"It's funny ..." The dark shadow murmured to himself with a sneer, but his right hand had once again climbed up along the cause and effect line of the snake, apparently trying to correct the mistake previously made by the illusion. This shadow can directly attack Fang Lin from the nightmare space, but Fang Lin's dissociation technique is all auxiliary surname effect, it seems that there is no way to fight back at him, it seems that this black shadow is completely undefeated. Land, but just at the moment when the shadow was shot, Fang Lin's second disengagement shot came again!

A "brush" sounded. In this short moment, the private space of the madman was illuminated by the indescribable soft light, and even the X-rays completely arranged the scenes of the madman in the space. It penetrated into a virtual image, and there was a clear hole next to the right hand of that dark shadow. Obviously, he relied on this ability to destroy the space to attack the other forest.

"You're strong ... But, I don't bother to do anything with you!" Fang Lin in the real world was holding his head down at this time, his black hair covered his forehead, and he couldn't see his expression, only An indescribable taste was noticed from it, which was dark and strange / evil / easy. Like a coiled snake, although the fangs are hidden in the mouth, they just pop out and emit lightning strikes at any time!

Time seems to freeze in an instant ... Fang Lin's intentional viciousness is obvious: Lao Tzu has no general knowledge with you, dare to mess with me, let the space clean up you! The enthusiast had heard of Fang Lin's notoriety of "the natural enemy of the selected" before, and his face became pale now!

Everything in the Madman's space faded and disappeared in an instant, and faint blood-red lightning flashed past, making people's hearts depressed. Immediately afterwards, a sound of majestic solemnity sounded:

"No. 8990 violates the rules of space ~ ~, trying to change the order of space, will be punished by being caught on the spot. According to the rules of Article 174, the punishment for this person is: Eradication!"

But the shadow was still standing still, seemingly sneer, but also full of fear and disdain. The lunatic has felt at this time that there is a completely irresistible force approaching at high speed, and that approach is as unchangeable as the passage of time, and if it is difficult to match as Mount Tai, this is the force of space sanctions, Any reincarnation in front of it is like an ant! Even a madman can't help shuddering at it!

But at the moment when the force came and the collision approached, the shadow suddenly disappeared! !! !!

He could escape the obliteration of space!

(To be continued)

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