MTL - Across the Sky From the Stop of Time-v5 Chapter 1012 The more high-profile appearance, the faster the death!

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Hao Shuai sent Fu Yuechi away here, and when he was about to close the door, suddenly the soil on the ground surged, and a big head came out from the ground, touching his head and wondering: "It's strange, the breath of the corpse demon has clearly spread here, why didn't it come out?" gone?"

   "That's because I tore it into pieces." Hao Shuai recognized at a glance that this disgraced head belonged to Zhiqiu Yiye, so he said angrily.

"Who?" Upon hearing Hao Shuai's words, Zhi Qiu Yiye's face changed drastically, and he jumped out of the ground in an instant, holding the seal, and looked at Hao Shuai. After seeing Hao Shuai's face that seemed to be smiling, he said bitterly. : "So it's Brother Hao, why are you here?"

"This is my room, where can I be if I'm not here?!" Hao Shuai joked, and then deliberately asked: "Brother Zhiqiu, didn't you go after the corpse demon? Why didn't you come back? You came back first."

Zhiqiu Yiye sighed and said: "Oh~ I didn't expect that corpse monster to escape so well that it was not weaker than me. I was about to catch up, but I had a fight with a martial arts master inexplicably on the way. In the end, it was chased and lost~~"

  Speaking of this, Zhiqiu Yiye looked at Hao Shuai, and continued: "I didn't expect Brother Hao to be so skilled, and he was able to destroy the corpse demon. It's just a pity that my training partner is gone."

   "Trainees? How do you know that Brother Qiu lacks demons and ghosts?" Hao Shuai asked curiously.

   "That's right~ I went down the mountain this time to slay demons and eliminate demons, and to practice as a teacher." Zhi Qiu Yiye said honestly.

  Hearing this, Hao Shuai was overjoyed, isn't this a free combat power delivered to your door? Immediately put his arms around his shoulders, said with a smile: "Coincidentally~ a big one will come in a while, it must be enough for you to practice."

   "Big ones? Are they big?" Zhiqiu Yiye said excitedly.

   "It's not very big, it's only at the level of a thousand-year-old demon!" Hao Shuai said disapprovingly.

   Zhiqiu Yiye: "..."

   "Namo Doraye~~"

   Just when Hao Shuai fooled Zhiqiu Yiye into boarding his own pirate ship, suddenly a faint Sanskrit sound and Buddha singing came from outside Zhengqi Villa.

  As a Taoist, Zhiqiu Yiye immediately recognized that it was a Buddhist chant, but he said strangely: "It's strange, in this wilderness, where did the Buddhist monks come here to chant scriptures?"

  Hao Shuai swept his spiritual sense, and saw a huge team slowly approaching outside the villa.

This team is all composed of maids. They wear monk's robes and hold golden caps, bucket tents, Buddhist bells, golden drums, gongs, gongs and many other Buddhist artifacts. In the middle of the team, 18 young maids Carrying a lotus throne, he walked slowly. On the altar, there was a emaciated monk in yellow clothes.

   "It's TNND, this centipede is so ostentatious! Doesn't he know that as a villain, the higher the profile, the faster he dies?!" Hao Shuai cursed secretly.

However, he also thought that he was the master of several worlds, and he was never carried by a young girl in a sedan chair, so he felt a pang of sadness in his heart, and then he said to Zhiqiu Yiye: "Brother Zhiqiu, the big guy I mentioned is here. You go to see and see."

   "Hey~~" Zhiqiu Yiye just wanted to continue asking questions, but saw that Hao Shuai had already left the room, and immediately followed him out.


   "Yo~ what are you guys doing? It's so lively~~"

  As soon as Hao Shuai entered the lobby, he saw Zuo Qianhu holding a sword on Fu Tianchou's neck, while Fu Qingfeng and the others were staring at Zuo Qianhu all around, which made him joke.

