MTL - Ace of the Dragon Division-Chapter 1204 1205: Look

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Lin Chuxue and Lancome came together to a Hermès brand store.

Here is Hermès' flagship store from women's clothing to leather bags.

As a luxury, etiquette and hospitality are world-class.

Shopping guides are basically one-to-one services.

“Welcome to both of us to visit Hermès. What kind of leather bag or women's clothing do you like?” The ceremonial signature smile.

Lancome: "Look at the clothes."

"Okay, please come with me, please here." After the guide bought a courtesy, he led Lin Chuxue and Lancome to the clothing area on the first floor.

“Does the two come for the first time? Do you need me to introduce the new products to the two?” asked the shopping guide.

"No, let's see for ourselves." Lancome didn't want to trouble the guide.

"Okay, those two are free to watch." The shopping guide stood aside.

Lancome took a short summer cool style top and placed it in front of Lin Chuxue, saying: "Mrs. Little Lady, this is pretty good."

Shopping guide: "I saw that the lady's body is a hanger, no matter what she wears, she must look good."

Who doesn't like to praise yourself?

Lin Chuxue grinned and smiled.

Lancome cocked his thumb to the shopping guide: "There is a vision."

At this time, the vines had already arrived at the door. After seeing Lancome, I noticed Lin Chuxue, who had not seen her for a long time. After a big breath, she pretended to calm down and walk naturally.

Then, she did not take the initiative, waiting for Lin Chuxue to raise her eyes and her face to see each other, the vines pretend to be very pleasant.

“Man vine sister?” Lin Chuxue was surprised to see friends who were quite good in the circle before.

"Miss Lin, I am so smart, are you also shopping?" After the vine coughed, it was a bit strange to meet Lin Xuexue.

Lin Chu snow nodded: "Yeah, just in Shangcheng, you need to buy some clothes to wear."

Lancome pretended not to know the vines, and played a play: "Mrs. Little Lady, this is... do you know?"

The vine heard that the lady in front of her called Lin Chuxue 'Mrs. Little Lady’ suddenly felt a slight sigh of relief, and she still used a respectful speech to Lin Chuxue.

In the circle, Lin Xuexue married a real giant, and it really is true!

"Lan Lan, I will tell you about this, this vine husband, who used to design clothes for me. Any TV series and movies, including attending various awards, are responsible for helping me plan, if not for me. I can't afford her, I want her to be my former assistant." Lin Chuxue smiled.

The vines listened to the latter half with some fear: "Miss Lin, you are kidding, you can't afford me, who else can afford me?"

Lancome: "Is it? If so, is it better to let her choose the little lady for you today?"

Lin Chuxue looked at the vines and smiled: "I have already canceled the contract with the company, not the people in the circle. I heard that now the vine husband is the scissors in the circle."

"What is this, not to mention the public, the relationship between the two private parties is still less?" The vines pretend to be angry and white Lin Xuexue: "Come on, I will give you a few sets, I still can't ask for it."

She said, she began to lead Lin Chuxue to find clothes, and then gave her the clothes, but also secretly recorded the data of Lin Chuxue, even the neckline, shoulder width, height and waist contraction and so on. I remembered it.

After strolling around, the three people strolled to the inside of the mall. It was just today that the mall was carrying out a catwalk. The scene was wearing a fashion costume and came to a cottage. The audience sat down and did not know whether it was a guest or a referee.

There are a lot of people around to stop watching.

“What is it doing?” Lin Chuxue curiously asked the guides around him.

The shopping guide smiled and replied: "It is a top-ranking actor in Hollywood. He has a joint investment between China and Hollywood. The Chinese country has a big head. Hollywood provides special effects technology. It is a strong alliance and it is intended to be played by Chinese and foreign actors. Considering that the new generation of small students and small fresh meat in China is too expensive, I plan to pass a sea of ​​people to choose a **** and beautiful woman, just as our company is a clothing sponsor, so today, with the director to the sea-selected model actors wearing catwalks. In the middle of the stage, the top director of Hollywood is the top director of Hollywood, who took Oscar. The producer is next to him."

The vines are bright and bright: "It is the director of Jackson. I know this movie. I have invested a lot. Hollywood has spotted the box office of the Chinese film. I am planning a multinational film with China. I heard that the woman is The competition is fierce. The film is released simultaneously in the world. The big director’s aura and strength reputation will definitely not be low at the box office. It will definitely be a big fire at that time. Therefore, many big coffees in the circle have cast their intentions, but this The strength of the big leader is strong, but the lace style is not very good. It is estimated that the top female artists in the first line are avoiding it."

Having said that, the vines looked at the clothes on the models on the stage and asked for a shopping guide: "Is the clothes on them also new?"

The shopping guide nodded: "Yes, today, in addition to being a large-scale sea election, there are those guests who are on the spot to order clothes. There are seats below. Several people can come with me. I like to report directly to me. Numbers, I will go back and pack them for you."

The vines are on the snow at the beginning of the forest: "I see a few pieces that are perfect for you. Let's see?"

"Okay." Lin Chuxue thought that since he came, sit down and have a look.

However, they found the seats on both sides of the T-station, and the big director and producer sat at the end of the T-stage, and they could see the situation on the seats on both sides.

Lin Xuexue just took a seat and immediately attracted the attention of both of them, so that they all forgot to look at the model.

"I can see this No. 18, Mr. Jackson, can you see?" The person responsible for the scoring was busy giving advice to the big director. Who knows that the director is busy watching the direction of Lin Chuxue.

"Do you know that lady?" Jackson looked at Lin Chuxue at a glance: "Li made a film, I seem to find the heroine I am looking for. Listen to me, the lady can say that it is completely inclusive of Western aesthetics and the East. The ultimate in aesthetics! She was born for this drama. If she plays, she can avoid the embarrassment of an oriental who does not eat incense in the West."

The Li film has also noticed Lin Xuexue. He also recognized Lin Chuxue. However, he said that he was a little embarrassed: "Mr. Jackson, I am afraid I can’t. This Miss Lin has been in sight for a few years and has already married. People."

Jackson was even more surprised: "She is the person in the circle?"

Li made a nod.

Jackson: "That's better, tell her, I can make her red, not just in the Chinese entertainment circle, there are fans around the world, as long as I played my heroine!"

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Martial ArtsXuanhuanAdventureAction