MTL - Ace of the Dragon Division-Chapter 1272 1273: Fan Wai: This is the world I want to show you!

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Xu Xiaoming and Xu Lei were supported by the Yejia house. The house was actually on the date of renovation, but Ye’s father refused to keep his original flavor.

Outside, some of Yanjing’s people in the courtyard with their heads and faces came over. I heard that the descendants of the Xu family came to visit relatives. Everyone came over and took a look. Ye Family relied on this relationship to at least guarantee a hundred years of decline!

As for the other four, how much has been reduced.

Because of the relationship with Lan Ting, Zhou Zhen has steadily developed the chess piece of Zhou family to develop steadily. Who is Lan Ting? It is now enough to leave aside the father of Ye’s daughter, and it’s enough that she is the only relative recognized by the great emperor!

The super-far strategy of Zhou’s father was rewarded today. The other three regretted not falling.

In the most east of the courtyard, on the wooden bed, there is an old man who is too old to distinguish his age.

In the past few years, the four old men who were younger than him had left, and he was reluctant to hold his eyes and refused to close his eyes.

When Xu Xiaoming and Xu Lei stepped on their feet, Minister Ye said to the old man on the bed: "Dad, who are you looking at?"

Xu Xiaoming looks like Xu Cheng, and many people will see Xu Cheng’s tender look on his face.

But the old man was not confused. When he saw Xu Xiaoming, he was really excited, but then he shook his head weakly and weakly: "Not him, not the stinky boy."

Xu Xiaoming smiled and said: "The grandfather is wise, my name is Xu Xiaoming, the stinky boy in your mouth is my father."

The old man was shocked and immediately rejoiced: "Who are you talking about? The son of that kid?"

Xu Lei smiled and said: "And me, I am his daughter."

"Hey, come over, come over to my grandfather's side, fast, let my grandfather look at it." Ye Laozi's spirit broke out in an unprecedented light. He wanted to stand up with one hand, but still need Lancome and others to come and hold it. Put him up, Ye master can't even get up with the spine.

Xu Xiaoming and Xu Lei were sitting next to Ye’s father. The latter couldn’t help but scream: “What about the stinky boy? Why not visit the old man?”

"Dad, he said that he would come to see you, you can rest assured." Xu Lei licked the hand of the dry grass of the old man.

Ye Ye’s father cried out without a reason, and all the people were shocked.

"Don't you cry, old man? Don't be emotional, you can't afford a broken bone."

"I won't die, I will wait until the boy comes. The old man has a lot of words to say to him, you are not worthy to talk to me, only him, the only person who can satisfy the old man in this life, no one can replace, I want Wait for him to come."

"Well, then wait for Dad to come, grandfather, don't be excited." Xu Xiaoming patted the chest of Ye's father.

"Come, I want to take a group photo with my two grandchildren." At this time, Ye Yezi did not forget to take a photo with Xu Xiaoming and Xu Lei.

Ye Xiu nodded: "So everyone is coming to a family portrait?"

At this time, a thick voice rang around: "The whole family has no me, is it a family portrait?"

Everyone was shocked.

Xu Xiaoming and Xu Lei must have recognized this is the voice of Xu Cheng, both of them are ecstatic.

"Dad, it’s Dad." Xu Lei shouted out cheerfully.

The people in the entire courtyard were stunned, and they were excited to find the trace of that person. For more than 20 years, since the change of the world pattern, he has not appeared again for more than 20 years.

Everyone thinks that he is dead, or how is he willing to let go of the right at hand in this world?

The reason why the clown is great is not because he has subverted the world, but that he has given the world back to the world after he has owned the world.

Just when everyone was looking for the shadow of Xu Cheng insanely, the sky slowly resembled the particle convergence, and he appeared in the sky in suspension.

For more than 20 years, Xu Cheng’s appearance is more mature and introverted than in the past. His eyebrows are filled with sorrows and sorrows. His eyes reveal that he is unsatisfied and hopeless.

He has a plain peasant dress, his beard is not shaved, and his hair is still broken forever. But he gives a very clean feeling.

This kind of cleanness comes from his lack of desire and his fearlessness.

This is an ethereal realm.

As he slowly fell, everyone around him subconsciously stepped away a few steps, from the entrance of the large yard to the east, a wide road directly dispersed.

With the first person slightly stunned, no matter how old or young, both men and women, he expressed enough tribute to his owing.

Xu Cheng walked into the yard one step at a time, and looked around to still retain the appearance of the past. He sighed: "It is still the scenery, the flowers and trees, but people are already non-human."

At the door, Ye Xiu rushed out, except that he thought that Lin Dong and Luo Yi also rushed out, and all three looked at him, his eyes slightly red.

Time flies, they are all in middle age.

But the brotherhood of the past is still there, and the years are still yesterday.

"City brother..." especially Luo Yi, sobbing and not knowing what to say.

"See you again, I am happy with the matter, what are you crying? Is this still Luo Yi?" Xu Cheng chuckled.

"Although the bones are old, but the blood is still not cold!" Luo Yi said one word at a time.

Lin Dong directly slammed his knees and kneel down. In front of everyone, he slammed his head: "The apprentice is too late to give you a gimmick, and you are gone. This is the re-creation that I have owed you in my life. Grace! Master, thank you, from a rebellious teenager to the present **** of war, Lin Dong, everything, just because I met you!"

Xu Cheng put him up and smiled and said: "I am also pleased and proud of having your apprentice. In these years, you have not let me down, I have not humiliated the name of my apprentice, you are worthy of the **** of war."

Lin Dong actually cried out, and everyone’s praise and title were not as useful as Master’s.

Ye Xiu was also red-eyed and looked at Xu Cheng without saying a word. He just wanted to feel the feeling of his meal.

"Married, have children, I fell, and I went back to drink together, how?" Xu Cheng said to Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu gave him a white look: "I am like a person who cares?"

"But you look very much like me." Xu Cheng smiled, then stepped into the East Chamber, and shouted loudly: "Father, I am coming, this world, you are still satisfied?" This is the Qingming River map that I want to show you."

Almost all of Yanjing’s face-faced people saw the way the Emperor was so mad and free, and the words he said. I don’t know why, I’ve been obsessed with this cool back.

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