MTL - Across the Sky From the Stop of Time-v5 Chapter 1001 Nie Xiaoqian is Fu Qingfeng's cousin? !

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  Chapter 1001 Is Nie Xiaoqian Fu Qingfeng's cousin? !

   "Oops~ It hurts me to death!"

   Just when the atmosphere in Hao Shuai and Fu Yuechi began to feel a little delicate, a cry of pain came from behind the two of them. I saw Ning Caichen rubbing his buttocks while standing up, complaining: "Brother Hao~ When you are a hero to save the beauty, can't you take care of me?"

   "Uh~~" Hao Shuai looked at Ning Caichen who had no eyesight, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

  He doesn’t even think about it~~

   Such a tall tree fell, if Hao Shuai hadn’t supported him with his thoughts, his **** would have split open!

   "Yuechi, are you alright?" Just when Ning Caichen was about to say something, a tall, white-clothed ghost hurried forward, stood two meters away from Hao Shuai, and asked eagerly.

   "Sister, I'm fine!" After being interrupted like this, Fu Yuechi realized his situation, and wanted to break free from Hao Shuai's embrace with a hot face.

Feeling the struggle of the girl in his arms, Hao Shuai felt amused, let go of his arms, and couldn't let go of Fu Yuechi. Seeing the girl returning to her sister in three or two steps, he said to the people present: "Stop it! It was a misunderstanding!"

   "Everyone stop!" Hearing Hao Shuai's words, Fu Qingfeng believed Hao Shuai's words for some reason and for no reason, and also gave a light drink to stop his subordinates from continuing to kill.

   "What's the matter? Brother Hao, do you know them??" Seeing that the two sides stopped, Zhi Qiu Yiye ran to Hao Shuai's side in two or three steps, and asked curiously.

   "No~~" Hao Shuai was about to speak, when Fu Yuechi pointed at Zhiqiu Yiye and said, "Who are you? Why did you attack us?"

  Ning Caichen: "..."

   Zhiqiu Yiye: "..."

  Hao Shuai: "..."

   The three big men understand what it means to be "only a woman and a villain are difficult to raise" and what is meant to be "unreasonable"!

  It’s obvious that you pretended to be a ghost to scare people first, but instead of scaring people, you encountered difficulties. Now you dare to turn black and white and take the lead in blaming others?

Zhiqiu Yiye, who couldn't swallow this breath, quit on the spot, pointed at Fu Qingfeng and his party, and said disdainfully: "If you didn't pretend to be ghosts to scare Ning Caichen, how could I attack you? Those who deal with monsters, deal with you, it is a waste."

"What did you say?" Hearing Zhi Qiu Yiye's contempt, Fu Yuechi, who was a little impulsive, stopped doing it. He pointed the long sword in his hand at Zhi Qiu Yiye on the spot, and stared at Zhi Qiu Yiye with his big eyes. Autumn leaves.

"Cough~cough~~" Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene became tense again, Hao Shuai had no choice but to stand up and calm down: "Guys, the misunderstanding has been solved, so you should take off the masks on your faces, it's really embarrassing! "

   After finishing speaking, Hao Shuai waved his big hand forward, and suddenly there was a strong wind, blowing off the masks of Fu Qingfeng and his party in an instant.

  Hao Shuai's gaze rested on Fu Qingfeng, and an expression that really did so flashed across his face.

  Looking at the familiar and beautiful face in front of him, if he hadn't been sure that he had had an in-depth exchange with Nie Xiaoqian last night, Hao Shuai would have thought that Fu Qingfeng was Nie Xiaoqian's reincarnation.

At this time, everyone present was stunned by the sudden strong wind. Only Fu Yuechi, who had been paying attention to Hao Shuai, found that Hao Shuai had been staring at his sister. This made Fu Yuechi feel a little irritable for no reason, and said coldly : "You pedant, you keep staring at my sister, what do you want?"