   "It's Brother Hao~" Fu Qingfeng knew that it was Hao Shuai who was coming from the sound, and hurriedly said: "Brother Hao, save my father, this treacherous official wants to kidnap my father to meet some law-defender."

   "The so-called country is about to perish, and the jackal is in power, so you can take my head to claim credit!" Before Hao Shuai could say anything, Fu Tianchou, who was a hostage, looked at death as home and said impassionedly.

  Is Fu Tianchou considered a loyal minister?

  The benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees wisdom, but if Hao Shuai looks at it as an emperor, Fu Tianchou is a loyal minister.

   Aside from other things, just what Fu Tianchou said earlier about asking Zuo Qianhu to take another person's head to the emperor revealed that even if Fu Tianchou wasn't a traitor, he was still a minister who didn't care about the current emperor.

   After all, which minister would, or dare to call the current emperor "Emperor" or "him"? !

  Even those treacherous and sycophantic ministers did a good job of superficial kung fu in front of outsiders.

  But Fu Tianchou, who is the Minister of Rites, actually said it in front of everyone, and said it several times in a row, so there is a problem.

  Some people may say that Fu Tianchou just said it unintentionally~~

  The unintentional statement can better show a person's true inner thoughts.

   You should know that he is the Minister of Rites, the minister in charge of court etiquette, sacrifices, banquets, schools, imperial examinations, and foreign affairs activities, equivalent to the current Minister of Propaganda, Diplomacy, Education, and Culture.

   Unless Fu Tianchou didn't take this kind of etiquette related to the emperor's majesty seriously from the beginning, it should be engraved in his bones. How could it be unintentional?

  So it is said that great loyalty seems false, and great falsehood seems true!

  Fu Tianchou always talks about himself as a loyal minister, but in the eyes of insiders, it seems so hypocritical.

  Of course, whether Fu Tianchou is loyal or traitor has nothing to do with Hao Shuai, even because he is the father of Fu Qingfeng's sisters, even if he wants to rebel and become emperor, Hao Shuai will fully support him.

  Although Fu Tianchou's tricks are useless in front of Hao Shuai, let alone return the car~~

  Zuo Qianhu really liked this trick, didn't you see that he was captured by Fu Tianchou's loyalty, and slowly put down the sword in his hand!

  Hao Shuai couldn't help smiling inwardly at this, Zuo Qianhu was indeed a martial artist, and he was taken aback by a few words, just because of his heart, he really wasn't suitable for the imperial court!

  After releasing Fu Tianchou, Zuo Qianhu cupped his hands and said to the crowd: "Just now, I saw that you all regarded death as your home, so I realized that you are all loyal to the emperor and patriotic. Mr. Fu, although we have different political views, I am willing to help you all."

   "The golden-cloaked mage outside is the current patriarch Pudu Cihang."

   "Pudu Cihang?" Fu Tianchou had been away from the court center for some time, and he had never even heard of the protector of the country.

   Fortunately, Zuo Qianhu explained to him: "The Staff of Protecting the Nation is responsible for all the ceremonies and rituals in the palace. It is a popular person around the emperor. If he is willing to persuade him, he will be able to avenge his grievances."

   "If Mr. Fu believes me, go to see him with me and explain the matter clearly."

   After he finished speaking, regardless of whether Fu Tianchou agreed or not, he strode outside.

   After hearing Zuo Qianhu's words, Fu Tianchou hesitated.

   "Let's go~ Let's also go out to meet this so-called protector of the country." Hao Shuai on the side greeted Zhiqiu Yiye, and followed Zuo Qianhu out first.

   "Father, shall we also go and see?" Seeing that Hao Shuai had gone out, Fu Qingfeng immediately gained confidence and asked immediately.

  Although Fu Tianchou also felt that he should go out to meet the patriarch of the country, but looking at the expression in Fu Qingfeng's eyes, his heart suddenly became angry. Fortunately, he still knew that the important event was important, so he endured it...


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