MTL - Ace of the Dragon Division-Chapter 1249 1250: A month later, jihad is coming!

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Xu Cheng looked at the old man with a scornful tone. After he finished speaking, even though he was wearing a mask, everyone could feel the pressure he felt. The gas field was all open and the scene was silent. Even the old man was shocked by this deterrent.

After a full ten seconds, the core members of the scorpion came over and pulled the old man's arm, indicating that he would not be tougher again. This conversation, lost!

The scene of the member who was hanged and killed can't find it. How can I continue to talk?

But the old man has struggled with countless opponents in his life. He just won't lose to the arrogant young man in front of him. He thinks he must have lost the young man's fearless attitude.

He looked at Xu Chengdao: "Why? You obviously don't love your rights and wealth, allow us to establish a country, and allow us to take away the wealth we have. It doesn't matter if you are not? You want to change the world, you don't want it." Do you want to stop us from ruling the world?"

Xu Cheng: "I don't need it, but if the power of the world is to transfer one-fifth of the world's wealth to your kingdom, isn't this world chaotic? You know, my brothers are all The top leader of the party, you are equal to losing their interests. If I can’t guarantee their interests, how can I guarantee that they will do things for me? You are a clear person. After you try to infringe on your national interests, see who will Support you to be this leader?"

"Do you have to trigger this holy war?" The old man pointed at Xu Cheng and said: "Do you have people around you, and these wasters dare to take our revenge? I tell you, if you can't regain the country, we will do everything. Can do it, unless you can evaporate us overnight! Otherwise, even if you are not afraid, but you are afraid of these people, you have confidence, this group of people want to kill you in order not to cause jihad? Tell you, in order to benefit, some people are not afraid of death! In this world, it is not only you who are crazy enough."

With their wealth, it is possible to erupt a third war. If a series of crazy explosions are triggered from all over the world, Xu Cheng will accept their challenges. Other countries will not, and by then, they will be kidnapped by public opinion. Xu Cheng himself.

Once more than half of the countries in the world disagree with the domestic self-immolation behavior, they can only compromise to convince Xu Cheng. At that time, Xu Cheng is the one who deliberately set off this war and will put him on the fire. Bake on.

If Xu Cheng continued to go his own way at that time, it would be difficult for these countries to cooperate with his plan.

Xu Cheng looked at the old man’s face with a strong fighting spirit and swept his gaze directly at the core members behind him. He looked at the left-armed and right-winged person of the old man and asked: "Then you are willing to accompany this old guy." Is it crazy? He is a young man. It is estimated that he will be buried in the land for some years. With the glory of the country, he will always be worshipped by the priests. He does not care. Playing this role is to be afraid. The spirit of death, he sacrificed only good for him, no harm, but you are the same? You are alive or dead, others only remember the revolutionary leader of the country, but do not remember you, you want to restore the country, what you want is to let The nation has a cohesive force and wants to restore the aura of independent blood. However, now your people are not bad. Even in every field, they are still the top class. But because of your battle, you have to Give your existing good life and even bring them to perdition. Do you think you are right or wrong? I think this old man has forgotten his purpose and foundation."

The core members of the squad were all stunned by Xu Cheng. As he said, they all analyzed it, but the horror of Xu Cheng seems to be more thorough than others.

Such a person full of enthusiasm, and sure enough, everything he is today is not luck.

Xu Cheng said that they have succeeded in their lives today, but because they have everything, they lack a great contribution to the restoration of the nation. Therefore, the elegant people who have a good time have decided to use them. Status and rights wealth is a little difficult, but I didn't expect the cost to be so great that it would destroy what they now have and the entire nation would be spurned by all humans, so they are somewhat retreating at this time.

Xu Cheng looked at the left arm and right arm of the old man and smiled. "That way, my conditions are still valid, allowing you to return to the country. You can also let everyone in the world return to your country to be naturalized, but All the patents and wealth they have in the original country will belong to the country with the elimination of the household registration of the original country. If you are willing to return to China, you can talk to me. In addition, I want the life of this old man!"

The old man angered: "You don't want to leave."

"You are too harsh and smug, maybe they are easier to satisfy, maybe you don't want to, are they willing?" Xu Cheng sneered: "Today I don't want to make killing again, I count 5 times, don't leave, everyone doesn't have to go. Stay, stay here forever!" Xu Cheng said, turning his back to the steps.

He counts one step at a time: "1!"

The old man stood still, and at this time, someone pulled him.

Xu Cheng takes another step: "2!"

The old man still took him. At this time, the richest Europeans couldn’t bear to break out of jihad. They openly advised: "The old man, the public opinion weapon in your hands is of no use to him. You can kidnap the government and stand on any morality. Criticize anyone on the commanding heights, but he can't do it. He won't even give up the face of the pope. Give up."

The old man looked at Xu Cheng and was unmoved.


At this time, the core members of the 鱿太 are also anxious, and quickly came to pull the old man.

"Go, sir! He is even harder to deal with than we think!"

The old man was taken two or three steps away, but he still gnawed his teeth and said: "What are you afraid of? The big deal is jihad. We also have nuclear bombs in our hands. Do you think that our national scientists will not have any eyes in other countries in these years? I Tell you, anxious to us, big deal everyone dying together, anyway, today we stand up, it is doomed to no retreat, if you can not return to give them a home, after today, they will be excluded from the world by people In this case, I will leave my words here today. I will give you a month to consider. After a month, jihad will come!"

After that, the average person turned and left.

But Xu Cheng suddenly interrupted them.


The old man thought that he regretted his promise and turned his face to look at Xu Cheng with a smug look. Who knows that Xu Cheng pointed at the body of the lawyer not far away: "Take your garbage away, is it not unity? How to put the companion Forgot your body? Are you coming to take him back tonight? Then drag it away, show it to your people, tell them, and be stubborn again, and be like him."

A bunch of cockroaches are too angry and faceless, but they are helpless.

When they left, Statham walked to Xu Cheng and whispered: "Boss, you didn't shoot today, how many will make those members think you are afraid."

"Then let them get out." Xu Cheng dismissed: "If it is not tonight to celebrate a little bit of marriage with Xiaoxue, these people have come back! Well, the matter of marriage, are you ready?"

Statham looked at Haber, and Haber smiled and came over and secretly gave a ring of rings to the back of Xu Cheng.

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