  Fu Yuechi's cold drink finally brought the people present back to their senses. Fu Qingfeng, who was the leader, screamed inwardly. This younger sister of hers had never been in the world, so she had no idea how terrifying this seemingly harmless man in front of her was.

  Just relying on the wind of the palm, they can shake off everyone's masks with one palm. This kind of skill and control over the force is far beyond what the group of them can compare.

  Thinking of this, Fu Qingfeng quickly grabbed Fu Yuechi and reprimanded him: "Yuechi, don't be rude to seniors."

   After finishing speaking, without waiting for Fu Yuechi to respond, he respectfully said to Hao Shuai: "Senior, my sister is young and ignorant, I hope that senior will not care about it."

   "Young??" Hao Shuai glanced at Fu Yuechi and Fu Qingfeng with a strange expression, and said in his heart: "Your sister is younger than you, and everyone is older than you!"

But thinking about it this way, in front of everyone, Hao Shuai still has to protect his superior face, I saw him waving his hands and said: "It's okay, your sister is innocent and daring, so naturally I won't take it to heart." superior."

   "Oh~~ You are humans, I thought you were ghosts~~" Just when the atmosphere relaxed because of Hao Shuai's words, Ning Caichen, who had been frightened into a panic, suddenly said.

  Ning Caichen's words made everyone stagnate again, and they all looked at him with strange expressions.

   Hao Shuai at the side also unconsciously moved two steps to the side, he was really ashamed to be with him!

   What a shame!

   I never noticed that Ning Caichen's reflexes are so slow~~

   Could it be that he was so stimulated just now that he was frightened out of his wits? !


  In order to alleviate the embarrassing atmosphere at the scene, Hao Shuai decisively changed the subject and said: "This girl, my Majesty Hao Shuai, please forgive me for being rude just now. I just have a question I want to ask my lady, is it okay?"

Compared with Xiaoqian's euphemism and complaints, Fu Qingfeng is beautiful with heroism and decisiveness, and she said openly: "My name is Fu Qingfeng, and this is my sister Fu Yuechi. If you have any questions, senior, it's okay to say so. "

  Hao Shuai looked at Fu Qingfeng with a 'serious' expression and said: "Miss Qingfeng, you look very similar to a friend of mine, like a twin sister, so I couldn't help but take another look."

As soon as he finished speaking, all the men nowadays looked at Hao Shuai with strange eyes, and said in their hearts: "Please~ If you want to date someone, you have to find a plausible reason! Such an old-fashioned excuse is not good. Is it embarrassing?!"

  In fact, not only all the men think so, even Fu Qingfeng, who is the person involved, looked at Hao Shuai with a worried expression, but he didn't say anything.

  Hao Shuai didn't care about everyone's expressions, but continued to ask: "Miss Qingfeng, do you know someone named Xiaoqian?"

   "Xiaoqian?" Fu Qingfeng thought for a moment, then suddenly excitedly said: "Is her surname Nie?"

   "Exactly!" Hao Shuai said, "You know him?"

   "My name is Nie Xiaoqian, and she looks similar to me, so you should be talking about my cousin." Fu Qingfeng said.

   "Nie Xiaoqian is your cousin?"

   "That's right, my mother has an older sister whose husband's family name is Nie. We have played together since we were young. A few years ago, my uncle was sent to a local government to become an official. For some reason, we lost contact." Fu Qingfeng explained.

   "So they are cousins!" Hao Shuai suddenly said, this question is also what he was curious about after entering the world of Liaozhai.

   After all, movies are movies, and the real world is the real world, so there is always a connection.

   It’s just that Hao Shuai is a little confused: Nie Xiaoqian and Fu Qingfeng are only cousins, but they look almost exactly the same!

  And Fu Yuechi and Fu Qingfeng are biological sisters, born from the same parents and not the slightest bit similar? !

  It seems~~

   The relationship here is very complicated!

   Or the relationship between Fu Tianchou and Nie Xiaoqian's father is a bit complicated...


  (end of this chapter)

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