MTL - Ace of the Dragon Division-Chapter 1254 1255: Envy and hate

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When Lin Chuxue came to the front of the two, he glanced at the supermodel.

Asked casually: "What is your name?"

The supermodel's face suddenly changed, clutching her boyfriend's hand and exerting force.

Her boyfriend thought that her girlfriend knew the woman of the alien leader, and she was very happy. The gentleman introduced me politely: "She is called Nive, who did you know?"


This word makes Taylor and the Pooh's supermodel feel a tight heart.

Lin Chuxue just smiled and looked at Taylor. He smiled slightly: "My husband said that this month, I want to hold a wedding. When do you have a schedule?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The agent around Taylor replied for Taylor: "At any time, the lady will give a notice."

Lin Chuxue looked at Taylor and smiled. "I have already given you the call. I have time to come and play with me. Have a cup of coffee together. I will send Xiaolian to you for the invitation."

Zhou Lian standing next to him nodded.

"I am very honored, madam, we must be there." The agent said excitedly.

Lin Chu snow nodded.

Taylor was quite embarrassed at this time: "That... I, I am sorry, I don't know if you are..."

"Do not blame you, only a few people know my identity." Lin Chuxue said, after teasing her, he jokingly asked: "I want to share my photo with my social friends as a fan. I don't know if I can. ?"

Taylor smiled a bit: "Of course, I thought you were an artist. This is the case in our circle. Please understand."

"I understand that my words are still valid. If you are in trouble, you can call me." Lin Chuxue said, and looked at Pooh again, saying: "Vini is it?"

The Pooh supermodel trembled a little, and some stuttered with a smile: "F, Mrs!"

Lin Chuxue didn't talk, just looked at her with the look of the look.

Pooh did not dare to look at her. In the end, she apologized directly: "I am sorry, Madam, I have offended you in my speech."

The face of her boyfriend around Vini changed instantly, and she looked at her girlfriend unbelievably, and looked at Lin Chuxue with a sigh of relief.

At this time, Xu Cheng came over to Lin Chuxue: "What happened?"

Pooh and her boyfriend saw Xu Cheng coming over, scared to stand up, and looked at Lin Chuxue with pleading. She was afraid that she would say something bad, everyone is familiar with the clown's temper, and nothing will die. .

Lin Chuxue looked at Xu Cheng and smiled: "Nothing, I met Taylor. You know that I don't think much of my favorite singer. She counts one."

"Is it?" Xu Cheng looked at Taylor mold, loved the house and went down, and reached out and shook hands with her.

Taylor stunned, and he did not reach out in time.

The agent was anxious to smack her with her arm from behind, and this time she gave her back, and some of the flattered hands and Xu Cheng shook hands.

"This month, I am married to Nicole. You will come when you come. He is your agent, right?" Xu Chengdao.

"Okay, of course, I will definitely go." Taylor was busy.

The agent next to her was making a big smile and couldn't help but give the clown an impression.

So many big people here, let them have an impression of themselves.

"If there is any problem with the visa, let's say it in advance." Xu Cheng thought about it, and they would have to wait for a while to get a visa.

At this time, supermodel boyfriend Jack quickly said: "Sir, I will handle the visa issue for Miss Taylor, there is absolutely no problem."

Xu Cheng looked at Jack: "Are you?"

At this time, Jerry, who followed, quickly added behind him: "Sir, he is Jack, the commander of the army."

Jack has already teamed up with Jerry, who is about to take office. Jerry promises that he will not shake his position.

Jack stood there laughing and laughing: "Hello, sir."

Seeing his respectful appearance, his girlfriend Vinnie is even more up in his heart. This identity gap is simply too big. She actually installed it in front of the boss of the boss, which is simply ugly.

Who knows that at this time, Taylor is afraid that Jack will help himself, and will cause Pooh's unhappiness, and refuses: "Don't bother Mr. Jack."

Jack still doesn't know that his girlfriend and Taylor have contradictions, thinking that the other party is just polite, and quickly said: "No trouble, no trouble."

Taylor: "Still forget it, I will solve it myself."

Jack is in a hurry. Usually, people can't ask for all kinds of benefits to do things for him. He is too lazy to manage. It is rare to help people today. He was rejected. I don't know what Taylor thinks.

Jerry is not on the core in the Xucheng system. It is rare for Jerry to take the initiative to find opportunities to show his own performance. He can make a contribution. Jack can also show one or two, but Taylor actually refused. This makes Jerry and Jack. I am in a hurry.

Xu Cheng saw Taylor can handle it himself, nodded, and then took Lin Chuxue away.

But this time, Taylor couldn't help but say, "Mrs, can I have a request?"

Lin Chuxue looked back at her: "Call me Nicole, what do you say?"

Standing in the back of Vinnie's back, she clenched her fists, and her heart was too nervous. She was afraid that Taylor would target her.

Lin Chuxue thought that Taylor had asked himself to set up Vinnie for her, but Taylor said: "Can I take a photo with you?"

This request surprised everyone around me.

Even Taylor’s agent was in a sudden heart, and he didn’t dare to look at the faces of Xu Cheng and Lin Chuxue.

Lin Chuxue smiled: "If you can't use it for commercial purposes, you can."

Taylor smiled: "Of course."

This is what Lin Chuxue deliberately gave her her words and gave her a lot of meaning.

"Come on." After Lin Chuxue took his hand off Xu Cheng's arm, he said to him, "Go ahead, I will come over later."

Xu Cheng nodded: "It’s almost gone back, not good for the fetus."

Lin Chu snow nodded and shoved him: "Go."

After Xu Cheng left, Taylor sorted out his clothes and walked over.

Zhou Lian took the phone in her hand and gave them two pictures.

After they both stood and smiled, after taking two shots, Lin Chuxue said to the ladies: "Since the opportunity is rare, we all have a photo together, and we don't know if there is any chance."

The other ladies waited for her opportunity. They looked at Taylor and Lin Chuxue and they were all envious. No one knows that Lin Chuxue was a simple resident and rarely communicated. It was rare that Xu Cheng brought them out to chat and know each other. Is it a pity that the opportunity of the knot will not leave a shadow?

Lin Chuxue said this, they nodded one by one.

"Yeah, yeah, it’s rare to come today, come and take a photo?"

Haber’s wife smiled and took the initiative to stand by Lin Chuxue. Other queens, such as the Queen of the British royal family, were also clever. They stood on the other side of Lin Chuxue. The wife of Statham was also squatting. Taylor knew that he was not qualified and took the initiative to take a mobile phone to license them.

Lin Chu Xue Zhao beckoned: "Come together."

Taylor's agent excitedly pushed her past, although she couldn't stand by Lin Chuxue, but the photo of these ladies was also a kind of connection.

Looking at Taylor's photo with those nobles, there is a smile and a smile.

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