MTL - Across the Sky From the Stop of Time-v5 Chapter 1036 Hao Shuai's plan to gang up on Ghidorah~~

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  CH-53 "Sea Stallion" helicopter, the largest transport helicopter in the United States, is undergoing a life-and-death battle in the cabin~~

  The one who was born was Ford Brody, and the one who died was Joey Brody!

  Hao Shuai didn't expect Dr. Serizawa's finger to be Joey Brody and his son. He didn't find out until Joey Brody and his son boarded the helicopter.

For this reason, Hao Shuai can only feel that the pig's feet are worthy of being pig's feet, and Muto did not trample to death, but his father Joey Brody was not so lucky. Now he has more air intake and less air output. .

  In fact, if Hao Shuai is willing to take action, he will naturally be able to save him.

   It’s just that Hao Shuai is not the Virgin Mary, how could he expose himself for someone who has nothing to do with him!

  Of course, if Ford Brody is willing to exchange Aomei with himself, Hao Shuai might disagree.

  How could you agree!

   Hao Shuai is not the kind of person who takes advantage of others, is he!

  Finally, with Hao Shuai watching from the sidelines, Joey Brody quickly received the lunch box, and at this time the helicopter also flew to the destination—the aircraft carrier USS Saratoga of the US Navy.

  Getting off the helicopter, looking at the coastline not far away, Hao Shuai couldn't help but sigh in his heart when he looked at the US aircraft carrier under his feet: "The Supreme Emperor is a cow, and the aircraft carrier has directly driven to the coastline of the little devil."

   "Dr. Hao, go in, it's very windy here." Dr. Graham greeted Hao Shuai into the war room of the aircraft carrier.


   "Now we're going to get that needle out of the sea—Muto, that is, a giant unknown terrestrial creature."

  In the command room, William, the admiral of the United States and the commander of the operation, pointed to the screen behind him and said: "Now the whole world still thinks this is an earthquake, and we will continue to maintain the status quo in the end."

   "Now it is crossing the Pacific Ocean, heading towards the east coast of the Pacific Ocean, and it has emitted electromagnetic pulses many times, causing serious interference to our radar and satellite signals, and we cannot prepare to find its position."

   "Dr. Serizawa, I hope you and your assistant can help us find Muto."

  Speaking of the last sentence, Admiral William looked at Dr. Serizawa.

   "We will fully assist." Dr. Serizawa nodded, and then a group of people came to the conference room.

  Here, Dr. Serizawa introduced the purpose of the establishment of the Emperor Organization to Admiral William, including pig-footed Ford Brody and others, and explained in detail the research of the Emperor Organization on the Titans over the years.

Hao Shuai, who was on the side, listened with gusto. Although Dr. Serizawa and the others said some information that Hao Shuai had checked in the real world, but now the Monster Universe is a real world, and things about this world cannot be explained in a few words on the Internet. clearly.

   "Captain Brody, we need your help now. Your father seems to have known something before his death. Please try to recall as much as possible and tell us."

  After Dr. Graham finished explaining the ins and outs of the matter, Dr. Serizawa looked at Ford Brody, who was deep in thought, and said.

   "I thought my father was crazy, he was obsessed with studying these things." Ford Brody thought for a while, and continued: "He said that there are animals calling, and he seems to be studying something called echolocation."

   "If Muto was talking that day, then he must have discovered something." Dr. Serizawa said: "Vivien, go check and find the source of the call."

   Hao Shuai, who was watching, was noncommittal about this. Knowing the plot, he certainly knew that it was the female Mu Tuo who was far away in the mainland of the United States calling the male Mu Tuo.

  But Hao Shuai is too lazy to say it, anyway, as long as the war doesn’t happen in the flower growers, and it happens in the mainland of the United States, isn’t it just for the Americans to exercise their rights as a “world policeman”!

   "However, it seems that Godzilla will fight Muto in Hawaii. Should I go and capture Godzilla now?" Hao Shuai rubbed his chin and thought.

  With his current strength, combined with the Executioner he built in the Pacific Rim world, he should be able to capture Godzilla alive in theory.

  Even in Hawaii, a city near the sea, it is easier for Hao Shuaihuo to catch Godzilla. After all, holding the Neptune Trident, he is no different from the sea **** Poseidon in the sea, at most, his divine power is a little bit worse.

   But it's easy to catch alive, I'm afraid my brother would rather die than surrender! With Brother's temper, this kind of thing is really possible.

  So Hao Shuai can only pick a brother when he is at the end of his rope.

   "Then we can only take action when Brother Zong is beaten by Muto, a male and female pair, or when he is hanged by Ghidorah?" Hao Shuai quickly thought of these two opportunities.

  After weighing the pros and cons, Hao Shuai decisively chose the former.

To be honest, although Hao Shuai wanted to capture Ghidorah as a mount, in fact, he was not very confident in his heart, not that he could not defeat Ghidorah. With Hao Shuai's strength and black technology, it is very easy to kill Ghidorah , but it is somewhat difficult to defeat it!

  No way, Ghidorah's regenerative ability is too strong, even if it is a broken limb, it can be recovered in a short time, so it is easy to fight a war of attrition with Ghidorah.

   In this situation, it is conceivable how difficult it is to use Ghidorah's "Willingly" as a mount.

For this reason, Hao Shuai plans to go in three steps, first go to Skull Island to recruit the weakest King Kong as his younger brother, then join King Kong to find Godzilla, and have a good "reasonable" with it, and finally the three of them gang up on Kido pull.

  Hao Shuai did not believe that the two kings of monsters could not defeat Ghidorah with the cooperation of him!

  As for saying that doing so does not speak of martial ethics?

   If you talk about martial arts with Ghidorah, an alien invader, you should stand shoulder to shoulder and teach him how to be a beast.


  Now that he has already thought about the next move, Hao Shuai can no longer accompany Dr. Serizawa on the aircraft carrier, but has to go to Skull Island before the decisive battle between the brother and the male and female Muto.

  Although he really wanted to see his boss beat Muto violently, but thinking about it, the attractive boy of Skull Island is a bit more attractive.

  However, Hao Shuai doesn’t seem to know the location of Skull Island, he only knows that it is roughly in the South Pacific Ocean.

  Thinking of this, Hao Shuai looked at Dr. Serizawa who was discussing the action plan with the admiral, and it was time to play the role of tool man.

  So, under Hao Shuai's "impassionate" lobbying (brainwashing), Dr. Serizawa told Hao Shuai the exact location of Skull Island, and Colonel William even kindly assigned a warship to carry Hao Shuai to Skull Island.

After parting ways with Dr. Serizawa and the others, Hao Shuai’s warship headed south all the way towards the South Pacific Ocean. After a day’s sailing, it finally arrived at the sea area where Skull Island is located. The huge storm wall also blocked Hao Shuai .

  The storm stretched for dozens of kilometers, and at a glance, there were dark and thick clouds. The clouds were several thousand meters high and connected to the sky. Thunder and lightning kept flashing and rumbling in the clouds.

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